Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

but seriously man, what's this "aggravation"? what has he done to deserve so much stick.....
does he arrive late to training sessions (like ronaldo usedto do on a regular basis)? no
does he have problems with alcohol or women (like adriano)? no.
does he spend his nights clubbing (like recoba or djorkaeff)? no
did he ever explicitly say to the fans "fuck u", like ibra did? no as a matter of fact this is the very first time he does something unprofessional, and anyhow his anger and reaction was aimed to mourinho, not to the fans or the club.
Don't you think that its odd that the fans and club have turned on him though? Even the controversial Materazzi. Even the Curva Nord. Even Eto'o, and he's the nicest guy on the planet :LOL: Unless you think Mou has somehow poisoned our minds and turned us all on Mario in hopes of bringing down Inter, the Italian NT and the world MUHAHAHA!!

i'll tell you what, if u guys care that much about having a seconda punta who does track back, and don't mind loosing a gem like balotelli, what about a trade between mario and cavani?
sure cavani hasn't got mario's unbelievable skills, but he's as hardworker as it can get, and i'm sure he wouldn't mind becoming mourinho's bitch and undergoing his verbal abuses :P
palermo sure could use a player like mario..... although i guess we sould get in the line (with arsenal, milan, and god knows how many others top clubs waiting for moratti to sell him).
haha, nice try pal. I'm sure Mou wouldn't mind though.

The fact remains that Mou has been brought in to do a job, he is accountable for performance and results, he requires the players under him to follow his instructions and play by his rules. You think Eto'o or Pandev like playing on the wing? You think they like having to chase back on occasion? You think Lucio likes staying in position? You think Santon likes playing at left-back? No, but they do it out of respect for the coach, the players and the fans. Balotelli doesn't have to time for this, so Mou doesn't have time for Mario. Simple. There are many things worse than boozing and going out clubbing before match day, and that's showing a lack of professionalism and respect for your peers. He doesn't act as part of the group, doesn't celebrate any of our goals (or even his own for that matter), he hires Mino Raiola as his agent signaling that he is looking out for his own interests and not that of the club and fans (forget Mou for a second - what have we done to warrant such treatment?)... Upon writing this, I have discovered that Mario has been excluded from Saturdays crucial match up versus Roma. And he doesn't seem bothered or hurt.

It may seem stupid to pick a "short-term" coach over one of the most talented Italians this generation has ever seen. But it would even more stupid to jeopardize the last 2-5 years worth of work and put a single player over the entire squad. I mean think about it, we need to draw the line, or the next few players who come to Inter will think they can get away with acting like little twats.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

rfu said:
Don't you think that its odd that the fans and club have turned on him though?
not really mate. u see, inter, as a club (i mean the management) is formed by some of the stupidest people in football (no offense).
and as for the fans... well, if i have to be brutally honest, italian football fans (i mean the hardcore fans, the ultras, the ones who prepare the banners against balotelli).. are by a very large extense, ignorant idiots..... and i'm not talking specifically about inter fans.... some juventus fans still consider moggi an innocent fella..... some palermo fans would never admit zamparini is quite an idiot sometimes.... so i don't really have any respect nor give any credit to the average italian ultrà.

and as for the normal fans, well, look at u. u're clearely a smart guy, yet all this anti-balotelli campaign brought u to "not stand anymore" balotelli..... even though he's been nowhere as unprofessional as many other inter players like adriano, recoba, ronaldo, materazzi, ibra.
they've all done much worse things than mario.... yet everyone (the club and the fans) showed lot of tolerance and patience for their attitude.
i mean, for crying out loud.... adriano showed up dunk to a morning training session! veron had a fight with one of his teammates. stankovic punched one of his teammates. ronaldo used to miss training sessions on a regular basis.... and ibra said "fuck u all" to all the fans in the curva last year..... why they all got away with their attitude.... u say we can't allow balotelli do act like this or others will follow his example..... but the truth is other inter players already acted much worse than mario, and no one... not the coach, not the fans, not the club bothered at all!

and finally, as for the players... they say what they have to say..... they obviously can't go against their coach. they don't show the same unexplainable anger mourinho shows in his comments, but they can't even say that mario is a nice guy and that mourinho is an idiot who puts himself on the same level of a teenager.

besides they wouldn't say he's a nice guy even if mourinho wasn't there... coz actually mario has a very stupid and immature attitude..... i mean the point here is not if mario is a good boy or not. he's clearely stupid and immature.... the point is he's treated as if he were a "cassano" or a "joey barton".... and that's just ridiculous.

