Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

haha ok man thanks for info , I thought that Silvestre :)

btw i think gerd thought same as me :P

Yes i did, i'm sorry...i'm quite relieved that it's not that Silvestre (wasn't he playing for Werder Bremen last season???).
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

yeah Silvestre would be a fantastic signing. a 3 men line (zamparini insists we try a 3 men defensive line this season, even though that's a stupid idea as we don't have the right midfielders to play with a 3-4-3)... anyway a 3 men line with munoz, silvestre and bovo would be absolutely amazing....
let's just hope this silvestre signing doesn't mean we're about to sell bovo, as that would be a tragedy.

...too bad i just discovered we're about to lose sirigu (to psg) for only 3.5 millions, wich obviously kills whatever enthusiasm the silvestre signing could possibly generate.
can u believe this? 3.5 millions!! atletico got more than 20 millions for de gea... lazio sold muslera for 6.5.... hell even marchetti was signed for 5 millions (wich is already a bargain).
and we sell sirigu for 3,5 millions!!???! WHAT THE FUCK!!!
the special one said:
Fiore to snap Aquilani? Gosh did I read correctly?! That's an AMAZING transfer for them. Man, I used to see that team flying so high with a certain maestro in the command.
man i miss rui. one of the classiest legends in football. everyone loves him here in italy. how is he handling himself in his new "director desportivo" role? :))
as for the aquilani, the great thing is that, if he actually ends up in firenze, for the first time in years, he will finally play in his proper role again. sinisa doesn't fancy registas in his football (wich is why d'agostino left) so aquilani would take montolivo's spot as a mezz'ala.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Ben that Zamparini guy really is an asshole. Presidnets should not interfere with the way teams are playing.
You don't mention Balzaretti. Did he leave Palermo? Or would he play as a midfielder in a 4-3-3?
Too bad Sirigu left for PSG, there is a rumour that Pastore will also leave for that same club (but Chelsea is mentioned as well). PSG are trying to build some team for next season...
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

My guess Sirigu was really not happy with his salary? There were some reports of some problems with his agent because of that. PSG are offering like 5 times what is earning, even after Palermo doubled his wages. Still 3.5mill is such a bargain but I don't know what's going on with the prices. Stekelenburg to Roma for 6mill and Frey to Genoa reported for around the same price. I hope you find a good replacement and maybe a really good one as Serie A lacks nothing in terms of good GKs.

What are news on Cassani? Zamaparini been quite about him for a while now.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

zeem said:
My guess Sirigu was really not happy with his salary? There were some reports of some problems with his agent because of that. PSG are offering like 5 times what is earning, even after Palermo doubled his wages
yeah, zampa offered him 500k per year, wich might not be that much, but it was still twice the money he was making with his current contract.... but i suppose psg were offering much more than that.
i don't blame sirigu for leaving. psg got lots of money and they seem to be putting together a great squad... and i don't even blame zampa for letting him go (no point holding a player who doesn't want to stay anymore)..... but what the hell, 3.5 millions is just unacceptable... it's not even like we didn't have any leverage! his current contract (the 250k contract) won't exipire until 2015 FFS!!
Gerd said:
Ben that Zamparini guy really is an asshole. Presidnets should not interfere with the way teams are playing.
You don't mention Balzaretti. Did he leave Palermo? Or would he play as a midfielder in a 4-3-3?
yeah, the asshole has been bitching all season last year, blaming rossi for not listening to his tactical suggestions.
once a journalist even asked rossi about it, and delio's reply was hilarious
"oh, but that's not true. i DID listen to his suggestion. i listened to him very carefully... and then i decided he was wrong that was a bad suggestion so i didn't follow his advice" :WORSHIP:

as for balzaretti, luckily he seems to be going nowhere. zamparini made it very clear he's not going to sell him, no matter how many offers he receives. and balza himself said he has no intentions to leave at all. in a 3-4-3 balzaretti would be one of the wingbacks


both our sidebacks would be perfect for such a lineup... it's the rest of the team that is absolutely unsuited for this formation.
i gotta say i have a very bad feeling about this season. i'm not saying we're gonna pull off a sampdoria, but i wouldn't be surprised if the rosanero would end the season far from the top ten of the table.
zeem said:
What are news on Cassani? Zamaparini been quite about him for a while now.
yeah, it appears no one is interested in him right now. lazio got spooked by his pricetag and signed konko. ever since then many clubs showed interest, but no one made an actual offer. wich is a good thing, as, unlike balzaretti (who is not on the market), zamparini is willing to listen and consider whatever offer he receives for cassani.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

man i miss rui. one of the classiest legends in football. everyone loves him here in italy. how is he handling himself in his new "director desportivo" role? :))

