Sony PlayStation

That tom's guide article seems to be filling in a lot of blanks with guesswork. There is a PS5 Pro coming for sure, as there will be a Xbox Series Super X or whatever at some point, that doesn't make the next consoles outdated. These companies don't plan a year ahead. They are in it for the long run.
That tom's guide article seems to be filling in a lot of blanks with guesswork. There is a PS5 Pro coming for sure, as there will be a Xbox Series Super X or whatever at some point, that doesn't make the next consoles outdated. These companies don't plan a year ahead. They are in it for the long run.

This generation won't necessarily need a refresh..
The last generation was incredibly poor, both the Xbox and PS4 launched with 2 year old mid-range PC graphics cards and Netbook processors.

This generation is launching with decent multi-core processors with NVMe SSD's and equivalent to high end PC graphics cards.
Working from home today :))

So decided to re-take apart my PS4 Pro and try a new solution to fixing the over heating and fan noise.

My PS4 Pro is now whisper quiet and doesn't come close to revving up the way it used too.
I have tested multiple games now and there is no revving up to aircraft level, and the PS4 Pro the majority of time is whisper quiet with the odd little fan noise, but this noise would not even be heard over a sound bar or TV volume.

I would say I have now successfully made my PS4 Pro silent - And would now recommend anyone with a loud PS4 Pro to try it.


Bought brand new Thermal Grizzly Kryonaut (Best CPU paste on the market today), and got some Air Duster to give the PS4 Pro another good blow out.

I took the PS4 Pro apart, which is incredibly straight forward - However there are guides available on YouTube.
When I got down to removing the motherboard, I removed it and gave the PS4 Pro a very good spray with the Air Duster.
Then I used kitchen roll (toilet roll falls apart too easy), to clean away all the paste which was on the APU previously.
Last time I used the kind of PC method with the thermal paste and used it quite sparingly this time I used the line technique all along the APU.
It appears that you do have to do the *Line Technique* on the APU for it to work effectively.


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@Chris Davies

See above - done it again and much better results.
So... I spent this Sunday - for about four hours (had to drive to a mate's to borrow some small enough pliers to get the PSU connector out, for one thing) - copying you.

Got the 90% alcohol out, got all the old thermal paste off... Replaced it like so:


Got the compressed air out and blasted the radiator (which was pretty much clean anyway) and the fan (same).

All back together for a gaming session tonight, aaaaaand guess what!

Exactly the fucking same!

You knew that was coming, right?

I give up now. That's a whole weekend combined I've dedicated to trying to fix this PS4 Pro. No point.

If Arctic MX-5 won't do it, nothing will. Surely.
I am not sure what is wrong then, I was playing various different games for 3/4 hours Friday night and my PS4 didn't rev up once.

The only difference between the two is I used Thermal Grizzly, but then the difference in temperature between the two would be about 3c idle and maybe 7c under load - Which shouldn't make too much difference in making your PS4 Pro rev up so much.

It also looks like you might of applied a little bit more paste than me, but this again shouldn't make too much difference.

I don't really know what to suggest - I have the Red Dead 2 PS4 Pro, which is meant to be the quiet one.

My PS4 though is now silent, and only revs up now to a whisper, where before it was full jet engine after 20 seconds.
I am not sure what is wrong then, I was playing various different games for 3/4 hours Friday night and my PS4 didn't rev up once.

The only difference between the two is I used Thermal Grizzly, but then the difference in temperature between the two would be about 3c idle and maybe 7c under load - Which shouldn't make too much difference in making your PS4 Pro rev up so much.

It also looks like you might of applied a little bit more paste than me, but this again shouldn't make too much difference.

I don't really know what to suggest - I have the Red Dead 2 PS4 Pro, which is meant to be the quiet one.

My PS4 though is now silent, and only revs up now to a whisper, where before it was full jet engine after 20 seconds.
My previous method with the thermal paste (which has got to be the problem, the radiator and fan are spotless, and the thermal pads on the memory chips etc. are all in place) - was to spread it evenly across the whole chip, as a few guide videos recommend.

I was thinking that was possibly too little paste - and when I took the PS4 Pro apart again, there were a few gaps again. So I thought, fuck this, if I'm doing it again, I'm going to go nuts with the stuff (hence the thicker line I put on).

But I was playing Borderlands 2 last night with the other half, which isn't particularly taxing I don't think, and it was noisy all the way through.

Put The Last of Us on (the first one) and at 4K, on the opening menu screen (with the curtain blowing in the wind), it revs up like a jumbo jet within a couple of minutes.

I have the original PS4 Pro model, because I'm an idiot who orders consoles on day one and can't wait for them to release a better revision...
My previous method with the thermal paste (which has got to be the problem, the radiator and fan are spotless, and the thermal pads on the memory chips etc. are all in place) - was to spread it evenly across the whole chip, as a few guide videos recommend.

I was thinking that was possibly too little paste - and when I took the PS4 Pro apart again, there were a few gaps again. So I thought, fuck this, if I'm doing it again, I'm going to go nuts with the stuff (hence the thicker line I put on).

But I was playing Borderlands 2 last night with the other half, which isn't particularly taxing I don't think, and it was noisy all the way through.

Put The Last of Us on (the first one) and at 4K, on the opening menu screen (with the curtain blowing in the wind), it revs up like a jumbo jet within a couple of minutes.

I have the original PS4 Pro model, because I'm an idiot who orders consoles on day one and can't wait for them to release a better revision...

