PES 2016 News & Discussion Thread

Quite a few posts back, few were complaining about keepers, just thought I'd post that up to say it's not that bad

honestly im not against bloopers, it happens. it should happen with any keeper. but i think the majority here complaints about 1on1s, R2 shooting and the too accurate and too powerful shooting in general against goalkeepers who use slow catching dive in majority of their saves instead sticking out an arm or a leg or put their body in the way
... next year im hoping Konami add to the manualisation (I know its not a word) of the game where you can get greater control of your keeper in one on one situations, and where reaction of dive left or right has much to do with user input. I know you can get manual control of your keep now, but there aren't many options. A suggestion would be the left controller controls player positioning, while rightstick controls dive direction. Or maybe circle dives to right and square to left, while a double tap on either button makes the keeper stick a leg out for the low to the ground saves (that keeper are having trouble with currently)on that particular side. Knowing that you've pulled off a save manually would be very satisfying.. there just needs to be more functionality in what you can actually do. That's what I like about fifa, there is so much more that you can actually do - if you choose to do it. You have the option.

Yes that would be great! I actually started a career with a goalie but it just can't even position yourself correctly most of the time because the control just isn't there.
Interesting, and thanks for the post. I will probably test this out at some point, but in my experience the problem affects all teams in the game once any kits are applied, whether they are licensed or not.

Hang on, are you now claiming that when you add edited kits to the game, you see some kind of change in gameplay even when the teams you're using aren't wearing those kits?
I feel like people who are seeing some kind of kit gameplay glitch need to take a few days off from this game, clear their heads, and then come back. How big are these kit images? They are microscopic compared to the overall game and hardware capabilities. I have a hard time believing they are causing some huge screw up.

But people become so obsessed and they see what they want to see. To the point that they will convince themselves the only way to fix the game is to uninstall the game, reformat the hard drive, and plug the machine into a different power outlet, lol.
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I feel like people who are seeing some kind of kit gameplay glitch need to take a few days off from this game, clear their heads, and then come back. How big are these kit images? They are microscopic compared to the overall game and hardware capabilities. I have a hard time believing they are causing some huge screw up.

But people become so obsessed and they see what they want to see. To the point that they will convince themselves the only way to fix the game is to uninstall the game, reformat the hard drive, and plug the machine into a different power outlet, lol.

There's a difference in smoothness compared to the game without imported kits. Nothing major affecting gameplay(I just don't see it) but it's there. People are making kits in 2048x2048, is that the default resolution for PS4? Or is it 1024x1024 etc.?
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There's a difference in smoothness compared to the game without imported kits. Nothing major affecting gameplay(I just don't see it) but it's there. People are making kits in 2048x2048, is that the default resolution for PS4? Or is it 1024x1024 etc.?
Texture resolution is exactly the same for original kits, edit mode kits and imported kits.
As someone who is just editing keepers ahead of exhibition match play (annoying!) while awaiting roster updates and hopefully dome other wee tweaks and enhancements I can say I love this game. It is proving do mich more a flecible, varied affair game-to-game compared to FIFA, which I have given a good shot.

It is not perfect, has its issues, but, in my opinion, the reviews are spot on in rating this game higher than FIFA. PES2016 is a game with... and I know many will hate this, arcade sensibilities, but the depth is absolutely there.
Hang on, are you now claiming that when you add edited kits to the game, you see some kind of change in gameplay even when the teams you're using aren't wearing those kits?

Yes, see my post/reply to you on previous page.

90% of the testing I've done between versions has been with smaller Licenses teams like Elche v Cordoba or Feyenoord v PSV etc.

Hence why I mentioned it may not be 'just the kits per se' but the loading of 'Edit data' file that somehow affects the smoothness.

Test it yourself and see what you think, pay attention to animation of players feet, legs and ball movement/camera scrolling particularly.
Hang on, are you now claiming that when you add edited kits to the game, you see some kind of change in gameplay even when the teams you're using aren't wearing those kits?

Lurking in the shadows waiting to pour scorn on this I see. When did I claim anything to the contrary?? The kits affect the gameplay, period... When they are loaded through the system data file (as that's where they're stored this year), the game as a whole is affected. It's far from just me who sees this, so chill out.
Yes, see my post/reply to you on previous page.

90% of the testing I've done between versions has been with smaller Licenses teams like Elche v Cordoba or Feyenoord v PSV etc.

Hence why I mentioned it may not be 'just the kits per se' but the loading of 'Edit data' file that somehow affects the smoothness.