He's doing pretty well Ben. As you said, Rui is one of the classiest people in football so he uses his prestige to negotiate with clubs and players. You often listen, during a player's presentation, "I'm delight to join Benfica, Rui Costa convinced me to sign for this club." :))

Everyone loves him in Portugal too my friend. You should know how hard is that in our country, manly due the rivalry between Porto and Benfica. However, I know some Portistas that like Rui a lot. :)

Man, I'm shocked with those news about Sirigu! :SHOCK: 3,5M€ for an outstanding goalkeeper like him (imo the best Italian keeper after Gigi) its just a steal! Sorry but I gotta say Zamparini is a dumbass! Always selling his players in the media, he told the press that Pastore was close on Málaga and PSG, but then, at the end of the day, he sold a classy goalkeeper for a bargain price. Ridiculous. (:LOL: I tried to sign him for my FM Milan but seems that the virtual Zamparini is smarter than the real one :P)

Well, it seems that also Sissoko is on his way out to Paris.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I think PSG could be surprised by their season...that much new players, is not necessarily a good thing. Before the team has gelled the season could well be over... (that's off-topic of course).
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Man, I'm shocked with those news about Sirigu!

yeah me too , im supriset specil looking this days market that its soooo high ! i wait something like about 10 milion minimum !
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

And suddenly Sirigu's fee makes sense. PSG made a double swoop for Sirigu and Pastore for just under 50 million with Pastore being the most part of the money(45 Pastore 3.5 Sirigu) so Zamparini can say he sold him for the price he demanded. He already rubbed it in.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

actually it makes sense. at stanford bridge javier would have been overshadowed by the popularity of lampard. it's pretty common, wherever there's a star player who also happens to be a leader of the team and one of the club's icons, it becomes extremely difficult for other players to emerge in the same role. so if u are a supporting striker and juventus (del piero) is looking for u, if u're a smart guy u will think twice before accepting their offer. same would happen with a trequartista in london (lampard) or liverpool.

i'm a huge lampard fan. i've always liked him.... but to be honest, pastore right now belongs to a different class, and there should be no doubts at all about who of the 2 should be a starter.
nontheless lampard's personality and reputation would inevitably make a backup of javier. in order to change this situation, not only javier would have to amaze stamford bridge with sensational performances (that wouldn't be much of a problem for javier)... he should also hope lampard faces a huge form drop. because as long as lampard can run for 90 minutes, he will always be their no. 1 advanced midfielder. it's absolutely normal, given lampard's carreer, his history with the club and the fans.

but javier is a smart guy. he knows he needs starting playtime (let me remind u he's 1 year younger than alexis sanchez and -even more important- he has only 2 years of experence in european football, while alexis has been playing in europe since 2008).
his original plan was actually to stay 1 more season in palermo, precisely because he knew palermo could give him something no top club could have given him: experience.

but since he was forced out by zamparini, he had the amazing opportunity to join a club that could give him everything a top club could guarrantee him (high wages and a chance to perform on the greatests european scenarios), but also what no other top club could have given him: an unquestioned spot as a starter and the chance to build a new legacy, as the cornerstone of an upcoming top club. jackpot!

u might say "yeah but psg is not a top club and doesn't play in champions league". but those aren't really major problems. the champions league issue will be solved pretty soon.... and as for the prestige of the club, let me tell u, football players don't give a damn about prestige or history or tradition..... football is a sport, and like every other sports it lives on the present. history or tradition or prestige are just empty words that some snob top club fans like to repeat just to stress their "diversity" (LOL!). it's quite pathetic and it makes no sense, but hey, everyone needs something to hold on to, i guess.
anyway that means nothing to football players. if you're a football player, the only factors u consider when moving are:
- the money u're gonna get.
- the players u'll have to battle with, in order to get a starting spot (if there are no contenders, so much the better).
- the visibility of the league you're gonna play in and the visibility of the club itself.
- the chances u're gonna get to perform on the greatests european stages.
- the city u're going to live in.

