Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

a nerazzurra juventus scarf??!! that's weird :CONFUSE:

as for the cassano discussion...., normally i would agree with u, Sina. Marcello is one of the best coaches in the world. his history, his silverware, his achiemevents speak for themselves... those, along with his undenyable top class coaching and men managing skills should make all his decisions pretty much unquestionable...... but this is a bit different.

'97\98 season... the season that would have brought to the world cup. baggio had one of his best seasons..... despite being already quite old, he would have probably deserved a second ballon d'or.
nontheless cesare maldini (italy's coach) decided not to call him up with the azzurri... it definitely was a tricky decision.... but, to be honest, we had plenty of options those days.... baggio had to compete with del piero for the supporting striker spot and with totti for the trequartista's spot... and both totti and del piero were in their peaks.

today a player like cassano is just what we need most. our team is (slowly) finding a bit of balance (i really like the palombo-de rossi midfield and pirlo playing as a trequartista), but we still miss something very important. we need someone with the guts and the skill to go looking for 1 on 1 situations. our game is way too plan, too flat, too scholastic and predictable right now.
we need someone who can scare the defenders, someone who can attract the defensive line's attention and give some relief to our main striker (gila, iaquinta, or whoever).... di natale is an amazing player... for techinique and dribbling accuracy, he's pretty much on par with ribery..... but unlike ribery, di natale won't ever get double marking from the opponents, as he doesn't generate the same fear in his opponents. cassano does.
balotelli and giovinco are still too young and unexperienced, aquilani still has to step up on the big stage (or at least to show some consistency).... this is antonio's moment.
if antonio would have done the things he did in the last 2 years in an english club or in an italian, spanish or german top club..... he would have the same "armies of fanboys masturbating over the television messi, cristiano ronaldo and ribery have). the consistency he showed is just unbelievable. and his attitude change is even more unbelievable.
just to make an example. del neri was appointed as sampdoria coach this summer.... back in the days when both del neri and cassano were in roma, cassano once told him "f**k u, i don't even understand what u're saying... learn to speak in italian and then, i will listen to u" (del neri has the so called "french R" or "soft R"... so he can't articulate and pronounce the letter "r" properly.. it's kinda funny to listen)... del neri was a bit on the fence about accepting the sampdoria job, precisely because of cassano..... apparently it was cassano himself, who called him by phone to apologise for what he did years ago and to guarrantee him this time it would have been different.
last month del neri said about cassano "even though the whole world noticed his attitude changed, no one can really have an idea about what a different player and man he is... it's his day-by-day attitude that is completely different, and that's something that only those who live very close to him (friends, his teammates and his coach) can appreciate.

and however, even back in the days when antonio was a little devil, his attitude always changed every time he wore the italy jersey (amaizingly he was one of the biggest "team-players" during euro 2004 and never create any troubles.... and the same goes for euro 2008).

so it's not a matter of discipline.... there's no risk to put in danger lippi's authority, neither to damage the stability of the group. the only reason why he's not being picked is because lippi doesn't like him as a person.
this has always been lippi's biggest limit....having personal feelings interfering with your professional decision.... it already happened with panucci, now it's cassano time.
it's a personal issue.... and that's something u can't accept from a coach like lippi.... u might expect it from a joke of a coach, with no history, no silverware, no charisma and no coaching skills like domenech..... but not from a top class coach like lippi.

i would even get over lippi's dramas and accept his decision, if only we wouldn't need cassano so much... but given the circumstances, his hatred towards antonio is simply unacceptable.

bottom line, being stubborn is not a crime. lippi is in charge and it's up to him to build the team. and he also proved, through his long carreer, he's damn good at doing it. but...
- this italy team badly needs the sparkle cassano can provide.
- cassano proved in the last 2 years he won't be a trouble for lippi or the team.
- letting your personal reasons interfere with your job is just not professional.

