Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread - 2011/12 Season

Oh c'mon! This is something that has been talked about since mid season and a lot of teams might face point deduction.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2011/12 Season

Still, everytime something controversial happens, we are the first linked. Inter was almost unmentioned during Calciopoli even though they also clearly did things.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2011/12 Season

Eh? None of the claims implicate Juventus as a club, just what certain individuals did prior to joining Juve.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2011/12 Season

Yes Juve as a club are not involved but their are some other clubs which are in it more than just individuals right?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2011/12 Season

at this point in time no club seems to have been directly involved in this shit (although there are some rumours about the involvement of siena's owner).

anyway its still to early to really say anything about this shit, as we still haven't any real evidences to substantiate the allegations made... only hearsay.
right now, the only ones who will most likely face a trial are those serie b players who confessed their crimes (doni, masiello and those others serie b players i mentioned last winter).

the pubblic attorney is notifying some players impending investigations, in hope to scare some of them off and persuade em to tell what they know about this episodes (i believe that's the case with bonucci and criscito).
they only way the d.a. can build a case is to have some players squealing about their teammates (or former teammates, as is the case with bonucci and criscito) misconducts. but of course hearsay is hardly substantial evidence, so unless the prosecutor has something else up his sleeve, it will be hard to build a case on mere hearsay.

obviously all theese investigations are making lot of noise right now, as they reach some pretty high profile players, but i would be surprised if any serie a player were to be found involved in this shit. not that i have any trust in serie a players' moral or ethics... it's just that it's much easier and cheaper to corrupt a serie b player than a serie a player (for obvious reasons)

the ideal way to deal with such an investigation would be to follow the money, but since theese bets were placed abroad, it's difficult to trace it back (the criminal organization which created this "corrupted players network" is foreign and they work in china, thailand and albania).

what a disgusting story anyway. theese people make me sick. however we should have a clearer picture of this scandal by late july\early august.
matt1288 said:
Lo Zio what do you think about Sannino at Palermo? I think he has done a great job at Siena, and I'm very interested to see what he does with Palermo next season (hoping that your president behaves!)
i haven't watched enough of siena to have a reliable opinion on sannino. siena had a great season, but that's hardly enough to say whether sannino will succed in palermo aswell.
for instance, if he believes he may implement his 4-4-2 in palermo aswell, he better think twice, as we're not suited to play 4-4-2 (some might argue we're not suited to play any sort of football at all).
to be honest with u, i don't even bother anymore. he won't be here for more than a few months (tops) anyway, with that clown of zamparini in charge.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2011/12 Season

there was no dinner eventually. the firm i work for was hired by zampa to fix some sort of a last minute crisis. i was chosen by the managing partner to handle this situation and the dinner was supposed to be a business meating to assess the situation and discuss the problem with that idiot.... but the situation kinda solved itself just before our meeting so the whole thing was called off (and the dinner cancelled).

back on serie a, apparently zeman should be back in roma soon enough!! every fan in roma is extremely fired up at the idea of having zdenek back..... and i gotta say i would love to see what he could do with that team :))
Re: Serie A Thread - 2011/12 Season

Was the meeting cancelled when Mutti was sacked for Sannino? :LOL: Could've been the emergency?
:LOL: sacking a coach? that's hardly an emergency for zamparini.... more like "business as usual" :P
anyway no, it wasn't something football-related.

anyway guys take a look at this. yesterday evening i was talking with a goood friend of mine who follows serie b closely, so asked him about zeman's pescara. i told him i was curious to see if he still is that crazy genius i knew and if his football was still worthy of the "zemanlandia" trademark.
just about 3 minutes ago he sent me a mail. there was only a link to a youtube video and a single phrase... "does that remind u of anything?"
that's the vid:
that's classic zemanlandia! :))
Re: Serie A Thread - 2011/12 Season

Lovely play, great control and passing and with very high speed aswell. Great to see. :)
Re: Serie A Thread - 2011/12 Season

Lovely play, great control and passing and with very high speed aswell. Great to see. :)
if u've never seen zeman's football (and if zeman hasn't lost his magic), then prepare to be blown away mate, as chances are u've never seen such entertaining and high tempo football (and also such defensive carelessness) in your life.
compared to zeman's football, wenger's football and delio rossi's football are like capello's football :P
:LOL: How many pescara attackers in the box :LOL:
indeed... like i said, that's classic zeman :D
Re: Serie A Thread - 2011/12 Season

do Milanistas really love him so much? tbh I'm pretty surprised that you remember him.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2011/12 Season

this juventus team for instance (despite the thin roster) already has a proper top club mentality, because they will display the same intensity and the same attention to detail
meh, whatever, remember they played only domestic football. lets seem them keep this up next year when they're in europe.

time is not a problem for top clubs... for midclass clubs instead time is a big limit, as it works against u.
quick example; a club like bayern doesn't have to worry about their youngsters development and their future replacement, because, no matter how much muller will develop, no matter how great a player he will be 3 years from now, bayern still will be able to afford his contract renewal. the same doesn't apply to napoli instead. a club like napoli only has a limited time, a limited number of years to build and develop a great team... and to reap the rewards of their good job. because eventually their best assets will outgrow the club (to be more specific, they will outgrow the club's financial power).... and by then napoli won't be able to afford a contract renewal... they will have to let their best assets leave for greener pastures..... and by then they better have some other young promising player ready to take that spot.
good points Ben. But IMO Gargano and Hamsik aren't going anywhere. Really surprised by Lavezzi but maybe the Maradona comparisons were a tad too overwhelming. Can someone explain to me, how is it some clubs put crazy clauses in players contracts and others don't or can't? Cavani for example, the gem that he is, also Lavezzi, can't Napoli tie them down with a 50m buy out clause. Porto do it all the time.