now, as u can see there are only 2 factors wich would suggest chelsea as a better option: the visibility of the league and the champions league. but the visibility of the league won't be much of a problem as, although ligue 1 has not as much visibility as epl, all the eyes this season wil be pointed at psg. psg visibility will transcend the visibility of the league itself. besides what sort of visibility would pastore get in stamford bridge, being lampard's second in command?
as for the champions league factor, well it's pretty clear (by how psg is moving on the market) that the lack of champions league will be fixed pretty soon.

when u put it like this, it makes perfect sense.
Zeem said:
And suddenly Sirigu's fee makes sense. PSG made a double swoop for Sirigu and Pastore for just under 50 million with Pastore being the most part of the money(45 Pastore 3.5 Sirigu) so Zamparini can say he sold him for the price he demanded. He already rubbed it in.
yup. we could suppose pastore's real price is around 35, while sirigu's real price probably was around 13.5 millions. indeed it does make sense now.
i guess i have to take back what i said about us selling sirigu for nothing :P
Valon said:
i want to ask u what u think about Pajtim Kasami movment from Palermo to Fulham .... love the guy cant understand why palermo leave him to go , young and strong guy Kasami .....
sorry valon, i forgot to reply to your question yesterday. i can't say much about kasami honestly, as i haven't seen enough of him. at times he seemed like he had some good potential, but he never got enough playtime in palermo for me to have anything more than a "vague and confuse impression" of him.
keep in mind that i can't rate a player unless i've seen him playing consistantly for at least 1 year and a half...... and even when i get to know the guy this well, i'm still pretty crappy at rating football players :D
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Good post Ben, but i still think PSG is not the right club for Pastore.
I'm quite convinced that this new team will not fullfill his promises (one could compare it with Genoa the last seasons). I'll give you a prediction: PSG's coach will be sacked before the end of the season (is it still Kambouare, who is a very good coach by the way).

What you write about Lampard makes perfect sense however...
All in all it isn't a bad thing that this great young player is going to play in Ligue 1. I like this league.

PS: with my above prediction, we now know that PSG will win everything there is to win...
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

pastore/lampard = smart move then not to play 2nd fettle, PSG will have a player that will double in price tag.

cesc / xavi = no brainer, 2nd fettle to xavi, and inesta both are more of a figure head at the club then prodigal son cesc.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

pastore/lampard = smart move then not to play 2nd fettle, PSG will have a player that will double in price tag.

cesc / xavi = no brainer, 2nd fettle to xavi, and inesta both are more of a figure head at the club then prodigal son cesc.

I don't agree. There is a big difference between Cesc and Pastore. Pastore still has to make a name for himself, Cesc is an accomplished player who will play frequently with Barcelona... Cesc can play at Xavi's, Iniesta's and Busquets' position..i'm pretty sure at the end of the season he will have played as much matches as those 3 other players... Hell, maybe Busquets or Cesc can become the replacement of the agein Puyol...which gives even more possibilities to rotate.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Good post Ben, but i still think PSG is not the right club for Pastore.

I don't see why.

Ronaldinho when he was at Pastore's age played there too.
He was more an established player and also won the World Cup with Brasil in 2002.

I think the PSG move will be good for Pastore.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I don't agree. There is a big difference between Cesc and Pastore. Pastore still has to make a name for himself, Cesc is an accomplished player who will play frequently with Barcelona... Cesc can play at Xavi's, Iniesta's and Busquets' position..i'm pretty sure at the end of the season he will have played as much matches as those 3 other players... Hell, maybe Busquets or Cesc can become the replacement of the agein Puyol...which gives even more possibilities to rotate.

