Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Another great victory from a passionate and hard working Juve. Although we weren't our best and did not fully control the game we still showed great team-work and determination to pressure our opponents and go for EVERY ball. We should have won this game 4-0 with the amount of chances we had, but we were very unlucky in front of goal. A great performance from our squad overall, and Quagliarella finally scoring his first goal in over a year! I can't fault our defense, our centre backs work well together and our side backs provide good attacking and defensive cover.

This is truly the best Juve I've seen in the past 5 years. Conte's charismatic character has brought back the pride and love for our club. However, it's only Christmas time and we shouldn't get ahead of ourselves. We are 2 points clear of second place and we can extend the lead by 5 if we win on Wednesday!

Forza Juve!
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Why was Guidolin so mad at the end and sent off? I turned into the channel late.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

He was sent off (from the touchline) he was upset because Juventus didnt kick the ball out when an Udinese player was injured. Udinese had just kicked the ball out about 10 mins earlier when a Juventus player was injured, I think Guidolin was arguing with the Juventus defender saying something like "why did you demand us to put it out, but you dont put it out for us". I don't know what the Juventus player's name was, but it was that big ugly defender who looks like he had his nose smashed up, I think its Chellini or something. Anyway Guidolin got in an arguement with him and then the ref ordered him off.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I see.

p.s. Surely you know Chiellini and who he is and what he looks like Edmundo! I'm surprised.

And yeah that sounds like Giorgio. ;)

That Big Ugly defender is one of the world's best undoubtedly!
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I was watching it on a blocky stream I can never remember the names between him, the guy who was at Juventus and then went to Zenit (via Genoa) (Criscito?) confused as they both seem to play as left backs at times, also there is someone else Ciglie(?) who is another left back there.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Oh I see. (About the stream)

It's De Ceglie amigo. He's the young LB who's not very good yet but maybe one day can be.

Criscito is the joint best Italian LB (Along with Balzaretti) who can play as wing-back as well and if really needed as the left CB in a 3-man defensive line. He's an impressive player and I rate quite highly!

And then you have Chiellini who's taller than the other two, more physically imposing and one of the world's best defenders in my opinion. He's so good that whether you play him as LB or CB, he's likely to be your best player though positionally and tactically he lacks what Barzagli has for example but he makes up for it in sheer athleticism AND Mentally (Determination, Handling pressure, etc.)

He's quite an impressive player as is Criscito. De Ceglie has a lot to learn still.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

That's the thing, I thought it was probably Cheillini as I thought I recognised the face, its one that even a mother would struggle to love, and even in a blocky stream it looked like him. But then I thought Chiellini is a central defender, yet this guy was playing at the left of the pitch (which is why he was near Guidolin as the bench was on that side).
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Hahaha that's so harsh dude! lol one that even a mother would struggle to love! :D :LOL:

Chiellini started out as a left-back though actually. Later on was moved to CB if you remember and became pretty good there too. I'd say he's equally as comfortable playing as left-back or center of defense though of course in recent years and months, he's more used to playing in the center.

Barzagli is quite good looking on the other hand.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

You think the quality of Serie A's declined slightly this year, Ben?

The openness of the league this season, without a real standout team, makes it very interesting for the netural.
i can't really use the word "decline", as that would imply a judgement and it's impossible to judge present time. u can't define an era, a period, until it's over (because your judgement would lack of any historical perspective). so we can define past eras (like the 80s serie a or the 90s serie a or the pre-calciopoli era).... but as for the present, u can't define it.. u can only describe it.

besides "decline" is quite a big word as it involves the overall quality of a league, wich means taking into account several factors (quality of the football, competitiveness of the league, facilities standards, stadia attendances and so on).
...whereas the only factor i was considering was the quality of the football played on the pitch (wich in my very personal opinion, is the most important aspect of them all).

serie a is certainly gaining something in term of competitiveness (as u mentioned). but then again, that was something we should expect all along, as "physiologically" serie a has always been a (relatively) competitive league (remember the days of the so called "7 sisters"?). calciopoli (along with the financial crisis of some clubs like roma and lazio wich occurred pretty much at the same time of calciopoli) dismantled that balance, but after a few years it was natural for the situation to rebalance itself. now roma has a new munificent owner, berlusconi restarted to invest on milan, lazio is a very well run club and juve is fighting its way back to the top.... not to mention napoli.

now theese are all great news, but over the last 10 years serie a gained a new trademark: football quality. the average quality of the football displayed by the entire league (by midclass teams and poor teams much more than by top teams actually), along with the incredible tactical variety of the league (till last season there weren't 2 teams in serie a playing the same kind of football) had become the staple of serie a and a distinctive feature of this league.

