Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

I think its a bit nicer to mix it up a bit, I could've just put Inter + Di Natale in team of the season, I mean obviously most of Inter will be contending for each spot in the team of the season. Every team had its star this season so I think they deserve a mention. Mourinho obviously is amongst the top of Serie A, but come on, with the finances and the types of players he has, he did what was expected. Mazzarri took a team that was playing poorly to something like 13 games without a loss, Ranieri took a team that was in trouble to 2nd spot - fighting Inter until the last day!

About my choices:

Jaime Valdes when playing as an advanced central midfielder was pretty impressive. When he played well, Atalanta generally played well. Thiago Silva is awesome, but he had some silly lapses of concentration - Nesta played fewer games but in the games he played, he was often better.

Ronaldinho - I don't rate him. Sure, he has magic feet that can make that game breaking pass... but when we really needed him, he wasn't there, much like the rest of Milan. I think Cassano's role at Sampdoria was far more important... as an icon and as a player.

Menez - yes he's a diving scumbag, but so is Cassano, Miccoli and Lucio etc etc.... I'm not taking that into consideration. His season was crucial for Roma.

I'm not saying players like Cambiasso or Samuel were poor, I just think these 'smaller' players deserve a mention, and due to this year's season being so competitive between the 'middle' teams, it would be a shame if we didn't consider all their stars. I'd like to have added Maxi Lopez or Pelissier.

- about the formation - I only put those 2 because it was the only way I could fit those guys in, use your imagination if you want... e.g. 4-4-2 diamond with Valdes up and Almiron back....
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

About Menez, I remember him when he was at Monaco and we were constantly linked with him, he's also one of the few continental players whose "dream" move is Manchester United.

How good is he know then? has he developed enough for a team like us to take a chance on him? If Im right he can play wide and through the middle.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Yeah I remember him from when he broke as a teenager in Sochaux! You could tell the guy has talent on his debut match! Just like Nasri who I remember watching as a 16 year old make his debut for OM and that first day I was like Wow! This kid will be something! Samir hasn't developed that much yet though.

Anyway yeah he has developed. I mean you guys took a chance on Obertan who is nowhere near as accomplished and was a backup player for Lorient and loaned out from parent club Bordeaux. So if you're gonna go by 'current' ability in terms of whether the risk is worth it, yeah because he's better than others you've taken chances on anyway.

But, let me tell you, this guy is a REAL cunt! That was the other thing that was obvious since the 1st day he made his debut! :LOL: I don't think Fergie would be able to tolerate him. He'd probably discipline him, suspend him, kick him or throw shoes at him every day of the week lool.

He's another Balotelli but with even less excuse for being a cunt. :P He's a white French guy lol. Not black Italian and tough growing up.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Interesting, Bald French Cunt who can't be tolerated.



Cheers Sina.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

rfu said:
I think they needed Diego given that they were looking to use a 4-3-1-2 formation
yeah well, that was the biggest mistake in the first place, as ranieri pointed out afterwards.
rfu said:
He's a bit like Cambiasso in that it's difficult to find him a partner that would complement him in midfield. But neither is an awful player worth getting rid of based only on one season's performance.
i'm not quite sure i get your point here. cambiasso would make any partner look good. u can pair him with a regista, another metodista or a holding midfielder, and u will always end up with a balanced midfield..... melo on the other side.....
rfu said:
You know what would be a great midfield partnership, Palombo and Cambiasso. You know I rate Palombo, he's a formidable player, excellent positionally, certainly among the top 5 mediano's in Italy, but between him and a 100% Cristiano Zanetti, I go with the latter, 8 times out 10. But I haven't watched Palombo as often as I would like, so maybe there's something you know that I don't
i agree with u on zanetti. he's a fantastic player, and if only he wouldn't have been so injury prone, he would definitely deserve to be mentioned along with cambiasso, palombo and de rossi. but unfortunately he is an extremely injury prone player so....
the great thing about palombo is his versatility. while de rossi changed role (when pizarro joined roma) and became a proper metodista, palombo did the opposite. he used to play as a pure metodista till volpi was in genova, then when volpi left sampdoria, he transformed himself into what de rossi was a few years back: a universal, all around midfielder, who builds the plays, provides coverage and ventures forward with some very incisive runs and scores with his terrific shots.... i wouldn't really say he's on the same level of de rossi..... but he's really close to him. both palombo and de rossi have an advantage over zanetti. their very strong build gives em a balance zanetti doesn't have.
rfu said:
What? Criscito and kolarov are wing backs
yep, but usually in theese sort of best 11s wingbacks and sidebacks are paired up.

