Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

yeah, poor fella... from roma to saint petersburg... i mean st. petersburg is actually a nice place, but boy, he must be freezing....he's even bald! i just hope he's got himself a hat :P

anyhow nice games yesterday.... i watched a bit of inter chelsea and a bit of fiorentina milan.... seriously how unlucky is fiorentina this season!.... they were really good yesterday... if they would have faced bayern with half the confidence they showed yesterday, they would have dismantled the germans.
yesterday's loss pretty much writes off fiorentina from the 4th place battle... while milan is again on inter's tail...

on a different note, how great was moratti ordering this silenzio stampa!?! life in italy is soo much better when u don't have to hear mourinho's insults and bullshits every other day.... if i close my eyes i can almost dream he's not even coaching in italy anymore!...oh well, i guess we'll just have to wait.... sooner or later we'll find some foreign club president as stupid as moratti, who will be willing to overpay that paris hilton on steroids and take him as far as possible from italy :P

oh i also got to say i completely misjudged lucio.... wich is strange as i thought i knew him pretty well, having watched plenty of bayern over the years..... yet, after following him closer during his italian experience, i have to say i changed my mind about him.... sure he has some serious weaknesses, but when he's on the right mood, he can be a beast of a defender.... hats off :))
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Yup I remember you saying that he needed Cordoba to mentor him, but I always thought he is one of the best with such a high mentality and fighting spirit. He can even dribble and shoot very good. I can see Thiago Silva being his successor for Brazil NT as they have similar qualities but some way to go.

Mourinho needs to shut up. Yesterday he commented on Milan without even seeing the uncalled penalty.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Yup I remember you saying that he needed Cordoba to mentor him, but I always thought he is one of the best with such a high mentality and fighting spirit. He can even dribble and shoot very good. I can see Thiago Silva being his successor for Brazil NT as they have similar qualities but some way to go.

well let's not get carried away now. he's nowhere near "the best" (at least imo). he takes bad decisions way too often to de defined a top defender and i'm afraid there's just no way around this. as a cb, it's even better to be a little less talented, but to know your job.
and the fact that he can shoot or dribble is absolutely irrilevant, as the only "not defending related" department that's important for a cb is the passing game.

i just meant to say that he's not that extremely overrated player i always thought he was, as, even though his role-education is absolutely terrible, his natural talent almost makes up for it (wich makes me believe that if he had spent his teenager years in italy, he would be an amazing cb nowadays).
but labelling him as a top defender would still be a huge overstatement to me. :))

thiago silva might not have lucio's enourmous natural talent (although he's definitely talented aswell), but his role education and tactical awareness is already light years ahead of lucio's.... and given how young he still his and how much he's been improving in the last season, i tend to believe he'll develop into a much better player than lucio... obviously that's just a pure guess..... but having tassotti as a tutor is a great privilege for a young talented cb ;) .
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

When i watched Milan-Man Utd, that was the first time i saw Thiago Silva playing...i was impressed by him.
He's a good defender (although there is still room for improvement, cfr. Rooney goals) and has good passing skills.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

When i watched Milan-Man Utd, that was the first time i saw Thiago Silva playing...i was impressed by him.
He's a good defender (although there is still room for improvement, cfr. Rooney goals) and has good passing skills.

believe it or not that was an average game for him.

on a different note, how great was moratti ordering this silenzio stampa!?! life in italy is soo much better when u don't have to hear mourinho's insults and bullshits every other day.... if i close my eyes i can almost dream he's not even coaching in italy anymore!...

You guys know he feeds off this sort of attention, right? In any case, whatever it takes to draw attention away from his players he seems willing to do.

