PES 2017 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

So is it time for me to reveal the new stats? :D

It's "Body Control", a brasilian data editor gives us the pics two weeks ago, from the online editor...
Nobody here have noticed that? Am i the only one :THINK:

I've also made a post about what it can change in the game for shooting/passing accuracy.

But i don't know if there's others stats back like a kind of "mentality"
I'm searching it, in PES 2016 news. But i dunno if this guy still have the pictures about this online editor on his twitter account
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I'm searching it, in PES 2016 news. But i dunno if this guy still have the pictures about this online editor on his twitter account

Pictures have been removed from his account and there are only few low quality ones on google,not good enough to read something.
People enjoying a couple of hours of a new PES (just like we all did last year) is a MASSIVE conspiracy.
Edit/ It was removed check here:

BUT I have a save of those screenshots on my pc :BOP:

Just below "Body Balance" you can find a new attribute called "Body Control"




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Okay thats not all the stats :) i was positive about fouls because of this "playing attitude" in the editor, happy to hear some positive feedbacks regarding the refs

btw thanks for the pics
You're welcome

I figure it out there's another mentals attributes, but the picture is cut just under "Stamina".

Or perhaps they have added some others technical or physical stats since then? The attributes order doesn't make me think that, seems already established.

It will be weird if the data editors already have make a big part of their job, and then, Konami gives them a new online editor with new technical/physical attributes
It is cut there, since there are no goalkeeper abilites present here at all. I cant confirm nor deny if there is more or not as ive been asked.
Here's another quote from games radar which doesn't sit well with me.

"Where PES 2017 really shines is in the final third of the pitch. Genuinely intricate, accurate passing enables you to recycle possession in tight areas while waiting to unleash a killer ball to your centre forward or overlapping full-back, and that upgraded control means you can truly beat an opponent – beat a succession of opponents – using sudden changes of pace, or deft turns. There are matches where I carve out delicate, incisive passing moves and repeatedly threaten with my wide men, without ever needing to lay a thumb on the right stick. It’s so refreshing".

Seems that passing the ball in the final 3rd will be more accurate, I'm not convinced with passing error / variation, this is the kind of shit I don't want to hear.
you obviously havent read but one review at most

I have read at least 3 of them before my post, and i´m reading now the 5th, and let me guess the one you think it speaks the truth its the Eurogamer one right?

Based on the previews from last year and the feedback of the community my hope was that the focus points were primary in testing the plagues of last games, or not? If you have time please enlight me where someone in previews mentioned the stuff in my post.

But hey its my opinion from what i have read, if you have another feel free to post it and i´m free to accept it or not as its only "opinions", and everyone as their own.

EDIT: Ok i have just read in PESFAN that the FK, CK, and PK system its the same (shit), with a diferentt design in the guide lines i suppose. so that point on my previous post its not a point anymore, because we all know its going to be shit, and fot the tackling system PESFAN said it was perfect in PES 2016 so its unchanged in 2017 hahaha...
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It is cut there, since there are no goalkeeper abilites present here at all. I cant confirm nor deny if there is more or not as ive been asked.

Yeah i know about GK abilities. But there where so many mistakes in the database, i pointed out in previous post.
Like 80 Finishing/Ball Winning/Curve, or weak foot accuracy errors because some players was directly taken from older PES which has a 1-8 instead of a 1-4 scale, so the half.

Guys who were in charge didn't do the math, 4 normally became 2... But no, some data editors gives them 4 on 4, the maximum without taking care. All those mistakes was especially on lower teams

I'm asking myself, if the have much more Club Editor than last year, because it's really needed. More stats in PES 2017, many mistake to fix and not reproduce...

BTW about previews, i don't really mind personnally when they gives their "feeling", i only want facts. If it's slower for example, it's a fact. We don't know how they play, their configuration, difficulty...
And all AI talking is not relevant for me like "i can pass all the defence easyly players don't move", and another that said the opposite.
People's here seems to take what they want to believe, in a negative way because it's the big bad Konami who only wants your money, who don't care about PC gamers etc. etc.
I understand your frustration, but please step back a little
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From videogamer preview: "PES 2016 has the best passing game of any football title"

You got to be kidding me...

Extremetly accurate passes with no contextual erros and poor ball physics mean the "the best passing ever for these guys".

I am more than convinced that these guys from the press are our worst enemies as PES fans. Its obvious that Konami are always adjusting (before release) to adapt the game to their taste, just to get that 9 score.