concerning pazzini, i got to say, him and cassano, they couldn't be more different. pazzini is not a pussy like montolivo ( :DD ), but he's definitely closer to montolivo than to cassano. he's really a good boy. if i had to describe pazzini's attitude, i'd say he's "a montolivo with a strong persoality and confidence".
football-wise, they look like they're born to play together, i mean the chemistry and the understanding between them is just amazing..... and maybe (i don't know) they're also friends off the pitch..... but that doesn't imply they have similar charachters, of course. :))

as for the national team, pazzini's situation is a bit different from cassano's one.... with gilardino, iaquinta, quagliarella and rossi to deal with, the competition is tough. gilardino's spot is pretty much unquestionable. pazzini could easily deserve the backup role, but quagliarella and iaquinta are much more versatile than giampaolo and can offer something more in terms of tracking-back and teamwork (even though pazzini became an amazing post-player aswell).
lippi is probably waiting giampaolo to confirm himself through this whole season.... if he keeps going like this for a few more months, then he's definitely gonna be called up by lippi...... or at least that's my hope.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

'97\98 season... the season that would have brought to the world cup. baggio had one of his best seasons..... despite being already quite old, he would have probably deserved a second ballon d'or.
nontheless cesare maldini (italy's coach) decided not to call him up with the azzurri... it definitely was a tricky decision.... but, to be honest, we had plenty of options those days.... baggio had to compete with del piero for the supporting striker spot and with totti for the trequartista's spot... and both totti and del piero were in their peaks.

Sorry mate, but you're probably talking about 99/2000 season, because I can recall clearly Roberto Baggio playng for italian National Team in France 98 after an astonishing championship in Bologna, and neither Del Piero or Totti were at their peak back then(Totti wasn't even in azzurri's roster at the time, but I'm not sure about this.).

Sorry about the corrections zio, this is my first post ever in this section, and I have to admit you are the main reason I lurk it :D
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

first of, thanks for your kind words mate. to be honest i'll never understand why so many people here have such an high (and undeserved) consideration of my thoughts..... as a matter of fact, most of the times, some of u guys (or the time) proves me wrong :P
Second, thanks for correcting me ;) . indeed u're right. it wasn't france '98 but korea-japan 2002 (hence the season i was referrring to was actually the 01/02 season). and it was trapattoni the one who didn't call baggio, not maldini.... my bad :P
And third, wellcome to the thread mate :BEER: hope u'll become a regular here.... the more we are, the more interesting the conversation gets ;)
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

first of, thanks for your kind words mate. to be honest i'll never understand why so many people here have such an high (and undeserved) consideration of my thoughts..... as a matter of fact, most of the times, some of u guys (or the time) proves me wrong :P

Completely agree there, you're clueless
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Completely agree there, you're clueless

hey! :NONO: i said i'm no expert... i didn't say that i'm clueless!

milanista said:
The difference with Cassano is that even when he is double marked, he can still skin a defender or make a killer pass.

he can do that even when he's triple marked...
YouTube - Cassano Derby Demolition

that is last season's genoa samp derby. he had constantly 3 man to deal with (2 on man marking and 1 on zone coverage), and still he came out with an outstanding performance.
..the last play on the vid :CONFUSE:
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Aren't there other options for filling that Cassano void? I don't understand why people aren't clammering for Miccoli as well. He is an unbelievable player that can provide similar pressure to that of Cassano. I personally don't think Pazzini is ready yet for the "big stage". But if Cassano gets a call... you gotta consider putting them in the same line-up.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

[sarcastic mode]
Ben I think the Cassano's absence it's not a big problem, after Ireland-Italia match I'm pretty sure that we don't need it: our big star is on an high form...... are you asking who I'm referring? naturally to Lippi's luck! IMO with it we can surely win WC2010....anyway we won WC2006 because of it :D
[sarcastic mode end]

It's just crazy, he put Pepe on 90° minute, he gave a great assist and then Gilardino scored....incredible...

pazzesco, ha messo il figliol prodigo Pepe che dopo pochi secondi ha fatto quello scatto che ha praticamente fatto segnare Gilardino, incredibile...

EDIT: tonight another goal in extra time!!!! It's incredible!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

bottom line, being stubborn is not a crime. lippi is in charge and it's up to him to build the team. and he also proved, through his long carreer, he's damn good at doing it. but...
- this italy team badly needs the sparkle cassano can provide.
- cassano proved in the last 2 years he won't be a trouble for lippi or the team.
- letting your personal reasons interfere with your job is just not professional.

