Premier League
- 3 March 2013
Nice!PC is here and it's alive
Haven't figured out yet how to control the RGBs.
Signal RGB can change the RAM colour but doesn't give me any option to change the Arctic Fans or the Zotac Logo. Any ideas?
And tell me about the Fan Curves now @Bogo36
I use Signal RGB for everything. Its a little bit hard to configure at first, but its awesome.
For the fan curves: It depends how far away your pc is standing.
In the Bios you have to find out which device is connected to which pwm port.
Just tune the curve high and you will see/hear which device is which.

For the Pump i use a almost flat 30% curve. Im a silent freak 😅
If it doesnt bother you, you can go for a flat 40% curve. You almost wont benefit from everything above 40%. Some users on the Hardwareluxx forum tested this.

This is my curve for the Radiator Fans. You can adjust this to your likings.
For the VRM Fan on the pump, just use a flat curve. Go as low untill the fan is inaudible for you. This one is not so important.
For all the Case fans you can try it for yourself. It isnt that hard. I dont use the CPU Temperature for the Case fans because the CPU temperature can have some spikes and this causes the fans to spin up briefly and then go back down again. I use a PCIE sensor on my Board because the temperature fluctuates less on this sensor and so are the case fans.