this season instead i'm not seeing that highest quality, nor that variety. there are several teams (even good teams) playing some flat and uninspiring football and i don't see the same variety i used to appreciate till last season.

keep in mind my opinion isn't very reliable, as i haven't watched much football so far this season..... but u really don't have to be an hardcore serie a follower to notice that:
- palermo is the shadow of its former self.
- fiorentina, genoa, roma and udinese are in the middle of a transitional phase.
- sampdoria isn't even here anymore
- the relegation zone teams are still playing some above average football, but they are nowhere near as good as they were in the last 5 years.

we're talking about 6/7 teams wich are evidently weaker then they were 1,2,3 years ago. the current palermo team would be litterally trashed by rossi's palermo. the current fiorentina would be dismantled by prandelli's great viola team.... and the same goes for genoa (do u remember how great gasperini's genoa was) or that amazing sampdoria's team (with pazzini, cassano, palombo, poli, gastaldello, lucchini, castellazzi, del neri as a coach and marotta as a team director).

i mean look at this palermo team. it's a very poor team (and when i say very poor i mean it would hardly qualify as a midclass team even in the epl)... and yet we're 10th in the table (and we were 5th till a few weeks ago!)... if this current palermo had been competing in the 2009/2010 serie a season (or any of the previous seasons)... well i'm absolutely sure we would be in the relegation zone. and what about roma? they're 6th right now... whereas till last season, such a team wouldn't have had any chance to get anywhere near the top 10.

so i'm not gonna talk about decline just yet.... but i can certainly say that the quality of the football played by several teams in this league has seriously dropped in the current season.
that's the feeling i get when i look at the teams first squads.... and this feeling has been confirmed by those (few, to be honest) games i had the chance to watch. :))
edmundo said:
I thought it was probably Cheillini as I thought I recognised the face, its one that even a mother would struggle to love
:LOL::LOL: well u know how they say in napoli, don't u... "ogni scarrafone è bell' a' mamma soia":P
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Hi Ben, merry Christmas.
What about Doni and Atalanta? I know Doni is in serious trouble (and he should be if he really fixed matches), but what about Atalanta? Is there a chance that they are gonna be relegated as a sanction for what Doni's ring did and for the fact that they benefitted from it and thus won Serie B?
And is this the beginning of something bigger. I heard that Doni said that Serie A matches were also fixed. Lots of questions...i know...
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

well the situation is still very obscure, as the investigations aren't over yet. this is the second part of that grotesque situation we saw this summer (u remember, we talked about it in this thread).

but now some very heavy details emerged. it is clear now this situation is much more serious than it seemed this summer. those bunch of laughable idiots who tried to "fix" some serie b and serie c game appearently wheren't the main actors on the scene.

apparently there's this big criminal organization in singapore. this big time singapore crime boss (name is Den something) created a world-wide criminal network, and allegedly fixed several matches result in european leagues: italy; finald, croatia, germany and a few other leagues i can't remember right now.
this match-fixing ring focused mainly on low profile divisions (italian serie b, german 2nd division and so on), because it was easier to corrupt their players (it's obviously harder to corrupt a serie a player or a bundesliga player as they earn much more money than their 2nd division colleagues).

anyway it's still way too early to say where this investigation will lead to, at this point in time. i'll keep you posted ;)

p.s. merry Christmas to you Gerd (and to your family)... and to all our friends in this community :BYE: i know it's a but late for that, but i've been crazy busy this month and i couldn't find any time to pop in here and wish all u guys some happy holydays....
but hey, meglio tardi che mai! (better late then ever) :P
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Merry Belated X-mas from me to you as well Ben and all other friends here.

This match fixing thing sounds very interesting! Keep us up to date definitely!

And what is the exact translation of what the people from Naples say that you mentioned up there in Italian?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Merry Christmas + New year to you all.

Doni, who tried to get the Atalanta fans on his side, is an idiot. He thought he could get them and the club to back him, but he's jeopardising all that the club has achieved and so the fans are also against him.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Man I'm so disappointed in that guy! Was a hell of a player in his prime! Turned out to be a dumbass after all I guess....
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Doni, who tried to get the Atalanta fans on his side, is an idiot. He thought he could get them and the club to back him, but he's jeopardising all that the club has achieved and so the fans are also against him.

