Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

That Palacio goal was miraculous, indeed. And the goal celebration was even more lovely. :D
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Milan hosting Napoli and Inter vs. Roma! Nice weekend! Add to that Chelsea vs. United and the Super Bowl, it's a BIG Sunday! :D

Let's hope these matches live up to potential!
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

dont forget the Atletico-Valencia, Marseille-Lyon and maybe Fenerbahçe-Beşiktaş matches as well! :)

edit: Ibrahimovic is off and I cant stand to watch this boring shit anymore.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

What a stunner by Martin Caceres, welcome home & looks like Ibra maybe in hot water again raising his hand to Storari....tut tut

Forza Juve
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

What a stunner by Martin Caceres, welcome home & looks like Ibra maybe in hot water again raising his hand to Storari....tut tut

Forza Juve

yep. also barzagli seems to be back on his palermo days standards, wich is also great news for italy's national team.
Dom, u remember years ago, when i couldn't stop telling u what a fantastic player barzagli was? well this is the player i fell in love with :))

on a different subject, good God what's going on with Inter!! :CONFUSE:
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Yes I remember your man crush for Barzagli, Ben! :P

You were right. He was amazing then and he's back at that level now! Shame he couldn't show his full qualities to Germans.

Anyway was just reading this from Jovetic's agent.

Good to see that in a world filled with greed and players always wanting to jump ship.

Valon Behrami has also come out and said that he could've joined Juve last month but he decided to stay in Florence. Not sure if that's true or he's just trying to endear himself to the fans but if true, that's nice.

Let's see what Delio Rossi can accomplish with this team and Della Valle folks at Fiorentina over the next 3 years. I'm cautiously optimistic.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

what a performance by Lecce today , 2nd half was GREAT and i think we deserve 3 points , 2nd goal com from a penlaty kick , that was a soft penalty but at the last contact exist , amazing 3 last goals really great

now we are 2 points down to Siena and we still have chance to stay in serie a so hope we continua this good performance :)

im looking forward for a video to show u guys who miss match those amazing goals :P


heres video , just look at 2 last goals AMAZING

also that penalty of muriel was nealry to 3th goal coz he did much untill there :P

YouTube - Lecce vs Siena - Serie A - ( 4-1 ) All Goals Calcio Serie A 19/02/2012
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

yeah, lecce is really playing some sweet football this season. :)) if only they had a more reliable scorer upfront (a 5\6 years younger version of di michele would be perfect) they would be in a much more confortable position on the table. still i'm confident they can avoid relegation. siena, novara and cesena are just not as good as lecce.
talking about cesena, man, what a major disappointment... last season they had several talented young players and played such nice they got mutu and iaquinta, and they're absolutely awful.
if lecce are one of the few teams which still play by "serie a quality standards", cesena is the perfect metaphor of this current serie a season. just not good enough :(

PLF said:
Let's see what Delio Rossi can accomplish with this team and Della Valle folks at Fiorentina over the next 3 years. I'm cautiously optimistic.
i'm starting to get less optimistic instead. hiring rossi was definitely a step in the right direction, but i'm sensing a total lack of enthusiasm around this team (and also around the club), and a friend of mine who lives in firenze is confirming this sensation of mine.

speaking of lack of entusiasm, what should we make of inter's endless slump? i'd love to get some feedback from rfu on the subject (haven't seen him around here in quite a while).
to be honest, i think it's for the better.... moratti has been a delusional idiot for 2 years now, pretending there was still some energy to squeeze from this team. the only way to force him to aknowledge the situation for what it is, is to get a hard slap on your face.
i'll tell u what, if i were an inter fan, i would be hoping for another embarassing debacle in champions league too... that would be quite a wake up call, for a champions league lover like moratti.

speaking about the "other milano team", another convincing win from milan without ibra. there's no doubt zlatan is a fucking monster, but man, milan plays such a more beautiful football when he's not around. i'm seriously looking forward the BIG MATCH next week. i got a feeling it's going to be awesome! :))
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

speaking of lack of entusiasm, what should we make of inter's endless slump? i'd love to get some feedback from rfu on the subject (haven't seen him around here in quite a while).
to be honest, i think it's for the better.... moratti has been a delusional idiot for 2 years now, pretending there was still some energy to squeeze from this team. the only way to force him to aknowledge the situation for what it is, is to get a hard slap on your face.
i'll tell u what, if i were an inter fan, i would be hoping for another embarassing debacle in champions league too... that would be quite a wake up call, for a champions league lover like moratti.