as for stefano's picks, u have to keep in mind theese best 11 are usually mainly about the players seasonal performances, and not just the actual quality. and that's also the reason why usually everyone comes up with a different best 11. if it was just about quality, everything would be much more obvious and we would all come up with the same team :))

concerning the best coach of the season, i really wouldn't know who to pick... too many to choose from this season. ranieri has done an amazing job in roma. delio rossi managed to completely change palermo in just about 3 weeks (do u remember how bad palermo was playing when zenga was in charge?). del neri has done an outstanding job with sampdoria. and mazzarri too did very well for napoli.
and of course it would be impossible not to mention mourinho.
i'd say that should be an ex-aequo: mourinho, del neri and rossi :))

younggun said:
About Menez, I remember him when he was at Monaco and we were constantly linked with him, he's also one of the few continental players whose "dream" move is Manchester United.

How good is he know then? has he developed enough for a team like us to take a chance on him? If Im right he can play wide and through the middle.
yes he did. this season he (finally) showed what a talented player he really is. he said in an interview to france football that it was all ranieri's merit. he said ranieri helped him a lot and gave him that confidence he lost when moved to italy.
he's been a massive asset for roma this season.
PLF said:
But, let me tell you, this guy is a REAL cunt! That was the other thing that was obvious since the 1st day he made his debut
is he? i didn't know he had some attitude issues. :D concerning his italian experience, i gotta say he's been pretty quiet so far :))
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

About Menez, I remember him when he was at Monaco and we were constantly linked with him, he's also one of the few continental players whose "dream" move is Manchester United.

How good is he know then? has he developed enough for a team like us to take a chance on him? If Im right he can play wide and through the middle.

Yeah I remember him from when he broke as a teenager in Sochaux! You could tell the guy has talent on his debut match! Just like Nasri who I remember watching as a 16 year old make his debut for OM and that first day I was like Wow! This kid will be something! Samir hasn't developed that much yet though.

Anyway yeah he has developed. I mean you guys took a chance on Obertan who is nowhere near as accomplished and was a backup player for Lorient and loaned out from parent club Bordeaux. So if you're gonna go by 'current' ability in terms of whether the risk is worth it, yeah because he's better than others you've taken chances on anyway.

But, let me tell you, this guy is a REAL cunt! That was the other thing that was obvious since the 1st day he made his debut! :LOL: I don't think Fergie would be able to tolerate him. He'd probably discipline him, suspend him, kick him or throw shoes at him every day of the week lool.

He's another Balotelli but with even less excuse for being a cunt. :P He's a white French guy lol. Not black Italian and tough growing up.

yes he did. this season he (finally) showed what a talented player he really is. he said in an interview to france football that it was all ranieri's merit. he said ranieri helped him a lot and gave him that confidence he lost when moved to italy.

he's been a massive asset for roma this season.

is he? i didn't know he had some attitude issues. :D concerning his italian experience, i gotta say he's been pretty quiet so far :))

True, he HAD an attitude problem though not to the extent that Balotelli took it just a few weeks back. Moving away from France to a big club like Roma aided him a lot in his slight personality change, I believe.

At Monaco, the club really relied on his performances and he was basically guaranteed a starting spot. Now at Roma, the club isn't as dependant on him as Monaco were and he's got quite some competition in his position with Vucinic and Totti. Basically, he came to realise that he wasn't going to get minutes at Roma if he didn't improve his mentality on and off the field. Ranieri gave him the chance to earn a starting spot at the Giallorossi through hard work and it paid off.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Just read that Onyewu has asked Milan to let him play for 'free' next season due to his season long injury. He also asked for an extension without increasing his current pay. I actually thought he was going to be useful to Milan. He joined on a free and can offer our defence some athleticism.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Mourinho obviously is amongst the top of Serie A, but come on, with the finances and the types of players he has, he did what was expected.
Firstly, we've spent less money in the transfer market than Juve. Secondly, half of our starting 11 were newly signed players, half of those had never played in serie a before (contrast with Roma). Consequently our football was often labored and painful to watch. Thirdly, this isn't even the best inter 11. That was under Lippi in the 1999-2001 season and look how well we did then. One thing I've learned from all my years watching the great game is expect the unexpected. Fair enough you want to show homage to the "lesser knows" but it's unfair to undervalue what Mou has managed to achieve thus far in serie a. Winning the scudetto should never be reduced to a "oh, it was expected". You saw how Mou was nearly reduced to tears vs Siena. He even started his best 11 vs the lowest ranking team in serie a (or is that Livorno). It's always an arduous journey with many hurdles and painful twists. Nothing can be taken for granted.