About the Samp game, apparently Samp officials tried to clear Cambiasso's name, saying he didn't hit anyone at halftime during the Samp game last weekend, as was alleged? And yet he's still banned for 2 games :PIG: Anyone hear that?
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

In any case, whatever it takes to draw attention away from his players he seems willing to do.
rfu, please, tell me u don't buy that. that's just laughable.
"yeah i'm flamboyant and often out of line...i like to keep people guessing what'll be my next move (but just in the press conferences, of course); i do some artificial pauses during my speeches to gather more attention and increase the suspence... i love to create some controversies, even when there's absolutely no reason to do it; i do everything i can to get the spotlight....and i do my best to have the media talking about me as much as possible........
but i don't do that for me! oh no, i don't do it coz i'm a very self-doubting person and i need to hide it by overboosting my vanity, so that i can feed my ego and have u people never seeing me for what i really am.
no, i'm not an attention whore; i don do it coz i get aroused by seeing my face on tv.... oh no that's not the reason why i act this way.

.... i do it...... for the team! i try to gather as much attention as possible over me, so that my team feels no pressure

yeah sure that makes perfect sense, doesn't it. infact inter players aren't getting any pressure at all since the man who defined himself "the special one" took's not like his players get an enourmous pressure precisely because of him.... it's not like the pressure on inter players has been constantly growing ever since mancini left....

think of balotelli.....till mancini was in charge no one used to complain about his attitude.... he was the shining little gem of inter... and never created any sort of problems....
now that mourinho is in charge, he gets publicly rebuked by his own coach every other week.... oh but i'm sure he feels no pressure at all because of this, yeah.
the funniest thing is that we (i mean people in italy) never really knew what mario could possibly do to deserve such treatment.... and that's weird coz when a player does something wrong (like arriving late to the training sessions or having an unprofessional attitude), the newspapers put it in on first page even before the coach himself knows about it.... i mean think of cassano, every time he did something wrong, we all knew........ but what about balotelli? have u ever heard anything about his "mistakes"?..... the only thing we know is that his own coach likes to scold him continuously, for his "attitude", even though he never really said "what" he did to deserve his reprimends....

and anyhow, even assuming balotelli is really that "bad professional" mourinho pictured us (without actually telling us anything other than "he's a bad professional").... is it really the best move to blame him in public? isn't this exactly the wrongest thing a coach can possibly do? ..... didn't mourinho himself (during his very first press conference in italy) said that he would have never blamed one of his players in public? didn't he say that he would have never do it, especially with his youngsters, to avoid to raise the pressure over them....

and then what did he do? he publicly humiliated mario by comparing him with santon, by saying that davide is exactly what mario will never be.... a talented youngster who can keep his feet on the ground.
he even lectured us ... the coaches, the media, telling us how dangerous it is to put too much heat on our youngsters... and that we should protect them, help them to grow without giving them too much spotlight coz that would "burn" them.... that we shouldn't give em too much responsibility and shouldn't pump up our expectations on them coz that would compromise their growth

.... and the very next day he grabs a mike to tell everyone that davide santon is the next best thing in world's football!!!???? that is the future maldini!!!?? WTF! a kid who is having is first taste of professional football compared to an all time legend? yeah sure that won't put any pressure at all on davide's shoulders...
and he actually managed to do even better than this.... when davide went through a bad form period and got so overwhelmed by the pressure that he actually cried in the dressing room (but that obviously has nothing to do with his coach comparing him to maldini), mourinho started throwing shit over him too.... just as he did with balotelli.....actually he did more than that, he said his recent performances were unacceptable!!
unacceptable?? an under 20 who hits a bad form period after playing as a starter for a club like inter for half a season is unacceptable?

seriously how can someone be that stupid. i mean, how are we supposed to handle very young players?.... don't praise them too much when they're on a roll.... don't be too hard on them when they're hitting a bad form period.... try to help them to have a constant growth, away from any sort of spotlight or intensive media attention.... work on their confidence, but without bringing them to the point they think they have nothing more to learn.....
this is so obvious everyone could tell it.....
u might say, hey, easier said than done..... and sure it's not easy.... but he's not even trying.... he actually did the opposite. he compared a 17 years old kid with less than 20 professional matches under his belt to maldini for god's sake.... and after a couple of bad performances he said his performances were unbearable....
and that's the very same person who pretended to lucture us about how we should "take it easy" with our yongsters....