You're right reconstruction is needed not only within the squad but also the management. I don't know why Moratti seems to like Branca and listens to him, didn't he learn from when Gasperini was here and the mess that happened? Thiago Motta sold and Coutinho loaned out, Palombo and Guarin brought in. While I really like Palombo I think he can fill Thiago Motta's shoes but I don't know if he's still as good as he was and I haven't seen him in Serie B, then we have Guarin who is injured till March... So we let one creative player(Coutinho) who played for us on the wings and brought in and injured player who is not even a winger. Ranieri said in an interview that he specifically requested for a winger but didn't get one.

When Ranieri came he did what he does best, he found a formation that atleast gave us some stability, a simple 4-4-2, we had a good run albeit we didn't really play good football but got the results. Problem was that during this period Sneijder was injured. Now that he's back Ranieri had to start trying to new things, he tried him as a support striker, a trequartista and as a winger. Till now he can't seem to get the best out of Sneijder, also Sneijder is not the same old, he seems to have lost interest and Ranieri already hinted that he might bench him soon.

Another thing to look at is the defence, during the 7 match win streak we had a good defensive record and had a clean sheet in most of the matches, the added problem on top of the formation change is Samuel's injury... Even at his age he is our best defender by FAR. I just don't get how some people rate Lucio more than him.. Problem started during the crazy match with Palermo which ended 4-4 and Rannochia and Lucio were starting (Sneijder also played), from this stage onwards the team just seems to have restarted to the stage we were before Ranieri came, players look unconcentrated and all is needed for us is to concede a goal and the comical defending starts. If you have seen the match against Bologna the players lacked guts, it always looked like every player just wants to get rid of the ball, you know there's a problem when everyone is looking to pass the ball to Nagatomo to create something! Because he's the only one that's fast and won't stop running.

Some positives atleast is that Ranieri is giving the youngsters a chance, Andrea Poli is getting better match after match, for me he was the best player in Inter's last 3 matches, we need more young players like him who are hungry. Davide Faraoni is also another one that's impressing me.

So in the end I don't know what's going to happen, with Financial Fairplay coming I don't know what Moratti has in mind as he always stresses that this is holding him from spending, so IMO Sneijder will be sold and some players' contract will expire so that should help him break the bank.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

yep, i completely agree with u mate. i also like palombo (A LOT!) and i believe he could be the perfect replacement for motta.... but just like u, i don't follow serie b, so i don't know how good he is right now.
little not about palombo: man, something must have gone terribly wrong in genova. i don't know what happen last december, but what i do know is that suddenly palombo didn't wanna be there anymore (wich is extremely weird). mind u, it's not like he moved because a big club made an offer. he was determined to leave no matter what (infact palermo and lazio were already preparing to negotiate his transfer, before inter showed up).

