Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Just read and article and even if it wasn't clear, it pretty much said that Italy is lacking in their strong spots. I mean, you don't have that strong defence Italy had years ago, Chiellini makes lots of mistakes, Canna is quite old and running is really a problem for him, Nesta is done, never really saw Gamberini play, criscito still has a lot to prove. Then the creative, typical Italian regista, how many do you still have for now and for the future?
But still your CB position is really weakened over the past years. Yet, i would like to hear a thought from the mighty Serie A lawyers on Evo. lol
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

sure aquilani might even turn out to be a good playmaker.... but he's already a stunning mezz'ala, so why not getting a proper regista, given that's what u need? besides lining up a player with alberto's shot and assisting skills in that position would be a waste.
Agreed. Pirlo, D'Ago and Cigarini are better alternatives. Better Benitez should've never tried to sell Xavi last season which perhaps why he was so eager to leave.

as for gerrard, yes, he might step back a little (he has done that before afterall), but, even though gerrard is (along with de rossi and essien) probably the most versatile world class midfielder in the world, i think forcing him into a system, depriving him of the freedom to wander around the pitch following his instinct and keeping him far from the box.... it's a blasphemy.
Again agreed. We've all seen how no one's managed to play both Gerard and Lampard in the same line up.

however, given my enourmous admiration for rafa, i tend to believe he perfectly knows what he's doing...
I've never rated Benitez since he joined from Valencia. The way he insisted on playing Gerard on the wings for more than half a season is just unforgivable in my eyes... and I don't even like Liverpool. And tehn trying to force Xavi out of the team for Barry... doesn't make sense to me. Now the signing of Aquilani ask some serious questions. Is it possible to convert a mezz'ala into a regista?

Maybe he does want to make him into a regista. He won't be the first attacking midfielder to be converted to a playmaker?
Its not as easy or straight forward as you think. Besides, players like Pirlo and D'Ago were already playmakers before they were converted.

oh crap, u just beated me to it. infact i was about to write something on the line of "however don't give too much credit to my opinions... as i was the one who thought dossena could have done great in england" :))
I'm surprised you thought Dossena would be a success. Benitez drafted him in to play as a LB and Dossena was/is a wing-back. Similarly you wouldn't expect Maggio or Pieri to be too succesful as side-backs. Dossena is anohter reason why I question Benitez's tactical acumen.

congrats abhi. i sincerely hope, for liverpool, for u and for alberto aswell, that i'm completely wrong (wich, considering the precedents, it's quite likely :P
I'm ready to put money down that Aquilani will flop at Liverpool this season :P Its shame really, its a world cup year as well and Italy desperately need a player of his ability. And serie A in general, we have lost too many skillful and talented players in just one season :CONFUSE:

No one's commented on my findings regarding the financial situations of Italy's top clubs :COAT:
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Ay' I think it would have been tough for the lad if he was still in Italy but coming to England just makes it all that much harder, new team, new league, the pace of the English game and of course his injuries. I can see this turning out worst for Aquilani himself.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Good deal for Roma imo. They really need money and sacrificing Aquilani seems to have been their best option. He barely played last season and the alternatives in the squad are solid players... £20m is a very high price for him.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Galliani announces Huntelaar capture. Funny how his reputation has changed from last year.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

neoexodus said:
Just read and article and even if it wasn't clear, it pretty much said that Italy is lacking in their strong spots. I mean, you don't have that strong defence Italy had years ago
oh that's for sure. but we knew it couldn't last forever. we were very lucky; for 2 consecutives generations we had the best cbs in the world. baresi was the best of his generation, bergomi was the second best..... when they retired nesta (the best in the world in his generation) and cannavaro (the 2nd best) took their spots..... and the same goes for our sidebacks..... such an unbelievable luck can't last.