Napoli's (both fans & players) attitude towards opponent teams in big games is just scary. They make me feel like they are not playing football but actually battling those teams and I mean these in a good way. I can't myself see any reason why they couldn't easily make it to the top if they could show the same respect to the smaller teams. Napoli's quality is worthy of more than just a local cup imho. Just got to love these kind of direct attacking teams.
Problem is Mazzarini he's too one dimensional, just plan A no plan B. Oh also Aronica, dreadful player :P

Now Bonucci is suspected aswell...

Honestly, I think some high ranked people within Italian football just don't like Juve.
:LOL: maybe. Or could be there's something fishy going on. What's happened with Mauri? Always liked Mauri.

No word on Italy vs Russia? Montolivo **smh** Yo Ben, remember what I said about 3-5-2, now's the time to implement it.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2011/12 Season

rfu said:
good points Ben. But IMO Gargano and Hamsik aren't going anywhere. Really surprised by Lavezzi but maybe the Maradona comparisons were a tad too overwhelming. Can someone explain to me, how is it some clubs put crazy clauses in players contracts and others don't or can't? Cavani for example, the gem that he is, also Lavezzi, can't Napoli tie them down with a 50m buy out clause. Porto do it all the time.
the thing is release clauses are negotiated (just like every other part of the contract) so a player (rectius; his agent) won't be likely to agree on a very high release clause (as it ties the player), unless the club gives something in return (a higher salary).
anyway release clauses are overrated in modern football (wich is also why some few clubs adopt them). the increased leverage of football players, combined with the amsterdam treaty and Schengen Agreement, gave the players the possibility to move wherever they want (basically) whenever they want (most people spot the turning point in the bosman ruling, but that ruling was nothing but the natural consequence of those 2 treaties i mentioned).
bottom line, it doesn't matter if u put a 100 millions release clause on a contract; when the player decides to leave, there's not much a club can do.
rfu said:
No word on Italy vs Russia? Montolivo **smh** Yo Ben, remember what I said about 3-5-2, now's the time to implement it.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2011/12 Season

Well, Lotito fought against Pandev and Ledesma for wanting to leave, Pandev got out, but Ledesma rotted in the reserves for a year until he apologised and is captain again.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2011/12 Season

No, let's hope Grosso goes in to labour before the tournament so he can get called up! :LOL:
Re: Serie A Thread - 2011/12 Season

Can't wait for next season! :D

Roma are gonna be all over the highlights all over the world! One for creating and scoring amazing goals, and the other for leaking numerous goals in every match! :LOL:

It's gonna be 'entertaining'! Not sure how well the 'results' will go but we'll see.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2011/12 Season

Can't wait for next season! :D

Roma are gonna be all over the highlights all over the world! One for creating and scoring amazing goals, and the other for leaking numerous goals in every match! :LOL:

It's gonna be 'entertaining'! Not sure how well the 'results' will go but we'll see.

oh well, i think it would be fair to say they certainly won't win the scudetto.... but even if they'll lose it, they're gonna lose it in such a spectacular fashion that no one will bother (not even roma fans themselves).
that assuming zeman still is the coach we remember, of course.

so it looks like juve is gonna sign asamoah and isla from udinese. impressive stuff!!!
i guess that's marotta for u :WORSHIP:
Re: Serie A Thread - 2011/12 Season

Italy looking impressive with the 3-5-2. De Rossi was made for that sweeper role but plays too deep. Motta plus Pirlo = class. Di Natale :WORSHIP:
Re: Serie A Thread - 2011/12 Season

yep. we did very well. but the real test is going to be the croatia match. anyway mate, we have an italy thread open for discussion in the euro 2012 subforum ;)

so it seems thiago silva is off to paris. stef, zeem what do u milanisti think about the deal? i mean, u certainly won't be happy about it, but the offer seems to be quite substantial. what would u do, if it were up to u? take the offer and use the money to rebuild or reject it? and btw is 40\50 millions enough to rebuild a team today?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2011/12 Season

Should've sold Pato or Ibra while we still could've. Silva leaving is a huge blow - technically and mentally. He was a real totem in the team and everyone liked him, he's not about ego. Honestly think he's one of the best players in his position for a while.

If we manage to sign the supposed targets with the money, it won't be so bad I guess: Acerbi, Dede, Nesta and an established full back.

Re: Serie A Thread - 2011/12 Season

I don't know what Galliani has in mind. If he is planning to reinvest then I could live with that but if not like what happened with Kaka then Milan are risking a top 3 finish next season which will be a bigger blow. Are 50M enough? I heard their clubs are asking 20M for Acerbi and Ogbonna each.

Right now, Milan's defence and midfield are really weak. The weakest since I could remember. A LOT of work needs to be done. Pirlo, Silva, Nesta, Seedorf, Gattuso,... HUGE boots to fill.

And yeah the way Galliani and Braida are handling this is so bad. Up until this moment they are saying Thiago will remain. WTF?!
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