PES2010 discussion thread

Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

So we know that the version R23 has played is the one which has all animations included? I missed this if it was stated earlier.

Who knows really mate. I just hope the gamescom event shows off the game with loads of new animations for all players and not just stars. I thought the whole point of motion capture was to introduce a fresh new look and feel and not have 10 players have their own little runs or whatever.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Holy crap I go away for a day and some bloke called R2D2 throws a grenade and quietly hides behind a sandbag.

I don't disbeleive him.............why should I but I'm not overly bothered TBH considering we will be hit with masses of info on Wednesday. Being old and wise, I have the patience of monk, however it all makes great reading.

Editable nets=fucking outstanding
360 movement=ditto
improved ball physics= I should fucking hope so!
Freedom of passing etc=Yeah
New screenshot=Love it!

Thanks to anyone who has made an effort to bring us info, its upto you to decide if its true or not but hey.............................................3 days!!
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Robotic animations are still there for most players??
No physics engine? (sigh)

Well it's better than having one's hopes too high.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

The editable nets just sounds too good to be true. Its been one of those sort of those niche fan fetishes for years and I'll be very surprised (but delighted) if it is actually in the game.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

We'll have news tomorrow Dr Force. Apparently some NDA's end tomorrow which is good news.

The editable nets just sounds too good to be true. Its been one of those sort of those niche fan fetishes for years and I'll be very surprised (but delighted) if it is actually in the game.

Wetongelre, The official nets fetishist ;)
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Anyway, if that guy turns to be a liar and wanted some attention only, then he will lose his credibility and we'll never believe him again. Unless, he changes his nickname next year, lol

On another note, I think the edit nets is a bit too much. I can't believe that Konami would give us such a thing. Btw, not a net fanatic.
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Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

It all sounds promising and I can't wait to get FIFA 10 and Pro Evo 10 in October. The mention of "robotic animations" still being present will hopefully be sorted for the retail release because animation is one of the most important factors for me this year. Konami MUST get that sorted.

It will be great if both Konami and EA release two stunning games this year :)
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Anyway, if that guy turns to be a liar and wanted some attention only, then he will lose his credibility and we'll never believe him again. Unless, he changes his nickname next year, lol

Yes, but as I told before, he's been there since 2007...why would he do such a thing now ?

I think a real liar would've been someone who just join evo-web on july/augut 2009 for example, or yesterday.

And by the way, some reliable people who know the truth (I mean who played the game) didn't deny what he said, and even use it on their site...anyway 360° is in the game, that is not a lie for sure !
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Yes, but as I told before, he's been there since 2007...why would he do such a thing now ?

I think a real liar would've been someone who just join evo-web on july/augut 2009 for example, or yesterday.

And by the way, some reliable people who know the truth (I mean who played the game) didn't deny what he said, and even use it on their site...anyway 360° is in the game, that is not a lie for sure !

Yeah, I think we can take it for certain that 360 degree movement is in the game. Hopefully its implemented well though.

A big week of news coming up and a lot of questions will be answered........
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Anyway, if that guy turns to be a liar and wanted some attention only,

I really dont believe this to be the case. If anything, with all the questions, and his brief visits, and all the translations he needed to make. I feel more like he wished he'd never opened his mouth in the first place.

I for one, respect his time and effort. Not everything he said was positive, this was no wish list. Into the equation add everything thats been rumoured, Seabass's first presentation ever of PES at GC, inside information leaked and it really doesnt sound like he his stating anything that we hadnt already been led to believe. Except the net edit mode I guess.

Either way, for true PES fans, this sounds like the best one yet. It still wont be perfect, but apart from Badgerman, who, or what is ? ;)

It's happy times for the PES die-hards.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

I doubt he is a liar, with two years in the forum. Dont think so, specially when his arguments sound genuine... but who knows, the Internet is like that...
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

It seems the guy is legit in his info to me. There has been simply too much effort on his part, plus he has supplied a new screen.

If this the 80% build he is playing, and taking into consideration that the 50% build back in June only had 25% of the projected animations in place, it could well prove to be the case that this latest build being playtested only has 40% of nimation/mo-cap in place.

Worth remembering that the playtest code supplied could well still be considerably out of date even when it was released.

When does a game go gold? In other words, when is the game considered complete and ready for print? Is it not something like 4-6 weeks before release date? If that is the case, there are still a few weeks of development left.

It will be interesting to see if Seabass and co. show off an up to date build that differs from the playable build on the show floor at gamescom. He is there for more than just PR I would imagine.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

I didn't say he was a phoney for sure. I only said he's suspicious because of spanish people asking him some thngs he didn't answer. I hope he's right and ask for sorry if I did wrong, but after those past years I tend to disbelief anyone claiming he has any game without any single proof of it.

Si tienes problemas para traducir, puedes escribir cosas en castellano y yo te las traduzco para el resto de la gente, ya que algunas de tus respuestas pueden crear confusión o parecer que no son ciertas.
(I tell him I can translate anything he has to write in order to put better posts about gameplay and don't create confusion with his answers.)

Edit: He has just posted 2 screenshots. Hope he's able to write better in spanish and I translate him.
(Si quieres postear en español te iré traduciendo cuando pase por aquí. Lo ideal si no es poner respuestas escuetas en inglés y luego elaborarlas más en español para cuando te lo pueda traducir). Un saludo.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

haha what can I say, amazing screens only on Evo Web :) :) :)

and of course question for our insider R23 : is online in your beta?
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

The Barca/Liverpool screenshot is amazing.

They've nailed it graphically that's for sure.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

loving the new screen :APPLAUD:

people should know pes will never be perfect,ever!
all i know is this years effort will be the best one yet:))
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Any new ones here? CLICK

There's three pages with screenshots on, I haven't seen the bottom one on the first page nor some on the second and third pages.


This looks very, very interesting...
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

yea some menu screens and stadium shots, thanks for that link Chris


Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

i'm spanish yes, in this moment are in japan.
only want help us.



Muchas gracias por su tiempo y esfuerzo a mi amigo. Es muy apreciado.

( I said, Thankyou very much for your time and effort my friend. It's extremely appreciated. ) ;)

The lighting on that photo looks awesome, great picture mi amigo.
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