however even though our national team cbs today can't even be compared to those monsters, we're still talking about top class cbs... chiellini is no nesta, of course, but then again, there isn't in the world a cb like nesta today.... however, even though chiellini is not a God like nesta, he's definitely top notch (he and fernendo torres proved how crap i am at predicting a player's carreer). cannavaro is not the same player he used to be 3 years ago, but yet, he still was among the top performing cbs in la liga last season.... gamberini is not top class as chiellini, but he's really close to that level... and the same could be said about barzagli, who is a very very good cb.....
so it's not really a personnel issue. as a matter fact our defensive line personnel-wise is still one of the best in the world.....
the problem is having good cbs doesn't necessarily means having a good defensive line; even though our defenders are still damn good, at the moment, they just don't seem to work well together. there's no discipline, no order, no coolness... it's a mess. so even though our defenders are good enough to potentially form a (not great but still) extremely good defensive line, we're really vulnerable..

rfu said:
I'm surprised you thought Dossena would be a success. Benitez drafted him in to play as a LB and Dossena was/is a wing-back. Similarly you wouldn't expect Maggio or Pieri to be too succesful as side-backs
yeah, u're right. the thing is i thought dossena (unlike maggio, who could never be a pure sideback) could have become a good leftback. then, thinking about his stamina, his pace, his crosses, i thought he was pretty suited for epl... and the fact that he was coming from a "british-like" city like udine was another point to consider....
however time proved me wrong... really wrong :P . however i don't think dossena failed coz he was lined up in the wrong position.... i mean in liverpool he has been pretty poor even as an offensive threat (and that used to be his trademark)... it's like he had an involution.

however u all guys seem to believe the aquilani deal was a good deal for roma..... i'd rather say it was a needed sacrifice. most of u guys seem to believe he will fail in england.... now i wouldn't go that far... i mean a player with aquilani's skills.... i just can't put the words "aquilani" and "flop" in the same line... i think Sina used the most appropriate expression "i'm not optimistic about his future".
however describing this as a good deal for roma is a bit of a stretch imo.
usually a good way to figure out whether a deal was a bargain or a rip off is to look at the selling club fans reaction.
example: liverpool sells dossena to an italian team... an italian fan who doesn't follow epl, who doesn't know how poor dossena was last year, should be happy about the deal... but as soon as u look at the reds fans reaction, things will get in the right perspective...... i don't think any liverpool fan would be sad about dossena leaving....

well aquilani played 20 matches last season... and just a few more the season before.... he almost didn't give any contribution to roma in the last 2 years. and now they're selling this player (who was almost useless for a bout 2 seasons) for 20 fucking millions! and this deal will allow them to hold a key asset like mexes..... roma fans should be crying with happiness right now!
and yet they're not.... actually they're devastated right now.
well i think this can give u a good idea about how good is alberto.
20 millions are a good price for roma, given the circumstances..... but it's not like alberto isn't worth that much.... actually a fit alberto is worth even more than that... at least by the english standards.... i mean, sticking to under 25 mezz'ali bought by english clubs.... manchester united bought anderson for about 20 million euros, right? well, with all the respect for anderson (who actually is a very talented and promising mezz'ala).... alberto belongs to a different class!....

so depending on our point of view, 20 millions can be a lot of money or not. if we compare this deal to the 5 millions deal wich brought hamsik to napoli.... it might look like a rip off.... but if we compare it to the 20 millions man utd spent on anderson or the 25 millions juve spent on melo.... well the aquilani deal becomes a bargain!

rfu said:
Now the signing of Aquilani ask some serious questions. Is it possible to convert a mezz'ala into a regista?
yes, it is. and, considering his passing game, who knows, alberto might even turn out to be a great regista........ but the thing is, we can't be sure about that..... while we are sure alberto is an amazing mezz'ala, so my question is why spending so much money on a player u will have to adapt to a new role? why not getting a proper deep lying playmaker like d'agostino or ledesma (i won't consider pirlo as now is not on sale anymore)?

however like Sina said, let's hope we're wrong. i would really love to be proved wrong on this. :)

