Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

dafrenz said:
every single time he did a pass he went for a run! That was really impressive...
well that's part of the problem, isn't it. such a thing shouldn't be impressive... it should be normal.
yesterday we witnessed a pretty evident display of how fotball should and shouldn't be played. and marcheggiani remarked it too (boy the man knows football!!!).
this roma is completely different from that awesome "champagne football-one touch passing game" team it used to be back in the spalletti era. when ranieri took over he went back to the basics. since he felt the players were overwhelmed by the pressure of delivering (and couldn't play anymore their trademark football) he had them playing a very basic, very juventus-like (not this juve, i mean the old juve) football. but since there are lots of "brains" at midfield and lots of clever, always-moving mezz'ali upfront, the passing game is still very smooth, very fluent. juventus instead.... well they look like liverpool.

as for chiellini's move, i wouldn't say that was a bad call. he tried a break at midfield.... and it was a good decision.... the execution, on the other side, wasn't really great (he made a long step and lost contact with the ball).... he tried to pull off a "nesta". the break at midfield is always a risky move (as you leave your spot on the line) but if u execute it well, it's very rewarding (coz u litterally crack the tempo of the play and turn the pitch upside down).... the only cbs who never screwed up a break at midfield are nesta and baresi.... but since they're both not human, they're an unfair yardstick, even for a top class cb as giorgio. :))
dafrenz said:
Oh and Candreva has the chance of becoming like Camo just has to "get" there, yet
and pastore has a chance to become like rivera... he just has to "get there".... the thing is "getting there" is the tricky part ;)
i have huge expectations on candreva, but i wouldn't really set up a "camoranesi-target" for him just yet, as too much expectations might kill his confidence.
dafrenz said:
edit: oh, and they didn't pay for Candreva (well, they did but only 0.5M€), since it's on loan with chance for buying half (at 7.5 M€ iirc).
it's not just a chance mate. i am absolutely sure spinelli reached an agreement with juve, to bound them to get livorno's half of candreva (and pay him those 7 millions left too) this summer.
there's no way spinelli would have let candreva go for just 0.5 millions. by giving candreva away, livorno pretty much gave up to serie a's football for the next season..... and u don't face such a sacrifice for just 500 thousands euros. :))
however yeah, i hope they get a regista too. juve really needs a regista asap.
leo said:
He's a fox, why sell him this year for X millions when he can sell him in 2011 for double price than this year?
more like 4 times the price ;)
gerd said:
About Totti and Toni and the squadra Azzuri. If both are still among the best players on their position, then i think Lippi should play then in South-Africa. You don't begin to swap generations at a World Cup. Now i do agree that Lippi should have brought lots of younger players earlier, but right at the moment it's too late.
that's actually a good point, gerd :))
milanista said:
I can't believe its not been mentioned. Chevanton joined Atalanta. I always rated him highly in Serie A. He was a, imo, better and more consistent version of Miccoli.

Anyway... DERBY TOMORROW. I think having Nesta back is key... will help us contain Milito.
wow i didn't know about chevanton. anyhow yes, he's a nice player.... but let's not get over our heads, fabrizio belongs to a different class (and i don't think i'm being biased here :P )

as for nesta, yes it would be extremely important to have him on the pitch tonite.... but even more important would be to have a fit nesta.... i'm not sure forcing him to play would be a good call, if he's not ready
abhi said:
Ben, Liverpool can't afford Kjaer.
i see, mate:))
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

but let's not get over our heads, fabrizio belongs to a different class (and i don't think i'm being biased here :P )



what a first half by palermo, a joy to watch. I said to myself if Palermos scores the first goal, 2 and 3 will quickly follow. they simply outplayed fiorentina. napoli leads in livorno. thank you spinelli!
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

how about that!!!!


can't believe i'm forced at home in front of a pc while even my missus was at the stadium.... oh well, i'll consider the flu as a small price to pay.

ernestito said:
napoli leads in livorno. thank you spinelli!
maggio's goal was outstanding! very van basten-esque!
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Woah, what a performance by Palermo. Very fluid, and players like Pastore and Hernandez weren't afraid to use their dribbling. Fiorentina looked confused and scared by the Renzo Barbera. Kjaer and Bovo were awesome together!

I wish Milan had someone like Balzaretti or Vargas - those guys never stop running and are quite solid at defending too considering they are quite offensive.


I've got to say.. Zamparini can sometimes be an idiot, but I think his player valuations (in terms of skill and potential) is quite impressive. Budan, Hernandez, Pastore, Amauri, Toni, Kjaer etc etc....
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Inter have very his last 3 games, but in Champions league will lose with Chelsea
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Congrats to Inter. They are simply a level higher than Milan. This Milan lacks structure and balance. One mistake and our whole structure falls to pieces. Leonardo needs balls and needs character... something Inter are good for. With Ancelotti, even though our play got uglier and slower, we always had a defensive structure... lets say for damage limitation. After Inter's 2nd goal, there was no determination, it seemed like we were afraid to press and attack. Beckham's crossing was incredible, but Leo was too afraid to change our play by putting another striker on earlier.