Ronaldinho - I don't rate him. Sure, he has magic feet that can make that game breaking pass... but when we really needed him, he wasn't there, much like the rest of Milan. I think Cassano's role at Sampdoria was far more important... as an icon and as a player.
Try and picture Milan without Ronaldinho for 2-3 months. Now do the same with Sampdoria and Cassano. You see my point? How many assists did Dinho notch up this seasons? How many goals has he scored (you guys should change your names to P.K. Milan :P)

Menez - yes he's a diving scumbag, but so is Cassano, Miccoli and Lucio etc etc.... I'm not taking that into consideration. His season was crucial for Roma.
Oh please, Lucio? When, versus Barcelona? Only defender who can stand up to Ibra is Kroldrup. In any case, Menez is much worse. Much, much worse. He could so easily dribble and burst passed an opponent, but no he'd rather get them booked :LOL: He isn't a "cunt" i don't think, personality wise, he's just annoying to watch. But playing in Italy he can definitely develop into a great player. I wonder how he would fair in the premiership though. I don't think EPL defenders would take to kindly to his antics (by the way, you notice how many broken legs they get in the premiership per season vs any other league? What's up with that?). Again, Menez is a fantastic talent and I hope he remains at Roma for a good long while, but how has he been more of a crucial player than Vucinic?

I'm not saying players like Cambiasso or Samuel were poor, I just think these 'smaller' players deserve a mention, and due to this year's season being so competitive between the 'middle' teams, it would be a shame if we didn't consider all their stars. I'd like to have added Maxi Lopez or Pelissier.
Fuck that "feeling sorry for the underdogs" bullshit. We should go on merit and merit alone (except when JZ4 is concerned of course ;)) not what position they lie in the table. This was Cambiasso's best season and you don't even include him in your 2nd eleven. Unacceptable. Even is taking the piss. What more does Cambiasso need to do?? Funny thing I heard the other day, apparently the reason why Maradona hasn't included him in NT squad is because Messi doesn't like him. Apparently there was a bit of a back and forth between the two in the UCL semi-final second leg match and so they don't get along. It sounds to crazy but I guess anything could be true in football :LOL:

i'm not quite sure i get your point here. cambiasso would make any partner look good. u can pair him with a regista, another metodista or a holding midfielder, and u will always end up with a balanced midfield..... melo on the other side.....
Well no actually. He's had numerous midfield partners, Pizarro and Emre for example, and problem is the midfield becomes too light weight and delicate. Cambiasso is a master at positioning himself in midfield but he's shit at tackling. Also he's slow (painfully so) and technically average. I wouldn't partner him with say, Xavi, in a two-man midfield. Or Fabregas. Il Cuchu would need a solidly built midfielder, who is more dynamic, comfortable on the ball, who can tackle and cover ground more quickly.

the great thing about palombo is his versatility. while de rossi changed role (when pizarro joined roma) and became a proper metodista, palombo did the opposite. he used to play as a pure metodista till volpi was in genova, then when volpi left sampdoria, he transformed himself into what de rossi was a few years back: a universal, all around midfielder, who builds the plays, provides coverage and ventures forward with some very incisive runs and scores with his terrific shots.... i wouldn't really say he's on the same level of de rossi..... but he's really close to him. both palombo and de rossi have an advantage over zanetti. their very strong build gives em a balance zanetti doesn't have.
Ah Volpi, now there was a player I enjoyed watching. Zanetti is tough player on the ball by the way. Tougher than Palombo. He's just slow and not as dynamic or as active. But I remember his days under Capello with Roma, alongside Tommasi and Emerson and then with the U21s. He's just an intelligent player, always making calculative moves in midfield. You always put it so eloquently when you talk that geometry, timing and position stuff, Zanetti encompasses all those things.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

I think he's going to go. Saw him crying too at the celebrations. I have a feeling that this Inter is going to be his hardest departure. I also remember after the Barca game he said it was the happiest moment of his career.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season worst 11:


Marco Amelia (Genoa, Castrol Ranking 187): When Palermo off-loaded Amelia in exchange for Rubinho, many raised eyebrows, but perhaps they had premonitions regarding his poor form that has seen Italy’s undisputed back up to Gianluigi Buffon become an erratic shot stopper that will likely never return to the international scene. Genoa have shipped the second highest amount of goals in Serie A this season (61) and he was embarrassed on highlight reels when his terrible clearance saw Dejan Stankovic lob him from the half-way line in a 5-0 loss.