Test it yourself and see what you think, pay attention to animation of players feet, legs and ball movement/camera scrolling particularly.

I can tell immediately from kick off, the receiving player's animation is missing a couple of frames relative to what it should be. Without any kits, it's smooth. From that point in a match onward, it's very easy to ascertain that something is wrong, as odd little quirks continue to occur. How Mr. Ubu so actively opposes this is strange. The proof is in the testing, and it's not difficult to do.
Interesting, and thanks for the post. I will probably test this out at some point, but in my experience the problem affects all teams in the game once any kits are applied, whether they are licensed or not.

No problem. Looking forward to hear about your findings after you test it out.
I can tell immediately from kick off, the receiving player's animation is missing a couple of frames relative to what it should be. Without any kits, it's smooth. From that point in a match onward, it's very easy to ascertain that something is wrong, as odd little quirks continue to occur. How Mr. Ubu so actively opposes this is strange. The proof is in the testing, and it's not difficult to do.

This is exactly what I'm seeing. I can't imagine someone paying attention to it would miss it either. It's very obvious. Can't win with Konami really. They give us the ability to edit but limit the amount of slots we can use or screw it up all together with a bug or whatever this is some of us are experiencing. I couldn't care less if the gameplay wasn't on a whole new level this year.
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I "feel"i it also.

How Mr. Ubu so actively opposes this is strange.

It depends whether you're talking about a few framerate issues (as these people are), or significant gameplay changes and the game being "downgraded to a sort of a beta-like version" (which you were). One is plausible, as I said in the first place; the other is totally potty.
L1 + O would have to be the best pass button in the game when used by the right player, the variety that pass button does with different players is amazing
L1 + O would have to be the best pass button in the game when used by the right player, the variety that pass button does with different players is amazing

Agreed!!! constantly use this to swing the ball into runner.. really whips in, particularly as you say with the right player. In fact I use this pretty much anytime other than using the ground ball. Quicker and more accurate way of getting the ball around.

I know some of you guys know this already, but another little tip. When you head the ball back to your keeper, normally he'll pick it up, which kind of slows your game down alittle (depending on how you want to play). But, if you head the ball back, and as the ball makes its way to the keeper, you hold down r3 (press and hold down the right stick), the keeper traps the ball with his feet.... you can then speed things up this way.
If you change your mind, you can actually pick the ball up from your feet, by pressing r1.

Also about the kit importation. I tested it for about 30mins today. I have two versions of the game, ie. us and aust.. the us has kits imported, the aust version doesn't. I played arsenal v westham same setting for both, except one game with imported kits followed by a game with default kits. For me its not a huge difference, particularly ai wise.. but the thing I did notice, is that with the default kits (ie. none imported), the game did seem SLOWER...
Also, and this may be a coincidence (since I only played around 2 games of each method).. but the cpu made quite a few more fouls with default kits??? Rarely get any normally. But using default arsenal v westham produced heaps of fouls from ai hmmm... got one against me in the first 15 secs, wasn't a sliding tackle but a push. Don't wanna open up a new can of worms here, but there is some effect to this importing kits. Again, the main difference I noticed was game speed. Interesting...
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Agreed!!! constantly use this to swing the ball into runner.. really whips in, particularly as you say with the right player. In fact I use this pretty much anytime other than using the ground ball. Quicker and more accurate way of getting the ball around.

I know some of you guys know this already, but another little tip. When you head the ball back to your keeper, normally he'll pick it up, which kind of slows your game down alittle (depending on how you want to play). But, if you head the ball back, and as the ball makes its way to the keeper, you hold down r3 (press and hold down the right stick), the keeper traps the ball with his feet.... you can then speed things up this way.
If you change your mind, you can actually pick the ball up from your feet, by pressing r1.

