Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I think this is it for Palermo Ben :

I think it works as a sort of oyster card. You tap in and out of the stadium so they know who you are and what seat you're at. It works better so officials can trace any wrongdoers. I think it works this way in England too. It also beats fake tickets.

Not quite. With a lot of English clubs you purchase a Membership card, from which you can buy tickets online before they go on General Sale (which, speaking as an Arsenal member, they never do because of the sheer demand for tickets). It is not a means of identification, but the tessera del tifoso is, I believe. The Membership card is used to get into the stadium, but not out of it - the doors just open and everyone piles out. It does stop the ticket touting as paper tickets are not issued to members, and the clubs have cracked down on the touts; life ban from the club for those caught trying to sell them. However, Arsenal have recently introduced a "Family & Friends" scheme where members can purchase tickets for, you guessed it, family and friends at the same time the tickets go on sale for your membership level. But these are issued as paper tickets. If other clubs are doing such a scheme, it means that the issued paper tickets will result in a rise in ticket touting.

Oh, and I don't believe that the tessera del tifoso is going to be as hierarchical as the English membership card. For Arsenal, you have Platinum, Gold, Silver, Red and Junior Gunner (Equal to Silver) memberships, with each tier of membership being able to buy tickets before the next tier. I can't imagine that will be implemented in the Serie A, the fans simply won't stand for it.
Nor would they stand for the Away Points scheme. As an Arsenal member, you can't go to certain Away matches unless you have accumulated enough "Away Poitns", and that for me is a paradox - You can't go to away games unless you earn away points by going to away games.
And as for the Gianluca Nani situation, he was dismissed by David Gold and David Sullivan in February. Since then, the vast majority of the transfers that he has brought in have been sold or released - only 3 remain at West Ham; McCarthy, Ilunga and Kovac, and David Sullivan has been continually berating McCarthy's weight. It's not a case of Diamanti not being a part of Avram Grant's plans - he was the only flair player in the West Ham side, one of the better players in the squad from last season and a terrace favourite as well - it's just another case of David Sullivan interfering with the squad and the transfers again (He did it at Birmingham City too).
Very impressed with Ronaldinho the other day. He looked rejuvinated and the passes he made were reminiscent of his Barcelona days. I hope that he continues this form throughout the season.

But what is going on with Gattuso? First that Seal Dribble against Arsenal in the Emirates Cup, and then that Rainbow Flick and Sombrero Flick against Lecce! What are they putting in his water?!

From what I caught of the limited Juventus vs Bari highlights on the Internet (the longest video being 2 minutes 42 seconds long), Juventus seemed to be on the back foot and that Bari were dominating most of the play. Was this actually the case?
And it took him being in a Juventus kit to really make it click, but doesn't Krasic look like Nedved (not ability wise, looks-wise)?
And I see Juventus are interested in signing Armand Traore on loan. Good luck! His confidence is running on a major low and he was a defensive liability in the Premier League and Cup games he played last season. Maybe he'll improve his defensive ability at Juventus, or maybe Del Neri will notice Traore's strengths as a player and will utilise him as a velocista. Who knows?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

From what I caught of the limited Juventus vs Bari highlights on the Internet (the longest video being 2 minutes 42 seconds long), Juventus seemed to be on the back foot and that Bari were dominating most of the play. Was this actually the case?
And it took him being in a Juventus kit to really make it click, but doesn't Krasic look like Nedved (not ability wise, looks-wise)?

Hahah yeah he does. Especially in that Juve jersey! :LOL:
Just put a couple inches on Nedved and they're pretty close!
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

There was talk inhere about Bologna...there is a rumour here in Belgium that Bologna are after Biglia from Anderlecht.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

thanks for the infos about nani diamanti and the clubs' membership cards in england tom. the membership cards part especially was very interesting, and yeah, there seem to be a difference between those cards and the "tessera del tifoso", as (like u said) the main purpose of the tessera is to spot violent fans and troublemakers and to keep them out of the stadia.

as for the bari-juve match, yeah, juve was pretty much outclassed by bari. but then again, i didn't really expect anything different.... juventus went through some drastic changes this summer (the coaching guide, the starting formation), while bari is already a well oiled machine.
Ventura (bari coach) is a "football teacher", he always has his teams playing some nice football. a solid defense, a high quality midfield (and that quality is provided by almiron) and a very paced and skilled attack (castillo, barreto and ghezzal make a very nice "tridente").

regarding traorè, i'm kinda surprised...i thought del neri would have gone for a more reliable defensive player... especially since they already have a serious attacking thread on the right side in motta.... we'll see how that works out.

