PES 2014 Discussion Thread

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I dont need to be told to go and play and learn the fucking game, stop using that as an excuse. Theres something missing from the gameplay, ball physics or whatever, theres something not right. It has nothing to do about learning a 'deep' game or any such bollocks.

Stop excusing things that are wrong with the game by papering over the cracks with the same wheeled out excuses.

Face facts theres parts of the game that are good, but a lot thats not right.
learn the game
Just finished another 30 minute game, this time v Atalanta, who were behind from the ninth minute but also, somehow, managed to get through the entire match without committing a single foul. Of course, in actual fact they hacked the shit out of me for most of the game. But nothing was given - not one foul (not even the time that David Pizarro was actually propelled up into the air). In fact, they did get called for one foul - but that was where I dived and fooled the ref.

This lack of fouls is insane. Has anyone been pestering Bhatti about this? I presume they have.

It's really sad that no fouls are given. Got the game since 19.09 and played almost every day for some hours. Until now i see 1 penalty and 1 freekick. Really it's a shame and it need to be patched.
Wow !!

In Copa Group Stage last match, need win to qualify. Ok. Now the tough part, São Paulo (Clear Group Winners), away from home. Ouch.

Long story short, awesome match, Atletico win 1-0 with late goal. Atletico keeper incredible.

Woo hoo !! Knockouts here we come baby.

The individuality is mind-blowing.
For all the positive comments, most seem related to play offline against the CPU. I've only played online and I've just about had my fill. The game can be incredibly slow and unresponsive, most goals are incredibly cheap and crucial moments in games seem to just be a case of waiting for the CPU to decide an outcome before giving you control back.

Main tactic online seems to be multi player press and feed off scraps. I had high hopes but it feels like a game which needs better hardware, ie PS4, to see a more fluid online experience.

A decent effort, just falls too short to keep me plugging away..
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Despite some heavy negative feedback and my own mixed emotions on the demo I'm finally gonna buy my copy tomorrow. 10 minute matches F YEAH!!
Played all day long - I approve this game! Yeah there are issues on the pitch but I don't regret buying it for 50€. Shame about the datapack situation and the november patch tho.
I dont need to be told to go and play and learn the fucking game, stop using that as an excuse.

But your getting heated up and swearing because someone doesn't agree with you?

Theres something missing from the gameplay, ball physics or whatever, theres something not right. It has nothing to do about learning a 'deep' game or any such bollocks.

Stop excusing things that are wrong with the game by papering over the cracks with the same wheeled out excuses.

Come on, i worked out a week ago what was wrong, we all listed it, responsiveness and a repetitive Defensive AI bug is the worst problem, along with lag in replays, chip shot being too easy, keepers having issues with floating balls. I've worked out keepers are not totally fucked like people are screaming about, they simply suffer from the same general player responsiveness lag.

Also dibbling which will change after the patch, the CPU have issues making good dribbles like in PES 2013 and other games.

I hate these vague comments 'something is not right'. It's not had to find out and dissect issues, look even deeper and see the cause and effect, get a good understanding of what changes are needed, little or large.

Doesn't help Konami, don't help me, you, you essentially contradict yourself. You have energy to attack people who don't agree but where the energy to find out what is exactly wrong.
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I dont need to be told to go and play and learn the fucking game, stop using that as an excuse. Theres something missing from the gameplay, ball physics or whatever, theres something not right. It has nothing to do about learning a 'deep' game or any such bollocks.

Stop excusing things that are wrong with the game by papering over the cracks with the same wheeled out excuses.

Face facts theres parts of the game that are good, but a lot thats not right.

I must agree--no one needs to be told "to go and play and learn the fucking game". That line of argument is distasteful.

For me, the game is superior and I can't wait for an OF to start a proper ML (one that I think I'll be playing all year long). But I am also going to assume that everyone on this forum dearly loves their PES; that is, they want to also enjoy this game. So, for those of us that already are, let's help them instead of insult them.

I still love you Gomito!
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So I score headers on basic shooting but manual I can't.