Is this a joke ! Cesc is going to be a renown Defender. I compare pastore to lampard situation to cesc playing to xavi`s. Never did I compare the 2 players (pastore/cesc) ,but the scenario. Are you ok?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Well the scenario's cannot be compared, because both players are in a diiferent stadium of their carreer. I was not comparing the players.
And yes i know it seems farfetched to see Cesc as a defender, but i think he could be a fantastic offensive CB. In fact he reminds me of Beckenbauer. Can you imagine Piqué and Cesc (or Bisquets) as CB, that would be great...both very classy and technical players.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

PSG has all the excitement surrounding it, much like Roma and Napoli now. People want to play in a team where there is a project and where there is ambition, especially in a magical city like Paris. PSG are also showing Europe that they're building a strong team for the near future. I think Pastore will be a huge success, and I love the kid - I hope he makes the big break.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

PSG looks to become much stronger than Roma though. Napoli probject I believe in even more than Roma.

What has Roma got so far? F'n Bojan?! lol

If anything they're sold Menez and Mexes two big players and look to have a hard time keeping Vucinic as well. Instead of becoming top top club, it looks like they'll have trouble even keeping best players let alone attracting top ones.

Too early to say anything and for now I'm gonna stay optimistic about Roma but so far I'm not excited.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Well the scenario's cannot be compared, because both players are in a diiferent stadium of their carreer. I was not comparing the players.
And yes i know it seems farfetched to see Cesc as a defender, but i think he could be a fantastic offensive CB. In fact he reminds me of Beckenbauer. Can you imagine Piqué and Cesc (or Bisquets) as CB, that would be great...both very classy and technical players.

that is absurd :COAT:
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

What has Roma got so far? F'n Bojan?! lol

Lamela is really a talented and a very promising one imo. :P Since he was 12 years old. :D I hope he won't be another wasted talent.

Don't underestimate Bojan. Time will show what he can achieve in this different football scene. I may be a bit too much optimistic about him, though.

Also Stekelenburg is on the way to provide a safe and secure goalkeeping for Roma as the recent news suggest.

Btw, is there anyone who watches Roma under the control of Luis Enrique recently? I really wonder about what formations he tries and who his favorite players are.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

PSG looks to become much stronger than Roma though. Napoli probject I believe in even more than Roma.

What has Roma got so far? F'n Bojan?! lol

If anything they're sold Menez and Mexes two big players and look to have a hard time keeping Vucinic as well. Instead of becoming top top club, it looks like they'll have trouble even keeping best players let alone attracting top ones.

Too early to say anything and for now I'm gonna stay optimistic about Roma but so far I'm not excited.

They are building a very interesting team Sina. Not only have they got Bojan but also Stekelenburg, Lamela, a very promising player, and José Ángel, a young Spanish LB who had been closely followed by Barcelona. Moreover, they signed Luis Enrique, former Barcelona B coach, and there's an excitement on the air about the bringing of the Catalonian game philosophy, surely they won't play the Barça style but Luis Enrique will certainly bring a winning mentality to this club.

I'm a bit optimistic about this Roma team, to be honest. I'm not expecting a title of course but I believe they are going to make big noise this season in Serie A.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

With regards to Pastore, he could quite easily play on the left of a front three and add the "fantasy" Chelsea have been missing. Lampard's position isn't in threat.

You forgot Lamela Sina, Great talent who will probably cost a fortune one day.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

They are building a very interesting team Sina. Not only have they got Bojan but also Stekelenburg, Lamela, a very promising player, and José Ángel, a young Spanish LB who had been closely followed by Barcelona. Moreover, they signed Luis Enrique, former Barcelona B coach, and there's an excitement on the air about the bringing of the Catalonian game philosophy, surely they won't play the Barça style but Luis Enrique will certainly bring a winning mentality to this club.

I'm a bit optimistic about this Roma team, to be honest. I'm not expecting a title of course but I believe they are going to make big noise this season in Serie A.

I agree. Italian media reports that the training schedule involves the players making ground passes ONLY and that Roma are looking for a new centre back and strong midfielder. They're clearly trying to grow, but not ridiculously.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I did forget about Lamela when writing that message in a hurry but was aware of Jose Angel who's just another promising left-back. Promising means he could become good or could stay decent. Right now he's talented for a guy his age but no better than even Riise who was sold and not that good.

