Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

Yes, Palazzi is an absolute disgrace. He is really ruining Italian football.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

Pretty disgusting to see this to be honest...


To think that some small minded cretins have gone to the trouble to spray such an ugly message onto this huge banner. The tragedy they mock so readily set back Italian football decades, it's killed a generation of Southern Europe's best post war players. Teams can buy and barter many things, but respect and class can't be purchased.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

Is this about Superga and the plane that crashed with the Torino team of father Mazzola?

Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

It is, check what I said in the Clips & Pics thread:

The banner read "Noi di Torino orgoglio e vanto, voi solo uno schianto." "We in Torino have pride and joy, you, only a crash."

Disgraceful, thankfully this was said: Massucci on the radio- "At the Juventus Stadium there is technology to identify who put up the banner."

Juventus has been fined €10.000 too.

It's really bad that there are people like this, these idiots only hold Italian football back, by keeping a negative image. Very offensive banners are 'normal' in Italy (SS Slogans for Klose at Lazio, Milan 'fans' had banners refering to Cassano's heart problems) are some examples. This also creates a negative image for the supporters of clubs, while these imbeciles are really just a small part of the group.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

damjan said:
Disgraceful, thankfully this was said: Massucci on the radio- "At the Juventus Stadium there is technology to identify who put up the banner."
technology is not the issue here. it would be extremely easy to know who wrote and displayed that banner, as the ultras leaders always know what happens inside the stadia (in most italian stadia, u can't even display a banner without the ultras' authorization... which says a lot about who's in charge inside italian stadia).

identifying theese sort of scumbags isn't the problem. the problem is what we do with theese people once we identify them. clubs must be held responsible for what happens inside their stadia.... and i mean for real! not with a ridiculous 10k euros fine. juve makes 5 times that money every other week with tickets. force juve to play 3 consecutives games behind closed doors and then u'll see if this shit happens again!

such episodes don't just give a bad image to supporters (as obviously u'll find this scum everywehere around the globe). they do something worse... they give a bad image (and a deserved one) to italy as a country. because, if it's normal for a community to have some "bad apples", it's absolutely not normal to not deal with them.
we shouldn't be embarassed by theese episodes (on their own)... what should really embarass us is the fact that theese scumbags get away with everything. and THIS is what really makes the difference between italy and many other "civilized" countries.

of course, since it's italy we're talking about, all those who are in charge, all those who should do something about it (the club owners, the city prefectures, our government), refuse to aknowledge the problem, and as a result theese episodes (and much worse episodes, like the brutal aggression on spurs fans wich occured just a few weeks ago) keep happening.

what a joke of a country! and what's even more mindboggling is that even the international bodies (such as uefa and fifa) don't seem to bother about our ineptitude, about our inability to guarrantee public order during a social event such as a football game. how the fuck is napoli or lazio even allowed to play in european competitions is just beyond my understanding.

sorry about the rant, but i'm honestly sick and tired to see club owners, the italian federation and our government do nothing but issuing generic statements condemning such episodes.... only to see them occurring again a few weeks later.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

technology is not the issue here. it would be extremely easy to know who wrote and displayed that banner, as the ultras leaders always know what happens inside the stadia (in most italian stadia, u can't even display a banner without the ultras' authorization... which says a lot about who's in charge inside italian stadia)......

I'v been on Lecce match last season , fans "ultra Lecce" were "protesting" about something (don't remember good what) and they dont sing on 1st half (this was going on at many matchs), when start 2nd half they start singing .
I was surprise to see this and when I go I said why no-one sing (my ex and my friends where with me) they told me about protest , I say ok but why others dont sing ? they told me that if you do they com and you can be on trouble with ultras (like fight punch and stuff like this) so no one want's to be beaten by them and no one sing for this reason , as they have people around whole stadium (all tho we werent on ultras part)
there were a group of 5-7 friends who start to sing on 1st half , someone came and told them to shut the hell up or they are goong to kick they're ass if they continua to sing so they were quite after ..... so I believe you cant just do things by your own without talk to ultras , no banner and no stuff can be over there , not on italian football i guess !
Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

of course, since it's italy we're talking about, all those who are in charge, all those who should do something about it (the club owners, the city prefectures, our government), refuse to aknowledge the problem, and as a result theese episodes (and much worse episodes, like the brutal aggression on spurs fans wich occured just a few weeks ago) keep happening.

