PES 2019 Discussion Thread (PC)

1. Its quite easy, just unzip the DT file that incas36 created. the latest one is 1.1.4.
2. go to your installation folder for PES 2019. e.g. Program Files/Steam/Steamapps/common/PES 2019
3. go to /data directory
4. Rename the file "dt18_x64.cpk" to "dt18_x64_BAK.cpk" as backup
5. Copy the Incase 1.1.4 dt file to the /data folder and rename as default "dt18_x64.cpk"
6. launch game and play
Thanks! Sorry, though, I'm not understanding where this 1.1.4 is. I only get v1 in the first post.
So, let me see if I understand this. The error is because the patch is for an earlier version and my game is updated to 1.02. But then why is it the game that is telling me I need to update?

Elementary, my dear Watson! :D Official game never gave a rat's ass for community patches and never will give ... updates to the latest version are mandatory for online play.

You might perhaps avoid update for a while if you turn off automatic log-on in game and automatic updating for PES 2019 in Steam. Perhaps.
Compensations to be given soon.
:THINK:a free David Beckham 2018 for everyone? :COAT:lol :PIRATE:
GP to spend. Same as last year.

I didn't play PES 2018's myClub for a few months, logged into it one day and I had literally over 100,000 in GP (so 10 black-ball players) waiting for me.

All of it compensation for the servers going down, or this bug, or that bug.

To get a team of superstars, you don't even need to play the fucking game...

Every team on myClub is already Messi, Ronaldo, Neymar etc. - with a bench that's loaded with superstars. Why bother giving everyone more GP? No one needs it.

Absolutely pointless mode.
GP to spend. Same as last year.

I didn't play PES 2018's myClub for a few months, logged into it one day and I had literally over 100,000 in GP (so 10 black-ball players) waiting for me.

All of it compensation for the servers going down, or this bug, or that bug.

To get a team of superstars, you don't even need to play the fucking game...

Every team on myClub is already Messi, Ronaldo, Neymar etc. - with a bench that's loaded with superstars. Why bother giving everyone more GP? No one needs it.

Absolutely pointless mode.
Well, you can have superstar players but you have to pay contracts that are very high (4000 GP for 10 matches for a 90+ rated player) , so you still have to win and continue to win to be able to use those superstar players.
Well, you can have superstar players but you have to pay contracts that are very high (4000 GP for 10 matches for a 90+ rated player) , so you still have to win and continue to win to be able to use those superstar players.
Does it not defeat the object to have those players within a week of the game launching, though? It might cost a lot to pay all their wages but you can rotate your elite players around and keep a still-amazing squad going week after week.

There is no "working up from the bottom" any more in football games. The old FUT system used to let you play in bronze, silver and gold cups - so you didn't have to play a team better than Real Madrid on day one. But that doesn't exist now.

Before your first ball is kicked, you're in charge of a Champions League side.
Does it not defeat the object to have those players within a week of the game launching, though? It might cost a lot to pay all their wages but you can rotate your elite players around and keep a still-amazing squad going week after week.

There is no "working up from the bottom" any more in football games. The old FUT system used to let you play in bronze, silver and gold cups - so you didn't have to play a team better than Real Madrid on day one. But that doesn't exist now.

Before your first ball is kicked, you're in charge of a Champions League side.

To me the big issue in Myclub is the lack of match modes and achievements to reach. You just have to play division matches over and over and the occasional Myclub open tournament that is only on Saturdays.

There is no real sense of challenge, you belong to a division but you never have the feeling to play for something really difficult or exciting to obtain. I wish they would add much more daily tournaments, with even customized cups and objects to obtain and create your own stadiums. Sort of an expanded Master League but online.

Make featured players much more difficult to obtain only after winning some really tough big tournament with the teams in your same division.

Myclub seems to be the focus of the dev team but still it's mostly very boring. Dev team doesn't have people that can create exciting modes to engage people in the long run, nor online or offline.
Does it not defeat the object to have those players within a week of the game launching, though? It might cost a lot to pay all their wages but you can rotate your elite players around and keep a still-amazing squad going week after week.

There is no "working up from the bottom" any more in football games. The old FUT system used to let you play in bronze, silver and gold cups - so you didn't have to play a team better than Real Madrid on day one. But that doesn't exist now.

Before your first ball is kicked, you're in charge of a Champions League side.
Some of the pre-order bonuses, top agents or in-game rewards (like promotion in online divisions) give you "contract renewal tickets" which renew any player's contract for 10 games. Currently I have 30 of these (never used one)...