Nice essay lo zio, very informative, for me at least. I had no idea Cassano and Del Neri had problems (or perhaps I had forgotten) and I certainly had no idea that Del Neri had a speech impediment (or however you would describe it) :LOL: But what about the players on the team? De Rossi's recent comments took me by surprise as he's not very outspoken (remember when Siena fans made fun of his dead father... shameful, but he just walked off the pitch without a word). So if De Rossi feels like this, perhaps there are others on the team who don't want Cassano along for the ride (I think Cannavaro has problems with Cassano also, for whatever reason). Add the fact that Lippi also doesn't like Cassano, surely it doesn't make sense make all these adjustments for just one player. It would just cause problems Italy really don't need at the moment.

Aren't there other options for filling that Cassano void? I don't understand why people aren't clammering for Miccoli as well. He is an unbelievable player that can provide similar pressure to that of Cassano.
They're starkly different, Cassano is a playmaker brimming with flair and outstanding dribbling. Miccoli plays in the same position, but you don't see him providing assists. He's more similar to Di Natale than Cassano.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

De Rossi's recent comments took me by surprise as he's not very outspoken (remember when Siena fans made fun of his dead father... shameful, but he just walked off the pitch without a word). So if De Rossi feels like this, perhaps there are others on the team who don't want Cassano along for the ride (I think Cannavaro has problems with Cassano also, for whatever reason). Add the fact that Lippi also doesn't like Cassano, surely it doesn't make sense make all these adjustments for just one player. It would just cause problems Italy really don't need at the moment.

They're starkly different, Cassano is a playmaker brimming with flair and outstanding dribbling. Miccoli plays in the same position, but you don't see him providing assists. He's more similar to Di Natale than Cassano.
Siena fans are one of the most fair in Italy, they did that chants to De Rossi because of this: (I translated from a newspaper article)
"The contrasts between the curve Senese and the National Roma midfielder had been due to a tough tackle through which De Rossi had caused a serious injury to Ardito, in a Coppa Italia match in 2004/2005. Second episode was on September 17, 2006, when at 27' the first half the Siena player Brevi was sent off for a shot at De Rossi, who according to the Siena supporters had exaggerated the effects of the contrast plane."
and De Rossi started crying at the end of match, so he ran out of the field. BTW I wrote on last page why De Rossi hate Cassano ;) (according to a Romanista journalist)

I agree with you, I'm thinking some players don't want Cassano. IMO the squad is already ready. Today we can easy say 20/23 of who will go to South Africa (except injuries), Lippi is calling always the same players and IMO the only doubts are Criscito-Bocchetti, Marchisio-Gattuso and Amelia-De Sanctis. IMO there isn't space for Pazzini ( :( ) because Iaquinta and Gilardino will never lose their place in NT, they are Lippi's favourites

About Miccoli, he had troubles with Juventus so you can easy understand why he's not in last 5 years calls ;)
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Uhm, that scarf looks pretty normal. Those aren't black-blue STRIPES but the CL-coloured sky...

About Cassano... he IS class. The only problem indeed is if he would mess up the group... unfortunately. But couldn't Lippi use the frienlies to see what effect would his presence give (even though at the WC the reactions would be different)...

and i surely prefer Di Natale over Miccoli. The only things the latter can win over are physique and shooting (including set pieces), and not by much after all...

...and let's stop about Lippi preferring Juventus players... Juve is a top team with a lot of Italian players (opposing to the other striped ones), so it's not so strange that it's full of them. And don't think it's a good thing for them to have half of the team always playing and risking injuries...
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

i'm afraid i'll have to disagree with u guys here. scholes game changed a little, of course, as he's not a kid anymore, and yes, he has a nice passing game.... but being a regista isn't just about sitting deep and displaying some nice passes.
scholes can provide some brutal accelerations to the flow of the game with his vertical passes. but raising the tempo of the game is something different from providing single accelerations.
plus he could never slow down the tempo of the game.
infact the player who absolves registas duties in man utd is not scholes, but carrick. carrick too isn't really a proper regista, but he's definitely the closest thing to a regista in man utd :))
paul scholes is a legend... i mean an all time legend, but he's a different kinda player... he's much closer to the young de rossi (wich was a different kinda player from the current de rossi)
Really? I always thought that dictating the tempo was one of the "new" Scholes' best abilities.