he's the same person who said that that he does what he does to protect the team from the pressure.... yeah, great job smartass....afterall, keeping a low profile would have a killer effect on his players, wouldn't it? yeah sure, i mean look at ancelotti's teams... all his players (at juve, at milan, at chelsea), they litterally crack under the huge pressure caused by carletto's low profile. :ROLL:

he's the same person who said he would have never blamed one of his players in public....well i guess he forgot that when he humiliated maxwell..... and cordoba..... and santon..... and he probably forgets it every time someone has him talking about balotelli....

and the the funniest thing is that many people still pays attention to what he says.
he humiliates his own players insulting them.... he puts an enourmous pressure on his youngsters, by praising them when they perform and bringing them down when they don't (wich is exactly the opposite of what he shoud be doing)...... and yet people labels him as a great "dressing room manager"

he can't handle absolutely any sort of criticism, he can't face a mature conversation, without turning it into a confrontation as soon as the interlocutor says he doesn't agree with him....
he can't resist to verbally abuse and insult anyone who questions his point of views (pretty much like a child would do)..... and yet people still describes him as a great comunicator!!
does people have actually any idea of which skills define a "great comunicator"? or maybe they think he's a great comunicator just coz he said he is...

afterall, he also referred to himself as "the special one" after winning just a champions league (he said that before winning the league with chelsea)... wich makes me wonder, if winning a champions league makes u a "special one", then how should the likes of capello, trapattoni, ancelotti and lippi define themselves? GODS?!
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Ha, what a rant. Let me get this straight, you're blaming Balotelli's behavior all on Mou? Wow!! I don't have time to dig up dirt, nor do I speak Italian, so I don't know what's going on in press conferences, but Balotelli's was every bit as bad in the Mancini era as he is under Mou. Mou's issue is, in his favored 4-3-3 line-up, he want's Balotelli to track back, to help Maicon out when he makes those powerful runs. Balotelli doesn't like to defend. Not one bit. That and Balotelli is a bit of a brat :LOL:

Under Mancini Mario was just starting out, only managing 10 or so appearances. The following season, under Mou, is where he truly emerged as a top prospect. But his behavior has always been an issue, whether its with the U21s (getting sent off) or telling the Ghana NT to take a hike when they approached him :LOL:

A classic example of Balotelli's behavior was versus Fiore in the Coppa: we were defending a lead, Balotelli felt he had been fouled, and was rolling on the ground like he had been hit by a car, clutching his face, trying his best to get the refs attention... Meanwhile, Fiore are on the counter, and I forget who, but we manage to kick it out for a corner. Mou screams for Balotelli to get up and track back to help defend. Balotelli is still on the ground, whining, complaining about a non-existent foul. So Mou subs him out, and Balotelli storms off, straight for the dressing room. Mou publicizes such mistakes because he's tried everything else. Whatsmore, Zanetti and Cordoba are behind Mou, “The coach has great experience. Mario just has to listen, learn and do his best like he did here [against Rubin]. He has to express himself in a team that loves him.” - Cordoba

Balotelli is impetuous, hot-headed and impulsive, he was this way before Mou arrived in Italy. Even his own family acknowledges his behavior. And look at his ridiculous mohawk-cut :LOL: Again nothing to do with Mou.

Now these Santon-Maldini comparisons didn't originate from Mou I'm sure, most likely the media. And I'm not aware of Mou humiliating Santon in public, but I have heard that Santon has been out clubbing and having a good time, and Mou criticized him for that, telling him he had to focus on his football more.

Wow, such vehement criticism :LOL: It's not like Mou quit on the team on the eve of a champions league defeat :LOL: You focus only on those two players, what about Mou's treatment of Motta (especially), Eto'o, Cordoba and Muntari who have underperformed in recent months?

