Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Delighted to see some of that tactical acumen that Italian coaches are famed for being displayed by Mazzarri against an English side.

Allegri, take note.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

quite an impressive start by milan and napoli! i curious to see if they can keep up this pace in the second half aswell (wich would be surprising, since this is just the 2nd match of the season and both clubs played in CL this week).

btw very solid display by napoli against city! i didn't see that coming. u were right edmundo, they cetrainly didn't feel any pressure or tension whatsoever. sure they didn't look as sharp and bold as they usually do, but that's absolutely understandable, given serie a just started and they were playing on the turf of a team wich is on fire lately (and wich is already in a much better fitness condition).
very impressed with napoli so far :))
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

fantastic first half.
it just hurts to see little pieces of palermo spread all over serie a... cavani to napoli, nocerino to milan.....:((
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

what a great match by Lecce today , amazing really amazing performance

i quote a sky comentatory

lecce che da centrocampo in su gioca da barcellona, e in difesa tranquilli come fosse un' amichevole

really im happy for this great match hope we continua like this :)
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

They looked superb tonight, it was vintage Serie A, two great teams going for it 100%, I was like 1995 :).

I really hope Napoli don't get injuries as the first team is at the very top level, but I think the squad could be a touch light.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I support 1 club but admire many and Napoli is on my radar. To think 1986 Napoli became massive for me due to DM.

Napoli I take it a huge counter-attacking team then? They were great tonight.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Let's hope Diego Maradona doesn't start thinking about becoming Napoli coach any time soon and Di Laurentiis doesn't get stupid... or I could see all this good work suddenly collapse!
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

They looked superb tonight, it was vintage Serie A, two great teams going for it 100%, I was like 1995 :).
:THINK: where have u been in the last 7 years mate? this is not "vintage" at all. this is has been serie a's standard ever since 2006.
bebo said:
Napoli I take it a huge counter-attacking team then? They were great tonight.
they change their shape, according to their opponent. in the big games, they tend to be a counter-attacking team.... but when playing against "their peers" (palermo, udinese, genoa, lazio, fiorentina...) they like to try and dictate the plot of the game :))
and once inler will gel with the rest of the team and get familiar with mazzarri's tactics, i can see this becoming their prominent style, even against the big teams.
PLF said:
Let's hope Diego Maradona doesn't start thinking about becoming Napoli coach any time soon and Di Laurentiis doesn't get stupid... or I could see all this good work suddenly collapse!
LOL!! don't worry Sina, that's never gonna happen. u see De laurentiis is an unbearable, apocalyptic narcissist (mourinho looks like humble, non confident person compared to him)..... he would never hire maradona as a coach, because maradona would take all the attention and so he wouldn't be under the spotlight anymore.
Valon said:
what a great match by Lecce today , amazing really amazing performance
i just saw some extended highlights.... impressive stuff from lecce yesterday... that was some very smooth football u played! and on an away game nontheless! congrats :))
who knows, maybe this season won't be so bad afterall.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Great game by Napoli! Cavani's second goal was a beauty.

Milan are just not clicking right now. Conceded too many goals, Cassano nowhere near his top form, and Seedorf is not right on the left side of midfield. He suffers a lot. Emanuelson is a much better chice right now.

And never noticed El Shaarawy being this tall. Just checked he is 1.80m. Thought he was much shorter.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

King Cavani indeed!

As for Inler, yeah I can't wait till he fits in the team as well and Napoli gets to see the usual Gokhan! Then this team will be truly TOP notch! Though of course players like Aronica hold the team back a little... he's good to have as a backup squad player but he's not starting material at all for a big club.

LOL!! don't worry Sina, that's never gonna happen. u see De laurentiis is an unbearable, apocalyptic narcissist (mourinho looks like humble, non confident person compared to him)..... he would never hire maradona as a coach, because maradona would take all the attention and so he wouldn't be under the spotlight anymore.

Hahha yeah I saw him in the press conference where Inler walked in with Tiger Mask haha.... seems a crazy but cool guy.

But he does seem to be both ambitious and smart, good judgement, so let's hope he continues to make the right decisions to take Napoli further forward and where they belong!
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Best media surprise player intro ever! Thought it was a jokethey need eboue now. He wears tiger outfits and scares players lol.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Novara are sitting back a bit too much at the moment, but Inter still look like doing nothing. I wonder what odds they are to finish bottom of their CL group. I can see CSKA and Lille beating this team if it plays like it did tonight.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Not just their defence. Everything was a mess. Attack,midfield,everything. You would have thought they would have at least get past Novara.