Its the game right and I am not just shit. :LOL:

I can't play basic shooting anymore it feels too easy especially with barca. And wtf. Is up with people getting floaty shots. I get good pace when I want on nearly every shot.
Just finished another 30 minute game, this time v Atalanta, who were behind from the ninth minute but also, somehow, managed to get through the entire match without committing a single foul. Of course, in actual fact they hacked the shit out of me for most of the game. But nothing was given - not one foul (not even the time that David Pizarro was actually propelled up into the air). In fact, they did get called for one foul - but that was where I dived and fooled the ref.

This lack of fouls is insane. Has anyone been pestering Bhatti about this? I presume they have.

I've had a few games where i get too many fouls :CONFUSE: Little annoying cynical ones, usually after i beat a man using fake shot.

I tend to foul a lot, i use the slide tackle button to much.
And wtf. Is up with people getting floaty shots. I get good pace when I want on nearly every shot.

I imagine that's because most of the time you only shoot when the body shape is right, the ball is the right distance away, the timing is right etc etc. That's what makes the difference.

I'm another one who's slightly worried that Konami will hear all this angry feedback from impatient button-mashers and make the game much worse, either in a patch or in PES 2015.
I've had a few games where i get too many fouls :CONFUSE: Little annoying cynical ones, usually after i beat a man using fake shot.

Yeah, that's the only kind of foul that's called regularly against the cpu - the one where you beat them with a dribble and they catch your trailing leg.

I don't see a lot of those because I'm using Fiorentina atm and there aren't many dribblers in that team, mostly passers like Pizarro, Borja Valero and so on. I usually bring Joaquin on as a sub, he's a dribbler, but by that point the opposition defence are usually too tired and slow to foul him as he goes past.

Something I do find is that when (other kinds of) fouls do get called against the computer, it's very often a yellow card. Even if it's just a tiny tap on the heel in the centre circle. Very odd.
I imagine that's because most of the time you only shoot when the body shape is right, the ball is the right distance away, the timing is right etc etc. That's what makes the difference.

I'm another one who's slightly worried that Konami will hear all this angry feedback from impatient button-mashers and make the game much worse, either in a patch or in PES 2015.

I am also worried about the feedback and just hoping Pes team keeps their vision. Obvious bugs of course but basic gameplay should left untouched.
I'm getting lots of fouls, mainly off the back of feints or R3 turns. Cynical, but they are getting punished. I've had lots of free-kicks, shame I fucking detest this new system.

Atletico 2-1 Boca, 1st leg at home. Boca are playing some beautiful football.
Just fired up the older PC and played PES6 on Regular difficulty Swansea vs Everton me being the Swans thinking that Michu would be the magician that he is and got my ass handed to me 4-0 have been playing a modded FIFA 13 all manual world class difficulty and totally went into that PES game thinking I could boss.

I have been totally fuggging the blonde and not remembering that PES is the sexy brunette.

Bottom line....... it is easy for me to read the negative comments about PES 14 and overlook them knowing how good a "Gamers Game" PES can be.

PES14 in the States on PC has been giving me fits....Steam for Digital Download is not available yet. So I will jump through a few more hoops before getting my hands on my PC copy. This game is in trouble when I finally get my hands on it. I just purchased Demon Souls for 7.49$ so I get to wrap my head around another quirky Japanese title before playing my precious.

PES takes more time to master that its competitor there is no way ANYBODY can play both titles and accurately compare them, unless PES has been played for over 100 hours IMHO. Both are totally different games.
I still don't have the full game yet, but I have to say I've ben playing the We2014 demo on superstar level and I am enjoying it a lot. Yes, it defintely feels easier than TOP player, but I don't think it's "broken" as people have been playing.

It's easier, but imo it's more balanced. There is more space in the midfield, less pressure, and I think this is almost spot on. The game runs smoother as well, I'm yet to see any "slow motion" feeling around or inside the box. I also noticed that CPU attacking Ai varies plays a bit more. With the extra challenging of playing with 0 bar passing, I think superstar level is great. I just hope it doesn't get a bit too easy the more I play it on this level.

If the final version plays like this, it's a must buy for me (it's a must buy anyway lol).
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I am also worried about the feedback and just hoping Pes team keeps their vision. Obvious bugs of course but basic gameplay should left untouched.