They're getting Stekelenburg but for me Frey was the better option. He went to Genoa for a bargain! Not only is he better in my opinion but he's fully adapted to the league, language having been in Italy since he was 18! Maarten is good but will have to go through adjusting period which could turn out good or not... look at how van der Sar's Juve moved turned out... not as good as it could've been.

Then there is Bojan who I don't rate much at all AND has to adapt and really it's more like a loan anyway, so IF it turns out well, then Barca keep him or Roma have to pay huge and if it doesn't which it probably won't, then he's gone back to Barca anyway.

As for Luis Enrique, I hope to be pleasantly surprised but right now he's an unknown quantity. I don't see why people are excited about it. It's like being excited about appointment of Montella as coach. He's just as much of a rookie as Vincenzo was (except one year coaching Barca B) difference is at least Montella again needed no adapting to language, country, league and Roma was his club having played so many years there after Samp.

Luis Enrique like much of his players will have to find his feet first not just as a NEW coach now but in a new country and new surroundings.

So overall, I'm not being negative, I hope to be pleasantly surprised and as I said before am cautiously optimistic as I really want to see Roma take that next step and fulfill its potential as a TOP TOP club. But SO FAR, I haven't seen a lot to give me that excitement. Their squad is even weaker than it was last year at the moment having parted ways with players like Mexes and Menez and soon Vucinic perhaps!

But this is only so far, there's plenty of time still left in transfer window to make some good additions and hopefully, these new Roma owners and Luis Enrique are the real deal. Otherwise, the club may not do a lot better than it did last season!
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I am not optimistic about Luis Enrique at all coming to the hardest league in the world tactically, with his own game style, and not much experience with him. On paper, it sounds exciting but so was Juve last year.

Then he starts making some bizzare choices in training and preseason like playing Taddie as a LB. Cicinho looks to have a spot in the team again as well.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

yeah, to be honest, i'm not that fired up about roma aswell. i'm not saying they're gonna disappoint, i'm just saying i can't find many reasons to be optimistic SO FAR.

the squad is definitely not improving... at least not yet. i hope this new owners are gonna spend some money to raise the level of the team, but so far that level went down if anything.
as promising as those 3 new signings might be (and as Sina remarked "promising" can be a nasty and dangerous word), what we know for sure is that roma lost menez, mexes and vucinic (vucinic's deal is almost official). that means they already lost 3 of their most important players.
i mean let's be honest, in last year's roma (borriello, totti, menez, vucinic) bojan would have never been a starter. actually nevermind being a starter, he would have never even set foot on the pitch, not even as a sub. the fact that he might become a starter in this roma gives u an idea of how weaker this team is, compared to last season's roma.

and then there's all the fuss about luis enrique. now i understand a new coach who is coming from nowhere (this is his first "serious" working experience) is something that generates some excitement and curiosity. but there's a difference between being excited and curious... and being enthusiast. and i just don't see any reason to feel such enthusiasm.
i mean we know nothing about this guy, except that he's never coached a professional team (i know barcelona b playes in segunda division, but let's be honest, this is gonna be his first professional experience), and that he wants to bring barcelona's football in italy!?!?!?! :BLINK::THINK:
now i really don't wanna rain on anyone's parade, but that statement doesn't excite me at all. it actually scares me. i sincerely hope that's just a silly comment he made to fire up the roman crowd.... coz if he really believes he can pull that of, then i think we should seriously question this guy's football understanding.
there's a reason if no coach in europe has ever imported barçelona's football. because that football CANNOT be imported, unless u can count on the very same players barcelona has.

u see there's a reason if the english school has never been able to showcase the same quality the italian and spanish school display.... and it's the same reason why the italian and the spanish school have never been able to produce athletes as good as english footballers. and that's because u quite simply can't have it all. u gotta choose what u wanna focus on, and then make your choice. if someone could mix italian and spanish technical skills with english phisycal skills, the end result would be something absolutely frightening......
what happened to barçelona in this generation is something unique and never-to-be-repeated. they've been blessed with a generation of extremely gifted players (wich is something normal for a school wich values technique as much as la masia) but also outstanding stamina. and then they've completed their youth team squad by looking for some players who had that very same (rarest) mix of technique and stamina.
and that's what allows barcelona to be such a striking force to deal with. people are amazed at the sheer quality of barcelona.... and rightly so, they have some fantastic players.....
but let's be honest that's not what makes barcelona unique... we've seen plenty of team with as much quality as this barcelona over the years.... sticking with roma, well spalletti's roma, in terms of pure technique, quality passing, understainding between the players and exciting plays..... well they were almost on the same level of this barca (and i'm serious here).