Sina, i don't know much about this sergio porcedda (bologna's new owner). i know his financial interests are quite diversified (hotel chains, night clubs, fashion). he's pretty rich of course, but i think he's kinda "small time", at least compared to "giants" like garrone, preziosi, abramovich and moratti (to name a few).
he's sardo (that means he was born in sardegna) and he already tried to buy cagliari from his current owner (Cellino), but Cellino refused his offer.
as for your other question ( he a patient man or one of those temperamental short-term idiots?), it's still early to talk about that, but since he already fired his first coach (even before the first match of the season!), i'd go for the "temperamental short-term idiot" option :P
anyway it's still too early to say if he's really willing to turn bologna into serie a midclass teams (regardless his proclamations).

edit: just heard parma is about to sign candreva from udinese.... galloppa, giovinco, candreva, with paloschi upfront.... WOW!!!
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Juventus need to run and find some defenders now. I don't know why Borriello is their main target. Besides the starting 4, they only have Grosso,Grygera,and Legrottaglie. Surely not enough numbers and quality and I can't see how Traore will help.

Moratti just said with Robinho arriving, he finally has some competition. :LOL: Totally underestimating what Roma did last year.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I really am getting fed up with Marotta, I use to HATE Secco so much because of some of his idiotic signings and now Marotta is starting to get close. How many strikers do JUVE need? We have Iaquinta, Amauri, Del Piero, Quagliarella and now possibly Borriello?

And Juve-Bari was a terrible match for us, Bari were fantastic in every way and completely outclassed Juve. But as Ben has said many times going away against a team like Bari is never going to be easy. I wasn't expecting much to be honest and I think we will have a very slow start and eventually improve. It also looks like Marchisio has a hamstring injury :(.

I'm happy for Giovinco, one of my favorite players (Hell i even own a kit with his name and number on it). I Hope one of these days our manager(s) can finally use him properly.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I really am getting fed up with Marotta, I use to HATE Secco so much because of some of his idiotic signings and now Marotta is starting to get close. How many strikers do JUVE need? We have Iaquinta, Amauri, Del Piero, Quagliarella and now possibly Borriello?
don't worry matt. marotta is one of the very best team managers in europe. he knows what he's doing. this borriello situation was pretty similar to the ibra situation... just like milan did with ibra, an opportunity came up and so juve tried to "explore the situation" to see if it was possible to get a very good forward like borriello on the cheap. as soon as roma popped out, the whole thing ceased to be convenient from a financial point of view and so marotta backed off.... infact, as i speak, roma is closing the deal with milan for borriello.

the situation in torino is completely changed matt, so don't despair. in the past few seasons u had a club who ignored the coaches instructions and a terrible team manager like secco calling the shots.
now, not only u replaced secco with marotta (who is one of the best in the business), but the club itself changed its approach to the market. now they listen to the coach, they pay attention to what he says. and getting a coach and a team manager who already worked together (marotta and del neri) is a huge plus.
marotta already knows del neri's football. he knows what del neri needs even before del neri tells him.
they're building a good team. have faith in them. infact the only question marks imo are the leftback position and the lack of a regista.

the diego deal was a disgrace from a financial point of view (there's no other way to put it.. we're talking about a 5 millions loss).... but from a tactical point of view it makes sense.
del neri wants a fresh start. he wants to be free to build his own team (and the club is giving him this freedom). regardless diego's qualities (wich are undeniable), del neri never displayed a trequartista. he's trying to do here what he did in chievo imo. u have motta and krasic on the sides, the benchmark forward (amauri/iaquinta) and the seconda punta dancing around him (quagliarella/del piero).
the only real gamble is aquilani.... if he manages to stay fit for a season and to adapt to a deeper position on the pitch, then u have a very nice team..... otherwise the team is gonna be a "work in progress for one more season".