yep. i was impressed by how atalanta fans reacted. normally in theese situations the fans completely abdicate their judgement and logic and "support their player no matter what", stubbornly and blindly refusing to acknowledge the situation for what it is (it's scary how intelligent people can turn into fundamentalist-like idiots, when it comes to football related matters).
it seems instead that atalanta fans are taking this situation very seriously and blaming doni (who happened to be atalanta's leader, captain and unquestioned icon, pretty much like totti for roma or lucarelli for livorno), just like any other objective observer would do. and i can certainly admire that.
PLF said:
And what is the exact translation of what the people from Naples say that you mentioned up there in Italian?
well, that's not really italian... it's napoletano. every italian region has its own dialect. and each dialect is very peculiar... so peculiar infact, that if i would speak napoletano (or siciliano) to a milanese (like our stefano here), he would find it extremely hard (if not impossible) to understand what i'm saying. and likewise, it would be much easier for me to understand u (speaking in english or french) than to understand a milanese speaking his own dialect.
"ogni scarrafone è bell' 'a mamma soia" - original napoletano
"anche uno scarafaggio è bello agli occhi di sua madre" - italian translation
"even a beetle looks beautiful to his mother's eyes" - english translation
it's a napoletano saying, wich express how every son (no matter how hideous he is) is always beautyful to their beloved mamma.
so i guess there's at least one person in this world who finds chiellini a fine looking guy (although, like edmundo, i find that hard to believe :P )
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

:D :LOL:

I'm sure his girlfriend/wife and he's probably got a HOT one also finds him attractive. So that's two women at least. :P
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

fair enough.... although the napoletan proverb doesn't say anything about the beetle's girlfriend :P

anyhow serie a is back this week end. palermo-napoli this sunday night.... can't really say i'm looking forward to it.
the only good thing about palermo-napoli to me is that my cousin always comes here in palermo (to watch the game) ,bearing "gifts" from napoli.... wich means i'm gonna eat some proper, glorious napoletan mozzarella this week end :D
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

And maybe a Gilardino debut for Genoa! Should be a good purchase!
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Borriello as well. I don't see what Juve saw in him but he might turn good but they have a big striker issue now. Amauri is the big problem as he still seems to be refusing offers.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Lol how many forwards do Juve currently have on their books then?! I lost count! lol

Lemme see...

1. Borriello
2. Del Piero
3. Quagliarella
4. Iaquinta
5. Amauri
6. Matri
7. Vucinic
8. Luca Toni

And I'm probably forgetting a few! :LMAO:
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

You got them all. :)

Although I think you can take Iaquinta, Toni and Amauri of that list, since they never play anymore.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

True but I was trying to list all the strikers Juventus as an organization have on their books and are paying wages for! It's ridiculous! I think it's definitely the most in all of Europe!
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Yeah definitely. All of these are fighting for one position mostly occupied by Matri and Vucinic. Problem is some like Amauri don't want to leave. I respect his right to stay but again doesn't he want to play? He is 32.

And can their be a bigger asshole than Ibrahimovic? He confidently mentions he doesn't like to play with Pato so Pato hasn't been the same since Ibrahimovic joined and is on his way out which will be a huge loss. Then he also mentions that he doesn't like to play with Robinho and has a bust up with him on the field. Then he is asked about Tevez and he sais he doesn't need Tevez and only wants Cassano which totally makes sense as Cassano only passes to him.

Where do you find a player talk like that about his teammates? He probably asked Guardiola to let go of Messi so he can play in the middle at Barcelona. It pisses me off that we are going to let Pato go at 22. I had huge expectations from him at Milan.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Yeah that's messed up. Ibra is great right now and much more effective than Pato but that won't be the case for more than 2 years. And just as soon as Zlatan is getting slow and older and probably non-wiser lol, Pato might just be the deadliest striker on the planet by then.

He also loves Milan and would've wanted to stay for as long as possible in his new adopted home much like Thiago Silva but because of Ibra, it looks like that may not happen.

I heard, Zlatan actually wants Tevez at Milan though and thinks he could be a good addition. Probably just the 'politically correct' thing he's saying for once however.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

And can their be a bigger asshole than Ibrahimovic? He confidently mentions he doesn't like to play with Pato so Pato hasn't been the same since Ibrahimovic joined and is on his way out which will be a huge loss. Then he also mentions that he doesn't like to play with Robinho and has a bust up with him on the field. Then he is asked about Tevez and he sais he doesn't need Tevez and only wants Cassano which totally makes sense as Cassano only passes to him.

Where do you find a player talk like that about his teammates? He probably asked Guardiola to let go of Messi so he can play in the middle at Barcelona. It pisses me off that we are going to let Pato go at 22. I had huge expectations from him at Milan.

That is why i say he is overrated. Abilitywise he is among the 5 best players in the world, but he has intelligence and mentality problems. Football is a teamsport (or should i say " a squadsport") and i would never want a player like Zlatan in my team (but Zlatan would not want to play for my team...:COOL:).
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