The 2nd Inter goal was dodgy too... the FK was taken quite far from where the foul was.... and Maicon dove too.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Man.. Borriello is, imo, the best Italian striker right now. His movement, finishing and positioning is incredible...

if only he finished well this comment would of lasted longer, meh some miss headers ,not sure how Beckham still manage to get that ball in such a well place cross
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Leo needs to take more chances. Borriello was isolated in the box so why take so long to put Huntelaar in?

Anyway, great game overall. Milito is just born to play in Serie A. Sneijder looked amazing when he was on. Ambrosini is class and was our best player.

I wouldn't say Abate was selfish, he was running and passing to Beckham almost all the time. Antonini and Dinho need to build a bond though. Zambrotta had more flow with him.

I am not disappointed. Milan made the best of what they had.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Don't worry mate, Rooney scored 4 goals yesterday ;) :P

so? Dinho has scored 5 in two games. The 2 players are way to good. Beck's come back to Manchester

there is more possibility that Milan progress in CL that Inter...but playing against english teams, very hard. Inter does not exist in Champions ;)
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

so? Dinho has scored 5 in two games. The 2 players are way to good. Beck's come back to Manchester

there is more possibility that Milan progress in CL that Inter...but playing against english teams, very hard. Inter does not exist in Champions ;)

yeah but we're still better than you :P

In other news, Marco Materazzi is in a spot of trouble for wearing that Berlusconi mask. Someone reported him to FIGC, I think the ref. Might get fined :SHOCK: :RANT:
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Well, Inter supporters say they're better because they win in the League, Milan ones because they win the CL :D It's hard to simply say which team is better...
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

so? Dinho has scored 5 in two games. The 2 players are way to good. Beck's come back to Manchester

there is more possibility that Milan progress in CL that Inter...but playing against english teams, very hard. Inter does not exist in Champions ;)
Don't take it serious mate, I was only joking ;)
Honestly, I'm Italian so I hope all 3 italian teams will do well, so good luck Inter, Milan and Fiorentina
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

yep. the situation is getting ridiculous. now ferrara has been already fired (unofficially), but since juventus still doesn't have another option ready, ferrara is gonna stay (as some sort of a "dead man coaching") till the game aganst inter.

sending a coach in such an unstable condition to guide your team in a match against inter? how can they be so stupid?!! How can they expect ferrara to hold the dressing room for such an important match, when his players already know he's not in charge anymore????
do blanc and secco realise they're basically jeopardising the only competition juventus still has a chance to win this season??!!

and how come they still don't have another coach ready to get the job? i mean, the situation has been tragic for months now. it's not like juventus showed some problems all of a sudden, just a few weeks ago....didn't they contact any other coach in all theese months? are they really so stupid? so unprofessionals?

how can they be so amateurish is just beyond me. if even a layman like me can realise how many wrong calls they've made so far, how can they not see it?
and how can the ownership not see this management for what they are? what is the agnelli family waiting to fire them all and rebuild this club from scratch?
they just can't not see it! how many coaches did juve fire before those fools became juve managers? 2? maybe 3 in 20 years (a journalist mentioned the exact number a few days ago, but i can't quite remember it right now)? and now this is gonna be what, the 4th coach in 3 years?! it's pretty obvious there something really wrong.... and clearely it's not about the coaches (coz if the problems don't go away despite the coaching change, then it means u gotta point your finger at someone else).
seriously it goes beyond my understanding.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

I think both the team and the staff and the directors should go. Now would be a good time to be in Serie B and start rebuilding.

Every1 should go and get some old foxes and some new juve lovers (there must be some directors in Turin that really love Juve..) and start a new age.
Then we would go for the team. We already understood who are the "pillars" of that team: Buffon; Chiellini; Diego; Del Piero. So these should be considered the guys to protect and give special trainning schedules and special conditioning because they should be protected ASAP. Then get a Class CB, so many to chose from and Legro or Canna aren't the right choices. Midfield can't be just a yound Marchisio and a hard working Diego. Melo was clearly an awful buy and he isn't Juve material (for this juve he is, but Juve should get top notch not a Melo type of player). Then work of their subs, its cystal clear that they won't have a team beyong the first eleven, a crime considering the team we are talking about is Juve. Not even that, we don't even know what formation their really playing. 451? 41212? wtf?

My juve should be:

Grygera - Bruno Alves - Chiellini - De Ceglie
Di Silvestri - Cannavaro - Legrottaglie - Grosso

Camoranesi - Sissoko - Marchisio - Giovinco
J. Návas - Poulsen - Hamsik - A.Sanchez

Iaquinta - Del Piero
Amauri - Jovetic
This should be a team for Juventus, not Caceres or Melo or Molinaro and Zebina. They should be looking for a strong squad to attack the CL and the Serie A not a squad to look for a 1st place. If they have the conditions to go beyond, why not go for it?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

u know, i actually think this squad is not really as bad as it appears to be right now.
i mean there already is a great spine to build a team on (buffon-chiellini-sissoko-marchisio-diego-giovinco-amauri), and even the starting 11 wouldn't need many adjustments.