When it was Carrick-Scholes together in the central midfield, they both shared playmaking duties, but at the start of this season, so far Scholes has mostly played next to Fletcher, so he takes up more of the responsibility.

A good example of Scholes increasing the tempo was when we were behind against Milan at home in the CL, in 2007, he took more responsibility and raised the tempo, which resulted in him pushing further forward than usual and playing that beautiful chip over Nesta for Rooney's equaliser.

I may have misunderstood exactly what "dictating the tempo" means in football, so correct me if I'm wrong. :P
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

indeed i feel there's a misunderstanding. and it lies in a translation issue. the usual english translation for regista is deep-lying playmaker.
thing is this is a very bad translation, as a regista is not just a playmaker who sits deep in his own midfield.
scholes is an amazing playmaker, as he can (litterally) build a play; he has vision and an amazing passing accuracy.

but he can't change "the script" of the game just by himself (wich is the regista's main feature). he can make 1 or 2 of his teammates push harder with a through ball, but he can't make 5 or 6 of his teammates go on a higher tempo consistently (wich means not just for a single play, because of that through ball). that's the kind of impact a regista has on his team.
and he can't really slow down the rhythm. some say he can, but that's not really correct, because when he actually does it, he does it by holding the ball for longer (while a regista has the ability to slow down the game with his passing game, wich is a completely different thing). cambiasso to can slow down the tempo by holding the ball, but that's not exactly what u call "slowing down the tempo"... infact cambiasso is not a regista.

that's why i usually translate the italian word "regista" with the expression "orchestra director". coz that will give u a much better idea of what a regista does. he sets the rhythm of the game, like a tuning fork. he can change the tempo.... not only for a single play, but for an entire fraction of the game (20 mins, 30 mins).
the musicians know the tempo they have to keep by watching the orchestra director's baton. with that stick the orchestra director gives his "directives" to the musicians.
the regista thing instead is a bit different. it's not like suddenly he decides he wants his teammates to raise the rhythm and order them to do it with his passing game. infact his own teammates (with their approach to each single phase game) and the opponents (with their own approach to each single phase of the game) will "tell" the regista when it's time to push or to slow down. he receives some sort of signals (a feedback) by following the "mood" of the game. and then he adjust his passing game to those signals, to bring his teammates on a different page of the script. and it's not like he "orders" his teammates to run faster or to press higher.... but somehow his own passing game brings his teammates to change their rhythm. infact this is not something that happens all of a sudden; it can take 4, 5, 6 minutes to notice the change.... while when u provide a single acceleration (like scholes does) the change of tempo is immediate; after a network of short, horizontal 3-touch passes, scholes gets the ball and goes for a vertical play, like a long through ball wich cuts the opponents defensive line like butter... we've seen scholes do this magic pretty often, but this is not setting the tempo, this is playmaking, this is building a single play... wich is just one of the duties of a regista.

i know this is a really bad and theatrical explanation, but truly the only way to describe this without a video support is by metaphor. if we were watching a football game together in the same room, it would be much easier for me to explain it.... anyway i hope i gave u at least a shallow idea of what "dettare il tempo di gioco" (english: "dictating the tempo of the game") means. :))

trying to label scholes with a role is pretty much impossible... he's just too versatile, too all-around and too good at everything he does to be described with a single specific role. we can't really say what scholes really is (anything more specific than "amazing midfielder" wouldn't be appropriate), but we can definitely say he's not a regista.... at least in the italian sense of the word.... if we wanna stick to the english "deep-lying playmaker" instead, well that expression is so vague it becomes a matter of semantics.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Inter are just to good for everyone in Serie A. Could become similar to how Ligue 1 was with Lyon.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Inter has a bad habit. It doesn't keep the tension when wins a lot (see 2007/2008)... so we'll se a good end of Championship at least ;)
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Inter are just to good for everyone in Serie A. Could become similar to how Ligue 1 was with Lyon.