Dominic said:
I agree with your point Ben, but that is taking it a bit too far.. way too far.
why? nocerino has been doing great so far... actually the comparison with melo is pretty embarassing... i mean melo's positioning is soo poor prandelli swapped him for jorgensen this season in a couple of matches! jorgensen playing as a metodista!!! can u believe that? and prandelli said "i did it because martin gives me more confidence in terms of positioning than felipe"....
a metodista with a poor sense of position is like a winger with a poor dribbling.
don't get me wrong Dom, i'm absolutely aware of melo's potential. i'm confident he will be a great player in a couple of seasons....... but right now he's not a 20 million euros player.... right now nocerino is just better. :)

Chenghis.Khan said:
@ lo zio (or is ben ok?): could you please elaborate on that?
ben's ok, Chenghis.Khan... aswell as lo zio... as u prefere ;))

i got to say i was a bit surprised by this, as it came pretty much out of the blue. can't say i'm too pissed off either, as we got a pretty good gk aswell. rubinho became a very good keeper in the last 2 years... not really on par with amelia, but still pretty good.... funnily they both share the same weakness... they're both great when they're along the goal line and quite unreliable as soon as they rush out of the box.
i assume amelia got a higher wage at genoa... and he also joined a better club, so i can't really blame him.
palermo's real tragedy this summer was ballardini's departure... i just can't get over it :CRY:

rfu said:
No one's commented on my findings regarding the financial situations of Italy's top clubs
sorry mate but once again, i didn't find the time to comment on it. but i promise i'll do it next time ;))

PLF said:
lol just read your post Ben.
Seems like we're in the exact same boat.
yeah, except u were able to sum up the point in 3 lines, while i had to write for about 10 minutes.... jeez i should really work on my ability to precis when i write in english! :P
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

The way he insisted on playing Gerard on the wings for more than half a season is just unforgivable in my eyes... and I don't even like Liverpool.

The same season when Gerrard won the Best Player Award?

Rafa's planning this for a long time. He obviously has a different system in mind, where he doesn't require Alonso, or a deep lying playmaker.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Well he better have a different system in mind, otherwise you guys are screwed.

We've adapted to a new system, and Arsenal look like they are trying to adapt.

Might just say something about the managers...
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season


Gerrard's season on the right was his breakthrough year in terms of being a pure goalscorer, he won award after award and single handedly won the FA Cup scoring over 20 goals in that season and shit loads of assists.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Again agreed. We've all seen how no one's managed to play both Gerard and Lampard in the same line up

Capello seems to be getting success out of Lampard and Gerrard in the same team... by playing Gerrard out wide.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Gerrard's season on the right was his breakthrough year in terms of being a pure goalscorer, he won award after award and single handedly won the FA Cup scoring over 20 goals in that season and shit loads of assists.
I didn't realize that. But isn't it more so a testament to Gerrard's ability as a player rather than Benitez's tactical acumen? And I think those goals and assists resulted from Gerrard playing in a free role further foward (I guess towards teh right-side of midfield) and not being bogged down with defensive duties (Gerrard can tackle, but its better to have two positionally adept midfielders operating centrally - Xavi and Mascherano - and stifle the oppossitions attacks, rather than risk a yellow card from a mistackle). IMO Benitez can play Gerard as a right back or as a CB and still be heralded as a genius because Gerarrd is so damn versatile. He was better than any right (or even left) winger Liverpool had, that was all. Still I think he was played out of position.

Capello seems to be getting success out of Lampard and Gerrard in the same team... by playing Gerrard out wide.
I haven't followed England as closely this past season, but I thought Lampard was being played further back and Gerrard in a free role as a playmaker, not as an out-and-out winger. There's a difference. And I wouldn't yet deem the Lampard-Gerrard partnership a success, England haven't yet been tested. Aslo Capello seems to have presented himself with another problem, how do you play Rooney and Gerrard in the same team with both preferring to play in the 'hole' as a support striker.

i mean melo's positioning is soo poor prandelli swapped him for jorgensen this season in a couple of matches! jorgensen playing as a metodista!!! can u believe that? and prandelli said "i did it because martin gives me more confidence in terms of positioning than felipe"....
a metodista with a poor sense of position is like a winger with a poor dribbling.
Ha ha... that was the Inter game... I couldn't believe my eyes either. Funny thing is Jorgensen did a good job on the day. Melo is just a bulky player, strong on the ball, mobile with good work rate. I also like that he gets 'involved' and doesn't just sit back and switch off like Donadel or Montolivo.

