PES 2013 Discussion Thread

Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

5 was same engine as 4 and 3 and 6, 3 was the changer and 08

oh and its not "lazy design" like someone noted, they just cant make it better, the engine to begin with was not a masterpiece, they still fight with it..
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

I want them to stay with the same engine personally. Thoroughly enjoying pes2012 with all the pc mods. Out of the box it is crap yes, but with the pc mods, this game is best version ever produced.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

The engine changed at PES 5 and then at PES 2008

That's is the ONLY thing that could improve PES 2012.
Tired of engines that only allow up, down, forward, backward and diagonal movements.

There is 360 movement in PES 2012 and 2012 with 16 way movement in 2010. 2012 is more refined due to better animations and more fluid footplanting.

2011 was also a new engine! 2008 was only new in the sense that it was the first game on new consoles, it wasn't brand new from scratch. 2010 was the last game to use assets from the PS2 and xbox engines but molded onto new consoles. 2011 was the brand new engine including the animation engine, Konami said so themselves, have people forgotten? So 2012 is actually the second game in the new engine, with more refined animations etc.

People wanting new engines need to know that FIFA has been using the same engine since 2007/8, 2007 being the transition, 2008 being the real deal. And despite talk of their animations their stick like figures and hunchback player models still don't look like real footballers compared to Konami's more convincing player models and momentum/inertia/footplanting movement. I actually prefer PES animations, FIFA's are overrated.

I don't know if PES'll have another new engine for 2013, but I'm happy with 2012's, I'd like the game to look nice, but gameplay is and has always been king.

PES 2012 main strengths that make it the best football game imo:

-dribbling - u really feel the physics, momentum, weight shifting, inertia, leg placement to a greater degree and with more fluid animations
-refined interception/hold up play system from PES 2011 – less button presses than FIFA but once mastered more sophisticated and nuanced
-Both the above means Konami have delivered on the 1-on-1 battles, you feel a great balance between taking someone on or trying to stop them
-zero passing – semi-manual mix that includes stats
-Best AI movement and awareness in a football game
-Team types in Master League Online which encourage different ways of playing ('speed' can be countered) and their equivalent training types in ML offline
-More depth added to master league offline which is a hallmark of the series
-Obviously player individuality being a hallmark of the series
-Obviously tactical depth in setting your team up to play in any way you want being a hallmark of the series

My wishlist for 2013:

-Goalkeeper rushing out is too frequent - just like there is a button to bring him out there should be a button to delay him if the AI is too agressive in coming out

-Remove the unbalanced speed merchant card - dribbling stats and other attacking cards cover it already, even toned down from the patch the speed merchant card makes players skate around unrealistically and makes it too easy to dribble. The best players are already good enough at dribbling

-Bring back the defensive cards to differentiate and add strength to some defenders

-Make a section of online play for the simulation focused purists, who want a sim - i.e. a specific zero assistance quickmatch lobby in a 'realism' section - at least have an option to set pass assistance when setting up a match room

-Why did they dumb down crossing? 90% of the time they are too perfect and always curve into the center. They can rarely be over hit or underhit, stat effects are dumbed down even on zero in this specific area. So they should bring back the randomness of crossing along with them being more stat dependent, especially more so on zero assistance. I know you can do L2 manual crosses but general crossing is too easy.

- auto freekicks are too effective - if u were controlling 1 player with the fixed cursor you'd leave it to the ai to take the free kick, but they should be randomized not be too effective. When the best freekick takers are in a certain position, it is almost a 100% goals that can be abused online.

Apart from those I'm happy with PES 2012, best football game I've played and a continued refinement of the series.
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Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Agreed mate. It will be the exact same again for a lot of Football Game Fanatics who will then switch to FIFA 13 and see its shortcomings as well.

Unless something major happens PES 2013 will be a huge disappoint IMO. I thought 2011 was only a Marginal Improvement of previous ones and 2012 has messed everything up again.

I tend to agree. While I'm always looking forward to a new PES and will follow the news with interest, I must admit that my expectations are at an all-time low. PES2010 and 2011 showed progress but 2012 regressed the series somewhat. Very disappointing.

The best I think we can hope for is a refined game that hopefully takes a step back to PES2011 for direction. I'm still expecting clunky and limited animations, poor collision detection, strange ball physics, inconsistent and sub-par visuals and shocking audio. If the last five or six years has taught me anything it's that Konami are incapable of making big changes.

Also, I'm not expecting much from the news tomorrow and/or next week. Konami just don't know how to promote PES and the output of their PR department is woefully amateurish for a company of their size and standing.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

One of the major problems that KONAMI face is the consumer....US!

This year, even I have changed my mind several times as to this 2012 iteration.

At first I thought it was the bees knees, then a period of indifference (on PS3). Then I thought, the PC version was superb, and then I had a brief fling with FIFA. Once the gloss wore off on that, I started playing back on the console again, with no stat alterations, Superstar mode, 20 minute matches, on my 50" plasma, where it all started. I must say my love has been fully rekindled and I am even shocked at a few things that I've completely done a U-turn on.