As for your quip about him being a great communicator, he's the only Inter manager thus far who has managed to instill a fiery passion and work ethic into the team. We didn't have that under Mancini, certainly not under Zoff or Tardelli. That and he's got a great relationship with the fans, so I have little to complain about. Just sit back and enjoy the show that is "Mou", that's what I do :))

P.S. about Mou's 3 match ban for his controversial handcuffs gesture, I'm curious, how many matches was Di Canio banned for this:

Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Let me get this straight, you're blaming Balotelli's behavior all on Mou?
no mate... i blame mou for his own mistakes... and that's already lots of material to blame him for... as for the balotelli situation, i just wonder why all this hatred against him... and don't tell that's because he doesn't back track, as that's not the case (as a side note, let me just say that if mou lines up in the same formation motta, cambiasso and zanetti.... and he also wants balotelli to back track to cover for maicon' s runs, then he's an idiot, but that's not the point)... he seems to refer (although, as i said, he was never really clear on the point) to his attitude during the training session..... maybe he's lazy, i don't know.... but anyhow, just because of this u have a go at mario every time someone asks u about him? com on adriano, cassano, ronaldinho, none of em got as much stick from their coaches (and adriano was even coached by mou himself)... jeez not even barton got so much abuse from his coaches...

besides even if u (this "u" is referred to mourinho, not to u, pal ;)) ) are so stupid not to realise how counterproductive it is to blame a youngster in public, after doing this for 2 years (with very bad results it seems, as he keeps complaining about him) don't u think it's about time u change strategy? how about blaming him in private! force him to some extra training sessions early in the morning, rebuke him in the dressing room, in front of his teammates, but jeez not in front of the whole nation, u idiot!... this is not working, it's destroying their relationship (it's pretty obvious at this point mario can't stand him and can't wait to leave inter... and will probably do it sooner or later) and it's also making u look like an idiot as u were the one who said it's wrong to blame your players in public.....
not to mention the ridiculous contradiction with him saying that he acts like a diva just to protect his players from the heat (coz, given his attitude towards the likes of maxwell, balotelli, santon, that's clearely not his concern).

and about mancini, mario became a starter for half of a season under mancio, and as i said mancini never complained about him.... as soon as mou came in charge balotelli suddenly became a "brat".... although some might say probably mancini too had some probles with him.... but, not being an idiot like mourinho, mancio handled it properly and "kept it in the dressing room".

as for zanetti and cordoba being behind mou, that's not really a valid point.... what would u expect them to do? to disavow their own coach and say mario doesn't deserve to be humiliated in front of the whole country by their own coach? i can't see that happening.

besides my real point is not to prove balotelli is a nice guy. actually i think hot-headed and impulsive too. my point is that his coach (who, unlike mario, is not a teenager) is as hot-headed and as stupid as mario and isn't handling this situation properly... every time he attacks him in front of a tv camera, he's putting himself on the very same childish level of balotelli.... he's clearely not helping him to become more professional and, by denying what appeared to be his own mantra (never blaming players in public), he's also making a fool of himself.
and that's pretty much undeniable.

Now these Santon-Maldini comparisons didn't originate from Mou I'm sure, most likely the media. And I'm not aware of Mou humiliating Santon in public, but I have heard that Santon has been out clubbing and having a good time, and Mou criticized him for that, telling him he had to focus on his football more.
no, mate. the media had nothing to do with the santon hype... it all started and ended with mourinho.... actually some journalists made fun of mourinho for (once again) denying his own "beliefs" and putting so much heat on a teenager.
and when he had his bad period he didn't just tell him to focus on football.... that would have been reasonable and fair... he said his performances were not acceptable.... and that's just stupid.
You focus only on those two players, what about Mou's treatment of Motta (especially), Eto'o, Cordoba and Muntari who have underperformed in recent months?
motta, eto'o, cordoba and muntari are already mature professionals.... performing or not, they don't need any sort of addressing from their coach....balotelli and santon are teenagers.... it's a completely different situation..... besides that's not even true... the way he ravaged against cordoba and maxwell last season (for a single missed tackle) was just ridiculous and out of line too.

