- 5 November 2017
I just do shadowplay "last 30 seconds" recording. When I did a bad pass or mis-aimed shot, I save it so that I can check later what's wrong with my analog stick aiming. I want to blame myself first before I blame the game.yeah. i record everything in the background... 10 min video saves if a match is worth saving or has something interesting in it to look after.
i recorded some flaws and some nice footage! i'm not holmes, so i dont search for broken stuff... but a lot springs right to my eyes... sad that is.

You're absolutely right!edit: so let me come back to your videos anyway...
the one with messi all alone and that high cross from left wing: imo, the pressure on the wing wasnt applied right. he should have selected another player and cut in from before the pass taker. or: select the defensive player next to messi and follow him. 2 options available he did not use. so i think it depended on human player behaviour.
but i'm with you guys that marking and AI behaviour needs tweaking.
the other one, where you wanted to blast it out of the penalty box, it just happens i guess. i dont have my fingers on the pad in that situation (as it is important), but from watching the video: its kinda unlucky. just my oponion on these 2.
the other videos show perfectly that some stuff is really tweak-worthy... aka rebuild-worthy!
This is probably the only one goal in our match that I'm happy with.
My only complaint is that it only took 3 passes to score hehe
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