LOST (***SEASON 2 Spoilers Thread***)

Dads named Michael?

>: Hello?
Who is this?
>: This is Michael, Who is this?
ProEvo said:
Worst of all?????

Next new episode.............Jan 11th!!! :( :( :(

Oh nooooooo :(

Well, he who looks forward to something good.... - shall be rewarded !?
yep next episode of lost 11th jan, threshold 1st jan but season 5 of 24 starts on 1st jan as well.

i think its cause its xmas time and all the time slots have been taken up by crap xmas tv in the US
i've just been on lost's official abc website and it looks like a double episode! :)
It seems one part is the whole story so far again...

Maybe they realized some of us were beginning to forget the story :D
Watching it now First hour is a recap but it matches a lot of the episode dots in the correct order that i didnt know about as i dont read about the programme anywhere.

The second hour is a new episode you guys will see it tommorow in the uk when you download it i guess.
Its all recaps but as i said it links the two groups in the correct sequence so you fully understand like that locke talked to the other group from the plane before he died etc.

The new episode is about to start but i wont post spoilers infact it has started woohoo bye.
Yeah it kept me gripped, the whole situation has that "something massive is about to happen" feel to it. The Eko scenes were really good, as was Charlie's battle with his special bags!
good episode a lot a been revealed in the 2nd season, seems to have slowed down a little from the last few of the first, no doubt its building up to an attempt at a rescue of walt at the end of the season, kinda hope its before that as i would like to see some more of THE OTHERS.

Didnt see the preview for next week hope that Anna Lucia dies soon i cant stand her.

Ps Who is going to die next?
Spoiler thoughts
So the Purgatory angle is back with Eko as he could have been considered Souless at the time he confronted the object which could be considered linked to (hell).
And the chrildren being in a better place (heaven)
He was awsome in the early series of OZ if anyone caught it! Anyhow back to Lost it cant be purgatory the producers from the show have ruled that on out...!

Well after that there goes my idea that Eko was already on the Island, i was sure of that, way to go off course for the plane though Nigeria to the South pacific!?
The writers have come out and said that the purgatory idea is 100% false. I prefer it that way though, makes the whole thing more 'real'.

Anybody notice, that when the black smoke thing appeared and you looked around it, did anybody see the flash with the figure of a woman inside it?
There were lots of things u could see fomr the flashes but not in great detail.

This programme is amazing!
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