Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

I thought it was Raffaele and Cassano who were having a bit of an argument even after Palladino was subbed off, probably due to the celebration Paladino did (in front of Samp fans?) the fight that broke out...

Anyway, you guys mentioned Sculli so I have to say, he's probably one of my least favourite players in the entire league. Don't like him at all. Him and Sammarco just rub me off the wrong way lol.

The Genoa derby is always TOO INTENSE and I don't mean that in a good way.

p.s. Yah Milanetto's amazing. Runs like a dog and has incredible stamina. Should NOT have gone for the classy lob though, yah it would've been a great goal but if he had passed it to a team-mate, it could've been an easy goal... but I guess with your team comfortably leading and you having a great game, sometimes the heat of the moment just takes over....

And yah Criscito has a LOT in the tank! The Muthafucka was running with incredible speed down the left hand side at 90th minute!! :SHOCK:

i'm sure about the sculli-cassano argument... didn't notice the palladino-cassano... but there was so much stuff going on last evening, i wouldn't be surprised if palladino too had a go at him.
oh and about that celebration of palladino in front of samp's curva.... really not classy.

yeah u're right about the extreme intensity of the match... but there's such a hype around this match (and i'm not just talking about the city of genova, as it's something that involves the whole country) and soo much pressure on the players, that it's kinda normal....
the bad thing is, usually all this pressure and the consequent intensity brings to very tough matches with not much quality...... fortunately yesterday we had both intensity and quality....
bottom line the most important thing to me is that the fans don't usually "cross the line" and get violent.
there's a huge rivalry but it doesn't push the situation to a breaking point.
and as long as they keep it this way, i'm all for it. :))
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

I want to say thank you to genoas president preziosi for giving ferrari to us. he is the best central defender we EVER had, as a result we have the best defence in europe (at least statistically). he was great again today. lippi should take a closer look at him in view of the world cup next year.

and another thank you to our fitness coach stefano marrone, our players have the best physical condition in the league. :D
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season


That bastard. Thank to him I'm voiceless now.
And that stupid lob almost caused me an heart attack. Great, great stuff, for a while it was like the Utrecht swamp was back again, really a thing I could espect only from him.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Jeez anyone see Gilardino's Sombrero over 2 Inter defenders?! Too bad he hit the post!!!
I woke up early to watch it live. I was getting pretty pissed at the tactics in the match. It was one of those games where there was no working the ball through the MF. It was about Long balls from def and up the side with Vargas.

But when Gila did that play, I yelled so loud. It was crushing to give up a shitty PK just minutes later. Nice 3 point swing there. The difference from being in 4th place and in 10th :( Honestly Inter played better, and should have scored on some easy chances. Fiorentina's def was looking terrible...we need Gamberini back badly. I felt they needed a change, and their effort to change the def was to bring on de silvestri and move Comotto over to CB. As you saw....that didn't work out too well. You can't sweep guys legs inside the box, even if it was exagerated. If felt like Prandelli just didn't have enough bullets in the gun.

On another note:
I've been catching up on matches and watching a lot of Palermo matches. My main observations.... Migliacco is not the answer on the back line. His defensive positioning is just too inconsistent. Is Balzaretti injured? Because I think Kjaer paired up with Bovo would be the ideal CBs. They are using Kjaer to do a lot of LPs, which makes no sense to me because Bovo is one of the best in the Serie A at CB for Long Passes. I've been very pleased with the play of Cassani and Simplicio. I think the Versitility and skill of Simplicio is so important. Not surprised to hear that teams like Milan are looking at him. Cassani has improved slightly in his passing game, his defending is solid, he's got a lot of gas in the tank and he is great going forward. On the other hand, I haven't been as impressed with Pastore...not as much as the hype is. He will be good, but I think they'll be a better squad when Simplicio moves up to AMF, and Liverani is plugged in deep. Miccoli, Cavani and Bresciano don't seem to be in their best form right now either.