Massimo Oddo (Milan, Castrol Ranking 1332): Like several of Milan’s older contingent, the 33-year-old is simply past it. The only time the Rossoneri would use him is when injuries forced them to as he found himself behind Gianluca
Zambrotta, Daniele Bonera, and Ignazio Abate in the pecking order, a trio who were not particularly impressive themselves. He was embarrassed by Fabrizio Miccoli in a recent 3-1 loss to Palermo.

Cristian Zapata (Udinese, Castrol Ranking 1074): Once regarded as one of the top young defenders in world football, the Colombian’s stock has nosedived worse than the Euro currency. Since suffering an injury in the summer of 2008, Zapata has hardly looked the same player and has been a disappointment in a Friuli backline that only managed one win on their travels all season.

Emilson Cribari (Lazio/Siena, Castrol Ranking 1273): Only playing a handful of games for Lazio during the first half of the campaign, the Bianconcelesti discarded him on loan to relegation battlers Siena. It was expected his experience would add some stability to the Robur, however, he arguably made things worse. You could tell things weren’t going to go well when he was sent off for dissent in his first match with the Tuscans in January.

Fabio Grosso (Juventus, Castrol Ranking 608): Many praised the acquisition of the defender, as left-back had been a problem area for the Bianconeri following Calciopoli, unfortunately the World Cup winner did not alleviate those concerns and in the second-half of the season outright lost his place to youngster Paolo De Ceglie.


Nico Pulzetti (Livorno, Castrol Ranking 717): The Amaranto bet on the 26-year-old to carry their midfield, but it was one they probably regret. The Rimini-born player flopped after the departures of Alessandro Diamanti, and then Antonio Candreva, meaning Livorno’s midfield lacked creativity and cutting edge.

Diego (Juventus, Castrol Ranking 90): Juve pulled out all the stops to bring in the Brazilian from Werder Bremen, but despite a promising start he performed poorly when everyone expected him to be the new star in Turin. Perhaps it’s just a matter of adapting to his new surroundings, but Diego certainly has to step up next season. Narrowly edges out his team-mate Felipe Melo.

Quaresma (Inter, Castrol Ranking 2035): Same old story for the Portuguese this season. After returning from his loan spell at Chelsea he did not manage to improve in any way, shape, or form. Jose Mourinho seldom used the winger, except in late and dramatic circumstances. Usually his entrance meant the San Siro crowd would start to file out the door.


Robert Acquafresca (Genoa/Atalanta, Castrol Ranking 1187): Some questioned Inter’s decision to send a promising young star away in the deal for Diego Milito, but based on the Italian’s inadequacies in front of goal they made the right move. After two successful stints on loan at Cagliari, the youngster should have improved further, but he could not even break into the Atalanta starting XI and when recalled back to the Grifoni managed a meagre two goals. He’s young enough to turn things round, but can’t afford another season like this...

Amauri (Juventus, Castrol Ranking 440): It was only a few months ago there was this huge fuss over Amauri attempting to get his Italian passport and now that he has it, no one wants him anywhere near the Azzurri. An unequivocal flop this season – the Brazilian-born player has been immobile, impotent, and overall failed to provide any threat on most occasions with just five goals in Serie A.

Mauro Zarate (Lazio, Castrol Ranking 405): Yes, the Argentine was in our Best XI last season as he led Lazio to Coppa Italia glory. But my how things have changed. After the Biancocelesti broke the bank to spend around €20 million to keep him at the Stadio Olimpico, he failed to replicate his form of the previous season. Just three goals in 32 appearances, by the end of the campaign he had lost his place in the line-up to the duo of Sergio Floccari and Tommaso Rocchi.