The fact remains that Mou has been brought in to do a job, he is accountable for performance and results
he's got another task to absolve: handling the players. if we were talking about a cunt like cassano or adriano, then no one would blame mourinho for wanting to get rid of him.

but when a grown up man insults an immature teenager, just coz he can't discipline him.... then that's a major failure for a coach.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

not really mate. u see, inter, as a club (i mean the management) is formed by some of the stupidest people in football (no offense).
and as for the fans... well, if i have to be brutally honest, italian football fans (i mean the hardcore fans, the ultras, the ones who prepare the banners against balotelli).. are by a very large extense, ignorant idiots..... and i'm not talking specifically about inter fans.... some juventus fans still consider moggi an innocent fella..... some palermo fans would never admit zamparini is quite an idiot sometimes.... so i don't really have any respect nor give any credit to the average italian ultrà.

and as for the normal fans, well, look at u. u're clearely a smart guy, yet all this anti-balotelli campaign brought u to "not stand anymore" balotelli..... even though he's been nowhere as unprofessional as many other inter players like adriano, recoba, ronaldo, materazzi, ibra.
Well then lets agree to disagree on the issue. At the end of the day we are mere spectators who can only sit and watch as events unfold. According to you the club management, Moratti, Paolillo, the players, the fans and everyone else backing Mourinho are ignorant idiots who have fallen under Mourinho's spell. But who is more likely right: the players and management who know Mario personally and are actually involved, or us, the mere spectators, watching from the sidelines?

even though he's been nowhere as unprofessional as many other inter players like adriano, recoba, ronaldo, materazzi, ibra.
they've all done much worse things than mario.... yet everyone (the club and the fans) showed lot of tolerance and patience for their attitude.
Exactly. Moratti is too much of a gentleman, always standing up for the players, didn't even get upset when Ronaldo returned to Italy wearing the black and red, yet here is, backing the manager, for once! What does that tell you? And in many ways Mario is much worse because in many instances, he is putting himself before the team.

It may be easy to just label everyone ignorant idiots and say that Balotelli is being targeted unfairly, but for me it makes much more sense to follow the crowd. Not that I follow the crowd of course, I wanted Balotelli out (and Higuain in) during the summer transfer market but no one would listen. Everyone is so desperate for an Italian player at Inter, but me, I can do without. Remember, everyone at Inter is behind Mou. Take from that what you will.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

According to you the club management, Moratti, Paolillo, the players, the fans and everyone else backing Mourinho are ignorant idiots
well, i can't talk about everone who thinks mourinho is doing the right thing..... but i can talk about moratti, branca, paolillo and oriali..... and yes, they are 4 complete idiots....:P

but u're right, we're just mere spectators, we're no insiders, so we can just comment on the little info we got.

but u see, usually people gets a lot of "confidential" informations on football players. when adriano arrived drunk to a training session, we all knew it. when veron had a fight with adriano in the dressing room we all knew it. when cassano insulted franco sensi we knew it. when panucci refused to play, or when he insulted preziosi we knew it.

therefore when u ask common fans why do they dislike theese players, u get some very circumstancial answers.
try ask someone why he doesn't like adriano and he'll tell u all the things he pulled off during his italian experience.
try teask someone why he doesn't like panucci... he'll tell u "i don't like that cunt coz when capello asked him to warm up and get ready to enter the pitch he told him to fuck off".
try ask someone why he thinks cassano is (better yet, was) a cunt..... and he'll probably spend the next 30 minutes reporting all the unbelievable things antonio did.