As for your quip about him being a great communicator, he's the only Inter manager thus far who has managed to instill a fiery passion and work ethic into the team. We didn't have that under Mancini, certainly not under Zoff or Tardelli. That and he's got a great relationship with the fans, so I have little to complain about. Just sit back and enjoy the show that is "Mou", that's what I do
that's just not true either. the team grow in terms of mentality during the mancini era. mourinho had nothing to do about it.... and mind u, i don't think this was a mancini merit either... it's just about the players inter has today.
tardelli's inter, aswell as zoff's inter was a very different team. the players inter had those days weren't really professionals and composed as the current inter players.... this squad is actualy that strong (from a mental point of view) they could cope with their former coach (mancini) having a complete mental crisis (i'm referring to that champions league night when mancini said he wanted to quit). that's how strong, composed and balanced this team is... and that has nothing to do with mourinho...

and as for his ban, he deserved much more than just 3 matches imo.. that gesture was not just controversial... it was unacceptable (as much as that di canio gesture... and i'm sure di canio too had a serious ban for that).

however rfu, don't misunderstand me. i'm not having a go at inter (obviously). i just hope u guys will get a proper coach as soon as possible, coz i honestly can't stand this overrated drama queen anymore.....
and to think that i even used to find him a nice character til last season.... with his attitude he just managed to loose all my respect.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Mario Balotelli is an unprofessional, troubled, dirty, hot-headed selfish egotistical asshole cunt and has been for as long as we've had the pleasure of knowing him lol and I'm sure people who've known him even longer would say he's pretty much always been like that!

Mancini much like undoubtedly every other coach he's ever had did have problems with him as well. Like you said, the fact that unlike Jose, he didn't choose to talk about it publicly often doesn't mean Mario wasn't trouble then. Plus he's got an even bigger head now than before!! since he's grown in status and reputation worldwide.

The fact that Mourinho (An immature spoiled egomaniac himself) hasn't perhaps handled him the best way is probably correct but to say he's 'suddenly' become a brat under Mourinho is nonesense. I'm certain, he'll be an absolute BITCH to deal with for his next coaches/teams as well and will need some SERIOUS disciplining and a total transformation of attitude and very very few managers have the ability and patience to take a player this screwed up and change him for the better and even then, it might take too much of their time/effort and they may not deem it worthwhile and be busy with too much else. He's a handful for any coach! I'm sure he already has been horrible to deal with for other coaches at Inter as well (Not just manager but actual COACHES), before that even and also U21 national team staff.

Hell, I'm sure he's a pain in the ass even for most team-mates. I would definitely have problems with him if he was in my team, and certainly if I actually had the authority as captain or a coach to teach him a thing or two.

And honestly if even Inter fans can see what a huge douchebag he is, the majority of the rest of us can certainly see it as clear as daylight.

Mourinho is certainly not without his mistakes but Mario Balotelli was a 'mistake' long before Jose and will be for some time to come unless some holy figure can somehow make a dramatic shift in the kid somehow.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

The fact that Mourinho (An immature spoiled egomaniac himself) hasn't perhaps handled him the best way is probably correct but to say he's 'suddenly' become a brat under Mourinho is nonesense.
Exactly, I couldn't have put it any better.

and don't tell that's because he doesn't back track, as that's not the case (as a side note, let me just say that if mou lines up in the same formation motta, cambiasso and zanetti.... and he also wants balotelli to back track to cover for maicon' s runs, then he's an idiot, but that's not the point)
In our 4-3-3, we have 3-man midfield of Zanetti, Cambiasso and Sneijder in a more advanced role. So clearly there're are plenty of gaps in the wide areas that our opponents with quick wingers and side-backs and easily expose, hence why Balotelli is required to do some defending. In the game versus Chelsea for example, Maicon was twice left to take on two men. Funnily enough, Balotelli actually put in a decent shift on the defensive end in that game but still it was not enough. Today versus Udinese he was superb in the 1st half, doing a lot of defensive work, playing almost like CMF. But he almost ruined it all in the second half when he went back to his usual self, sulking around, flipping off everyone and just acting like a spoiled cunt :RANT: :LOL:

how about blaming him in private! force him to some extra training sessions early in the morning, rebuke him in the dressing room, in front of his teammates, but jeez not in front of the whole nation, u idiot!
C'mon, you don't think Mou has tried that already? You know he did the same shit to Joe Cole (who was no where near as bad as Balotelli) while he was at Chelsea, again for neglecting his defensive duties. According to Mou, "I think he has two faces - one beautiful one and one that I don't like. He must keep one of them and change the other one" :LOL: And that was right after Joe Cole had scored a goal in the game. That was in 2004 and after that Joe Cole improved two-fold, becoming a more complete player yet managing to maintain his creative and technical momentum.