... in any case, it's gonna take some time... and a lot of patience, but i'm sure del neri and marotta will get the job done eventually... this season or next season :))
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

From what I read Del Neri wanted to keep Diego 100% and Diego was happy about that. Diego found out from a FIFA official that he will be leaving, it was Marotta's idea to get rid of him. (if this source is correct).

I'm just very frustrated about some of things that are going on here, we are bulding a team with a lot of depth without a doubt but I don't feel like we have the quality, We have more quantity than quality unlike teams like Milan who have players who outshine everyone eg. Ronaldinho and now possibly Robinho. I felt Diego was that player for us despite not having his usual stellar season.

Now I don't know Marotta very well so maybe you're right, but getting rid of Diego for that price then loaning (+buy out clause) Quagliarella for almost the same price was ridiculous. I thought that we got rid of him initially because we needed to recover the losses from last seasons investment. Instead we invested 15m euros for Krasic, 11m for Martinez (not sure if this is correct). And like you said maybe it was good to get rid of Diego in terms of tactics, but as I wrote above Del Neri stated that Diego is a part of our team and that he wants to keep him. I thought Diego was fantastic as a secondary striker with Juve during the pre-season and I couldn't complain at all.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

From what I read Del Neri wanted to keep Diego 100% and Diego was happy about that. Diego found out from a FIFA official that he will be leaving, it was Marotta's idea to get rid of him. (if this source is correct).

oh no, believe me mate, that's absolutely impossible. just impossible. that's not how del neri works, that's not how marotta works. both of them value the "comunication" with the player and would have never let diego go without even talking to him first.

and most certainly marotta would have NEVER took a decision without discussing it with del neri first. Marotta is an "old style team manager" (and that's a compliment) his approach to his job has always been the same; he asks his coach what kind of football team he wants to build and then tries to provide his coach what he asked him. he works with his coach in building the team and continuously ask him for feedback.

that's what he did in venezia; he built that sweet venezia team along with novellino.... that venezia team that achieved great results such a promotion in serie a and a stunning first season in serie a (that ended with a 10th place). u remember that fantastic venezia do u? cristiano zanetti, bazzani, de franceschi, volpi, maniero, recoba, morrone, vannucchi... they were all "discovered" by marotta during his venezia period... and it's no coincindence if, just 1 season after marotta's departure from venezia, venezia got relegated (and never got back in serie a ever since).

then he moved to atalanta, where he spent 2 years. and once again, working together with vavassori, he built a great atalanta team. fontana, bellini, carrera, natali, zauri, doni, pinardi, ganz, morfeo... that atalanta team, during those 2 years, achieved a 7th and a 9th place in serie a..... atalanta's best result (points-wise) ever!
and once again, as soon as he left, atalanta wasn't able to repeat such results... ever since.
then he moved to sampdoria... and i guess u know the rest of the story.

in his entire carreer, marotta has always worked together with his coaches.
and that's also why del neri was hired... as part of the marotta project. Marotta chose del neri coz he already knows him, coz he already worked with him and built a very good chemistry with him. marotta knows what del neri wants, and del neri knows marotta can get him what he wants.

selling diego was a financial sacrifice due to tactical reasons. diego is a sweet player, but it's kinda hard to fit him into a system, unless u build that system around him (as it happened in bremen). but a top club like juve can't afford to take such a gamble; building an entire team, basing an entire project on a single player.... coz if that player doesn't deliver, then the whole project is fucked up.
besides a player like diego doesn't exactly suits del neri's football (while quagliarella and martinez most certainly do).

sure from a financial point of view, that was a disgraceful move, but they (marotta and del neri) didn't let this stop them as they feel their main obligation is to build a good team for the future, not to take responsability for Secco's mistakes.... afterall it weren't them the ones who splashed 25 millions on diego.
matt said:
I'm just very frustrated about some of things that are going on here, we are bulding a team with a lot of depth without a doubt but I don't feel like we have the quality
i got to disagree on that. sure this team is far from being already complete or "perfect".... but quality-wise, this juve is much better than last season's juve.
u swapped a terrible cannavaro with bonucci, grygera with motta, then u signed martinez, quagliarella and aquilani (i can't really talk about krasic as i haven't seen enough of him).
u lost one high quality player (diego) and brought in 5 high quality players. the technique level of this team is way higher than last season.

