Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

I'm guessing Roulo means 'position' like forward, defense, midfield? And Iaggagio is the actual money but in what? dollars?

yeah, italian dollars.... :D just joking bro, all figures are in euro. ;)

and yeah, as stefano said ruolo means "role" or position. "A" stands for attaccante (forward), "C" stands for centrocampista (midfielder) "D" stands for difensore (defender) and "P" stands for portiere (GK).

abou if u read this, clear up your pm box :))
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

I see.

That link is pretty sick though! I'm still in awe of it! I mean, I've never seen something as comprehensive as that for other leagues! That has every player there from all teams! If anybody finds something like that for other leagues, let me know. I'm very interested. :D

@Ben and Gerd,

I don't think Miccoli is leaving anyway. From what I understand, neither Fabrizio nor Zamparini or Palermo have interest in separating, so from what I heard the offer from Birmingham was already rejected last week unless there are new developments or something in which case I still wouldn't really be worried anyway.

Club doesn't wanna sell. Player doesn't seem to wanna leave. It doesn't seem like an issue.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

as for inler.... here in palermo he would have to accept to become pastore's backup (unless rossi wanna try him in bresciano's spot).... and that'd be a waste. inler is just too good to be a backup.... and he's also way too expensive to be a backup....
He's a decent regista too but he could do well in a right-center mid position.

2 udinese players i would really love to see here in palermo are asamoah and lodi. asamoah would fit perfectly in our midfield. he could take migliaccio's spot in the starting 11 (and so we would find ourself a great backup in migliaccio). asamoah is a beast, he kinda reminds me of a young bresciano... i can't understand why every club in italy is overlooking such a nice and versatile player.
About time. I keep talking about Asamoah but no one seems prepared to listen. You think the Ghana coach is worried that Essien is out injured? IMO Asamoah will soon surpass Essien because he's far more complete. But he really REALLY needs to work on his short passing. Discipline and positioning is good. Composed and assured on the ball. Good speed, technique and dribbling. Tough competitor. Strong temperament. And only 20. Expect big things from him in near future. Another one to watch out is his team mate at Ghana and Udinese, Badu, a DMF, also 20.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Pepe to Juve is a one-year loan apparently!! is it?

I find that a little strange...
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Pepe to Juve is a one-year loan apparently!! is it?

I find that a little strange...
It's a loan with an option to buy him. They payed 2.5 mln now, and they will pay 7.5 next year if they want to buy him.

What about Candreva, will Juventus buy him or will he be back to Udinese?

Also, what about.........Quaresma? :LOL: Thank God he's gone :P
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

2.5M loan fee for a season? Ok that's worth it. I thought loan fees are lower and so was wondering what's in it for Udinese...

As for Ricardo, lol, look what I wrote at end of this page.


rfu, saying asamoah will reach essien's level in a few years is a bit of a stretch imo... although essiens is hugely overrated by most of the fans, he still is a top class player, while asamoah still has a looong way to go.
however i definitely agree asamoah is a very very, very interesting prospect and, just like u, i'm quite surprised no one (even in italy) has noticed him yet :))
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

that loan is high because it's basically bought at 10M€ but with an option to resell him at 7.5M€ :) usually loans are for young ones and options are for half property max...
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

it's official! miccoli turned down birmingham!!! :BOP::BOP::BOP:

zamparini and sabatini said they had absolutely no intentions to sell fabrizio, at any price, but, the contract birmingham offered to fabrizio was so unbelievably higher than what palermo could afford - they said - that we had to let him choose. it would have been disrespectful to just turn down the offer without even asking fabrizio if he didn't prefere to join birmingham and get twice the money he made in his entire carreer in just 4 years (apparently that's how big the offer was). so they told fabrizio "we really don't want u to go, but it's up to u to decide, as we'll never be able to even offer u just half the money birmingham promised u".

yesterday fabrizio officially turned down the offer. the following is a quick translation of part of his press conference. he said:
"i can't say i wasn't shocked at that offer. it was really a lot of money..... but i might leave palermo only to move back to lecce (his hometown), and i just can't even think to leave palermo for birmingham..... there's not enough money in the world to persuade me to such a move.
i'm not a big star, i don't get millions from sponsors and my club pays me a little more than 1 million per year, wich means that my after-tax earnings are about 600k per year. sure it might look like nothing for a top club player..... but that's already a huge lot of money for me and my family. i already have more than enough money to provide for my family and that gives me the privilege to be able to choose the life i wanna live. and palermo is my first choice. my wife and daughter love to live here and so do i. i love this city and even more the people.
i am the captain of a team i love to play for, i like to spend time with my teammates and i love to play and train with em every day.... and i even get payed for it! what else could i possibly desire?!
i'm grateful to birmingham for the appreciation they showed me with such an impressive offer, but i just can't give up this life. the sea and nice wheater all year long, the passion of the palermitani, my wife's and my daughter's well-being and their happyness, our weekly day-trips in the little villages around sicily, the food, the lifestyle, there are so many things this place gives me.... things i know i couldn't ever get in other places, even if i were willing to pay top money to get them."