but when u ask someone why he thinks mario is a cunt, then u'll get just 2 kind of answers.
1 - well everyone says he's a cunt, so it must be true.
2 - i don't like his cocky attitude on the pitch.

and, on this basis only, the reputation of this 19 years old kid has been destroyed. and even though we tend to forget it, it must be pretty hard for a teenager to know that most of the fans in the world, people he doesn't even know, think he's a cunt (to be honest i'm surprised mario hasn't attacked jose with a baseball bat yet..... coz honestly, if someone would have done this to me when i was 19, that's what i would have done :P )
now i don't care if the crowd disagrees with me... i don't care if everyone thinks mario deserves what he's going through.
this is not enough to justify all this hatred against a teenager.... and until i'll get some real facts.... some episodes that somehow prove mario is actually a worse person than the likes of adriano, panucci or cassano, i will find this anti-balotelli campaign disgusting.....
because (i already said that, and i will repeat it) no one of the aforementioned players (whose bad conduct was proven by real facts and episodes) ever got so much stick.

but then again, we're again talking about mario's attitude, and that's not even the point. my only point is, wheter mario is a cunt or not, mourinho is doing all the mistakes a coach can possibly do with a player. because even if mario actually was that major cunt mourinho pictured us, the smart play is to keep it private.... and not for the sake of the kid (which should be the most important thing anyhow).... for the sake of inter.
that idiot (i mean mourinho) should have handled the situation differently. if he couldn't stand mario, he should have gone to moratti and ask him to sell him.
instead he kept him, he destroyed his reputation (and his value) and now that he will leave (because he WILL leave) inter is gonna get half the money they could have gotten. and i'm afraid this is pretty much unquestionable.

as for moratti and co. i don't think they made a mistake by backing up mourinho. a smart management must keep everything private, so they should have backed up mourinho. but at the same time they should have warned him not to attack mario in public anymore.... coz balotelly is a valuable asset for the club, wheter they decide to keep him or sell him).
that's what a smart management would do. and once again, there's no way around this.

let me tell u something that happened a few weeks ago, just to give u an idea of what a person mourinho is. a few weeks ago mario played a very bad game (can't remember against which club). it came out, after the match that he had fever though. the club made the statement.
well mourinho, despite being in press silence, found a way to let people know that mario didn't really have fever. that it was just a bad performance and he had no excuses for it.

now wheter he was really sick or not, that's irrilevant. how can u be so angry at someone to deny what your club said, just to put mario in a bad light? why would u do that?
let's assume mario wasn't sick... well the club came out with a justification for his bad performance, wich is perfect. now u can rebuke mario in private and the media won't put more heat on the guy. that's perfect.
but no, mourinho WANTS mario to feel the pressure. he wants people to consider him a bad person.
i know it's crazy and it makes no sense..... there's no way a 47 years old man would act so childish..... but honestly, can u think of any other reason why a coach would do this. for some very crazy reasons, he feels the urge to antagonize a teenager.
that's it. a 47 yearls old man antagonizing a teenager. he's not trying to protect the team (coz this obviously has the opposite effect). he's not trying to help the kid, coz this is clearely an evident try to damage him. he's just putting himself to the level of a 19 years old kid, antagonizing him, as if he were a teenager aswell.

now if u think that's a healthy attitude, that's okay. if u think mario deserves this, it's okay. if u actually, for some reason i can't really figure out, believe that mario is the biggest cunt in italian football and hence he deserved to be treated consequently, that's okay. i certainly respect your opinion.

but personally i find this disgusting and sick.
anyhow, i can see we're not gonna agree on this, so let's just move on before we bore to death everyone in here ;) .... roma - inter is tomorrow. any feelings about the match? :))
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Real quick before we move on, that little incident was after the Genoa match a few weeks ago. What happened was Mario's half-brother was upset that Mario played against Genoa, because according to him, Mario had a fever and shouldn't have played. Mou denied this, saying the doctors cleared Mario to play. This all happened behind closed doors, and Mou decided to drop Mario for the Catania as he and his entourage were proving to be too much of a distraction.