in my honest opinion this team would need just 3 elements to become "complete". a regista (del neri thinks he already fixed this issue with aquilani.... let's hope he's right), a left back (although i wouldn't dismiss de ceglie so easily) and a proper "bomber" a "cannonere" a +20 goals per season striker (as none of juve's forwards is worth +20 goals per season).

but like i told u, just be patient and have faith in del neri and marotta. the team is in good hands, and i'm confident they'll get the job done in 1 or 2 seasons. :))
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

oh no, believe me mate, that's absolutely impossible. just impossible. that's not how del neri works, that's not how marotta works. both of them value the "comunication" with the player and would have never let diego go without even talking to him first.

and most certainly marotta would have NEVER took a decision without discussing it with del neri first. Marotta is an "old style team manager" (and that's a compliment) his approach to his job has always been the same; he asks his coach what kind of football team he wants to build and then tries to provide his coach what he asked him. he works with his coach in building the team and continuously ask him for feedback.

that's what he did in venezia; he built that sweet venezia team along with novellino.... that venezia team that achieved great results such a promotion in serie a and a stunning first season in serie a (that ended with a 10th place). u remember that fantastic venezia do u? cristiano zanetti, bazzani, de franceschi, volpi, maniero, recoba, morrone, vannucchi... they were all "discovered" by marotta during his venezia period... and it's no coincindence if, just 1 season after marotta's departure from venezia, venezia got relegated (and never got back in serie a ever since).

then he moved to atalanta, where he spent 2 years. and once again, working together with vavassori, he built a great atalanta team. fontana, bellini, carrera, natali, zauri, doni, pinardi, ganz, morfeo... that atalanta team, during those 2 years, achieved a 7th and a 9th place in serie a..... atalanta's best result (points-wise) ever!
and once again, as soon as he left, atalanta wasn't able to repeat such results... ever since.
then he moved to sampdoria... and i guess u know the rest of the story.

in his entire carreer, marotta has always worked together with his coaches.
and that's also why del neri was hired... as part of the marotta project. Marotta chose del neri coz he already knows him, coz he already worked with him and built a very good chemistry with him. marotta knows what del neri wants, and del neri knows marotta can get him what he wants.

selling diego was a financial sacrifice due to tactical reasons. diego is a sweet player, but it's kinda hard to fit him into a system, unless u build that system around him (as it happened in bremen). but a top club like juve can't afford to take such a gamble; building an entire team, basing an entire project on a single player.... coz if that player doesn't deliver, then the whole project is fucked up.
besides a player like diego doesn't exactly suits del neri's football (while quagliarella and martinez most certainly do).

sure from a financial point of view, that was a disgraceful move, but they (marotta and del neri) didn't let this stop them as they feel their main obligation is to build a good team for the future, not to take responsability for Secco's mistakes.... afterall it weren't them the ones who splashed 25 millions on diego.

i got to disagree on that. sure this team is far from being already complete or "perfect".... but quality-wise, this juve is much better than last season's juve.
u swapped a terrible cannavaro with bonucci, grygera with motta, then u signed martinez, quagliarella and aquilani (i can't really talk about krasic as i haven't seen enough of him).
u lost one high quality player (diego) and brought in 5 high quality players. the technique level of this team is way higher than last season.

in my honest opinion this team would need just 3 elements to become "complete". a regista (del neri thinks he already fixed this issue with aquilani.... let's hope he's right), a left back (although i wouldn't dismiss de ceglie so easily) and a proper "bomber" a "cannonere" a +20 goals per season striker (as none of juve's forwards is worth +20 goals per season).

but like i told u, just be patient and have faith in del neri and marotta. the team is in good hands, and i'm confident they'll get the job done in 1 or 2 seasons. :))

And Giovinco back :P
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I don't know ben, I'm sure Marotta is usually awesome, but I think this Diego thing placed money over tactics. From the interviews I saw, Delneri clearly wanted Diego to stay, he even said that Diego was the only player that offered that sort of creativity and unpredictability to the team. They even announced that Diego was staying a few days before the transfer.

