Fight the Power!
- 28 November 2007
I do not agree.
"It can be easily fixded simply making a tackle...."
You are clearly and simply referring to online gaming, but offline?
No, i mean it can be easily fixed by konami in offline by just instructing the players to be more aggressive in that 'green' zone you are referring to that's all. Maybe the coding is a bit wrong in that area and players think that area is safe and dosen't require making a challenge.
that 'Green' zone is just the crossing area

Knowing this bug, the major problem is that now i'm able to easily beat Barca Team with Bayern on top class, without a great effort.
Approximately, every 7-8 cross from the corner without any opposition or tackle by AI sidebacks cause 1-2 goal per game from my strikers, either directly or with a tap in, as seen in video posted.
It's a serious and big issue, very underrated imho..and virtually ignored until now.
Nah, even if it's still there in the final game it will be very, hard to exploit! It's not easy to get into the crossing zone and it's not like every cross is perfect. I've tried on top player to use the wings and i haven't seen this as a game killing issue. but it's an issue though!
I'm curious to see the reaction of all hardcore offline players after September 15.
Most 'hardcore' players are playing it now!