it's a bit different. in france the lack of competition for the first place was due to lyon's management great job and to aulas investments. there was one club which stepped up (on this concern, no need to remark that i'm just talking about the first spot competition.... coz considering the whole league, ligue un is the most exciting and competitive top league in europe.... even more than bundi..... and anyhow, lyon's egemony over ligue un is seriously in danger theese days).

in italy it happened pretty much the opposite. inter lost his natural competitors. milan stopped spending as much as it used to and (most important) made many mistakes on the market.

juve was pretty much destroyed by the moggi scandal and had to start over.

roma did an amazing job in the last few years (let's not forget that 2 seasons ago inter won the scudetto just 30 minutes before the end of the last match), but funds-wise they shouldn't be considered as inter competitors.

i don't have many expectations on milan's future to be honest (i hope i'm wrong), but juve is quickly catching up with inter (even though their progresses could have been even faster if only they would have signed a regista).

and in 2010, with the tv-rights deal distribution revolution (they say) fiorentina and genoa might become serious title contenders.

bottom line, single matches don't mean anything.... inter domination over genoa doesn't mean genoa isn't an amazing team... aswell as the inter-bari game (a few weeks ago) didn't mean bari is on par with inter, of course. ;)

on a different note.... this is how palermo's new stadium will look like :))

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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

... as for toni, he could never come back in palermo, as the fans here can't stand him.
Why is that? BEcause he went to Fiorentina? Good to see he's back in the 1st team. I feel he has plenty still to offer.

bottom line, single matches don't mean anything.... inter domination over genoa doesn't mean genoa isn't an amazing team... aswell as the inter-bari game (a few weeks ago) didn't mean bari is on par with inter, of course.
Inter didn't even dominate. Genoa had plenty more of the ball and played better football (Milanetto's incorrectly disallowed goal was a gem...spectacular. He's quite the player). We just took our chances when presented. Our link up play in the final 1/3 has improved, and both Sneijder and Balotelli showed their quality. Stanko is just in the form of his life. What really impressed me was the Genoa fans, even 5-0 down they applauded their teams effort. Even Mou noticed.

and in 2010, with the tv-rights deal distribution revolution (they say) fiorentina and genoa might become serious title contenders
How will this work exactly? What will change? More importantly, how will it effect Inter :))

Your comments regarding Scholes is quite the read, I'm having trouble grasping how Scholes is different from D'Ago. I think you say that Scholes maybe more direct with his passes, as in he looks to move the ball forward and quickly, while the likes of Liverani spray some passes around them, to the defenders, out wide to the flanks, etc. But isn't that really a matter of tactics rather than capability? Man U play a quicker game while Palermo rely more on a patient type of build up (only striking when the opportunity is there). Do I have this right? Perhaps not :P
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

I would gladly hear Zio's comment about Milan victory in Bernabeu.

Excluding the obvious faults in Galactico's defence (Pepe and Albiol are sooo inferior than Thiago Silva and Nesta), I'd love to hear some other motivations.

In the end, great and shiny victory by rossoneri. Great Pato, even greater Clarence Seedorf (the assist for the third rossoneri goal is pure genious, I love him when he actually makes this kind of play), even Oddo was a football player yesterday.

I know i'ts probably OT, but boy, watching the 10h classified team in Italy beat Kakà, Benzema and Casillas is always a huge emotion and a triumph for italian football in general.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

If that was Casillas... :°)

rfu, what Lo Zio was talking about wasn't the quality or timing of the passes itself, but the effect the player has on the whole team.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

rfu, what Lo Zio was talking about wasn't the quality or timing of the passes itself, but the effect the player has on the whole team.
exactly. scholes passing game is awesome... he can be as accurate as a regista (probably even more than some registas). but the effect of his game on the teammates is different. it's not about being better or worse than a regista... it's just different.
i know that's everything but an explanation, but i really don't know how to describe what i mean without a video support.

