The Muslim Cartoons

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No offense Eatonj, you seem a nice enough guy, but your reaction to my earlier post is a fine example of the way most western people are insensitive to Muslim people....

The cartoons are the immediate reason why people become violent, i agree with that but underlying there is a sense of inferiority in Middlle Eastern and Muslim countries that is caused by the way they are treated by "us" for some decades(or even centuries, think about the crusades).

Earlier on someone mentions the cartoons about Hitler and Anne Frank (tasteless, utterly tasteless i agree), but how do you think people in Israël will you think they will be pleased ???? don't think so..
I agree that it seems less obvious that Jewish people will react violent, but generally speaking they are better off than the Muslim people who react violently...
XstationPlaybox said:
free speech?

would you eccpet me drawing your little sister naked and getting fucked in her ass? this is free speech right? i think i have the right to do that in europe? And publish it in newspaper for the whole people to see? would you feel so touchy and pissid? or do you really like to see your sisters getting fucked?

great...long live europe...

+++ terroist attacks will happen in denmark soon, you stupid danish people better stay at home or else you will be DEAD, PIECE OF SHIT

Fantastic speech my friend.. I agree!
Stan said:
No offense Eatonj, you seem a nice enough guy, but your reaction to my earlier post is a fine example of the way most western people are insensitive to Muslim people....

The cartoons are the immediate reason why people become violent, i agree with that but underlying there is a sense of inferiority in Middlle Eastern and Muslim countries that is caused by the way they are treated by "us" for some decades(or even centuries, think about the crusades).

Earlier on someone mentions the cartoons about Hitler and Anne Frank (tasteless, utterly tasteless i agree), but how do you think people in Israël will you think they will be pleased ???? don't think so..
I agree that it seems less obvious that Jewish people will react violent, but generally speaking they are better off than the Muslim people who react violently...

No offense taken, but I certainly don't see why anyone has to be "sensitive" to the Muslim reaction of buring down embassies and KILLING people in reaction to politically satirical cartoons.

The Muslim reaction to these cartoons is completely unjustified. I don't care that the cartoon offends them, their response of rioting and killing is dead wrong in the most absolute sense of the word "wrong".

If the Jewish response to cartoons about Hitler and Anne Frank is similar to the Muslim respose than I would be just as upset. I don't care who is offended by political satire, there is absolutely no excuse for anyone to react with violence and murder... there is no amount of "sensitivity" to anyone's religious beliefs that can possibly justify those reactions.

Even if Muslims "feel inferior" (which I don't believe they do) to the Western World, that doesn't justify rioting, murder, or terrorism.

All Muslims didn't respond this way, and the ones who rioted (not peaceful protest), murdered, and terrorised in response should be brought to justice. No excuses.
EatonTJ said:
No offense taken, but I certainly don't see why anyone has to be "sensitive" to the Muslim reaction of buring down embassies and KILLING people in reaction to politically satirical cartoons.

The Muslim reaction to these cartoons is completely unjustified. I don't care that the cartoon offends them, their response of rioting and killing is dead wrong in the most absolute sense of the word "wrong".

If the Jewish response to cartoons about Hitler and Anne Frank is similar to the Muslim respose than I would be just as upset. I don't care who is offended by political satire, there is absolutely no excuse for anyone to react with violence and murder... there is no amount of "sensitivity" to anyone's religious beliefs that can possibly justify those reactions.

Even if Muslims "feel inferior" (which I don't believe they do) to the Western World, that doesn't justify rioting, murder, or terrorism.

All Muslims didn't respond this way, and the ones who rioted (not peaceful protest), murdered, and terrorised in response should be brought to justice. No excuses.
spot on eatonj.... they can protest all they want, but killing other people is WRONG. I dont care if they make fun of the holucaust, it makes no difference to me how ignorant they are, it wont cause me to riot or kill, that is for sure..
Bule said:
What a bastard you are. Everybody must respect people's religion. But Danish Newspaper's didnt showed any respect to our religion. That's why Italian Religion Man killed in Church at Trabzon. But, I agree, our reactions was not true. But, every muslim can get mad after seeing Muhammed cartoon like terorist.

These days in Muslim newspapers, everybody draws cartoon while Jesus having a party with hookers or like that. I think these cartoons are not funny. Also Danish cartoons too. These things doesnt right. But belive me, i really get mad after seeing these pictures in forum and bastards comments like MonkeyJug or others.

Please mods, just show respect and remove these pictures from forum!

LOL! you call me a bastard? a TURK is lower than a snake's belly!


MonkeyJug said:
LOL! you call me a bastard? a TURK is lower than a snake's belly!


gotta love these keyboard idiots, i really want to meet you in REAL life one day and talk about politics

you think you are so over the top with this comment ? you are a racist and a shame to human being
Cyprus is a Turkish Island and nobody will never leave there!

Plus, I fully agree with Massacre_1907! I really want to meet with you in life. It's a very easy thing to talk front of monitor. But, if you tell these words to my face, you can't think what things will happen.
ClassicD said:
I understand the outrage at the visual image of your prophet, as it's forbidden. The terrorist thing however, when taken on it's own, isn't too far off the mark as far as I'm concerned - how many terrorist groups have gone on record as saying they are "doing it for Islam" or some other nonsense like that? Be angry at the image yes, but do not deny that Islamic terrorist groups use religion as an excuse to kill, and that's why the prophet is portrayed as a terrorist in the cartoon.

El Kaide or others. They're not real muslims. They want to challenge with USA. And they want to prove something to world. Nobody likes them. Also they have attacked too many times to Istanbul. They dont do anything for Islam. If you really want to see real Muslim's, you have to visit Turkey or Bosnia & Herzigovina. Plus, that's why Muslum country's are not powerful. Because of these bastards. And there are lots of gossip's that Usame Bin Laden works for USA. USA wants to damage Islam image with him. At the end, they can attack to Islamic Countries (like Iran or Turkey) and then they can sell petrol to other countries.
Eatonj and CSaunders: i agree with both of you that the people who react violently should be brought to justice and sentenced...
What some people in the west forget is that many Muslim people are genuinely hurt by those cartoons...and i'm not talking about the loud mouths and the violent people...
The fact that the same Danish paper refused some satirical cartoons about Jesus tells it all...yes there is freedom of speech...but is it really smart to make cartoons about a religious icon who isn't "pictured" (bad English???) for 14 centuries....
Our outrage is rather i already said Saddam turned in a monster the day he was acting against our intrests same goes for Bin Laden, Taliban, Pakistan, Saoudi Arabia, Iran, Syria and lots of other coutries...this geostrategical chess games affects the lives of billions of poor me naïve but i can't stand it...
Well, if he gets banned, which I'm not for, then also ban those guys screaming that Danish people are going to die.

I say: no bans!

edit: oh wait, he's banned already

Bring back MJ!!
joostebrood said:
Well, if he gets banned, which I'm not for, then also ban those guys screaming that Danish people are going to die.

He has been, as have the others.
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