And :LOL: at the young guy dancing like a crazy person in front of Moratti in the stands.

Ranieri the saviour? Surely Moratti is not crazy enough to hire Figo. Gasperini is over. Really, the fans are way over him.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Poor guy - tonight many of the players were just poor mentally, physically and in terms of work-rate. It feels like the players were never with him.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Not just their defence. Everything was a mess. Attack,midfield,everything. You would have thought they would have at least get past Novara.

More than discussing technical and tactical aspects, this Inter team has:
- No attitude
- No commitment
- No passion

Nevertheless, I think Inter needs their own Dalglish to clean up the mess and bring in some team spirit.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

They really need some transition. Some phasing out of the old guard and bringing in some young, hungry players.

Which is exactly the opposite of what happened this summer, with the likes of Santon being sold and Forlan being recruited.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Novara 1st time I seen or heard of this team , What`s going on at Inter plz ? do tell.... SHAMBLES 9 shots on goal vs 3 ....shocking
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

It's the first time they're playing in 1st division.

Apparently the team is ambitious though.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I don't think it's a matter of old or new guard. There is plenty of 'young' in Ranocchia, Nagatomo, Castaignos, Obi and Zarate. The problem is that there is no passion or commitment, as mentioned. Gasperini has no control over the squad, and it's Benitez all over again.

I think Figo will start off as a success and people will think it's the best thing, but these situations tend to always be temporary - look at Ferrara, Dalglish and Leonardo.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

u remember guys a few weeks ago, when (after palermo's win against inter) i dismissed palermo's result by saying that ANY team would win against this inter? that wasn't a figure of speech... i meant it!
i agree with everything u guys said except one thing.
milanista said:
I don't think it's a matter of old or new guard. There is plenty of 'young' in Ranocchia, Nagatomo, Castaignos, Obi and Zarate. The problem is that there is no passion or commitment, as mentioned
well maybe saying "old guard" is unfair, but honestly this team needs a complete overhaul. u see, of all the youngsters u mentioned, the only really good addition is ranocchia (who's been the only one who was decent yesterday). nagatomo is a good player, but nothing more than that... and i don't think he has a large margin of improvement either. castagnos and obi are just too young and unexperienced.... they're not starting 11 material yet.... at least not in a top club like inter... and zarate... oh my god that man is a disaster... i'd rather have 11 quaresmas in my team than 1 zarate. zarate is as useful as quaresma..... but at least quaresma is not an asshole (while even joey barton is a nice fella compared to zarate).... zarate is a hugely overrated player, who cannot play football at top level and who will destroy any dressing room he steps in. the man is a cancer to a football team.

and while i agree that the word "old guard" might be a bit of a stretch for the likes of snejder, cambiasso (who are obviously not old) and for the likes of stankovic and zanetti (who are old but still magnificent)... u got to admit this team has no drive anymore... infact andre and yourseld said it "there's no passion, no commitment".

this team desperately needs some fresh blood, hungry players who haven't won anything yet.... young players sure... but not so young that they can't be starters... they need more players like ranocchia and pazzini.... they don't need youngsters with no experience like castagnos and obi.

i think the players are still dealing with the "mourinho aftermath"... i even wrote about that after mou's departure, one year ago
and i think it's no coincidence if the only players who are still delivering are the ones who came after mourinho left (like pazzini).

oh btw did u notice lucio got in "bundesliga mode" again? he was absolutely terrible.... if i were inter's new coach, i would get myself a rifle loaded with bean bags, and i would say lucio "listen pal, the first time i see you carelessly leaving your spot on the defensive line, i swear to God i'm gonna shoot u right on the chest!" boy that must feel good!!! :P
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I think last year the fantastic performances of Samuel Eto'o masked a great part of the problems with Inter.
They never really renewed their team after the CL win.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I think they're still suffering from the huge investment demands from Mourinho. It's like Milan following our CL win in 2007. It was years of free transfers and weak signings.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Let me understand mou went spend hid average and left .leaving them a memorable treble sounds perfect for mcity lol
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