the nicest thing is that he won't even get a new contract, wich is crazy, coz usually whenever a player gets a huge offer from another club and rejects it, his current club always raises his wage or extends his contract. it happens every time and in every club. but not this time. fabrizio isn't gonna get more money or a contract lenght extention from the club.
what a nice, down to earth, fella and a great captain to have in your team!
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

It looks like the Rosanero are going to let Cavani go though. I think you can get a good £15m off him. I also think he is too wasteful. BigMac will score the goals for you, don't worry :D

It also looks like Storari will join Delneri at Juve, with Amelia going to Milan.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

yeah cavani does waste many scoring chances, but he also provides a huge contribution in other ways. he's a good player but if we can get some good money for him, i'll be ok with his departure.

as for his replacement, maccarone isn't gonna be a starter next season. our starting attack will be
           miccoli           hernandez

maccarone is supposed to be a backup. and not even the first backup choice, as we just signed pinilla (who scored 24 goals in 24 matches last season in serie b!!)
pinilla was always meant to become a good player, but never really lived up to his potential.... then, last season he literally exploded. of course it might be just a 1 year off, but i've seen some of the goals he scored, and boy, he looks really good! :))
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Ben what do you think about Guerente? .... I think Serie A is losing a huge talent right there... he just joined Sevilla for something like £5m. I would've taken him at Milan to replace Gattuso.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Good for Palermo that Miccoli stays. And after reading his message, i have to say that i appreciate Miccoli as a human being. I hope he can play a CL with Palermo. Very good player, fantastic guy.

Which club is interested in Cavani?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Wolfsburg and Inter are the two I've heard most recently, but I know there was interest from England in the past as well. Wolfsburg makes more sense assuming they plan on losing Dzeko.

Not sure why Inter would want him. Not that he isn't a good player, but with Milito, Eto'o, Balo, they have numerous players who do or could excel in the center forward spot. If they stick with the 4-2-3-1 I think they're better off signing someone who can play as one of the wide players in the '3' as Pandev isn't really at his best there.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

yeah, infact i believe inter's interest over cavani is nothing but a rumour. it doesn't really make much sense.

from what i heard the main contenders for cavani should be wolfsburg and tottenham.

milanista said:
Ben what do you think about Guerente? .... I think Serie A is losing a huge talent right there... he just joined Sevilla for something like £5m. I would've taken him at Milan to replace Gattuso.
he's quite a different player from gattuso. plus i can see flamini handling gattuso's role pretty well, don't u think? :))

as for his departure, he's certainly an promising player (huge talent is a bit too much perhaps), and for 5 millions, he is quite a bargain.
anyhow i can see him fitting perfectly in sevilla's system, so it should be interesting to follow his progresses and development from now on.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

it's official! miccoli turned down birmingham!!! :BOP::BOP::BOP:

zamparini and sabatini said they had absolutely no intentions to sell fabrizio, at any price, but, the contract birmingham offered to fabrizio was so unbelievably higher than what palermo could afford - they said - that we had to let him choose. it would have been disrespectful to just turn down the offer without even asking fabrizio if he didn't prefere to join birmingham and get twice the money he made in his entire carreer in just 4 years (apparently that's how big the offer was). so they told fabrizio "we really don't want u to go, but it's up to u to decide, as we'll never be able to even offer u just half the money birmingham promised u".

yesterday fabrizio officially turned down the offer. the following is a quick translation of part of his press conference. he said:

the nicest thing is that he won't even get a new contract, wich is crazy, coz usually whenever a player gets a huge offer from another club and rejects it, his current club always raises his wage or extends his contract. it happens every time and in every club. but not this time. fabrizio isn't gonna get more money or a contract lenght extention from the club.
what a nice, down to earth, fella and a great captain to have in your team!

this guy has a che tattoo on his calf for some reason. :)
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

I would've taken Birmingham's offer.

that's coz u've never been in sicily..... or maybe coz u don't fancy a che guevara tatoo on your calf :P

oh fu*k it! i admit, i would have taken the money too.... hell, for 12 millions i would have even spent 4 years in hell..... still leaves u the rest of your life to enjoy la dolce vita in italia.... with 12 millions more in your pockets :P

jokes apart, since there's family involved, i can understand his choice. 12 millions are a lot of money, but it's not like fabrizio isn't rich already, so the environmental factor becomes pretty important, especially when u have a little daughter.
how do u explain her she has to leave palermo and move to birmingham for 4 years!
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Yeah that's why I said I would've taken the offer. ;)
Why Fabrizio didn't, is clear to see and outlined above and I understand and respect his choice. :)

But for me, with no Italian wife or daughter/family to think of, single, I would've definitely gone! Though it wouldn't be without a heavy heart. I'm sorry, that's just way too much $$$!

And opportunities like this won't come around anymore. This is a job after all and Footballers have very short careers and Miccoli will NEVER get another chance to build for his and his family's retirement as he has now.