Now this is my opinion, which makes these forums so great. In gameplay terms this year's PES, for me, is simply quite brilliant. Granted it takes forever to get formations, team styles, strategy in place, but once you know what you are doing, once you know, how and where you want to defend, and once you identify with all your players strengths, I firmly believe this year's PES is just fkin outrageously good and deep.

Second point, FIFA's 'animations' and 'ball physics' that everyone harps on about. I've done a complete change of mind on this. I now think PES' are much closer to the mark. On -2 gamespeed, there is the element of balloon-ness to the ball, which has to be changed especially in regards to shots, but the versatility in passing compared to FIFA (which I think is more raily than PES) is excellent in my eyes. I can't explain it fully as it's not easy too explain, but in PES I just feel I have a virtually unlimited degree of angles and passing lanes to hit, whilst in FIFA everything feels restricted. Many will disagree. Simply by dropping a shoulder here, holding up play there, the game landscape can just change in a second, giving you that couple of degrees of angle needed to execute what you want.

Next point, animations. After playing more and more FIFA I'm beginning to really hate the animations actually. Again, I think the animations in PES are better maybe the transitions are out, but hopefully this can be fixed. Precision dribbling? Much better in PES to be honest. It's the first time in the history of my football gaming that I want to take people on when one on one. The intricacy is quite brilliant. The other major thing which bothers me in FIFA, apart from the obvious momentum/inertia/player footing issues, is the player slow dribble. It's just too responsive and too fast.

Quite honestly now, I hate almost everything in FIFA now and love almost everything in PES lol! The only things FIFA does better IMO, is the injury system which PES simply has to wise up on, the presentation and the cameras.

But back to my original point, I do have sympathy with KONAMI a little, because if I have changed my mind on the game numerous times over numerous months, multiply that by millions, then it's no wonder they are confused as to the direction of the game!?!

I would be happy in 2013 with the presentation sorted, the annoying exchanges gone between players, injury system in place, better shooting (with less balloon physics), less scripting, better transitions and more individuality.

I also feel that KONAMI need to make the match day more alive. FIFA has the Sky Sports thing going on and that's fine. I understand there are copyright issues, but couldn't they just have like PES Sports or something like that, make the whole match experience more dynamic with a TV style presentation and different logos and shit for different leagues and Euro games etc.

I'm actually looking forward to PES 2013 now that I have found peace with 2012, and am actually starting to see the beauty that's beneath. Just ask yourself this, which title depicts the total randomness of football better in virtually every aspect? Which title has the free kicks, the cards, the ebb and flow, the aerial battles, the random ball bounces, different ways of playing etc etc?

Months on from release, and I STILL can't fathom out a SINGLE UNIVERSAL way to consistently beat the CPU, all the time. It's this that keeps drawing me to PES, and the last three weeks I have really found another level even deeper than I had previously thought possible.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Second point, FIFA's 'animations' and 'ball physics' that everyone harps on about. I've done a complete change of mind on this. I now think PES' are much closer to the mark. On -2 gamespeed, there is the element of balloon-ness to the ball, which has to be changed especially in regards to shots, but the versatility in passing compared to FIFA (which I think is more raily than PES) is excellent in my eyes. I can't explain it fully as it's not easy too explain, but in PES I just feel I have a virtually unlimited degree of angles and passing lanes to hit, whilst in FIFA everything feels restricted. Many will disagree. Simply by dropping a shoulder here, holding up play there, the game landscape can just change in a second, giving you that couple of degrees of angle needed to execute what you want.

Next point, animations. After playing more and more FIFA I'm beginning to really hate the animations actually. Again, I think the animations in PES are better maybe the transitions are out, but hopefully this can be fixed. Precision dribbling? Much better in PES to be honest. It's the first time in the history of my football gaming that I want to take people on when one on one. The intricacy is quite brilliant. The other major thing which bothers me in FIFA, apart from the obvious momentum/inertia/player footing issues, is the player slow dribble. It's just too responsive and too fast.

Been saying this ever since I got bored of the style over substance FIFA 09, a game I had played for months even in a manual league. PES player models and animations are better! Sure the PES transitions can be clunky at times but they look far more like real life footballers, too much smoke is blown up the backside of FIFA in that respect, glad someone agrees!
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Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Is that PES 2013? Looks very much like that German intro trailer of Messi for 2011 so i dont think it's Konami's work? They did tweet that they had sent their stuff for PES 2013 to Konami.
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Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

It's the background from the PES 2013 website, just thought i'd post it so people can see it without the website stuff blocking it.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Less obvious wish list:

- Kick off coin toss for god sake!
- Motion Blur OFF

pleeeeaaaseeee Konami

I like Motion Blur - it looks more realistic.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Hmmmm .. well that is link for background is
and look what is happen if u use only first part of the link
u see the site script.. and there are names, link for videos like
<Key>EFIGS_SUBT_PES2012-EP02/EFIGS_SUBT_PES2012-EP02/FRA_PES2012_EP02/FRA_PES 2012 PK.mp4</Key><LastModified>2011-08-26T12:38:11.000Z</LastModified><ETag>"48ab4d7a428df42aee31638944921994"</ETag><Size>105668682</Size>
sooo guys.. look what i found for pes 2013, is not much but... ;)
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Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Am I the only one slightly concerned that we're talking about PES2013 already?