as for the new agreement on the tv rights related money... the only thing i know is that from next season on the distribution should be much more "fair" (namely teams like genoa, fiorentina, sampdoria and palermo will get much more money).... the whole serie a esablishment (club owners, team directors, coaches, even the media) praise this event as a revolution which should completely change serie a......
my opinion? a more fair money distribution is definitely wellcomed (does this word actually exist? :P )..... and it will definitely be a good thing for serie a...... but a revolution in serie a hierarchies? let's just say i'll believe it when i'll see it with my own eyes. ;)
rfu said:
Inter didn't even dominate. Genoa had plenty more of the ball and played better football
i see. i assumed it was a one sided match coz of the result (as i didn't watch the match), so thanks for the info. as for genoa fans, yes, they are special..... actually both genova teams (samp and genoa) fans are special..... they have the same passion of southern fans (like the napoletani and the romani) have.... but in the same time, they're also less "wild" than them. :))
rfu said:
Why is that? BEcause he went to Fiorentina?
palermo fans are accustomed to the idea of loosing their biggest stars after a couple of years...... as long as they leave to join a top club. when toni left, fiorentina was pretty much on par with palermo (to be honest we were much better than fiorentina those days), and fiorentina is one of the biggest rivals of palermo, so the rosanero fans didn't really like toni's move.
plus toni never mentions his palermo experience... anytime he's asked about his carreer, it almost looks like he's ashamed of his palermo years (don't ask me why, i don't know).
hey there said:
I would gladly hear Zio's comment about Milan victory in Bernabeu.
sorry hey there, i didn't watch the match, just the highlights, so i can't really express myself on the match. i'm happy for the rossoneri, of course.... but to be honest, i'm not sure this result is gonna be a good thing for them, long term.
galliani will ride the "we beated real madrid" horse for months now. any time milan will play poor or face a loosing streak, galliani will elude the criticism by remembering their glorious victory against los merengues, because that's what he always does.
that's why i said a few months ago milan needs to face an humiliating season. because unfortunately that's the only way to force galliani and berlusconi to face the thruth: this squad still needs many adjustments.
now instead, every time things will go wrong, they'll use this great result as an umbrella, to repair themselves from the criticisms, to avoid to face the truth and to avoid to do what's best for milan.

moreover, beside the huge hype that surrounds real madrid theese days, beating them right now, is less of a feat than it seems.
real madrid isn't a football team yet. too many new signings, it's just unrealistic to expect them to play football (as a team) any time soon.
so far they achieved some very good results, relying on their great stars.....
but despite milan's awful form, facing milan still means facing nesta, pirlo, ambrosini, pato..... u need a lot more than great players to beat them.... u need a team, a plot, a gameplan.
i hope my post didn't let u down, hey there :)).... a great result like this can represent a big motivational boost (and i sincerely hope so).... i just hope galliani won't pretend milan is a perfect machine now (as he usually does any time milan comes out with a good performance).
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

galliani will ride the "we beated real madrid" horse for months now. any time milan will play poor or face a loosing streak, galliani will elude the criticism by remembering their glorious victory against los merengues, because that's what he always does.
I'm already imagining when they will lose he will make a dual-combo with "we beated Real Madrid" + "we are the most winner team in the world" :BOP::P

However, do we can talk about Dida? :D

YouTube - Dida mistake-papera REAL MADRID vs MILAN Champions League 21/10/09
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

You missed on hell of a second half Lo Zio, what a game. I can't remember jumping like that since the Italy Germany game in 06. :D

You could actually see the Milan players run without the ball in this match, something you don't see in Serie A. I don't know what but Milan find the spark they need in these games, kinda like a duster for the aging players to show their class and Pato who is desperately looking to put his mark on the worlds best list and remind Dunga he is one hell of a kid.

As said, Hope Galliani doesn't keep reminding us of this result for years now. but the thing is Leo is always mentioning that Milan still miss players over and over. Hope that takes effect.

And I have to say again that Nesta is priceless. 80 mill won't buy you a player like that. :D
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

About Dida.
Is it a coïncidence that some Brazilian players are (nearly) the best in the world and then fade away...Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Dida, Denilson ... ?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

A bit harsh to put Ronnie in there with the rest of them, I think injuries were the mian reason why he faded away.
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