So I would leave Sicily, I would leave my beloved team that I'm even captain of, not because it doesn't mean much, it does, it's close to my heart but I can one day return. But this crazy $$ the only way I'll win later is by lottery! The chance is now!

And when things are said like Miccoli is rich already, well yeah of course he's rich already, he's playing in Serie A for Palermo. But he can be a LOT richer and that financial security which means living a very luxurious and grand style of life for decades to come (rest of my life) means a lot to me. So while I would ideally prefer to stay where I am and earn that much, when it's not possible in Palermo yet available there, I'd move to England and Birmingham. Take up a new challenge. Adapt. Live life best I can. It won't be great probably or at least not as great as I had it there. Not as fun without friends/family and having to make a whole of adjustments, but the money for me will be worth it! Because we're not talking about a small difference. If it was, I would definitely stay.

At the end of the day, for me the salary difference is TOO huge to stay. It's just like any other job. If the company you work for is paying average salary and another one is willing to more than double that, no matter how happy you are there or loyalty, etc., you'll likely wanna jump-ship. And it's not like you're going to UAE or Qatar league, you're going to EPL. So even if your primary reasons are financial and for me they would be :P (Otherwise I'd stay where I am) , even sporting wise, you're still at the very top of the echelon and being challenged in ways that you haven't even experienced before now.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

completely agree with u Sina ;)

dominic, i rate martinez, A LOT! he has a nice touch and he's also very strong. a good mix of technique and physical skills.

however i see him as a supporting striker or an winger... i don't really see him playing as a side midfielder (wich is what del neri probably has in mind).... but then again, that's just an impression and i might be wrong. :))
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

completely agree with u Sina ;)

dominic, i rate martinez, A LOT! he has a nice touch and he's also very strong. a good mix of technique and physical skills.

however i see him as a supporting striker or an winger... i don't really see him playing as a side midfielder (wich is what del neri probably has in mind).... but then again, that's just an impression and i might be wrong. :))

Thanks. Thats my impression of him too. He's very rightfooted for a left sided player, so I wonder how usefull he'd be on the side of a fourman midfield
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

the hunt for kjaer is officially opened.
current contenders: wolfsburg, tottenham, man city, man utd.

crap. i was actually getting my hopes high about him staying for another season..... oh well, at least let's hope we can get a good ammount of cash for him.
i'm told his first performance with demnark was way below his standards.

i have to say i kinda hope he fails big time in the wc. then those clubs might lose interest in him :P

......although i don't think sir alex would change his mind on him for a bad world cup. man utd sent scouts in palermo for about 6 months, so he probably already knows him pretty good.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Yeah it seems like Kjaer and Cavani will leave while Pastore stays for one more year. I wanted to see them all stay but I guess that'd be asking too much. :/ Oh well at least they're keeping Pastore because Zampa knows his value will increase even more than his huge price tag already, but I think it's same for Kjaer. If you guys kept him even one more year, you could sell him for MUCH more! Cavani can go since it seems he wants to and for me although a good player, he's not 'special' as in Kjaer or Pastore.

His performances weren't great at WC but I mean he was a doubt for the matches anyway not being 100% fit and carrying injuries like team-mates such as Bendtner.

But like against Cameroon, did you see Denmark's 1st goal?!

Kjaer gets the ball from deep in own half, delivers a long-range, inch perfect, PIRLO type pass to Rommedahl who's made a great run in right wing and squares the ball with a low cross for a stretching Bendtner to score a BEAUTIFUL goal with 3-4 passes only from one side of pitch to another.

Go watch it if you missed it.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

But like against Cameroon, did you see Denmark's 1st goal?!

Kjaer gets the ball from deep in own half, delivers a long-range, inch perfect, PIRLO type pass to Rommedahl who's made a great run in right wing and squares the ball with a low cross for a stretching Bendtner to score a BEAUTIFUL goal with 3-4 passes only from one side of pitch to another.

Go watch it if you missed it.

sweet! i just watched it. thanks for the heads up bro! :))

yeah, u're right, it would be great if we could hold kjaer for one more season.... but it's gonna be hard. with so many clubs waving big offers at simon, he's probably gonna ask the club to let him leave. and u know a small club like palermo can't force a player to stay when he decides to leave.
i think it will all depend by simon's decision.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Yeah true but perhaps he doesn't wanna leave. I mean, he seems like a smart kid too. I think he may want to stay for one more year, I don't know... let's see...
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Yeah true but perhaps he doesn't wanna leave. I mean, he seems like a smart kid too. I think he may want to stay for one more year, I don't know... let's see...

yep, that's true. infact so far he's never asked the club to even consider any offer. he said it would be absolutely ok for him to stay here.

but we also have to say that so far many clubs showed "interest", but no one presented a real offer yet.
we have to see if he'll have the guts to mantain this coolness as soon as a british club splashes a few millions in his face. that might complicate things... a lot!
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