After watching Liverani back in the line-up vs Reggina....I think this is the most I've enjoyed football in a while. As well as I thought Simplicio was doing in the deep playmaker role, Liverani is an artist. Their whole line-up comes into shape when he is in that role. Nocerino is the enforcer that does the dirty work and covering work. Which allows Bresciano to play a more natural Attacking MF role instead of a more holding role he has been playing. I think their Def is actually much better with a 4 man back line. My only concern is that Simplicio is probably a little bit better as a Box to box MF. When he is in the AMF role he is being limited to his skills, and the attack might actually be better off with Pastore in the AMF role. But it'll be hard to not play Simplicio who has been one of if not their best player this season. I have hope for this squad...especially when Balzeretti returns to the line-up. Definitely not a team I'd like to face. I LOVE LIVERANI!!
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Not a Serie A topic but a Serie B one! I heard Stefano Fiore moved to Cosenza this summer? How's he and the team doing ? He should still have the magic for Serie B but with him you never know... I wouldn't be surprised if he hasn't made a big enough impact even there.

Any news?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Actually it is a Serie C1 issue. He is not in Serie B. I have no news on the guy as it has been long since I heard of him. :) Hopefully some other members might be able to help you.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

hearing negative chanting coming of late....Is it racist I assume it`s a small number of fans. Even though saying "Their is no Black Italians" isn`t really racist but an opinion. According to Italy birth rights and all. Is their black Japenese? Anyhoot now one is brave enough to say their true view lol .Capello said that Alumina is Spanish not English...that say it best imo
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

I don't think its an issue of racism. Its more taunting because its Balotelli, and hes an easy person to hate.

I don't believe all the "mocking" bullshit.

This happened to Okaka too, and Okaka is far from being an asshole, also Oshadogan and Ogbonna, all black and all italians.

To be fair, racism is an issue in italian football, and I remember clearly racist chants against (now I'll list the one I remember, but there are a loooot more) Zoro, Pirlo (he's a sinti), Seedorf, Weah and Ibrahimovic.

I can understand the mocking of a player that has a bad attitude, but if you mock a 19 years old black guy callim him with the "n" word, well duh, that's racism. Also the "no black italians" stuff ain't an opion, it's crap babbled out by retards. People shouldn't justify that kind of behaviour, because it excuses the racism.

Sorry for OT, but I felt like I had to reply.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

I don't believe all the "mocking" bullshit.

This happened to Okaka too, and Okaka is far from being an asshole, also Oshadogan and Ogbonna, all black and all italians.

To be fair, racism is an issue in italian football, and I remember clearly racist chants against (now I'll list the one I remember, but there are a loooot more) Zoro, Pirlo (he's a sinti), Seedorf, Weah and Ibrahimovic.

I can understand the mocking of a player that has a bad attitude, but if you mock a 19 years old black guy callim him with the "n" word, well duh, that's racism. Also the "no black italians" stuff ain't an opion, it's crap babbled out by retards. People shouldn't justify that kind of behaviour, because it excuses the racism.

Sorry for OT, but I felt like I had to reply.
sounds like an opinion to me that...:LOL: Im from the Caribbean and there is a massive melting pot in color so you wouldn`t hear that spouting over the airwaves... to me it`s a way to show discontent for the player. Arsenal fans calling Ade`s mum a whore and dad an elephant poacher is how they feel to dis-moralize him. Henry was sitting next to Dunne that was a bit of moralizing the Irish..Blatter aving a laugh about FAI and now Henry maybe being black is going to have a punishment that was a joke innit.

I just think ppl opinion shows we all have a different views. I get harass a lot at airports especially in the US every time they see me they just happen to search my pockets make me go into a room and ask my family questions about me to see if a story is true. (I look like a terrorist I guess lol)Is that racist no! they`re taking measure on safety does it bother me hell yes... It`s part of the new post 9/11 we live. Funny bit it`s always an hispanic or black that pulls me to the side too. Whites are scared to be called a racist I assume.Point is we all deal w/ race related issues some more than others I wouldn`t call every race related to racism :BRMM:
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

I lol'd when he got hit in the chest and clutched his face.

Well done Milan and the Bianconeri on keeping the Serie A title race interesting.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Then you ask why people hate Balotelli...

awesome Marchisio, and talking about people's gas, have you seen Cacéres? :P
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Caceres is shit and fantastic at the same time, he loses possession to easily. But on the other hand, he is very good at bringing the ball forward and crossing. Marchisio is such a fantastic player though, that's why I bought his shirt during Christmas, he plays with so much passion and I hope to god we keep him. I see him as a Juve legend, and I can only hope our staff think the same.