EDIT- Holy shit Cesena have just signed Jimenez and are about to get Behrami! What a transfer coup! :SHOCK:
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

milanista said:
They even announced that Diego was staying a few days before the transfer.
coz that's how a good club operates. never annouce your targets before u get them, never declare a player "not useful" until u sold him. this is how every club should work... that's good management.
marotta today said juventus market is over... that he's not gonna get any other players..... yet one hour after he was making a last offer for pazzini.

as for diego's skill, his unpredictability, his class, yeah we can all agree on that.... but building a team is something quite complicated.... it's not just about getting good players... it's about getting good players for the right position. there's no doubt diego is a very good player... but in del neri's plans there's not a good position for him.....

let's also keep in mind that we're not talking about a "fouriclasse" here. diego is a fantastic player... but u don't build a team around a fantastic player.... if u wanna take such a risk, u do it for a "fuoriclasse" (i'm sorry there's no proper translation for this word). diego's got the technique, but has not the guts, neither the personality of a fuoriclasse: say of a totti, of a zidane. when u have theese kinda players, then everything comes after, even the team itself.... and u can actually build an entire project around them.....
but u don't build an entire project on a diego or a cassano (cassano is quite similar to diego on this concern).

if your system suits them, so much the better, otherwise the system, the project is more important than them.
diego isn't the only responsible for his poorest season, that's for sure..... but he has his responsabilities.... he had the chances (many, throughout last season) to carry the team on his shoulders..... and he always failed..... that must be said.
he has the technique, but not the mental strenght, nor the personality.

mind u i'm not saying he's not a fantastic player.... i'm just saying... juventus... last season.... it was not the right place, nor the right time.
he sure can provide creativity to any team..... but, as a matter of fact, he never provided anything for juve... and now he doesn't fit in this new juventus project.

del neri and marotta told the press what they were supposed to say about diego (that he was an important asset, that they didn't wanna sell him and so on)..... but history tells us del neri has never played with a player like diego in his carreer.... there's no place for a trequartista in del neri's football (and del neri didn't see diego as a supporting striker).
there was just one exception.... doni in atalanta... but afterall, del neri could have never put doni out of atalanta as he was their captain and their charismatic leader.
milanista said:
but I think this Diego thing placed money over tactics
quite the opposite, stef. u see diego wasn't a "loss" for the club until they sold him. it doesn't matter how much value a player loses... as long as he's not sold, that's not a loss yet (as the value of a player can still fluctuate).
but when u sell him, that's when the player becomes inevitably a loss, a capital loss itemized in your balance sheet.
it was a sacrifice.... definitely a wrong move from a financial point of view..... but in the end, football isn't just about economics, it's also about..... football :P
milanista said:
EDIT- Holy shit Cesena have just signed Jimenez and are about to get Behrami! What a transfer coup!
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Juventus would have been seriously dangerous if they were able to sign Dzeko. They were very close. He fits perfectly what they need and lacked against Bari. A tall player that can handle the formation's crosses. Surely they will push for him next year and he also will push for the move. Patience Juventus.

Anyone has info on the Borriello deal? I read 10M which seems a bit low I guess. Roma made a good deal convincing him to loan. At Juventus he would have the same problem as the NT.

edit - Juventus sign Rinaudo. They really needed a backup.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Ben, i've just read your piece about Marotta and i'm not convinced. To be fair i have to say that i ahd never heard about the guy before i read this piece of the thread. So what i'm saying is probably nonsense. But still...lets give it a try.