sure they need to sort out the flank situation, as grosso can be a great attacking threat (when he's in the right mood) but he certainly can't defend (but then again, they should have known this when they bought him).... and grosso's troubles at defending had a huge impact on cannavaro's performances too (cannavaro is an anticipating cb.... he needs a whole defensive line to back him up).

melo was definitely a bad deal.... but just because of the price tag. he could do so much better than he's being doing so far. the point is he's been asked to do things that he just can't do.... and in all theese months, all the fans disappointment and the consequent pressure had such a huge impact on him that now he can't even do what he's actually good at.

also amauri is becoming a mistery to me. what's happening to him? that's just not the player i used to know.

imo it all comes down to bad management moves. just put a proper regista in that team and the whole team would play so much better.
this management has made so many weird market moves in the past years.
it was clearely evident this team needed a regista already 2 years ago. yet they preferred to get a 3rd muscular midfielder (poulsen) rather than a brain. they spent 12 millions for a player who was supposed to be a backup from the very beginning! with a position yet to fill in the starting 11!!!
they always said 20 millions were too much for xabi alonso and 18 millions were too much for d'agostino.... but then again, if they have theese financial concerns, why did they spent 12 millions on a 3rd defensive midfielder (poulsen)? and why they spent 25 millions on a box to box midfielder (melo)!!!!

they have 2 huge prospects in de ceglie and giovinco. and yet they did nothing to let them grow (buying grosso and diego certainly didn't help). and they also didn't help marchisio, buying 4 defensive midfielders to compete with him (luckily his growth was so outstanding he actually managed to make it into the starting 11 despite the competition).

also, concerning the tactical aspect (wich imo is the most important), ranieri came out with a very interesting story a few weeks ago.
when pavel retired, ranieri asked a proper replacement for that role (say a ribery). secco, blanc and cobolli didn't listen to him and told him they wanted to get diego. then ranieri tried to explain them why this wouldn't have been a good call. his point was "this isn't a team used to formation changes.... this team has been playing the same football ever since zidane left: a 4-4-2 formation with 2 offensive side players (pavel and camoranesi). now the quickest way to hav this team delivering would be to just replace pavel with another great offensive winger..... diego is a great player, but he just won't fit. i'll have to completelyy change the way this teams play, in order to fit him. and changing an entire formation for just 1 player is really stupid. ribery is too expensive? then get silva! silva is too expensive? then get a cheaper one! but that's the kind of player we need..... besides u can't really talk about "expensive" when u waste 12 millions on a backup like poulsen."

yet they didn't listen to him... secco, blanc, cobolli they're all pretty much newbies in this world.... and yet they decided not to listen to the opinion of an experienced coach like ranieri.

another complaint from ranieri regards the poulsen\xabi alonso issue. this team has some serious troubles in building the plays. wich means u need to operate on the cm position, providing a "brain". juventus has some serious problems when facing weaker opponents, who go for a defensive approach. i'm not talking about filling your own midfield and giving up to football, as luckily, no team does this anymore in serie a.
but most of weaker opponents who face a "top team" like juve, will still be very careful, very focused on the defensive phase of the game... they will always leave 3 men on the defensive line (the 2 cbs and one of the sidebacks) and one central midfielder operating as a "filter".... that means it will be hard to find your way to the opposite box. u need someone with a footballing brain at midfield, a central midfielder with good vision and an accurate passing game to give some "unpredictability" to your game... otherwise u're not gonna break that wall.
and that's why ranieri went mad when they spent 12 millions on a backup dmf, rather then spending just 8 more and get a great regista, to complete the starting formation.

once again those newbies thought they knew better than an experienced coach.... and once again they were proven wrong.
and when they couldn't tolerate his complaints anymore, they replaced him with a newbie (ferrara) like them, someone who couldn't question their choices or complain about the market moves..... and that was their last mistake.

however the squad isn't that bad. i mean the players are good. if u would put melo in a 4-3-3 system he could do wonders. if u would put diego in a team that is used to play with a trequartista, he would show what a top class player he actually is. if u would put a proper fullback on the left (and not a wingback like grosso) cannavaro would deliver much better.

it's one of those situations were u have some great players, but all in the wrong place. this squad, the players, is actually good.... the point is, this squad just doesn't make a "team", because theese great players, put together, don't form a team.... at least imo. :))
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

well, apparently cosmi is not leaving. who knows what spinelli promised him. anyway, nice to see him staying.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Good story about Nedved and Diego Ben...what i wonder is if a player like Diego does not see or feel that he doesn't fit in at the moment of the transfer talks. One should think that professional star players like Diego are tactically astute enough to guess that too...or maybe Juve made him some promises about other transfers that weren't fullfilled.

I still rate Diego very high as a player, but i think it would be best for him to leave Juventus (same goes for Poulsen, who i also rate high, he was fantastic with Schalke and Sevilla, and that Sevilla team was a better team than Juve...).

I wonder what Dominic is thinking about this all...he must be gutted.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Too bad that, as usual, I have to quote every single word that LoZio said... not bad because you said them, but because they're bad news (well, not actually "new" ones :P) for us Juve fans :(

One thing I disagree, though. I consider De Ceglie a left midfielder, not a left sideback.
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