Later Inter announces officially that Mario sustained a slight knock to the knee (kind of like how we used to cover Vieri's and Adriano's asses with lies when they were out partying the night before :LOL:) and would be unavailable for the Catania match.
Mario's brother felt Mario was being disrespected and goes to the media, saying Mario was forced to play by Mourinho to play, despite having a fever and throwing up during half-time. Following that Mou basically lost it :LOL: and Moratti also steps in, criticizing Mario's brother for airing out their differences so carelessly. Immediately after, it was found out that Balotelli had hired that maggot Raiola as his new agent, and chaos ensued and the media had a field day.

Mou hasn't responded since I don't think, refusing to take questions on the matter, even when Mario said it was the players that won against Chelsea, not Mourinho.

Adriano was a disruptive cunt, but at least he would follow the coach's orders 90% of the time. Mario on the other hand... Clearly Balotelli isn't suited to Mourinho's defensive set up, but he reacts by acting out, sulking around, pouting, every single game. And when he's not pouting, he's acting as if he's on an afternoon stroll, just idling about on the wings, waiting for the ball to arrive. It's a never ending headache with Mario, it just never stops :RANT: :LOL:

It's a shame, Mario has contributed so much coming from the bench, 9 goals from open play, 6 assists... he's too valuable for Mou and the club us to just drop him for no apparent reason other than some pissing contest. This is what I believe.

Regarding tmrws game, I'm predicting a win for us. Roma are at their best when they're humble and playing for nothing. But now they're talking shit but :BOP: we're ready!
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

A LOT has been said about Mario Balotelli in here recently both in his favour as well as against him and I simply don't have to the time to go through all the posts nit-picking at what I agree or disagree with. But let's just say Ben that you and I will also have to agree to disagree on this matter as I find my views to be much more compatible with rfU's than yours on this topic.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Funny to see how Arsenal and both Manchester clubs would love to see Balotelli in their team.

The thing is he is 19 years old. I think any man with little bit of power and experience like a club president or even a coach can shut him up. I mean look how shy he looked with this reporter. :D Inter handeled this very wrongly and they probably will let him go this summer. Maybe Mancini will take him back.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Funny to see how Arsenal and both Manchester clubs would love to see Balotelli in their team.

The thing is he is 19 years old. I think any man with little bit of power and experience like a club president or even a coach can shut him up. I mean look how shy he looked with this reporter. :D Inter handeled this very wrongly and they probably will let him go this summer. Maybe Mancini will take him back.
Funny to see how Inter would love to see Fabregas in his team.

Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Great game between Roma and Inter.
2 posts for Inter but I think Roma deserves it more.
They played well and with a lot of courage.
Great volley from Taddei on the winner goal :).
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Ugh, I hate losing to Roma. And this was the worst possible way... two shots on targets, two goals... unbelievable! Feeding off scraps like stray dogs in the alley. And dammit Perrotta, this isn't bleedin' scuba diving, stay on your damn feet or move to hollywood you play acting...:CURSE:

Man, I'm too young for all this heart pressure. Need a beer.

I have a question, when stoppage time is about to run out, and we have the ball in the opponents half and we're about launch a cross, should the referee let play go on until the ball is cleared? It's happened twice now. Very frustrating. Also happened in the 1st half when Cassetti made a two-footed lunge on Sneijder (I think just outside the area) and the ref just blew the whistle for half-time. Cassetti walked away scott-free and we got no foul. No conspiracy talk, I'm just curious, isn't the ref in the wrong here?
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Ugh, I hate losing to Roma. And this was the worst possible way... two shots on targets, two goals... unbelievable! Feeding off scraps like stray dogs in the alley. And dammit Perrotta, this isn't bleedin' scuba diving, stay on your damn feet or move to hollywood you play acting...:CURSE:

Man, I'm too young for all this heart pressure. Need a beer.
Hehe, the irony in an Inter fan complaining about the opposition diving.