By the way Lo Zio, Palermo are looking good. They're making some good moves in the mercato, thus far. Now if they can only sign a good CF, a top 5 finish is certainly likely, more so than Genoa or Napoli. And I personally prefer Rubinho to Amelia. He has more personality and just as sharp reflexes... problem is his handling and decision making... also you need a replacement for Liverani. Maybe there's a youth player in the fold already. Cassanni-Goian-Kjaer-Balzeratti looks a solid line up.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

I haven't followed England as closely this past season, but I thought Lampard was being played further back and Gerrard in a free role as a playmaker, not as an out-and-out winger. There's a difference. And I wouldn't yet deem the Lampard-Gerrard partnership a success, England haven't yet been tested. Aslo Capello seems to have presented himself with another problem, how do you play Rooney and Gerrard in the same team with both preferring to play in the 'hole' as a support striker.
The two tend to interchange but usually Rooney plays in the hole and Gerrard plays on the left but with the license to roam.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

By the way Lo Zio, Palermo are looking good. They're making some good moves in the mercato, thus far. Now if they can only sign a good CF, a top 5 finish is certainly likely, more so than Genoa or Napoli. And I personally prefer Rubinho to Amelia. He has more personality and just as sharp reflexes... problem is his handling and decision making... also you need a replacement for Liverani. Maybe there's a youth player in the fold already. Cassanni-Goian-Kjaer-Balzeratti looks a solid line up.

yep, sabatini is doing really good so far... not that i'm surprised... afterall he was the man behind lazio's project (mauri, matuzalem, zarate, rocchi, foggia, pandev, meghni,ledesma, cribari, del nero were all "his" signings).

but, for good that it might look, our team is not really a 5th place contender imo. we would be a 5th place contender in spain.... we would be fighting for the 5th spot in premier league, along with everton, man city (?), aston villa and tottenham (?)....
but here the situation is different.
inter is on another planet, and juve is catching up with them pretty fast (despite some weird transfer moves), i can't see roma failing for 2 seasons in a row (they probably won't be challenging inter for the scudetto, but they also won't disappoint as last season).... and milan, despite all the issues, still has the personnel to kick the sh.. out of anybody in europe on a single match (palermo spanked milan on many occasions in the last 3 years in single matches, but competing with them for the league position is out of the table of course).

then, right after the top 4, u got 4 teams which are clearely stronger than the others: fiorentina, napoli, udinese and genoa.... i'd call them "almost top class teams".... genoa is the only one among them wich might underperform, as they went through a big revolution this summer and it might take some time to adapt for the new players.

and then, after those 4 teams there are other 3 high quality teams (palermo, sampdoria and lazio) who should be fighting for the 8th place.

we're doing very well during this transfer window, but it's not like the other teams aren't doing well too..... besides we lost one of the very best coaches in the league (and one of the most promising young coaches in europe). :(

tobi, about your serie a coverage question, i just heard espn should provide serie a coverage for this season ;)
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

One word for Palermo that interests me a lot this season - Pastore :D;) I think Palermo will do a lot better than last season....

edit- its 2-1 for Lazio as we speak... nice lob from Rocchi.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Good win for Lazio.

Inter pretty much dominated the game, but seemed like they barely created anything?

Great goal by Rocchi and bloody hell Eto'o didn't like that ball when he hit the volley, surprised it didn't go through the back of the net!
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

What are the chances of Inter signing Cassano? I hope they get him. I'll back them for the league and CL if they get him.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

I'm pretty certain Cassano will be staying with Samp. Inter also have Milito-Eto'o-Balotelli-Mancini-Obinna-Quaresma.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

They started off with a 4-3-1-2 then changed as Mourinho famously does...

Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

yep, sabatini is doing really good so far... not that i'm surprised... afterall he was the man behind lazio's project (mauri, matuzalem, zarate, rocchi, foggia, pandev, meghni,ledesma, cribari, del nero were all "his" signings).
Why oh why did you have to include Del Nero and Meghni in that list? Especially Meghni? He's so awful.

but, for good that it might look, our team is not really a 5th place contender imo. we would be a 5th place contender in spain.... we would be fighting for the 5th spot in premier league, along with everton, man city (?), aston villa and tottenham (?)....
I'm not sure about that. ITs difficult to compare since the leagues are so drastically different... and premiership sides have much more quality depth compared with Palermo. La Liga sides can destroy anyone with their swift attacking football (ask Juve about that one :APPLAUD:). But again its difficult to ascertain such things. But looking at serie A... the fiorentina midfield currently has a big hole in it yet to be fulfilled after Melo's departure... Roma don't have a complete squad (no recognized CF, no replacement CBs, no replacement for Totti) one injury and they're a mess... Napoli don't have a complete squad either (no quality replacement for Hamsik, no legt wing-back; De Laurentiis said something about that that cracked me up - funny dude :D)... Udinese are strong and with a prooper CF (albeit Corradi) there's a chance provided Di Natale stays injury free and D'Ago continues his good form... Samp might be overhauling their 3-5-2 formation so I think it will take them a while to get going... So I'm really confident about Palermo, they are the most compact side having only strengthed thier squad rather selling thier best players. Plus they're not playing Europe this year so they won't have a problem in terms of depth. Only they should work on improving their front line becuase they still don't have a reliable goal scorer and Miccoli will surely be out for 1 or 2 months with injuries.

we're doing very well during this transfer window, but it's not like the other teams aren't doing well too..... besides we lost one of the very best coaches in the league (and one of the most promising young coaches in europe). :(
Zenga s'alright. He looks to be a disciplinarian which I think is important, although over doing it can cause problems. But I think he'll do okay at palermo. Lets hope so anyway so that he'll be ready to takeover at Inter :D

What formation were Inter playing?
4-3-1-2 with stankovic behind Milito and Eto'o

But i saw in Gazzeta that Mourinho is looking for a Trequartista. He said it.
Cassano is a support striker, not a trequartista. THe question is can Cassano be converted into that role. Lo Zio and myself had that discussion earlier and according to him "no". Plus Mourinho wants a trequartista with a good defensive work rate. Morrati likes Cassano and he knows he will appease the fans by signing him, but only Mourinho stands in his way. According to Jose, Cassano wouldn't fit in the role.

Inter pretty much dominated the game, but seemed like they barely created anything?
no surprise there. We've had that disconnect between midfield and attack for several years, you hvae to wonder why we let go of D. Pizarro when he'd fit in perfectly. But its good Lazio won, besides we've won the supercoppa enough times, its not good being greedy :D
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Interesting, I think hes the missing puzzle. Him running at you and the ability to play a killer pass to either Milito and Eto'o. Im sure Cambiasso, Motta and Muntari would be good enough to cover defensively.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Nah, Cassano's a striker, never a trequartista (which is the player Inter need most). It's like asking Del Piero to create goals sitting behind two strikers.

There's so few of these players out there anyways. Which baffles me as to why Inter sold Ibra, given that he'd have been a perfect partner for Milito. Now they have the added worry to find someone who can actually create chances, because Eto and Milito, on their own, are a useless partnership.

Diego would have been perfect. And Gourcuff. Neither are available so let's see who Mourinho wants. I bet they can get Van der Vaart on the cheap. He'd do very well. Even Hleb.

Meh, modern football needs a proper trequartista. Where are the Rui Costa's and Pablo Aimar's of the world?
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