About Inter's mentality and self-confidence, we will just have to disagree here. Mancini definitely put them along the right path (remember the record-breaking run of 17 consecutive victories :SMUG:) but in the following season, we won the scudetto on the last day and if you watched the first half of that game (versus Parma), you would put money on us mucking it up because we were incredibly nervous. And then a still injured Ibra came on in the second half and put it away.

We're still careless and can easily throw away a good lead, but this time round there's a self-belief that we can pull through and get a result no matter the odds (9-men down versus Milan and Sampdoria) and on top of that, there is an all-for-one, one-for-all solidarity that binds the team and instills a collective commitment and drive. And don't forget this is a team of overpaid divas :P. Mou managed a similar feat with Chelsea in his first few seasons. According to one former Chelsea player, "The players liked Ranieri, but you could argue that they like and respect Mourinho that bit more"... And "They will walk through a brick wall for Mourinho."

You may dislike his methods but the results are there to be seen.

(as much as that di canio gesture... and i'm sure di canio too had a serious ban for that).
Actually Di Canio got a 1 match ban :OOOH: Maybe FIGC is getting there act together, who knows :P

So fourth place, huh... how about that :))
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

PLF said:
Mario Balotelli is an unprofessional, troubled, dirty, hot-headed selfish egotistical asshole cunt and has been for as long as we've had the pleasure of knowing him lol and I'm sure people who've known him even longer would say he's pretty much always been like that!
i think that's a bit harsh, bro. i mean if that's how u describe mario, then how would u describe the likes of cassano, adriano, kahn, van bommel, panucci?... the antichrists?! :P

he's never insulted a director or a coach or a president (like cassano), he's never refused to come in as a sub when asked by the coach (like panucci), he probably came late to a few trainings, but he never completely missed a training (like adriano)...sure he showed disprespect to his teammates and opponents a few times.... but not as much as many other players... even older and more mature than him (like van bommel and kahn).....

he's definitely a spoiled brat with a bad attitude.... but jeez he's a 19 years old kid who earns more money than all of us.... so that shouldn't really surprise us. yeah sure there are also youngsters who are much more wise, mature and professionals, like benzema or marchisio.... but they are a huge exception. besides, let's also say mario didn't really have an "easy life"... at least till he became a footballer.

but a troubled egoist cunt? no, i really can't see him like that.... he doesn't even sound like that, as every time i heard him talking, he sounded more like a very nice, extremely polite, easy going guy..... i assume as soon as he enters the pitch, a "dark side" of him emerges, but honestly that's not such a big deal, as hundreds of football players (even much older than him) have such an attitude.