Well done, Roma. Nice to see my main man Toni bag the winner.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

I have a question, when stoppage time is about to run out, and we have the ball in the opponents half and we're about launch a cross, should the referee let play go on until the ball is cleared? It's happened twice now. Very frustrating. Also happened in the 1st half when Cassetti made a two-footed lunge on Sneijder (I think just outside the area) and the ref just blew the whistle for half-time. Cassetti walked away scott-free and we got no foul. No conspiracy talk, I'm just curious, isn't the ref in the wrong here?

Don't know. But you are the ones who committed fouls and got 20 something yellow cards. The ref thought you might have lost the time so when the 5min were over, he whistled.

Ahh thought you were talking about Eto'o at the end. Don't know about the halftime thing.

Samuel was great in the game. He handled Toni like he was 20 cm shorter.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Great game between Roma and Inter.
2 posts for Inter but I think Roma deserves it more.
They played well and with a lot of courage.
Great volley from Taddei on the winner goal :).
Well, great game but a lot of luck on Roma's side..
The first goal came from a blatant mistake by J. Cesar (how come he couldn't retain that ball?) and the second one from a completely missed shot by Taddei (well, it happens: Inter scored last year against Juve in the same way).

On the other side, Inter's goal should have been disallowed because of an offside by Milito (before Sneijder reached that ball on the right to cross it in again)..
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Mourinho doesn`t have the patients to deal with youngsters I thought at Chelsea he could of done great with Sinclair who is a very or was a very hot prospect at the time. He won`t cater to a young player ,because his reputation can`t afford it! The pressure is too hard, only brave managers take a gamble in developing and molding character in young players.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Mourinho doesn`t have the patients to deal with youngsters I thought at Chelsea he could of done great with Sinclair who is a very or was a very hot prospect at the time. He won`t cater to a young player ,because his reputation can`t afford it! The pressure is too hard, only brave managers take a gamble in developing and molding character in young players.

Erm, Santon, Krhin, Mariga, Donati, Crisetig... all have made appearances this season, three in big games. But few coaches do because there's always a risk. I mean think about it, why have Arsenal won nothing for years?

Did anyone see that banner Roma fans were holding up about Balotelli? Something like: "We don't offend you because your color, we offend you because you don't have honor" Something like that. Anyone see it?

Hehe, the irony in an Inter fan complaining about the opposition diving.
Why on earth would I complain about my team diving? I don't like it but it will happen, regardless. I don't begrudge anyone who complains about Milito or Eto'o diving, because it's shameful (well sometimes, other times its just funny :LOL:). But Perrotta was just taking the piss, he went down 3 times in the space of a minute (ok i'm exaggerating a bit). It was beyond annoying for me but that's because we lost a lot of momentum because he was rolling around the floor like he was break dancing. And to think I once wanted him at Inter (back in his Chievo days -- formed one of the best midfield partnerships with C. Zanetti, with national side. Great player then, now he's just a tosser). I mean Javier Zanetti has received a 1 match ban for god's sake. How is that possible? There goes his 138 consecutive games record. Damn Roma. Damn them to hell!

All in all Roma played great, defensively they were tough to break down. I bet Liverpool fans wouldn't recognize Riise now, the guy is phenomenal at the back. And Burdisso was good over all but he's too prone to those lapses where he just lets player ghost past him. That little midget Chileno Pizarro was great to watch. Everyone rates De Rossi as Roma's best midfielder, but not me. Pizarro is the real boss of that midfield, dictating the flow of the game and protecting the back line with some awesome tackling and intercepting. He certainly deserves more praise and recognition than De Rossi who for me hasn't really lived up to his potential as an all round midfielder. I mean Brighi is arguably better or at least as good, only not as consistent or a solid mentally.

And Oh what's this, another controversial penalty awarded to Palermo :SHOCK: How many do you guys need :LOL: :P
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Erm, Santon, Krhin, Mariga, Donati, Crisetig... all have made appearances this season, three in big games. But few coaches do because there's always a risk. I mean think about it, why have Arsenal won nothing for years?
Arsenal haven`t won because Chelsea and mUtd have been better and Arsenal are known not to break the bank on players which in their views, the risk is more I suppose. Don`t think making appearance is quite the same I only recognize Santon name out of the lot.

