Lost - Season 4 - Spoilers in Tags only please

Yes Michael killed Anna Lucia as well as Hurley's girlfriend Libby (coincidentally both actresses had been done for drink driving in Hawaii around the same time, wonder if that's why the execs got rid of them?) I can't remember if anyone other than Ben knew it was Michael who killed the two women?

haha, nice mugshots.

and yes, jack, kate, sawyer, hurley knew that michael killed them both. he confessed on the way when they went to the others.

also adewale akinnuoye-agbaje (mr eko) apparently had problems the police (driving without license). we know what happened to him
Drink, a lot. In the Swan Hatch on the good island of LOSTage, Oahu. Then wobble over to the Others camp for some 6am book club.
i read eko left the show as his mum had died while he was away and he wanted to leave the show to be home with his family.

im not getting into season 4 so far (only watched eps 1-4)

they keep doing things like saying 'oh shit where is jack?' implying hes dead or something bad has happened

but we know hes off the island in the flash forwards so i couldn't give a toss where hes vanished to on the island as i know hes going to be fine
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I liked the episodes focusing on
a whole story, so i like this one despite the ending is useless. It was not necessary and not good before a break.

However, I liked the story of Michael. I was afraid on how they would get him on the boat, but the explanation is fine.

I just find hard to believe that
the island decides the time of your death (even in NY !) and stops gun shooting bullets...

This episode answered so many questions for me. I really did NOT see the ending coming though at all.

Danielle will live though right? I'd say Carl is dead while she lives in my opinion. I really want to learn more about her past, and how the hell she ended up in bed with Ben. *shudder*

Also part of me thinks Ben set them up and it was Others shooting at them. I mean, we know how possessive he is over people he apparently loves, just look how cruel he was to Juliet. He can be an evil bastard.
I dont think Danielle ever got with Ben. Ben took Alex away from Danielle. Danielle was pregnant before she got on the island.
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Ahh right. I just figured they did because she calls him Dad, good point you made there. I forgot she was already pregnant.
Nice hair,

As for the episodes, Im getting a bit bored of all these flashbacks/forwards. So little time has been spent on the Island this season with half of it already gone. After all what has actually happend on the Island so far? A week has passed and they disarmed the toxicbunker. And Desmond managed to not die. That was probably the only episode that I thought was really interesting so far as it anwsered quite a few questions and moved the story along. Other then that........
Didn't know she was locked up. Ouch.

The Desmond episode and the one just gone have been the best so far IMO as they have answered the most questions. Is it a 5 week break yes?
Was on wikipedia watching some Lost related stuff and found this.

About Claire:
Claire gives birth on the island to a baby boy and forges a strong relationship with Charlie. She is also Jack's half-sister, although neither of them are aware of their sibling ties.


I don't remember on any episode this coming up.
I tend to remember an episode showing Jack's dad in the pouring rain, trying to talk to Claire and her mother. Also he tried talking to Claire in a hospital. He was refused access eventually, for living two seperate lives the daft bastard. "Par Avion" in Season 3 I do believe.
I tend to remember an episode showing Jack's dad in the pouring rain, trying to talk to Claire and her mother. Also he tried talking to Claire in a hospital. He was refused access eventually, for living two seperate lives the daft bastard. "Par Avion" in Season 3 I do believe.

I honestly don't remember that.

Solid finale on Sunday, the last scenes were tense.
last scene was crap. worset part of teh whole episode. its as if they just threw it in there just to create some dramatic climax before the break.
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