I think on the point of Balotelli, what a twat. And I don't think there's any racism here. His attitude in this particular match was awful, accusing Cacares of diving, trying to get into a fight with Grosso and diving.

It was also nice to see Buffon get angry, we don't see that often from him.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Not a Serie A topic but a Serie B one! I heard Stefano Fiore moved to Cosenza this summer? How's he and the team doing ? He should still have the magic for Serie B but with him you never know... I wouldn't be surprised if he hasn't made a big enough impact even there.

Any news?

he joined us in september (he was a free agent) , then had to train himself for a month because he was injured...
he's playing very well since he's back to the field and scored a great goal in his debut match.
maybe he doesn't run like when he was in Rome,he's older, but actually is the real director of the team and since he's here we play really better:he "knows the game", and you cann see that is different from other c1's players
He's from Cosenza too, so he plays every match with his heart out.
I was not happy when we bought him because this summer he accepted Lecce and not Cosenza first,but i must say that now i'm reallt happy to have him again ...i still remember his first matches with Cosenza during the 90's when he was just a boy, it's fine to see him back home now....
Actually the team is going up and down in the playoff zone: we're really strong at home and weak away, we are 6th now and today we play home against the 3rd so Forza Cosenza :RSCARF: :BSCARF:
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

beboq said:
sounds like an opinion to me that... Im from the Caribbean and there is a massive melting pot in color so you wouldn`t hear that spouting over the airwaves... to me it`s a way to show discontent for the player. Arsenal fans calling Ade`s mum a whore and dad an elephant poacher....
....I just think ppl opinion shows we all have a different views...

this is indeed not a racism related issue.... it's something worse. u see, a racist afterall is nothing but a uncivilized, ignorant; that ignorance brings to fear and that brings to prejudice. there's no malice in a racist... it's just about ignorance and unawareness..... a racist is like an animal.... u don't blame your dog coz he attacks anyone he doesn't know.... as he does it because he doesn't realise whether strangers are a threat or not.... he's unaware, and that unawareness puts him on the defensive.
but u can educate your dog..... and u can educate a racist.... prejudices and fear can be fought with education.

theese people instead, they're not racists.... they're not unaware.... they don't really believe in all theese racial bullshits.... but they know that racism is a social no no in italy.... and they know that by attacking balotelli with racial insults (no matter if they actually believe in what they're saying), they're gonna hurt him.... and they're gonna get the attention of the whole nation.

u can't educate theese scumbags....coz the reason of their attitude can't be found in ignorance.... they are aware. they use racism as a weapon and that is even more disgusting than actually being a racist..

balotelli is a cunt? then call him cunt, u damn bastards!... but they won't use those words.... as they don't wanna just express their frustration for a spoiled kid..... they wanna humiliate him and the entire country.
u want some attention? then let's give them the attention they deserve! i'm ok with the first page on the newspapers, the tv news and all this stuff..... but let's not just publicly blame them as that won't change absolutely nothing.... actually by putting them on the first page of "Il corriere dello sport", we're playing their game.... that's what they wanted.... so let's give em some "attention" they don't want. life ban from all italian stadia. that'll do it.
i mean for f*** sake, we're not talking about thousands of fans..... they were 100... 100 bastards shouting "no such thing as a black italian".... how hard can it be to identify them (especially with our new name-registered-tickets) and kick them out of our stadia?

However bebo, saying "no such thing as a black italian" is not expressing an opinion. they didn't want to express themselves, they wanted to hurt mario and have people abroad picturizing italians as racists (as that will give them leverage, next time they'll try to extort free tickets by threatening to sing those disgusting chants).

besides, that couldn't be an opinion also coz facts say the opposite.... despite the appeareance, italy is much more multi-cultured than it might look........

that is a palermitano road signal.... it says "lattarini road" in italian, arab and hebrew)... can u get any more multi-ethnic than that?!
palermo's cathedral was once a mosque...and it shows his "double nature" by its architectural structure aswell... when u watch it from the front, u can see a magnificent italian church.... but when u approach it from south (from the rear) what u see is not a christian church but a mosque.
and when u think that cathedrals are (especially in europe) one of the major expressions of a culture (an architectural expression)... that they were built (1000 years ago, 800 years ago or 400 hundreds years ago) specifically to show the rest of the world a sign, a phisical representation of that culture, then the "double nature" of palermo's cathedral becomes an even more significant sign of our "opened culture".

and just to stick to my city, here in palermo we have the biggest sri lanka community in europe and the biggest bangladesh community in europe.... i have many black friends who can speak in siciliano (our own dialect) much better than me.