Also about the kit importation. I tested it for about 30mins today. I have two versions of the game, ie. us and aust.. the us has kits imported, the aust version doesn't. I played arsenal v westham same setting for both, except a game with imported followed by a game with default kits. For me its not a huge difference, particularly ai wise.. but the thing I did notice, is that with default kits (ie. none imported) the game did seem SLOWER...
Also, and this may be coincidence since I only played around 2 games of each method.. but I the cpu made quite a few fouls with default kits??? don't wanna open up a new can of worms here, but there is some effect to this importing kits. Again, the difference I noticed was game speed. Interesting...

good to know, gonna give that try, cause iv noticed when im playing ML after a while like 6 games in, the game for some reason starts to play faster than normal and the animations dont look quite right, but still bearable to play, but i cant say its the kits for sure, till i try it out without the kit imports, other than that iv been playing some amazing games against the AI in the brazilian league, the AI is misplacing so may passes and also shots that in the previous versions wouldv gone in 100%, even after 7 seasons in, im amazed and what this game has to offer, i also love when playing against different sides, you start noticing who the dangerous AI players are, and am also getting the AI to do several tricks against me depending on who the player is, fkn awesome, im hoping now the 29th october patch fixes the defensive AI as well as more aggression and fouls and im set till pes 17.
The "discussion" about the effect (or non-effect)of imported kits is by far the most hilarious i've ever read on those's funny how serious people take this...hilarious!

Seems like a discussion about ufo's or a discussion with people like Erich Von Daniken, Uri Geller or Rupert Sheldrake...but played by Monty Phyton characters...please keep it going..
The "discussion" about the effect (or non-effect)of imported kits is by far the most hilarious i've ever read on those's funny how serious people take this...hilarious!

Seems like a discussion about ufo's or a discussion with people like Erich Von Daniken, Uri Geller or Rupert Sheldrake...but played by Monty Phyton characters...please keep it going..

Have you tried it yourself with and without imported kits?
Couldn't care less to be honest...i do the kits myself.
Most people here will find them awfull, but to me they are fine.
I am from a time where Subbuteo was the summum of fotball simulation, ...besides at the moment, me and my family have real worrying issues regarding one of our kids...kind of helps to put things in perspective.

I've seen a litle bit too many of these discussions and there is a lot of snobbism and an aspect of "my dick is longer than yours" in them. It isn't good for your street credibility if you don't play manual. It's even worse if you are too positive about the game. Well, i tried manual and it's too difficult for me. I love the game like it is. My dick is definitely shorter than most dicks here, but i'm having a blast... and i could'nt care less about my street credibilty.

Don't take this personal, but i'm getting tired of all those would be hardcore intellectual a book or go and play real football. I know this is politically very incorrect because this is supposed to be a discussion thread, but most of the discussions seem scripts for very satirical televison programs (including what i write).

I'm sorry for this rant, but it feels like some kind of relief and all i'm writing is totally out of proportion.
It depends whether you're talking about a few framerate issues (as these people are), or significant gameplay changes and the game being "downgraded to a sort of a beta-like version" (which you were). One is plausible, as I said in the first place; the other is totally potty.

Look, whether the word 'beta' is brought into the conversation or not, the gameplay is simply not as consistent an experience when these kits are imported. It feels like a downgraded or earlier version, hence my usage of that word. The players are clunkier, the response time is slightly off, and of course transition animations missing. Added to this are some games feeling lightning fast, and you can tell when you're involved in those games that it should not be like that.

As SilverSpider put it, nobody who is reporting this wants to be right, and we would really welcome a way to reduce or solve it. Better still would be recognition from Konami, but that won't happen, particularly as there is not a consensus.
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Agreed!!! constantly use this to swing the ball into runner.. really whips in, particularly as you say with the right player. In fact I use this pretty much anytime other than using the ground ball. Quicker and more accurate way of getting the ball around.

I know some of you guys know this already, but another little tip. When you head the ball back to your keeper, normally he'll pick it up, which kind of slows your game down alittle (depending on how you want to play). But, if you head the ball back, and as the ball makes its way to the keeper, you hold down r3 (press and hold down the right stick), the keeper traps the ball with his feet.... you can then speed things up this way.
If you change your mind, you can actually pick the ball up from your feet, by pressing r1.

Also about the kit importation. I tested it for about 30mins today. I have two versions of the game, ie. us and aust.. the us has kits imported, the aust version doesn't. I played arsenal v westham same setting for both, except one game with imported kits followed by a game with default kits. For me its not a huge difference, particularly ai wise.. but the thing I did notice, is that with the default kits (ie. none imported), the game did seem SLOWER...
Also, and this may be a coincidence (since I only played around 2 games of each method).. but the cpu made quite a few more fouls with default kits??? Rarely get any normally. But using default arsenal v westham produced heaps of fouls from ai hmmm... got one against me in the first 15 secs, wasn't a sliding tackle but a push. Don't wanna open up a new can of worms here, but there is some effect to this importing kits. Again, the main difference I noticed was game speed. Interesting...

Are you sure they're not slight differences between US and AUS versions?
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