anyway, even if palombo will turn out to be that amazing player we remember from 2 years ago, that would still be not enough to get inter back on track.
interista said:
When Ranieri came he did what he does best, he found a formation that atleast gave us some stability, a simple 4-4-2, we had a good run albeit we didn't really play good football but got the results. Problem was that during this period Sneijder was injured. Now that he's back Ranieri had to start trying to new things, he tried him as a support striker, a trequartista and as a winger. Till now he can't seem to get the best out of Sneijder, also Sneijder is not the same old, he seems to have lost interest and Ranieri already hinted that he might bench him soon.
yep, he really looks like he can't be bothered right now (a bit like diego, during his juve days). imo ranieri has no other choice than dropping him.
u see the trequartista is a huge burden to carry for a midfield. from a tactical point of view the trequartista is the nightmare of every coach, because by lining up a player in that position, u lose something in terms of coverage, in terms of pressing, and u seriously mess up the balance ot the team.
the thing is, as long as your midfield is energetic enough to cope with the lack of support from the trequartista, and as long as the trequartista does his magic on the pitch, well, u will be willing to compromise.
but right now this is just not a viable solution for inter. not only snejder is not performing good enough to justify his presence on the pitch..... but right now also inter's midfield just can't afford a trequartista (not even a good one).... they just don't have the concentration, nor the muscle to handle the midfield with a 3 men setup. they really need all the help they can get there... and if that means sacrificing snejder, so be it.
interista said:
Another thing to look at is the defence, during the 7 match win streak we had a good defensive record and had a clean sheet in most of the matches, the added problem on top of the formation change is Samuel's injury... Even at his age he is our best defender by FAR. I just don't get how some people rate Lucio more than him.. Problem started during the crazy match with Palermo which ended 4-4 and Rannochia and Lucio were starting (Sneijder also played), from this stage onwards the team just seems to have restarted to the stage we were before Ranieri came, players look unconcentrated and all is needed for us is to concede a goal and the comical defending starts. If you have seen the match against Bologna the players lacked guts, it always looked like every player just wants to get rid of the ball, you know there's a problem when everyone is looking to pass the ball to Nagatomo to create something! Because he's the only one that's fast and won't stop running.
indeed. however the situation is less terrible than it might appear right now. sure u need moratti to start to invest again (and, even before that, he should fire the entire board and hire some proper professionals), but it's not like u have to rebuild the entire team. part of the spine of the future inter is already there. u got pazzini, who is an amazing striker (i know he's not doing well right now, but let's cut the guy some slack, that's the first time in his entire carreer he's not scoring for fun... and right now even messi wouldn't perform in this inter team).... then u got poli at midfield.... i'm telling u, this kid will become a great football player one day. and also that faraoni kid has been very impressive. and finally u got one of the most promising young defenders in europe in ranocchia (i know he also has been pretty poor lately, but again, is there a cb on the planet who would be able to perform in this inter team right now?).
so imo u just need 4\5 major signings, and inter might be a title contender back again.
interista said:
So in the end I don't know what's going to happen, with Financial Fairplay coming I don't know what Moratti has in mind as he always stresses that this is holding him from spending, so IMO Sneijder will be sold and some players' contract will expire so that should help him break the bank.
about that mate, don't buy those bullshits about financial fairplay. moratti has been using it as an excuse to justify his lack of investments for 2 years now... it's quite ridiculous really. besides, if anything, the upcoming infamous financial fariplay rule, should push big teams to spend like crazy (before it's too late), not the contrary.
and anyway, we still don't know anything about this financial play rule (most important, we don't even know what will be the consequence of a violation of this policy).
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Sounds like Milan of 08-11'. Heavy investment to win CL in 07', then the years after it was just debt and expensive contracts due to bonuses. We barely signed players and kept using old players. Now it seems to have swapped with Inter. We're fresh and have money to spend, until we win CL....
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Very strange decision. That and Matri's disallowed goal, the linesman had a shocker.

Great determination by Juve to get a draw, they never seem to give up under Conte this season.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Now to listen to everyone talk about how Juve cheated to get the draw.. how Calciopoli etc… same old shit. Yes it's true that if Milan went 2-0 the game would have changed completely. HOWEVER, the referee made the decision which is completely out our control, moreover he made another mistake that prevented the 1-1 draw. What would everyone be saying if Muntari's goal never happened, and we had still scored?

We played a tough game, Milan were a level above us in terms of class and they deserved the game. Although our defence wasn't at its best, Barzagli and Chiellini were absolute BEASTS in the second half. If i were to give man of the match to a player of Juventus I'd undoubtedly give it to Chiellini, for his determination in defence and attack.
Without a doubt our toughest game this season, I'm glad we got the result.

And whilst everyone is quick to point out how Juve did this, he was dirty etc, did anyone see Mexes punch Borriello? I'm pretty sure Muntari should have be sent off too.. the whole game was filled with referring errors.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Muntari's goal did happen and it changed the whole game. I couldn't focus on the rest of the half. Imagine the players.

Also, the referee called it a goal. 5 Milan players went to celebrate. Then the ref changed his mind while Juve were continuing the play and could have got a goal. There where some dirty stuff from both teams but these things happen.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Will be interesing if juve score that action after muntari header just think how match will go on if that happen
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

wow! i didn't notice that muntari foul! the match was a mess.
anyway before even talking about referees or linesmen, let's remark something nobody here said so far.
the main responsibles of the mess we saw sathurday night were conte, allegri and galliani. they are the main reason why the players were so fired up during the match and i find it rather disturbing that they are getting away with it.