what makes all the difference between spalletti's roma and this current barca is that guardiola's players press like maniacs for 90 minutes!!! and not just in their own midfield, but all over the pitch. they press for the entire match, right from the opposite 3/4 till the edge of their own box.
it's an insane mix of english style pressing and spanish style passing (now u understand why i mentioned the italian, the spanish and english school before) wich is quite simply not conceivable.
u have to consider this current barçelona as an anomaly. maybe in 20 years that football will be a standard, but today that is an anomaly that cannot be replicated in any way.

not only roma doesn't have the players to display barcelona's football, they don't even have the players to display spalletti's football (wich was the second most exctiting and productive football we saw in europe in the last decade).
infact when ranieri got the job in roma he made it clear "this team cannot play spalletti's football anymore". he didn't say the reason, because that would have been harsh on his players, but i'll tell you. ranieri couldn't play spalletti's football because aquilani wasn't there anymore. because riise is not tonetto. because cassetti had lost his form (just like tonetto). because taddei and totti weren't getting any younger. and finally because, even though ranieri is a very good coach, he is not spalletti.

so i can't see luis enrique displaying barcelona's football with roma, and if he really thinks he can, well that's worrying.
and if u deprive barcelona's football of his atlethic component, what u're left with is spanish football...... and playing spanish football in italy is a very bad idea as no one can counter spanish football like italians can. now one can deal with spanish football like the italian school. we're like kryptonite for the spanish school (just like english style football is like kryptonite for italians). for futher informations, just ask johan crujff :P
Younggun said:
With regards to Pastore, he could quite easily play on the left of a front three and add the "fantasy" Chelsea have been missing. Lampard's position isn't in threat.
nah mate, not really. no one would ever spend 40 millions on a trequartista, only to line him up as a winger or a supporting striker... that would me madness. if that's what you're looking for, then pick someone like menez, or ribery or mata... u'll spend less and u'll end up with a player who will perform much better than pastore in that position.
pastore is a pure trequartista. it would be a huge waste of his skills (and of money) to line him up out wide. :))
Gerd said:
Good post Ben, but i still think PSG is not the right club for Pastore. I'm quite convinced that this new team will not fullfill his promises (one could compare it with Genoa the last seasons). I'll give you a prediction: PSG's coach will be sacked before the end of the season (is it still Kambouare, who is a very good coach by the way).
well, they're definitely gonna make a few false steps along the way. afterall we're talking about a bunch of noobs who are approaching football for the very first time... so it should be normal to expect them to make some mistakes, just like man city, liverpool and before them, chelsea.
but when u have such financial resources at your disposal, then u can afford to be dumb, u can afford to make mistakes.
u see i wouldn't compare psg with genoa. presiosi has invested a lot in genoa indeed, but this psg is light years distant from genoa. genoa would never spend more than 20 millions on a single player, nevermind 45 millions. and they would never pay any of their players more than 1.5 millions per year, nevermind 4.5 millions.
no this psg doesn't belong to genoa's category. it doesn't even belong to napoli's category, neither to roma's category.
it belongs to the same level of man city, liverpool, chelsea. chelsea made some laughable mistakes, but they spent so much money that eventually they still made it to the top. the same is happening with man city. and i believe the same will also happen with psg, liverpool and juventus.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

What was it, 4-0 to Milan against the Dream Team? Thanks for the earlier post about Gasperini by the way. Would it be too much to ask if you could cover one more manager for us Ben? Now that Roma is the topic of discussion, can you write about either Spalletti or Ranieri (see what I did there)? It doesn't even have to be about Roma, I would just like to learn more about these people.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Ben, you should start a blog.
The comparision between PSG and Genoa was not about money, but about the amount of new players. It will take time to gel and maybe the people who invested all this crazy money will not have the patience that is necessary (rich people usually have no patience).
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