a B25 bomber in 1945 did not have the same kind of jet fuel as today. If you guys actually listened to scientists and read books with sources and witnesses you would stop listening to all of these crack pot theories, you could take any tradegey after the fact and wrap a conspiracy around it. The simple fact tis this, our CIA is too INCOMPETENT to pull something off like this. And it would involve way too many people to remain a consiparacy. I mean for crying out loud your referencing comedians! All of your why why whys have been inteligently and profoundly been answered with better answers then the opposite reaction, which is a conspiracy... have the shit you wrote has been completeley disproven.. for instance there certainly was plane wreckage at the pentagon and HUNDREADS OF WITNESSES WHO SAW A JET FLY INTO IT. I saw the plane on 95 going north, i live 2 miles from the pentagon... I also heard it smack into it and saw the smoke... Again, give me any tradegy and anyone with a imagination can wrap a conspiracy around it, i guess the holocaust didnt happen either...In 1945 a B25 bomber crashed and exploded in the Empire State Building. It stood.
I remember in Chicago a plane hit a skyscraper as well, it burned for almost an entire day, and it stood.
The twin towers held on for an hour and fell down vertically at free fall speed.
Enough said.