Mourinho`s criticism is harsh on Wenger saying he doesn`t help young players they come to him slightly polish sort of speak. Every manager manages differently and only he is the special one so yeah the risk is high with that title.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Miccoli himself admitted defeat.

Picking Iaquinta over Micolli in current form is wrong though. When will the squads be announced anyway?
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

What do you guys think will be the team Lippi will bring to South Africa? Really curious to know who you think is going to south africa.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

sorry neo, but i got no idea..... and to be honest, i don't even really care about it that much.

Rfu, i think u're being harsh on perrotta he's 33, u can't expect him to be as good as he used to be during his peak. and however, still today, he remains a unique player. sure he's nowhere near as good as he used to be, but sadly, there isn't another midfielder in italy with his features right now (although brighi kinda reminds me of him sometimes).
i do agree on riise, though. man this season he just is a different player. i don't think i've ever seen riise playing this good and with such consistency (and i'm also considering his liverpool days).
rfu said:
That little midget Chileno Pizarro was great to watch. Everyone rates De Rossi as Roma's best midfielder, but not me. Pizarro is the real boss of that midfield, dictating the flow of the game and protecting the back line with some awesome tackling and intercepting. He certainly deserves more praise and recognition than De Rossi who for me hasn't really lived up to his potential as an all round midfielder. I
yeah, messi too, he's very good, but it's not like he really met the expectations so far.....
are u crazy!!!??? how on earth can u say that! roma would collapse without him. we're talking about a midfielder with the defensive positioning sense and the tackling of a world class mediano, the vision of a world class metodista (actually he's got a much better vision the the best metodista on earth), the timing on the runs and the cut ins of a world class mezz'ala, the shooting, the offensive positioning sense and the heading of a world class central forward. add to that the personality and the charisma of a legend in the making.
how can u possibly say he hasn't lived up to his potential... if anything he's gone way over the expectations (wich were already sky-high). can u name a better metodista than him today? coz i honestly can't see anyone who even deserves to be mentioned along him.
brighi is a very nice all around midfielder (and actually he's the closest thing to perrotta i've evern seen), but come on, u can't be serious comparing him to daniele.... that'd be like comparing miccoli to messi, with all the respect.

and btw the the comparison with pizarro is absolutely unappropriate, as u can't compare a regista to a metodista (although daniele is much more than a metodista). they absolve different duties, hence a comparison is absolutely impossible.
pizarro is definitely a key asset to roma.... as much as de rossi
pizarro is the brain, daniele is the skeleton, the framework. u can be as smart as u want, but without a backbone u ain't gonna go anywhere as the backbone is what makes u stand on your feet.
rfu said:
I have a question, when stoppage time is about to run out, and we have the ball in the opponents half and we're about launch a cross, should the referee let play go on until the ball is cleared? It's happened twice now. Very frustrating. Also happened in the 1st half when Cassetti made a two-footed lunge on Sneijder (I think just outside the area) and the ref just blew the whistle for half-time. Cassetti walked away scott-free and we got no foul. No conspiracy talk, I'm just curious, isn't the ref in the wrong here?
as far as i know, there isn't a specific rule that establish that. it's just a matter of common sense. so the ref didn't really do something wrong "rules-wise", but it was definitely an unappropriate decision by him. ;)

as for palermo, good Lord, i just can't believe how good we are! considering we were about to face bologna with half of our defense gone (balzaretti and kjaer disqualified) and with bovo and liverani rushed back from their injuries, i really didn't expect us to play like this.

not to mention that, considering that we had to play 3 games in a week with almost the same starting 11 (midclass clubs like palermo have no squad-depth at all) and that we faced 2 of the most stressing teams to deal with, such as inter and genoa, i expected us to be completely exhausted.