PES2012 is only 6 months old! (count 'em if you don't believe me) and there's still a lot to get out of it, for me anyway. I think the video game culture of always looking over the next hill is pretty ruinous.

Having said that, my top wish for PES2013 is that the *&^%*$ keepers will release the *^&*%^& ball the ^*%%$£ second I press the &**%# button.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Am I the only one slightly concerned that we're talking about PES2013 already?

PES2012 is only 6 months old! (count 'em if you don't believe me) and there's still a lot to get out of it, for me anyway. I think the video game culture of always looking over the next hill is pretty ruinous.

Having said that, my top wish for PES2013 is that the *&^%*$ keepers will release the *^&*%^& ball the ^*%%$£ second I press the &**%# button.

YES! Keeper issues when he's holding the ball have been my number one bugbear with PES for years. I hate it when your keeper automatically kicks the ball after a really short space of time if he has no-one to throw it to. He ends up just booting the ball back to the opposition, as the game makes him do it way too early and before your side have managed to move up the field. Full keeper controls, when he's holding the ball, are desperately needed. All they need to do is make the keeper as controllable as he is in FIFA, and extend the time he holds it if you don't do anything just a little bit longer.
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Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Regards the render - Konami haven't claimed it to be anything at the moment. All it is currently is an official website asset.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Regards the render - Konami haven't claimed it to be anything at the moment. All it is currently is an official website asset.

Are they likely to tell the public that it's a render? Usually games companies like to lead their customers up the garden path for a while making their game look better than it actually is, Hopefully we get some proper screens tomorrow that tell us if that pic resembles anything like the game but i do think it's all famefabrik's work rather than Seabass and Co's.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

I think we can't compare these pictures , because the light and colors were edited with photoshop .
take a look at this one , colors are much more like pes 12
but i have to say that quality of boot ,ball is just amazing , same for socks , we can notice the details like "RM"
finally HD textures ?
for me the most important thing is the position of Cristiano , take a look at his arms and foots , like in real life , i'm sure in pes12 he don't make this , maybe new running/dribble animation :D ?

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Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

I think we can't compare these pictures , because the light and colors were edited with photoshop .
take a look at this one , colors are much more like pes 12
but i have to say that quality of boot ,ball is just amazing , same for socks , we can notice the details like "RM"
finally HD textures ?
for me the most important thing is the position of Cristiano , take a look at his arms and foots , like in real life , i'm sure in pes12 he don't make this , maybe new running/dribble animation :D ?

Crikey you've jumped head first onto that Hype train.

I'd put money on that screen not been done by Konami as it's too much like famefabrik's work they done for PES 2011. Remember Messi?
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Crikey you've jumped head first onto that Hype train.

I'd put money on that screen not been done by Konami as it's too much like famefabrik's work they done for PES 2011. Remember Messi?

Your point seems legit

Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

I have to laugh as PES fans. We're dissecting a picture, which may or may not have been intentionally put onto a web page, that was up on the web for all of a minute, and may or may not be a game image in itself!?! Quality.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

It's the same every year ;)

I wonder if Seabass knows of this madness.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Right. Simple request.

Make PES13 an out of the box game. Simple.

Take disc out of box, load it up and play. None of this tweak this, that, pinch your nipple, tickle your right gonad etc etc.

Just make it playable the minute I get it out the box.

Thats why the "kids" love fifa cos you dont have to know the depths of football to enjoy a game of football. My son and his mates are 9 and they dont even use sliders as they dont know what all that means. Yet they are on Fifa every day. Loving it.

I remember that list that WENB said last year when they said - adjust the colour, shrink the pitch, only play at night, use this, do that.

Im not saying it didnt improve it but who would know to do all that? people just want to fire up a game and play.

Thats why people love Fifa even though its souless. Its just easy to play out of the box
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Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Right. Simple request.

Make PES13 an out of the box game. Simple.

Take disc out of box, load it up and play. None of this tweak this, that, pinch your nipple, tickle your right gonad etc etc.

Just make it playable the minute I get it out the box.

Thats why the "kids" love fifa cos you dont have to know the depths of football to enjoy a game of football. My son and his mates are 9 and they dont even use sliders as they dont know what all that means. Yet they are on Fifa every day. Loving it.

I remember that list that WENB said last year when they said - adjust the colour, shrink the pitch, only play at night, use this, do that.

Im not saying it didnt improve it but who would know to do all that? people just want to fire up a game and play.

Thats why people love Fifa even though its souless. Its just easy to play out of the box

Im a fifa player & i want the opposite of this for PES
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