I sold my original PRO ages ago as didn't touch it for about 8/9 months and was just sitting there.
Only bought one again for the Last of Us 2, and got a really good deal on eBay for a refurb - Paid £180 for it and Red Dead 2 was in the box.

Well you will have a PS5 soon, so you don't have to put up with for much longer at least.
Although looking at the size of the Series X and PS5, I am very concerned that the PS5 could be a pretty noisy console too.
Where does your PS4 sit Chris, is it well ventilated?
Yeah, I've moved it to its own space (a square unit with an open front and back), and I've even put some little blocks underneath each corner to lift it up from the base just to make sure it's not picking up dust. But dust isn't the problem, it's spotless inside. I'm wondering if the chip is permanently damaged from overheating (from the shit job of thermal paste that was on it in the first place) and is beyond saving.

@Chris Davies Will this makeover soften the blow
It's broken, and it's bad - I don't need reminding...
Its amazing after all these years that all the ps's at some point suffer from heat, my ps1/2 suffered badly, thought sony would have this sorted by now.

I assume the ps5 has watercooling? lets hope it isnt akin to a kettle!
They know they have to really, really lean heavily into the haptic feedback and the 3D sound - because they're losing the raw-power war. It's interesting because they are the only things that will actually win me over, if they make a radical difference to the experience. I just 100% don't believe they will.

I can't wait for someone I trust to get hold of a PS5 and tell me if they're actually game-changing, because right now, I cringe my face off every time they try to "big it up". I just think, who cares if the trigger is harder to pull sometimes, and how is your sound-stage any different from 7.1 virtualised headphones.
Xbox Gen X Xuper or whatever they call it will have the power but at the same time, they kind of go all out telling you that you don't really have to buy it. Sony are counting on a pretty clean jump to another gen, apart from PS4 BC.

PS5 just needs to continue cranking out great single player experiences, and I will be sold. They won't sell me on it this fall, because let's face it, nothing of note is coming out on either of these consoles on day one. Also, I am pretty sure they will both be mad expensive.
PS5 just needs to continue cranking out great single player experiences, and I will be sold. They won't sell me on it this fall, because let's face it, nothing of note is coming out on either of these consoles on day one. Also, I am pretty sure they will both be mad expensive.
That's how I feel too.

Which makes me pretty sad, because I've bought Sony and MS consoles on their launch days since forever - and I want one (probably not both).

But there isn't a single game (with the exception of the new Oddworld game) that I'm interested in on next-gen so far.

Unless it turns out that FIFA 21 plays or looks significantly better. But I can't see it.

(And I'm also thinking, would I want a better TV too, which I can't afford...)
They know they have to really, really lean heavily into the haptic feedback and the 3D sound - because they're losing the raw-power war. It's interesting because they are the only things that will actually win me over, if they make a radical difference to the experience. I just 100% don't believe they will.

I can't wait for someone I trust to get hold of a PS5 and tell me if they're actually game-changing, because right now, I cringe my face off every time they try to "big it up". I just think, who cares if the trigger is harder to pull sometimes, and how is your sound-stage any different from 7.1 virtualised headphones.
Day one for me. :D

Devs on Dual Sense examples:
Xbox Gen X Xuper or whatever they call it will have the power but at the same time, they kind of go all out telling you that you don't really have to buy it. Sony are counting on a pretty clean jump to another gen, apart from PS4 BC.

PS5 just needs to continue cranking out great single player experiences, and I will be sold. They won't sell me on it this fall, because let's face it, nothing of note is coming out on either of these consoles on day one. Also, I am pretty sure they will both be mad expensive.

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Well of course the devs say it's great, and essential, and game-changing - they said that about PSVR too and who still uses that?!

Stuff like "now a trigger rumbles to let you know which direction an enemy is coming from" - oh, you mean like a little indicator at the edge of the screen does in every single game where that's important to know? I'd much rather know what those devs HONESTLY thought.

Xbox One uses "rumble triggers" for games like Forza, and honestly, I FORGET IT'S EVEN A FEATURE! Which shows how important it is. So the fact that Sony are championing what is pretty much the same feature, as one of the main reasons to get a PS5, so many years later... Like I said, I just cringe.

I think they'd be better off, from an advertising standpoint, just hammering home that it's cheaper than the new Xbox will be. That might be the reason I pick one up, if FIFA 21 looks/feels significantly better on next-gen...
Didn't Sony also say Siraxis was going to be an absolute game changer?

The main worrying thing for me is there is no mention of the fact the CPU's are about 10x more powerful than what is in the current gen.
Not one company has come out saying we now have the CPU power to make much more complex and realistic AI in games.

No Sony badgered on about the SSD for months and months, about how much extra performance this will give, but unless you been living under a rock for the last 5-8 years, you should know this already.
Now they have moved from that to the controller will be breath taking..
It is almost as if they know they have lost the power war, so lets win the gimmick war.

Sony don't need gimmicks they have the best exclusive games and a massive fan boy following built over 3 decades..
The CPU power is the only thing I'm really interested in seeing them put the emphasis on. I don't really care if I can play the exact same kind of games just in higher resolution/framerate with ray-tracing, a fancy controller and faster loading times.

Last gen the CPUs were pathetically underpowered even at launch, which has held back what games could do for the last 7 years. I have little interest in buying a console, especially at launch, but I want to see some of the bigger studios trying to fully utilise the next-gen CPU to see progress in the big multi-platform AAA games.
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