You talk about the teams he "build": Venezia and Atalanta. Both punching well above their height...certainly great results, just like Sampdoria last season.
But if i get right what you wrote, bothe Venezia and Atalanta imploded immediately when Marotta left...Is that so positive. Isn't the task of a manager like Marotta to "build a team for the future" ? If so he failed at both clubs, IMO...
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

hehe.... that's everything but nonsense my friend.
but u see, the concept of "long term project" is different for poor clubs like venezia and atalanta.... proper long term projects are for rich clubs and midclass clubs..... for a small club like atalanta or venezia instead, a long term project is actually nothing but a series of "1 season programs".... each and every season theese clubs have to sell at least 1 or 2 of their best players for budget reasons..... so in order to "keep the project alive" u need a team manager good enough to replace each asset with another promising player. each and every year.
long story short, a small club has to "rewrite" its project each and every season, in order to cope with the departure of the assets... so each and every summer u need your team manager to get to work in order to "keep the project running".

u can't afford any mistakes, u can't make a bad deal, u can't get a wrong player... ever. in a small club there's not much money, so there's no room for mistakes or false steps. for every good player that goes, another good player MUST join the club. soon as marotta left his clubs, his successors weren't able to guarrantee such outstanding consistancy in finding the right players.... hence the clubs downfall.
for a team manager it's much more complicated to work for a small club than a top club :))

come to think of it, in italy we have a saying that perfectly answers your question:
top clubs work for their present and their future.
midclass clubs always work only for their future.
small clubs can't allow themselves to think of the future... they have to live the moment, to focus themseves on the current season and to work only for the present
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I'll just say this: che fine che abbiamo fatto...this is a disgrace...Marotta to me is incapable as is the whole staff, I am so disillusioned it's unreal
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

I'll just say this: che fine che abbiamo fatto...this is a disgrace...Marotta to me is incapable as is the whole staff, I am so disillusioned it's unreal

i'd say fans disillusion is a good sign.
for years juventus management has done nothing but pleasing the fans, looking for fancy names to buy, regardless their actual utility for the team (like diego and melo)... and we've all seen the results of their spineless, crowd-pleasing policy.

this new management is clearely showing they don't give a fuck about pleasing the fans with fancy players (and selling diego clearely proves it). their only interest is to sign the players they consider useful for the new team.
whether the team they have in mind is a good team or not, that's what time will tell.

besides i don't really understand your disappointment fremm... what did u expect from juventus' transfer market this season? that's not a sarcastic question ( :)) ) i'm sincerely curious. what makes u feel disillusioned? :))
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Ben, I just expected a good bomber ( Pazzo, Forlan etc ) and a good terzino and CB. This would have been a good enough for me. I mean, we need a CF like bread. DP cannot cope anymore, Iaquinta is always injured, Amauri is just crap IMO and Caccarella is not juve material. We need a big 20+ goal type of FW IMO.
Also, we are so vunarable at the back it is unbelievable.
Time will tell, but I feel that this is a side merely capable of getting a mid table position especially considering the reinforcement of other teams.
We are not as good as Palermo, Napoli, Genoa etc and that alone is in my book not what Juve stands for. Even so, hearing Marotta stating that Juve will have to do the best it can with the players it has is a slap in the face and not an ambitious point a view.
We now have a broken and overpayed Martinez, a clearly confused and utterly useless Pepe and a Swarovski Aquilani.
IMO Pazzini, Drenthe and others were possible targets but still they did not sign them....The same Juve with Pazzini Burdisso and Drenthe could have made a hell of a lot of difference.
Let's be honest Ben, this side will not be capable of reaching third place.....
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

FreMM, Juventus went for all the positions you mentioned and for superstar names. Dzeko,Tremoulinas,Bastos,Aogo,Tasci and Pazzini and reached some very advanced stages in some, but as Marotta said: "not all can be concluded." There clubs didn't want to sell.

and 4 Brazilians doesn't make Milan AC Brazil. :D
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Yeah, at least we aren't UC Sampdoria 2 :D So, out of Palermo, Napoli, Fiorentina, Roma, Lazio, Genoa, Sampdoria and Parma... who do you think will be fighting up there with the 'bigs'?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

i see fremm. and i understand your concerns.
a bomber a la vieri is indeed needed, as the "juventus amauri" is just the shadow of the "palermo-amauri" (i disagree with u on quaglia though).
another reliable backup cb would have certainly been useful (and rinaudo isn't exactly reliable).
and a leftback is probably needed (although a leftback can't change the shape of a team by himself).
i would also add to your "wishlist" a proper regista in the middle.