2000 years ago italy was what usa is today.... an enourmous melting pot... people used to came here from every corner of the world.... arabs, indians, africans, spanish, germans, persians, turkish, as italy was "the center of the world"

obviously, after so many years, no one could possibly tell the difference from a spanish-italian and an indian italian, as we were all absorbed by the same culture.... but that doesn't mean italy isn't a melting pot anymore.... as that culture that absorbed us is nothing but a mix of arab, jewish, german, spanish, african and greek cultures.... so the whole concept of "italian" is pretty shallow and not well defined.
in a few hundreds years the same will happen is usa too. your descendants won't be seen as latin-americans anymore... they will be seen as just americans, as the latin-american culture will be completely absorbed by the american culture.

i'm an example of this situation too... i'm white, 100% italian.... but several generations ago (1800 years ago) my ancestors where greeks.... and even today i have much more in common with a greek guy than with a northern italian..... so where is the threshold... where should we put boundaries, to establish who is italian and who isn't? :))

sorry for the digression :P

getting back on topic, nice palermo-related post Jason! i can agree with pretty much everything u wrote :))
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

2000 years ago italy was what usa is today.... an enourmous melting pot... people used to came here from every corner of the world.... arabs, indians, africans, spanish, germans, persians, turkish, as italy was "the center of the world"

Yeah I read the Bible :)) cheers for the insight I didn`t think it was racist I just couldn`t put it in words, make so much sense to try and hurt him deep by rejection. Well, no chanting of him yesterday. What does that say of me I made sure I watch the game for it too :COAT:
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

I'm beginning to think Palacio is a little too weak... he gets pushed off the ball so easily!

Hehe he barged his way past Zaccardo (I think) pretty well for his goal just now against Parma. :D More his pace than his strength though.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

everytime lucarelli is defending his team as a captain he gets sent off. fuck off gava, you can go home and be proud of your performance.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Yeah I read the Bible :))

the bible? quite an unexpected historic litterature reference :D

u don't have to go that far tough. i said 2000 years ago as that's when romans started spreading their civilization around the world, but from then till the rinascimento (i'll never understand why people all around the world use the french word "renaissance" to describe a period of italian history) italy has been the center of western civilization.... so for about 1500 years italy has been the most relevant "melting pot" in the world.

Well, no chanting of him yesterday. What does that say of me I made sure I watch the game for it too
lol! well there are also a some others pretty good reasons that make italian football worthy of being followed :P
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Ben, what happened to Cavani and Bertholo (not sure about his name, Argentinian midfielder of Palermo) ?
Is it true that they were attacked in their (armoured) car ? Or is this just a silly story ?
I read that in the paper yesterday, the first time ever i read something about US Palermo in a Belgian newspaper (sadly).
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

I heard it too, don't remember the details though. Only that they're unharmed (physically)...

btw, Bertolo ;)
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

what was all the arguements with Dabo and Totti about tonight, it seemed to be the thumb-down thing of Totti that caused it?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Why was the game held for ransom...and what rockect launcher do you lots use there :LOL: it was annoying . Commentators were all wrong saying the stadium lights were turning off and on but I didn`t see it. Totti must be someone important looks like the official went to him rather to raneri
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

From what I heard it was due to too many 'petardi'. They're mini 'bombs' that release a very loud bang. They can be very distracting, so I think they stopped the game because it was affecting the referee and players.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Totti must be someone important looks like the official went to him rather to raneri
he's protected by politicians (just to say some names: actual Rome mayor and ex Rome mayor), TV commentators (even an hardcore Juventus supporter like Giampiero Mughini defended him saying "bastards" to AS Bari fans because they whistled him...) and 1 milion of Roma fans, is it enough?

and OMG every 5 minute there is on TV a Vodafone spot with him acting as a dumb. Is it enough to be annoyed by him?
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Another bad game by Diego. What a waste of money. He's been dreadful this campaign. MVB is my MOTM. Cut off a lot of Juve's attacks tonight.
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