PES 2013 seems to be the model they want, the control scheme is pretty much 2013 with new functions added because of the engine. I really hope they can find that balance of 2013 in this game and fully integrate it with the new physics and animations.

in this next patch it would help for konami to go backwards in some areas to help the entire game. One thing the issues are spoiling are the goals variety!

YouTube - This was PES 2013

PES 2013 was a very responsive game, the defensive AI is the marker for Football video games to follow, You see the defenders looking to constantly retain the teams defensive shape, always responsive in regards to putting a tackle or block in. Two, three players diving in to block a shot in the box, thats what's needed in PES 2014.

The dribbling also, Bryan Ruiz goal (my favourite) at 9:08, and the goal from the South African dude for my WE United team at 2:43, the turns in pes are too amateur like, as if they are walking, they need to find that balance pes 2013 had in dribbling while again, retaining the inertia and momentum. its possible.

Adam said they are working on this on the patch so its possible. All of pes 2014 issues where fine in 2013 so going backwards and getting the balace back is the way forward.
First time I've seen it in 25 hours of play......

Interesting. I've seen my players attempt it on many occasions and I've scored around 3-4. In fact, I've scored more back heel goals than I have long range (of which I've scored none) shots. :THINK:
I hated the demo on the 360 and ps3. Hated the full pc version even more.

D/L FIFA 14 on early season ticket, it sucked donkey balls so reluctantly bought 360 version of PES 2014.

Now I love the game and think it's the best PES ever. I score plenty of header on normal shooting (we know manual is broken) and I've won plenty of pk's and had the CPU receive yellow cards as often as I have. On 360 there's no slowdown for me, no input lag and response times are perfectly fine once you understand its not the FIFA do anything you want immediately you press the button regardless of body shape, balance, direction, etc.

Love the game and if the upcoming patch improves it further then awesome, if it doesn't, I'm still happier than a Labrador with two tails balls-deep in a posh poodle.
I'm right behind everyone moaning about the genuine problems in PES 2014 - the off-the-pitch crap, the useless goalies (especially at the near post), the slightly underwhelming feeling when you score sometimes (because of the poor defensive AI), the tendency to ship buggy goals, the tech issues (slowdown etc), the automated/magnetised chipped through balls to off-the-ball sprinters, the ridiculous lack of fouls, the lack of stadia and so on. These are all pretty grim - not what we should expect from a full-price game in 2013. There's a lot to moan about.

But I've got to be honest, 99% of the moaning about gameplay that I've read here really does seem to be a bunch of through-ball-spammers and footballing half-wits throwing their toys out of the pram. Some of the stuff people have been complaining about is ludicrous. Despite all the niggles, PES 2014 is an astonishingly realistic football SIMULATION, and it seems to me that a lot of people who've been asking for this for years don't really want what they think they want.

You CANNOT play this game like an arcade game. Well, you can... but you'll have a very unrewarding experience. You have to play slow, patient, realistic - I mean, way more than in previous PES games. You can't even play this game like PES5. I've been on 30 minute games, passing the ball round defence etc where necessary, taking my time with everything, allowing the cpu to have the ball where appropriate rather than rushing in, lots of square or backwards passing, adjusting the DF line to stop the computer pinging through balls past me... and it's fantastic. It's an incredible game. An incredible game with loads and loads of stupid irritations (all of which could, in theory, be patched out - because they're exactly the same irritations we got in previous PES games, and they've been successfully patched out in the past). But a really, really amazing game.

I'm not saying that everyone who complains about something gameplay-related which isn't on my list above is stupid, or knows nothing about football, or just secretly wants an arcade game or whatever. I'm just saying that a lot of people are so used to the usual "OMG Konami what are you doing" reaction, from recent PES games, that whenever something goes "wrong" for them they're reaching straight for the insults rather than suspecting for one second that they might be the problem, and perhaps they just need to learn a new skill, or apply some real-football knowledge to the problem. I swear I saw someone a few pages back say the game was shit because you can't score headed goals, or something like that (not you Zee, lol). I've scored bloody hundreds of headed goals. It's just that heading has changed in this game - it's become more realistic, rather than just button mashing / random. People moaning that their player doesn't shoot the instant they press the shot button, despite the fact that he's totally off balance and in the middle of a feint animation!! And so on. The answers to many of these "problems" lie in taking real-world understanding of the sport and applying it to the game. There's plenty wrong with this game that can't be fixed by changing your approach - but a hell of a lot that can.