i find it UNACCEPTABLE to hear theese 3 people complaining about the ref and the linesmen. absolutely unacceptable. juve fans have every right to be pissed off, milan fans have every right to be pissed off.... BUT NOT THEM!
for the entire week leading to the game conte has been bitching about the refs and how juve has been penalized this season (wich, and let me make this absolutely clear, is a huge bullshit!). the reason of all this bitching is obvious to anyone who follows serie a, of course. it's a frequently used strategy for italian coaches and owner. their aim is to put the referee who will have to direct the next game of their team in an unconfortable position. they hope that by bitching about all the wrong calls their club had to endure in the recent games, the referee will think twice before taking a decision against their club in a tough\questionable call. of course everyone knows it's a stupid move as it doesn't pay off at all (referees couldn't care less about what coaches and club owners say TODAY, as today, unlike during the pre-calciopoli era, the referees association is absolutely indipendent). but still every now and then coaches and presidents try to use the "complaining trick" anyway... coz "you never know".
but while theese theatrics have no impact whatsoever on the referees, they do build a huge heat around the game, firing up players and fans way more than u would want them to be. and this is the result.
and of course allegri and galliani are just as guilty as conte, since they replied to conte and added fuel to the fire.
and the most grotesque part is that they even had the stomach to complain about all the controversies that lead to this game, blaming the media for building up this heat..... WTF! the media did nothing but reporting their bullshits, and now they are the ones to blame? this is ridiculous.

having said that, i believe each team has equal reasons to complain about wrong calls, and i don't think one team was favoured over the other (at the end of the day, both teams had one goal unappropriately denied).

getting back to football, i was very impressed by milan. conte is doing a great job with juve this season, but this time he was completely outplayed and outcoached by allegri (i gotta say allegri is really becoming one hell of a coach). i found this milan performance much more impressive than their display against arsenal, so hats off to allegri (for nailing the tactical setup) and milan players (for such a perfect execution).

one last note about the referees. serie a refs rarely screw up a match.... but when they do, they do it in spectacular fashion. have u seen the mess gava did in the siena-palermo game? my god that was bad.... "premier league-like" bad! i guess gava's carreer is pretty much over at this point (and allow me to say "good riddance").

finally just one comment about the napoli-inter game. ranieri is definitely not responsible for inter's collapse (i guess even moratti realised that by now), but he really screwed up against napoli. why did he go for a diamond midfield against a team wich develops his game mostly along the flanks??? that was suicidal.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Lecce won away 1-2 vs Calgari

im really happy with Cosmi he did amazing work from when he com at Lecce wish we had start season with him , impresive run under him and now we are almost near to be out of dangerous zone

Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

yeah, it's between u and siena now... and from what i saw, i would be extremely surprised if siena would finish the season ahead of lecce. :))

on a different note, yesterday guidolin won the "panchina d'oro" (the award for the best serie a coach of the previous season). well deserved imo. along with barçelona and palermo, udinese displayed the most beautiful football in europe over the last 3 years... to be fair i can't talk about this season, because i haven't followed enough of bundi, liga, ligue 1 and epl (actually i also haven't followed much of serie a this season), but regarding the 2 previous seasons, barcelona, palermo and udinese have been quite simply the best show european football could offer.

this season their football might not be as entertaining as it used to be till last season, but then again they lost sanchez, inler and zapata. and despite such important departures, they still managed to display some pretty good football and to get some amazing results.

perhaps if rossi would have been still in palermo, it might have been a 2 horses race. but with rossi out of the picture, there was really no competition for guidolin.
so hats off to guidolin. he's deserved this award for a long time. :WORSHIP:

if he had ever coached in england, he would be now seen as one of the greatests tactics gurus in the world..... but he's only coached in serie a, so very few people outside italy know his football (or even just his full name). and the ironic thing is that i know he preferes it this way.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

having said that, i believe each team has equal reasons to complain about wrong calls, and i don't think one team was favoured over the other (at the end of the day, both teams had one goal unappropriately denied).

Yeah but Ben, if we had been leading 2-0, it would've been a totally different 2nd half and we would be more confident and comfortable on the ball. The ball was in by at a meter.

Conte and Marotta were talking about the penalty garbage for weeks, trying to create this whole third dimension about it.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Yeah but Ben, if we had been leading 2-0, it would've been a totally different 2nd half and we would be more confident and comfortable on the ball. The ball was in by at a meter.

Conte and Marotta were talking about the penalty garbage for weeks, trying to create this whole third dimension about it.

How can you be sure the match would be different if it never happened?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

He's not sure and nothing in life is certain. But he's just making a rather logical observation that things may have very well turned out different if they had that 2-0 lead and I can see that too. We can't see the future but given history, it wouldn't be a huge shock if that had changed things for 2nd half. So I agree with him.
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