Yeah, that´s what I thought too.
Since PES 2015 I didn´t really dig the ball physics in passing.
It was good in PES 2014, but the last two PES it feels and looks like a bowling ball, that almost never even bobbles.

Here's another quote from games radar which doesn't sit well with me.

"Where PES 2017 really shines is in the final third of the pitch. Genuinely intricate, accurate passing enables you to recycle possession in tight areas while waiting to unleash a killer ball to your centre forward or overlapping full-back, and that upgraded control means you can truly beat an opponent – beat a succession of opponents – using sudden changes of pace, or deft turns. There are matches where I carve out delicate, incisive passing moves and repeatedly threaten with my wide men, without ever needing to lay a thumb on the right stick. It’s so refreshing".

Seems that passing the ball in the final 3rd will be more accurate, I'm not convinced with passing error / variation, this is the kind of shit I don't want to hear.

Doesn´t sit well with me either.
This sounds like as if EA would adress the momentum/scripting in FIFA as a feature :P
I have read at least 3 of them before my post, and i´m reading now the 5th, and let me guess the one you think it speaks the truth its the Eurogamer one right?

At least 3? So you don't really's not that important, but when i read your first post it really made me can you be so conclusive wirthout having palyed the game? Be honest and agree that one can't...

IMO the moment to give opinions is after having played the retail version for a couple of weeks...all the rest is premature guessing...

That has always been the problem with threads like this...
At least 3? So you don't really's not that important, but when i read your first post it really made me can you be so conclusive wirthout having palyed the game? Be honest and agree that one can't...

IMO the moment to give opinions is after having played the retail version for a couple of weeks...all the rest is premature guessing...

That has always been the problem with threads like this...

Imo the whole point of these 'impressions' is to give people an idea of what to expect. Judgement shouldn't be made based on these unless of course you have a reviewer you've been in agreement with for years and can trust, but I'd still rather play it myself.
yes beacause all PC users are pirates....

if the game has the same enginge like PS4 why i should that game on PS4 ???

-on PC is cheaper
-much more editing
-better visuals (4K)
-and easy to pirate
I would pay 70€ for the game if it was "Next-gen" on PC. The people that don't have a PS4 want to enjoy the full experience (like me), whereas people that don't have a high-end-PC can buy it for their PS4. PC-sales would be very good. Do you really think PS4-sales would have been way less if PES had been released with a "Next-gen"-PC-port?
I think that they should already scrap the PS3 and X360 version. They should just focus on PS4, XbOne and PC. PS4 and XbOne have a high enough user base already for them to forget about the older consoles.

I agree, this way we'd get a next-gen game across all platforms
So apparently the most recent big news is that the game will have vanishing spray and vibration for the controllers
At least 3? So you don't really's not that important, but when i read your first post it really made me can you be so conclusive wirthout having palyed the game? Be honest and agree that one can't...

IMO the moment to give opinions is after having played the retail version for a couple of weeks...all the rest is premature guessing...

That has always been the problem with threads like this...

@gerd, with all the respect, but this is a forum and forums are for this sort of things ( discussions and things like this), otherwise, you could just read the previews on sites and don´t exposed it here. Or better just open the thread after the game is out on stores.

I gave my opinion, of what i don´t read in the previews, its not a conclusive one, and if you read all my posts i said that i want to wait for the PES day, with community member to know all the points i mentioned, or at least to have more hints on that based on people who know what i´m talking

And the problem with this threads is that when some people in here comment its all good, but when someone who its not on the hype train, posts something giving is opinion of what he thinks that´s wrong with the past Game/s and can´t find substantial info in the previews to know if most of them are fixed, there´s always a few quoting as if they don´t give opinions.

If it´s good and if i have at least a hint that the problems might be solved i have all the pleasure in posting here too.

I don´t want to look behind but i bet if i do i will find some post of you @Gerd, giving your opinion too, before the game its out.
I think that they should already scrap the PS3 and X360 version. They should just focus on PS4, XbOne and PC. PS4 and XbOne have a high enough user base already for them to forget about the older consoles.
In some of the game's best-selling regions (and some of the only places where PES actually has licenses for their national leagues), next-gen consoles are prohibitively expensive. I've read that Brazil's PES userbase is mostly PS3s and Xbox 360s by far, for example.

There's no way they're cutting those guys off, for the sake of a PC audience that will pirate the game a week after launch (or even before). They're a business, at the end of the day.

The quality of any game would only increase if there were less platforms to release on (and better still if it was only the most powerful platforms). But sadly, that's not going to happen.
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