New Kits

I tried to clear up a picture of the new United kit (Duey's image):


Is it just me or does some of the piping look gold (matching the outside badge stitching and whatnot)?!?
pablocoo said:
For me adidas has best kits for 06/07

hmm, a question of taste.

For me the new "let's throw these gay swirls on each side" approach mess up some kits, like the Real for Example. It's not the purple for purple has always been there for Real but other stuff: real madrid is white, it's not "white with grey gay swirls on each side", it's simply.. white.

But has I said this is subjective, but I bet many Real fans feel the same (in the same way I've heard some benfica fans complain of the same).
I like most of Adidas' kits this year, there are none that I've looked at and thought to myself I didn't like it. Nike's are so-so, some are good while others are horrible.

If that Liverpool home one with the 'gay swirls' is real I'll definitely be buying it ;).
you never fooled me Classic! :)

PS - Liverpool went for Adidas? About time they left crappy Reebok.
some guy on a reading forum said:
I've seen the New Reading kit today. Much better than last seasons. It has the same collar as the new away kit. Blue arms with the traditional hoops and solid back with no Print - Copy - Scan - Fax on it.

White short with thinish blue stripes either side and white socks.

sounds like another 05/06 Puma design :mad: aren't we good enough for the new version? :mad:

plus it sounds like its all white :( thats not our colour
matherto said:
where's the Adidas logo gone from the shirt? and are the stripes practically on the back?

white stripes and white logo, hard to see due to the sun
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