Nintendo DS / 3DS / Wii / Wii U

Re: Nintendo Wii

babs said:
For the region locking thing, I think we'll find out once it's out. I see no reason to have a fit until we have absolute clarification from Nintendo. At the moment all there is is one rep from the US saying it is unlocked, and a UK rep saying it isn't. At least they've got the EU pricing on games down to a respectable level.

It's been a couple of days now, still haven't heard any counter statement to the 'locked' one, whereas that statement was issued on the same day as the previous 'unlocked' one. The last word we've got is it's locked, so that's what I'm going on at the moment. How respectably the games are priced is a matter of opinion, we'll see what they retail for, given the pretty vague reference to their cost.

babs said:
The 512MB of flash memory built in would be a good place to start :) Then you have standard USB ports (maybe mass data support) and not to mention a standard SD card slot. Considering you can get a 1GB SD card for 12 quid, or 2GB for a shade over £20 I think that's pretty bloody reasonable :)
A lot depends on how much each save will take up. If the initial 512mb flash memory is filled quite quickly, then additional storage will need buying. The fact there is so much additional storage available suggests to me the 512 won't go very far.

babs said:
Nintendo have always made a profit from their hardware, it's nothing new and with the amount of consoles being sold these days, with economies of scale, making a profit on hardware is in theory easier.
Good for Nintendo. Microsoft are making hefty losses on the 360 system, as they did on the original Xbox, as Sony did on the PS2 and as they will do on the PS3. Yeah, it's easier to whap a massive hike onto the UK price and blame it on VAT and the economy.

babs said:
Everyone seems to think the games are all just going to use the remote in some kind of gimmicky way, and totally ignore the fact that there's a standard controller available at launch (£14). There's absolutely nothing to stop the usual suspects pushing their yearly update shite to the mass-market as usual.

The remote looks interesting, I'm sure in time there will be better games which use it well. Wii Sports does look gimmicky, IMO. As for an additional regular controller, I thought the whole point of the Wii was to go in a different direction to the norm? Any 'normal' game on the Wii has the immediate disadvantage of running on less powerful hardware, so there's very little attraction there.

Guess this post comes across anti-Wii, but I'm not btw.
Re: Nintendo Wii

ClassicD said:
Guess this post comes across anti-Wii, but I'm not btw.
I know, there just seems to have been loads of negativity since the conference and much of it is founded on very little. The price for example, is only the same cost of the American machine, plus VAT (no escaping that) plus £24 - hardly a massive hike compared to some consoles' previous launches. Xbox 360 for example, if you do the same price comparison it turns out they added £30 to it for the UK. And sony are sticking another £50 on the PS3. If you take the price hikes as proportions of the system costs they're almost the same. None of that takes into account US sales taxes either, which have to be added in all but 6 states.

It's understandable we've not heard anything concrete from Nintendo since the conferences, it's the weekend after all :) Going by the size of memory cards in the past, I'd say 512MB will be plenty for most people to be going on with. Remember the original GC cards were 128Mbit, followed by the 512. The inbuilt 512 is already 8 times larger than that.

The SD shouldn't be seen as just for additional storage either, Nintendo have already said one of its primary uses is for adding and showing photos from digital cameras, and I imagine the USB will be used mainly for connetivity. The fact of the matter is that out of the box, the Wii has plenty of storage, and if additional is needed later, it's in the form of a non-proprietory, cheap, readily available media. I'd applaud them for that.

The software prices seem pretty solid to me, Nintendo already announced that all first party stuff will retail for between £34 and £39 - and if that's retail, online should get even cheaper. It's a sound bet 3rd-party will follow suit.

Some people also seem to have been moaning about the visuals. All first-party stuff will come with 16:9 as standard, and combined with 480p should look lovely. The (brief) RE footage and COD3 videos show how good it can look, and let's not forget RE:4 on GC - That still looks great on old hardware against the stuff being brought out now. The 'advantage' as such of bringing out the regular lines of software is that they could well cost between £10 and £20 less on the Wii, and in SD (which the vast majority of owners will be playing in for a long while yet) the Wii has comfortably enough umph to make it look as good as its Sony and MS competitors.