however my main point, talking about balotelli, wasn't to defend him. i used him as an example to explain my opinion about mourinho's men management abilities.....
mancini said just a few weeks ago "i can't talk about his current situation, coz i'm not inter coach anymore, but i never had any sort of problems with mario" . casiraghi, his under 21 coach, said "it can be hard to deal with him sometimes, but honestly that can be said about most of the kids at his age, and besides i never had any problems with him and despite what many people might think, he's extremely shy and generous".... and his former coach at lumezzane described a kid wich is completely different from the little devil mourinho pictured us.......
as a matter of fact, millions of people all around the globe judge balotelli over the opinion of a single man (mourinho).... i'm sorry that's just not enough for me, i need something more concrete, more tangible to get persuaded he's such a bastard.
rfu said:
In our 4-3-3, we have 3-man midfield of Zanetti, Cambiasso and Sneijder in a more advanced role. So clearly there're are plenty of gaps in the wide areas that our opponents with quick wingers and side-backs and easily expose, hence why Balotelli is required to do some defending. In the game versus Chelsea for example, Maicon was twice left to take on two men. Funnily enough, Balotelli actually put in a decent shift on the defensive end in that game but still it was not enough. Today versus Udinese he was superb in the 1st half, doing a lot of defensive work, playing almost like CMF. But he almost ruined it all in the second half when he went back to his usual self, sulking around, flipping off everyone and just acting like a spoiled cunt
that's actually a good point, i forgot about snejder. but then again, getting mad at a 19 years old supporting striker, coz he doesn't back track? come on.... i would understand if we were talking about a trequartista or a mezz'ala, but we're talking about a forward!! a forward who is clearely still as immature and as undisciplined as a 19 years old kid can be... that's sure not a reason to destroy his reputation in tv every time u get the chance to.
let's even forget that's he's not even 20 yet.... how many "mature" supporting strikers have a natural tendency to track back? that's not something natural for a forward... it's something they get used to do over the years.... they get disciplined from theirs coaches and learn to force themselves to do something that's just not in a forward dna..... but verbally abusing a 19 years old in front of the whole nation on an almost weekly basis is not a way to educate him......
.... and no rfu, i don't think mourinho ever tried a different approach.... actually i don't just "think "that, i know he didn't.... coz he acted like this from his very first month as inter's coach.
rfu said:
About Inter's mentality and self-confidence, we will just have to disagree here. Mancini definitely put them along the right path (remember the record-breaking run of 17 consecutive victories ) but in the following season, we won the scudetto on the last day and if you watched the first half of that game (versus Parma), you would put money on us mucking it up because we were incredibly nervous. And then a still injured Ibra came on in the second half and put it away.

We're still careless and can easily throw away a good lead, but this time round there's a self-belief that we can pull through and get a result no matter the odds (9-men down versus Milan and Sampdoria) and on top of that, there is an all-for-one, one-for-all solidarity that binds the team and instills a collective commitment and drive. And don't forget this is a team of overpaid divas . Mou managed a similar feat with Chelsea in his first few seasons. According to one former Chelsea player, "The players liked Ranieri, but you could argue that they like and respect Mourinho that bit more"... And "They will walk through a brick wall for Mourinho."
don't get me wrong pal. i didn't say inter's mentality step up should be credited to mancini (as i don't think it was his merit either)..... and i didn't even say mourinho hasn't a terrific skill in "building a team's mentality".... that's infact the very one thing he's really good at, imo (and btw, that has nothing to do with being a good communicator) .
mourinho can definitely give to his teams a very strong mentality... i just think he didn't have to do it with inter, coz inter already had that mentality..... and not because of mancini... because of the players moratti bought all over the past 5/6 years..... chivu, vieira, ibra (and now eto'o and milito), samuel, maicon, cambiasso.... u don't have to work on the mentality that much, when u have theese players. they're definitely overpaid, but they're not "divas"
rfu said:
You may dislike his methods but the results are there to be seen.
i'll reply to this with an example. button won a formula 1 world championship this season!!!!
and, in case u're not into formula 1, let me make myself more explicit. give zenga the teams mourinho had and he'll deliver aswell!! and, in case u disagree with me, i have 2 words for u: avraam grant :P
rfu said:
So fourth place, huh... how about that
it won't last for long, but, boy, it's nice to be there!!!
we weren't really great yesterday though.... it was mostly down to juve's awful form (i guess they were tired after playing thursday in europa league)..... however miccoli's goal made my day
and that's from different angles
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

admit it dom, u forgot how nice can be to watch a good team playing some good football.......
...u're wellcome :P
class act by fabrizio, dedicating the victory to fiat employees in termini imerese, who are most likely to lose their jobs in a few weeks :))

oh btw, bonucci and sirigu got called by lippi :)) i'm really happy for them, theese are 2 well deserved call ups. hope it's the 1st of a long series, for both players :))
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Borriello, Pazzini, Quagliarella and Di Natale.... I really like that! I'd also bring Balotelli for some pure flair.