hats off to miccoli for his attrick, but pastore and hernandez yesterday were just unbelievably good. WOW. :))

rfu said:
And Oh what's this, another controversial penalty awarded to Palermo How many do you guys need
it's a conspiracy, i tell ya! :D
jokes apart, we're getting really lucky this season, speaking of ref's calls. although i got to say we got many dodgy ref calls against us in the match vs. genoa.
but i guess i can't complain :P:))
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Rfu, i think u're being harsh on perrotta he's 33, u can't expect him to be as good as he used to be during his peak.
No no, he's still a quality player, it just that his actions yesterday really surprised me. Like C. Zanetti, Brighi and Materazzi, he's one of those players with no specific talent or skill e.g. dribbling, passing, tackling or heading, but because of their hard work, commitment, and drive, they are able to mix in with world class players and perform. You see, with Materazzi, you expect that kind of behavior because that's his personality. But Perotta is not a trickster in the sense the he that purposely misleads or misguides. Not typically anyway.

About De Rossi, simply put, he is at his best on the defensive end. Earlier in his career he was equally as good on both ends but over last few years he seems to have really focused on his positioning and defensive instincts and thusly set aside his attacking skills. If you strip away his speed and strength, then you can't say for definite that he's better than Brighi, especially going forward, where Brighi is more of an expert at breaking through the defensive line with well timed runs. Even defensively, De Rossi is a better tackler but in terms of anticipating offensive plays and movement, Brighi is just as good, not as consistent however. Certainly Cambiasso and Palombo are as good as De Rossi, only their physical attributes (size, pace, build) don't allow them to carry the ball or stand out as much in midfield. In fact, when you consider how slow and weak they are, relatively speaking, they could be considered even better metodista's than De Rossi.

Also De Rossi isn't as assertive as he ought to be in midfield. This is where Pizarro stands out for me and hence the comparison. They play different positions, but you argue, take De Rossi out of the midfield and see what happens. And I rebut, take Pizarro out, and see what happens. Brighi is an excellent replacement for De Rossi, in fact he was employed in the very role, partnering Pizarro only he isn't consistent enough at the highest level. Also Brighi keeps his passes too simple, passing to the nearest team mate rather than spreading the play to the wings. I wasn't comparing Pizarro and De Rossi as players, because as you said, it would be impossible, they are different players after all. What I was doing was comparing their level of importance to Roma, and although De Rossi is captain, he doesn't command the midfield or assert himself as much as he should, considering his ability. Sure he does a lot of running and tackling, shielding the defence, supporting the attack, and undoubtedly he covers more ground than Pizarro could ever hope to, but Pizarro is the more valuable cog in the wheel, more confident, more comfortable, more driven, more consistent, more focused, more authoritative, more expressive... If I were Raineri I would count on him more than on De Rossi.

as far as i know, there isn't a specific rule that establish that. it's just a matter of common sense. so the ref didn't really do something wrong "rules-wise", but it was definitely an unappropriate decision by him. ;)
Also when he gave Motta and JZ4 those yellows and for what? Nont only were we forced to shuffle or defensive tactics but we will miss some key players in the next game. Not to say I'm bitter, and some of those yellows were deserved, but as many players as we have, we don't have the required quality on our bench (Mariga, Muntari :SHOCK: )... we're really getting stretched this season, with UCL, Coppa and Scudetto, we can very easily end up with neither and because of a few careless mistakes -- Cambiasso's 3 match suspension, JZ4's yellow which was deemed a fair tackle by the linesman but the ref blew for the foul 25 metres away and handed out a yellow :SHOCK: ...on the other hand chivu should have been sent off for his stamp, but don't get me started on that brittle piece of glass, always getting broken :RANT:

In regards to tonight, Abbiati, Nesta, Pirlo, Beckham, Mancini, Ronaldinho, Pato, Ambrosini are all missing, and Lazio desperately need points so I predict a Lazio win here.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Cristiano Zanetti was/is a master at passing, has an extrelemy cool head and his vision is topnotch. What do you mean no specific talent??

The rest is just some rambling. De Rossi a Palombo with speed :LOL:. Brighi just as good:LOL:
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