the thing is, there's only so much u can do in a single transfer window...... and u actually already did A LOT. bonucci is fantastic signing... and although pepe isn't exactly the most talented italian player, i can tell u, he's damn useful, as he's that kind of player that would come handy to any top club in europe.
martinez is a very talented (and underrated) player.... although i'm not sure how del neri plans to use him.

u have already done lots of movements this summer, and some of em might turn out to be very good.

what every juve fan should do now is hoping amauri will finally "wake up" and return to be that absolute monster of a player he used to be till 2 years ago.
and if that won't happen, then marotta will address that issue too in the next transfer window.
the same goes for the regista issue. if aquilani won't deliver (and i'm afraid he won't), then marotta and del neri will get u one in the next window...... btw.... "swaroski aquilani", that was really a good one! :LOL::LOL:

just be patient mate. there's still lots of work to be done in order to bring juve back where the old lady belongs (to top tier football)..... but lots of work has already been done. getting rid of those amateur managers (secco, cobolli and co.) and replacing them with some real professionals.... that's already been the most important step forward.... everything else will come.

u mentioned teams like palermo and napoli... but it took many years to build those teams.... this current magnificent palermo is the result of a 5 years project. first it was simplicio, bresciano and fontana... then liverani, cassani and bovo, then balzaretti and nocerino.... then miccoli, then pastore, hernandez and sirigu..... one step at the time, just a few additions every season, that's how u build a team for the future (and the same goes for napoli and samp and fiorentina and udinese and so on).
if it took so much time to build a midclass team (coz high quality though we might be, palermo still remains a midclass club), just immagine how much time it takes to build a top class team.

of course there are some exceptions.... some clubs go through revolutions after each and every disappointing season.... some other clubs just come out of the blue and become big by overspending and splashing dozens of millions on every possible good player...... but that's not juventus style. the old lady always had (ever since the '30s) a different approach, a more elegant, pennywise and "financially fair" approach.
and that's something u should be proud of ;)

u might not end the season in the top 4 (i'm not sure of that though..... palermo, samp, fiorentina, udinese, genoa, napoli.... they're all very good teams... but all those teams will have to face europa league too this season, and that's gonna make things much more complicated for "us" midclass clubs), but in the end this will still remain another small step forward in a very long rebuilding process. :))
milanista said:
So, out of Palermo, Napoli, Fiorentina, Roma, Lazio, Genoa, Sampdoria and Parma... who do you think will be fighting up there with the 'bigs'?
i think those clubs which will get out of europa league sooner will have a chance to break into the top 4.... but it's gonna be much more complicated this season. :))
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

Ben, that answer does make perfect sense.

About the Juve fans who are complaining that Juve can't attract players like Forlan.
I think Juve has become a less attractive club for big players than before the relegation. On top of that the club recently made some big mistakes which will deter certain players to go to Juventus. If you buy players like Poulsen and Diego and afterwards scarely use them, why would good players come to your club? If a player like Giovinco hardly plays...don't expect to attract talented players.

Be honest, why would a player like Forlan go to Juventus?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2010/11 Season

To be fair to Juve, it's not that they couldn't attract Forlan. No one could!

This guy is in love with Atletico and perfectly happy where he is. He keeps saying that every day lol. He has suitors all over the world. Not interested. Happy at Atletico. Same goes for Aguero. Eventually they will leave, but that's when club sells them and so makes them feel not needed/wanted/loved enough anymore to keep considering money being offered, until then, these 2 despite not even being Spanish are in love with the club they play for which is a great thing to see.

@Ben, Thanks for info on Bologna chairman, even if it's kinda limited for now. Someone to keep an eye on.

In regards to Diego, I see what you're saying about what Juve did and how it wasn't bad and how Del Neri historically doesn't play with that type of player. I understand all that. But I disagree with the part where you said he's just talent and doesn't have the guts/character to be the guy someone a top-class team like Juve builds the team around. He DOES! Diego isn't just some silky moves. He's got character. He's got self-belief. He's got drive and determination. He didn't show it at Porto but at Werder he fully matured and although he didn't exactly take his opportunities last season, I'm pretty certain (of course this is just an opinion) that he would've had a very nice year at Juve this term had they kept him and become a driving force and one of the true stars of Serie A.

But they let him go and I think their loss is Wolfsburg's gain. We'll see...
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