If they get the marketing right (which they seem to be doing), Sony could be facing a big uphill climb against its bedfellows come springtime.
Re: Nintendo Wii

I wasn't inferring that Nintendo were worse than Microsoft or Sony in terms of ripping off the UK, but at least those companies were selling their machine at a loss and if anything you can understand it more. Nintendo don't have that excuse. If you say with the 360 Microsoft added £6 more than Nintendo are doing with the Wii, it's hardly much of a difference.

My biggest fear is really region encoding. Lack of it is part of what makes the DS such a great machine, the only reason for putting it in is so they can screw us over here on the pricing.
Re: Nintendo Wii

I'm buying a Wii. The way the inteface is is real cool. i mean you can do so much. not that i can't do most of that stuff on my reg computer it's nice that it tries to make itself a cenral Hub like that. the Mii channel is crazy i like that
Re: Nintendo Wii

Two words explain why I wont be rushing out to buy a Wii.

No 720p.


First Nintendo console I wont buy on the day of launch, the graphics will look shite scaled up.
Re: Nintendo Wii

ripkord said:
Two words explain why I wont be rushing out to buy a Wii.

No 720p.


First Nintendo console I wont buy on the day of launch, the graphics will look shite scaled up.

That's a good question. what if i buy the component cables for the Wii? i mean you can probably get at least the good480p out of it in widescreen. i'm the same though i have a HDTV set-up over here so...
Re: Nintendo Wii

Yeah I suppose 480p might look alright if they release a component cable, will have to wait and see.. native res of my telly is 720p though so there will be scaling regardless...
Re: Nintendo Wii

A component cable will be released, its on the Wii webite, but we don't know if it will come boxed or if it will be a seperate accessory.
Re: Nintendo Wii

babs said:
Nintendo have always made a profit from their hardware, it's nothing new and with the amount of consoles being sold these days, with economies of scale, making a profit on hardware is in theory easier.

That isn't technically true. Console price includes the ongoing manufacturing costs of the machine as well as shipment cost, warehouse storage, depreciation of the hardware etc etc. With software there is obviously the initial development cost, however once it is sent to manufacturing it is practically 99% profit as the costs are all upfront.
Re: Nintendo Wii

I don't understand how it isn't true, maybe I'm not reading it right?
Re: Nintendo Wii

btw Game are doing 1 more week of pre-orders.

after 11th Oct you wont be able to guarentee your machine for launch.
Re: Nintendo Wii

Shame that, may look at getting a US machine sometime in the future rather than a PAL release machine, tho how would Nintendo Online work? PAL always had to wait forever for top releases.
Re: Nintendo DS

Next pheonix Wright should be due in the coming weeks , with both japanese and english Languages packed into the jap release.

Never completed the 5th case but looking forward to dusting of the ds for this :)
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Re: Nintendo DS

Just got on my DS Lite Wifi

if anyone wants to play mario kart ds let me know, i can never seem to find 4 players
Re: Nintendo Wii

Jack Bauer said:
I want a cookie :( Does one come free with the Wii?
If one did come with the Wii, I'm guessing it would look like this. ;)

Holio said:
Shame that, may look at getting a US machine sometime in the future rather than a PAL release machine, tho how would Nintendo Online work? PAL always had to wait forever for top releases.
The online service is gonna be exactly like the DS which uses friend codes.
Re: Nintendo DS

You guys think it will be good? I am still torn between whether to get the PSP or DS, the main factor the PSP winning is because of Pro Evo with ML and also the WiFi web browser.
Re: Nintendo DS

Agreed... PES feels and plays weird on PSP. WE on the DS is apparently based on ISS:PE2 on the PSone, which was one of the best games of the series. Can't wait! :D
Re: Nintendo DS

I hated PES/WE on the PSP.
Horrible, horrible controls. And like Jack Bauer said, it felt weird as a result.
If WE DS can deliver solid PS1 style WE then I'll be happy.
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