what a joke of a country! and what's even more mindboggling is that even the international bodies (such as uefa and fifa) don't seem to bother about our ineptitude, about our inability to guarrantee public order during a social event such as a football game. how the fuck is napoli or lazio even allowed to play in european competitions is just beyond my understanding.
Wait a bit, if you are trying to link these fact you are going in the opposite direction, since two Roma supporters were arrested.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

I think Ben knows that it were Roma fans, but Lazio has a rather long tradition of racism and sympathy for facism. The banners shown at lazio matches are sometimes disgusting...
Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

Very true.

That's one reason even though I don't support any teams, Lazio is one team I do dislike.

I do like their kit colours though. :P Always have.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

on monday only 1 udinese fan went to genoa. and they won 2-0 haha. fair play to this guy.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

we really need to get supporter back in stadium for Serie A game.

atmospheres are not what they once were..its such a shame beccause we had the best league in the world in 90s.

what has happened is money destroyed it and now we cant compete with other german league, EPL etc etc.

Will the EPL become like this in 10 or 20 years I wonder??
Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

do you actually contribute anything to evo web? every post of yours is trolling or bitching about something.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

More scandal :(

Napoli have copped a two-point penalty as part of the match-fixing investigations, while two players have been banned for six months.
The penalties derived from a Serie A match against Sampdoria in 2010, which former Napoli goalkeeper Matteo Gianello has confessed he tried to fix leading to a suspension of 39 months.

The Italian Football Federation's (FIGC) disciplinary commission confirmed on Tuesday they have suspended Paolo Cannavaro, the younger brother of former Real Madrid defender Fabio, and Gianluca Grava from playing for six months for failing to report Gianello's plans.

The FIGC have punished Napoli for being 'objectively responsible' due to Gianello playing with the club at the time.

The FIGC determined Cannavaro and Grava were approached by Gianello to help fix the game and despite refusing to be involved, the two defenders failed to report the incident.

Both Cannavaro and Grava have denied they knew anything and will appeal their penalties, as will Napoli.

Sampdoria won the game 1-0, which was in Serie A's final round of the 2009/10 campaign, claiming a spot in the following season's UEFA Champions League.

Napoli have dropped to two spots to fifth on the Serie A table with 31 points for the season, 10 behind leaders Juventus.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

i don't like this approach at all. strict liability as a whole is a very stupid and unfair law concept, although, under certain circumstances, it's the lesser evil. but in this context it makes no sense at all. how could napoli be held responsible for that? what are football clubs supposed to do? bug their players' cellphones, in order to know what they're up to at any time? ridiculous.

also i'm getting tired of all theese "omessa denuncia" allegations that are raining down on the players. do they really expect football players to tell on each others? cannavaro and grava did the right thing; they were approached by a scumbag who proposed to fix a game and they told him "fuck u, man". sure, it would have been great if they had also filed a report against giannello, but can we really blame them for not wanting to be labelled as snitches?
so now napoli (which had no part, nor responsability in all this), is been penalized with a 2 pts deduction and a 6 months disqualification for their captain. crazy

meanwhile giannello is only getting a 3 years ban? what's the logic behind that?!? if a lawyer violates the ethical code, he gets disbarred. if a doctor violates the hippocratic oath, he gets stricken off the roll..... so why the fuck should a football player be treated any more lightly?
a lifeban and a fine proportional to the player's incomes (like 5 years worth of salary). now that would be a strong message.
baxter said:
Wait a bit, if you are trying to link these fact you are going in the opposite direction, since two Roma supporters were arrested.
yeah, when i mentioned lazio i wasn't referring to this specific episode:)). lazio has its own record of brutal assaults though. and the only reason i didn't mention roma is because they're not playing in europe this season.... otherwise they would be right on top of my eufa ban list, alongside napoli.....
...infact i wouldn't mind seeing the entire italian federation banned for a few years (as it happened with the english federation many years ago). that would be the wake up call we clearely need.
unfortunately such a scenario is unlikely in today's football, as there are too many economic interests tied too football events, for uefa to take such drastic measures.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

What a coincidence, who are closest to Inter on the table? Napoli. Therefore, Palazzi opens a new case with a bullshit excuse to punish Napoli, just like he did to Juve.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

we really need to get supporter back in stadium for Serie A game.

atmospheres are not what they once were..its such a shame beccause we had the best league in the world in 90s.

what has happened is money destroyed it and now we cant compete with other german league, EPL etc etc.

