After hearing that Fergie was looking to buy an experienced player, all hell broke loose as footballers went to extremes to show how long they've been in the game.
5th Place = proxi: "6 months on in the Big Brother House, Craig Max & Anthony continued to raise suspicion"
4th Place = flukesy: "Theres no way im going to Iraq, I'll dress like my nan first!"
3rd Place = CWright: "CW, Mart and Kezz shock everyone during the first Evo-Web meet-up"
2nd Place = lumlum: "After hearing that Fergie was looking to buy an experienced player, all hell broke loose as footballers went to extremes to show how long they've been in the game."
1st Place = proxi: "Johnny from Razorlight (middle) : Oooooh, this perv next to me is rattling my bones.. i really
really wish i was somewhere else Betty"
Tim has gone away for the weekend so its up to me to post our new pic and give away the points for our last round, which wont be too difficult with only 4 taking part. We shall give it one more go and see what happens
Round 14 Results
4th - Joystick - Guard: "Look how big my shiny helmet is."
Horse: "Psht, that's nothin..."
3rd - Joystick - Stay Puft Marshmallow Man runined the photo by leaving one of his fluffy fingers infront of the lens.
2nd - lumlum - Horse: "WTF is wrong with kids these days? Is a large roll of cotton candy seriously more interesting than me?".
1st - crayon - Girl next to horse looking towards camera thinks to herself "Oh my God, that's the biggest one I've ever seen......"
Phill Jupitus, Terry Nutkins and Victoria Woods' 2006 Comic Relief rehearsal went wobbly when Terry popped out some gorilla diarhoea to the rhythm of Kumbayarr Me Lord
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