- 28 September 2010
About the momentum, it is really broken since 2018. After professional level, everything is like you play a mad video game, when things go strange as you describe.Does anyone get the feeling that this game changes completely from session to session? I'm on FUMA/Top Player, having a pretty hard time in ML. I'm all hyped up to continue the season, turn on my PS4 and then what follows are some of the worst matches i've played in my whole life, where the A.I.'s main attacking method (Passing all the way from the back to a player way forward that is always unmarked) works flawlessly every time, their player is always free and when he receives the ball i just can't tackle him at all, after that he usually does a lob to the wing and a cross creates a goal, or they just tiki-taka inside my box where none of my defenders are bothering with marking, a lot of first touch backheels aswell bacause why not, if it isn't a backheel you can bet it will at least be a first touch, always. After that i usually play a few more matches with hope that it will get better, but it doesn't, not even when i win i get any enjoyment out of it. I turn my PS4 off and that's that. After a while i turn my PS4 on again and go for a few more matches, suddently everything good about the game gets so evident it's almost trying to jump out of the TV, the benefits of manual passing and shooting, the game looking and feeling like a real match, i can intercept their attacks because they are not as ridiculously fast, not as many backheels, they are still competent, but more predictable, slower and overall less clynical, most games are tight defensive battles that look like real life, i don't even mind when i lose because i had a good time playing a good footy simulator.
What's wrong with this game? Is it just me?
btw, in one of the great matches i've mentioned, i was winning 1x0 until the 86', i conceded the 1x1 and it felt like it was over, i still enjoyed the match but it was quite a bummer to lose a couple of points like that, suddently i get a free kick in the 95', definitely the last play of the match no matter what i do with it, i hadn't scored a single free kick yet so i didn't get my hopes up. 2x1. Just like that. If it wasn't so late at night i would have screamed. I try to save the replay and... I have to overwrite one of the ten(just 10) replays i had saved... a limit of ten(WHY JUST 10?) replay save slots... WHO THOUGHT THAT THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA? I mean, i have like fifty(50) saved replays in PES 2010 and 2012 (I think fifty was the limit at the time), that was pretty decent, but ten?! I mean, to me a limit shouldn't even be there, if my hard drive has space then let me save it, but if you have to have a limit, make it more than that! To quote the AVGN: "WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?!"
Thank God for the PS4's share feature. Rant over.
About the replays, once i discovered the share button, i just didnt bother again saving a replay in-game. I just record them with share button. i know it is not the same an it is a one-shot, you cannot go back and change the angles cameras (although limited) etc, like with the in-game replays, but life is too short to cause problems to my mind about what i will save in only 10 fakin slots. And since they do not have even a description, when the time comes that i must overwrite one, i do not even remember what is which. So share button and no mess with saving replays in PES