Surprised by the omission of Melo. And Zapata? Well he has underperformed, but among the worst eleven? Cannavaro was just as bad if not worse. Agree with pretty much everything else. Mancini should be in there somewhere.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Amelia was alright when I watched him. Seemed to be hit by injuries. I don't think Oddo warrants a spot on this list.. he played a handful of games and was forced to play CB. I'd rather put Zebina up there. Anyway, I'm not a big fan of I don't really respect their Italian pundits.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

With Mourinho leaving, it'd be interesting to see who takes over the European champs.

One great coach of course who is now jobless because of "The special One" lol IS Manuel Pellegrini. It'd be awesome if he was to take over and the two were to switch sides basically like Zlatan and Eto'o did last year.

With Prandelli supposedly taking over Italy after World cup as well, La Viola will be another team in hunt for a good manager.

Who are these 2 clubs gonna recruit then you think? And how likely is Prandelli leaving Fiorentina at this point?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Pellegrini would be a very good appointment I think. Whoever takes over will find it difficult replacing Mourinho.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

the team that takes mihaijlovic should get rid of all black players and of course of quaresma (gipsy) in case he goes to inter.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

AC Milans defense is just awful. Ive seen under-17 playing better then them. Oddo in that third goal... omg he must have a great relationship with some1 in the club to be playing there.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Also Di Carlo leaves Chievo to take over Sampdporia after departure of Del Neri to Juve.

Lots of managerial changes in Serie A for next season it seems.

Mihajlovic going to Inter would make more sense than Fiorentina I think because of past relationship but still.... Pellegrini is far better anyway. Whoever gets him will be real lucky.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

the team that takes mihaijlovic should get rid of all black players and of course of quaresma (gipsy) in case he goes to inter.
Why? Are you accusing him to be racist because of what he said to Vieira in 2000? (for who doesn't know: Mihajlovic said him "shitty nigger" after Vieira said him "shitty gipsy", so a racist against a racist, it seems).
Plus I still remember Roma supporters singing "Mihajlovic zingaro" in Derby years ago and in Roma-Catania this year, so I don't understand your point against Quaresma. Maybe I misunderstood your post.

There was an article in a newspaper some weeks ago: in Serie A there are only a few coaches who remain in a club for at least 3 years. Prandelli was one of it, now I think there is only Gasperini and Ventura who will begin his 3rd year, otherwise others are new or in 2nd season with their club.
This is a very bad thing, a proof that very often is not possible to make a cycle with a coach.

About Quaresma:
YouTube - consegna tapiro Ricardo Quaresma - Striscia la Notizia 27-5-2010
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Why? Are you accusing him to be racist because of what he said to Vieira in 2000? (for who doesn't know: Mihajlovic said him "shitty nigger" after Vieira said him "shitty gipsy", so a racist against a racist, it seems).
Plus I still remember Roma supporters singing "Mihajlovic zingaro" in Derby years ago and in Roma-Catania this year, so I don't understand your point against Quaresma. Maybe I misunderstood your post.

yes he is a racist and fascist. he was a good friend of "arkan" who killed thousands of muslims in bosnia. lazio fans even honoured him by creating a banner. this guy is a cunt and I dont want to see his face. that simple!
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

2 years for Ventura. Conte was there before, when they got promoted.
True. So Gasperson is the "older" coach (in this aspect). Not a good thing this one, to be honest. Nobody is able to manage multiple seasons and presidents always need to change coach. Indeed a bad trend.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Why? Are you accusing him to be racist because of what he said to Vieira in 2000? (for who doesn't know: Mihajlovic said him "shitty nigger" after Vieira said him "shitty gipsy", so a racist against a racist, it seems).
Plus I still remember Roma supporters singing "Mihajlovic zingaro" in Derby years ago and in Roma-Catania this year, so I don't understand your point against Quaresma. Maybe I misunderstood your post.

There was an article in a newspaper some weeks ago: in Serie A there are only a few coaches who remain in a club for at least 3 years. Prandelli was one of it, now I think there is only Gasperini and Ventura who will begin his 3rd year, otherwise others are new or in 2nd season with their club.
This is a very bad thing, a proof that very often is not possible to make a cycle with a coach.

About Quaresma:
YouTube - consegna tapiro Ricardo Quaresma - Striscia la Notizia 27-5-2010

quaresma, i dont know who those two jokers were or what the fuck they were saying, but i thought the whole thing was hilarious.. when quaresma breaks the toy or whatever that is, that was classic.. what was that?
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