So you could use those on your very highest rated players that would cost 3-4k to renew and get cheaper gold players to make a top quality team somewhat sustainable for a while, though if you play enough games (and lose plenty of them) you'll run out of those tickets... And then the easiest way to continue would be to buy contracts for coins...

OR, and this seems to be the popular way (at least on /r/WEPES), you "farm" GP by playing/simming hundreds of matches with a white ball/black bench team. This gives you maybe 2-3k GP profit per match, but seems to be an extremely tedious and ridiculous thing to do in a football game.

Yet the thing is, those people actually welcome it! For them, the "grind" is half of the fun... Just look at the /r/WEPES subreddit occasionally, the FIFA one too... The vast majority of the discussion is related to MyClub/FUT, and anyone who criticises the modes is downvoted to oblivion and told stuff like "it's my money/time, I'll spend it how I like!".

I hardly blame Konami/EA for pushing these modes so heavily and neglecting everything else... The community at large has actively decided, of their own volition, to make them the most played game modes.

Our only hope seems to be that the authorities in more countries will grow some balls and put some legislation/ban on this kind of shit, like Belgium seem to be doing.
Best patch/option file for the PC atm, I know it has its own thread by a user on here, but some people will come to the PC thread looking and its worth linking.

Combine that with Incas mod and you have a solid potentially amazing PES this year. There are still the odd annoyance, 1v1s are hit and miss with the AI and the keepers still generally like their goal lines, but those a rare situations in games so its not like the be all and end all.

Still would like Konami to come up with a tweak, as giving Incas a better base would make his mod even better imo. But credit to his work.
Elementary, my dear Watson! :D Official game never gave a rat's ass for community patches and never will give ... updates to the latest version are mandatory for online play.
You might perhaps avoid update for a while if you turn off automatic log-on in game and automatic updating for PES 2019 in Steam. Perhaps.
Ok, I think I've got it. I'll need your help again though to understand something... the thing is I never play online. Ever. Like, I actually have never launched an online mode in PES. I only play Tournament and Cup mode on my own. So I can just avoid the game from ever going online, right? But what if there's a Konami update that I want that is gameplay related? How will I go through the process of going online to get the update from Konami without ruining my EDIT file?
I don't quite understand what could be wrong, my PC can play even the highest quality on pretty much any of the latest games and the PES demo stutters like crazy. Even on Medium. Have they made it only loadable on super high end machines?
I'm on a ATI Radeon R9 290. Worst I've ever had to do was minimise quality on shadows in AC Syndicate.
I got rid of the problem by not locking the fps. Go to settings.
But what if there's a Konami update that I want that is gameplay related? How will I go through the process of going online to get the update from Konami without ruining my EDIT file?

That's an age-old issue, which has never been solved in a way which would allow you to update your base game before patchmakers update their patches.

The Waiting Game is the only safe solution. Your favorite patch makers need to update their patches first, to make them compatible with the latest official update. Then you can safely update the game with the matching official update.
this ingame file importing i dont get it. i unthick to overwrite files (so to only the new ones get imported as far as i understand) and it still goes through all the files....and you cant cancel this....
This year does not give you the feeling that the MyClub is a lottery.
No stats influence only the Konami effect.
There are bouts that you get everything perfect without doing anything and others in which you dominate because your players become stupid.
I found out that going to Nvidia Control Panel > Manage 3D Applications (or whatever it's called), then selecting PES 2019.exe from the drop down and clicking on RESTORE to default, solve almost every problem I had with PES.
I don't have stutters or micro-stutters during Cinematics, Cutscenes, Replays anymore. Try it.

Still can't play 4K resolution smoothly on my system though, very strange.
That's an age-old issue, which has never been solved in a way which would allow you to update your base game before patchmakers update their patches.

The Waiting Game is the only safe solution. Your favorite patch makers need to update their patches first, to make them compatible with the latest official update. Then you can safely update the game with the matching official update.
It's making me think that an option file, though less thoroughly updated, if it's really well done might be less hassle than a patch because it doesn't block the updating of the game as much. I just haven't seen one that is as good with fonts and faces and stadiums as a patch.
It's making me think that an option file, though less thoroughly updated, if it's really well done might be less hassle than a patch because it doesn't block the updating of the game as much. I just haven't seen one that is as good with fonts and faces and stadiums as a patch.

Option file (which is part of every larger community patch too) IS the very root of the problem. It carries the version info of the older patch/game version (when it had been created) and because of that game complains about mismatching versions when you update the game.
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I´m playing with 144 FPS, 60 FPS locked in the settings. Seems PES picks the desktop refreshrate instead of the lock. Just try to set you desired refresh rate before you run the game and turn VSYNC on in your graphics card settings.
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