Will the EPL become like this in 10 or 20 years I wonder??

Why does your English get worse when you are talking about Italian things?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

Why does your English get worse when you are talking about Italian things?

What has my English got to do with this thread? You are just trolling - if you don't like my posts, fine - but why keep responding to them? You are obsessed.

Either that or you see me as a threat.

Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

What has my English got to do with this thread? You are just trolling - if you don't like my posts, fine - but why keep responding to them? You are obsessed.

Either that or you see me as a threat.


There you go back to normal again.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

From what i have heard, Napoli have done nothing wrong.
They have to players who refused to sell matches and their mistake was not to disclose the fact that that GK asked them to sell the match. To be honest, just like Ben, i can understand both players althoug they did make a mistake. What Napoli as a club have to do with that, i don't understand. Compare this to bank employees like de Kerviel and what happened to Credit Lyonnais (nothing at all) and you can see that something is wrong.

Damjan, you are a very good poster, one of the better, but you are also a Juventus fans and thus biased. Look at the glass from your point of view: it is half full, in a decent world Juventus would not exist anymore, that would have been justice... In sports i've only seen ont thing worse than what Moggi did: Lance Armstrong and Johan Bruyneel.

My favourite club also did fraudulent things and they lost their licence and had to start at the foot of the Belgian football piramid: IMO that was a justified sanction. Football clubs are not above the law. So please stop moaning about Inter...
Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

Thanks for the compliment gerd. :)

About Juve:

Of course what Moggi did was awful, but in my opinion even without the referee we would've been champions in those years. The players didn't know a single thing about fixed-referees, and it would nt have been fair to every person who loves Juventus to kill a club, when only a couple of people made mistakes.

That is also the reason why I and every Juventino still considers Juventus to have won the Serie A thirty times.

About Palazzi, it has been proved that he is a season ticket holder at Inter.

But you're right, I shouldn't complain about Inter, I should be complaining about the football system in Italy, which is obviously broken.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

I agree with your conclusion.
I have nothing at all against Juventus, but they should be the last to participate in what seems Italy's national pass-time: searching complot theories... (and of course if you say, this it is not Juventus who does...i understand fans, but i hope you do understand me).

Juventus made a fantastic comeback and that is quite an achievement, IMO if they can buy a goalscorer, they could even win the CL this season.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

Hey guys,

it really is a shame whats happening in italy. I dont get it why napoli got a 2 point deduction for something the club itself got nothing do to with it.
Im a Juve-Fan myself since the 90ies and the ban for conte left me speechles. I mean there were 30 against 1, but somehow all judges believed the guy who was guilty all the way and who changed his accusations several times.
Also i didnt quite unterstand what happened in 2006 (Calciopoli). Its all very unclear and shady. Juve were charged for unfair behaviour i believe (Cause Moggi and co were in contact with the referee-assignment. But later i think it came out that several other clubs also had contact with the referees). I could be wrong, cause i cannot see trough all this mess. For me as a fan its terrible. Maybe someone can explain all a abit.
Thanks meschugee (sorry for my bad (terrible:)) ) english)
Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

'Roma have announced a partnership with Disney at the unveiling of plans to build a new stadium.'

The president, Pallotta, added: "Totti's dream of playing in the new stadium? I hope he scores the first goal there!"

totti's fairytale ending? ;)
Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

I'm not surprise at all , in Italy this shits happen ALWAYS , there are always racist calls and stuff like this , I think they dont work enought to stop a bit this things ! its shame tho but I dont think there will be any progress on this !
Re: Serie A Thread - 2012/13 Season

Actually they were abusing any black player not just him, he was the only with the guts to throw the ball at them and walk way. I still can't believe these peoples, and the most shocking thing they seem to get away with this behavior, such a shame :(

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