Who do you guys think the Italy boss will be after Lippi? It will be announced in May.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

yeah, how can balotelli not get called up is just beyond my understanding..... but then again, i don't even try to understand lippi's logic anymore.

as for the post-lippi era, i really have no idea.... i can't see ancelotti leaving chelsea this soon.... it should be ranieri, but he's enjoying his new job in roma too, so it's tricky....

i just hope it won't be prandelli.... after spalletti, ancelotti and capello, serie a can't lose another top coach.

how about pato, ste? is his injury serious? losing him again is a huge blow for milan :((
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

What a goal by Miccoli...Such an underated player...
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

yeah, how can balotelli not get called up is just beyond my understanding..... but then again, i don't even try to understand lippi's logic anymore.

as for the post-lippi era, i really have no idea.... i can't see ancelotti leaving chelsea this soon.... it should be ranieri, but he's enjoying his new job in roma too, so it's tricky....

i just hope it won't be prandelli.... after spalletti, ancelotti and capello, serie a can't lose another top coach.

how about pato, ste? is his injury serious? losing him again is a huge blow for milan :((

I don't know Ben. He wasn't anything near full-shape these weeks but his positioning is so vital... hence scoring 3 goals in his last few games. I think Leo might use Mancini, Beckham or Abate to replace Pato, who will probably also miss the United game. But I think we will be fine... we were playing quite well without him a few weeks ago. Beckham will have more crossing time and hopefully Huntelaar will get more games.

Anyway... as weeks go by, I'm still a little disappointed with Gattuso. I think he has lost some passion for the club and is annoyed that Ambrosini is the captain.

For Italy, I have a funny feeling that it will be Allegri.... because I really can't come up with other names... except for Prandelli (I hope he remains at Viola... because the team is his... it has his personality).
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

I've been impressed by him Gerd!

I'm a bit disappointed in the way all the FIGC people are trying to get Nesta back into Italy. I completely understand his reasoning to reject the call.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

So who are atm the 4 center backs that are more likely to be called by lippi for the WC?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

I think Chiellini, Cannavaro, Legro, and Gamberini(injured now). They are trying hard to get Nesta back though.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

i hope that's not gonna happen.... respect for the legend, but cannavaro is no italy material anymore jeez, there are so many cbs who deserve the call much more than him (bovo, bocchetti, ranocchia, who is still with the under 21 though)
legrottaglie has never been italy material... the only point of having him with the squad was to give chiellini a partner he knows well (and it didn't even work that well).
i'm sure he'll call cannavaro (sadly), but he really can't pick legrottaglie over bonucci... that'd be just unbelievable.
gambero can be awesome when in good form, but he hasn't shown much consistency over the last 2 seasons.....

i can understand nesta's decision too stef, but it's such a shame..... he's been on fire this season. i can recall just 2 bad performances from him, maybe 3 (if we count that terrible man utd game i couldn't watch) , all season long.

oh and obviously, concerning the sidebacks, u can be damn sure zambrotta and grosso will be there, but no balzaretti and cassani..... i really can't wait for lippi to resign.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Grosso as been shit all season with Ferrara. Glad he isn't playing atm and that De Ceglie is getting some minutes.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

I just can't understand why would Lippi take Zambrotta and Gattuso over Antonini and Ambrosini.

I mean, the latter are AC Milan starters, what's the point of picking up their subs?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

I'm still puzzled over how Ambrosini doesn't play for Italy. I'd take Bonera, Abate and Antonini over Zambrotta.... but Ben is right :(
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Current italy squad is filled with unattractive names to be honest. I know there is much more to football, but still..
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Bonera is going in a great form right now. I think he get the call if he keeps it up and is a great addition. He plays everywhere in the backline. And Lippi seems to like him which is the most important thing.

Lippi is clearly going for an experienced side. Hey, we might as well see Totti or maybe Toni if they play well the next months.

Here is the list which I am sure of:
1- Cannavaro
2- Chiellini
3- Zambrotta
4- Grosso
5- Santon

which leaves 3 spots. Sadly not much for the young guys if you take into consideration Nesta, Legro(I still think he'll call him, he's wierd), Bonera, and Bonucci.
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