One good patch and this could be far and away the best football game of all time. I wouldn't say I was confident that we'll get that patch - I know Konami all too well - but there's no reason why we shouldn't. And for now... well, it's still the best football game of all time. But that's just it - it's a FOOTBALL game. The many irritations are, well... irritating. But you write off PES 2014 at your peril. It's a great game. A great unfinished game. But still a great game.
This post is exactly what I wanted to read... Sounds like this game would be my cup of tea - I'll probably wait for the November patch to be released before buying the game though, especially with GTA Online being only a few hours away and most likely keeping me occupied for a long time...
Also playing ML as Utrecth, I've had no injuries either, but one penalty at least that I remember, could be two. That's not a lot though.

Maybe our guys are somewhat injury resistant? Still, would be nice too see some.

Also, Toornstra bossing midfield, loving playing as Takagi and Van der Gun.

Edited in: Practically played one season through, Top player, 10 min games.
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Interesting. I've seen my players attempt it on many occasions and I've scored around 3-4. In fact, I've scored more back heel goals than I have long range (of which I've scored none) shots. :THINK:

Have scored lots of back heel and flick goals myself as well. Overused and starts to look terrible hen you see it time after time. Seems anyone can do it because Gareth Barry scored my last one.
I must agree--no one needs to be told "to go and play and learn the fucking game". That line of argument is distasteful.

For me, the game is superior and I can't wait for an OF to start a proper ML (one that I think I'll be playing all year long). But I am also going to assume that everyone on this forum dearly loves their PES; that is, they want to also enjoy this game. So, for those of us that already are, let's help them instead of insult them.

I still love you Gomito!

You shouldn't patronize him. The actual fact is that that you only accept criticism from a couple of members that i would call the unreserved fans. There is nothing wrong with those people, but regardless how bad the game is, those people will always like it.

You are very elitist in discussions about PES. Only the opinions of the inner crowd matter to you. You are perfectly entitled to feel like that, but maybe you should think twice before making it so obvious in your posts.

To me this is the first decent PES in years and although i like it very much, to be honest it is a disgrace that a company can ship out a game like this as a retail version. Konami don't care about their customers at all (look at the transfers, there should have been a transfer patch on day one, also the fact that base copy has disappeared from the game, the fact that last years there was no league mode, in can go on endlessly with other examples). What i'm trying to say is that it is very important that customers criticize Konami, it gives them feed back (i know i have posted in this thread that it is very difficult to get a clear signal if people start to love the game, then hate it and then love it again, but maybe the conclusion should be that the game has issues that should be adressed asap and not in a couple of weeks). We have payed for this game you know. No disrespect meant.

Jimmy, i've beaten your Atletico Mineiro in the semi-finals of the Coppa and know have to face Sao Paolo in the final (i play with Newell's Old Boys).
I dont need to be told to go and play and learn the fucking game, stop using that as an excuse. Theres something missing from the gameplay, ball physics or whatever, theres something not right. It has nothing to do about learning a 'deep' game or any such bollocks.

Stop excusing things that are wrong with the game by papering over the cracks with the same wheeled out excuses.

Face facts theres parts of the game that are good, but a lot thats not right.

I said it has an expression, I´m free to do it. Besides, lots of people here complain about things that in reality only show that they haven´t played the game like its supose to. Problem is people refuse to see that the game has actually much more good things then bad ones.
That's the best thing to do. Wait for the next patch out, then get the game.

Me and my (former)PES loving mates have all said the same.
The best time to buy a PES game is in the March as all transfers and bugs will be sorted. PES14 will probably have about 3 or 4 patches by March.
PES is no longer a day 1 purchase.
Is the Stamina system still flawed?

I remember last year a guy just leaving a game running without moving his players and the stamina for all of the players were reduced just as if he was playing the game as normal.

Has anybody tested this?
i've noticed players get absolutely knackered in latter stages of games and it affecting their speed etc.
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