LOST (***SEASON 2 Spoilers Thread***)

maybe pressing the button is the way of letting them know that they are still alive and all is well in the hatch?

Maybe the supply drop is for a new person, who is going to be sent to the hatch to replace, the person who they think has died, because the button has not been pushed?
I like that idea.

Why has no one discussed why libby is in the same institute as Hurley! Any ideas,
i have none! :D
I reckon it's cos she was mentally ill.

Seriously tho, i have no idea yet. Lost.cubit.net has a lot of info- there's a section on connections among other things.
embraceuk1 said:
The lockdown is probably to protect the aircraft from the Magnetic energy caused by the islands core.

Nobody saw a Aircraft so that cant be the case surely

I think its a Truman show mystery :)
Seen the latest one and well - here's my thoughts!

How frustrating! The Rose & Bernard story was nice, but in the way that the Jin & Sun story was shown a few episodes ago - it's distracting us from the "Others" storyline by giving us a little hint again that this island has all the answers in life.

Great seeing Michael come out of the jungle, he looks to have escaped some kind of treatment getting handed out by the Others, hope he lives as he'll surely have a lot of info and he's a top character anyway I think.

The last five minutes were a bit annoying, the tender moments around the camp were all good & well but after Rose & Bernard made up we went into a mode where everyone's getting nice & settled in their "new life". Jack's admission to Kate about not being sorry for the snog was good, he's probably in like Flynn now, Kate being the loose-pantied filly she is! I wonder if there'll be another visit to the medical bunker now.

The trend of last minute shocks followed by the next episode containing no progress on the previous story is beginning to annoy me a bit. Will we see none of Michael now until Episode 21?
If season 2 is as long as season 1, we have about 5 episodes left! Something better happen and not leave us at a major cliffhanger like season 1 did.
Not great this week, couldnt give a fuck about rose and bernard, they bring fuck all to the series, and have been in about 8 or 9 episodes in total, so why the fuck are they giving them a back story now.

overall huge filler episode, the bit with micheal at the end was predictable, better start picking up soon or else im not gonna bother with it.

Already dumped one American series for being shite this week (Invasion), hope this picks up soon or else its getting the Invasion treatment.
I would have said its the best show on tv after the 1st series but in general its been a bit of a let down compared to the first! I have no doubt they will leave us with a killer of a cliff hanger!
embraceuk1 said:
Michael is in the next episode he explains that the others are poorly defended and they can overrun them.
So they are going to try and get the weapons off sawyer.

Mate, wrap a spoilers tag around that for crying out loud.

Thats the second time you've done that
I dont think all versions include the trailer, so many people dont get to see it. I'd also prefer if you add the spoilers tag next time, I kinda like to be surprised by lost!
i read somewhere that the makers of lost said that if you read the book "the lost police man" you will no what the ending will be

Lucky bastard.
Agreed, and a twist on that theory is that maybe he's actually been the donkey following a carrot dangled by the Others for a while, he could have been fed a lot of bullshit as part of yet another experiment and then sent back to the survivor's camp as a distraction while the Others try something different and/or unexpected? Anything's possible I guess
This time next there's a recap / documentary type episode called "Reckoning", focusing on how the survivors' faith has been tested while on the island and looking back on the "important parts" of this season.

Then the week after it's back to normal episodes with "Two For The Road"
Was the recap episode regarded as episode 20 ?

Cant wait till the next proper episode with Michael. Also I cant wait how they are going to end this season, its got many possibilties - Walt, Desmond, the other hatches, "?", The Others, Dharma

Should be some good stuff to end series 2 on a high, I expect the the last episodes to be action packed none of that boring stuff
Metallica said:
Was the recap episode regarded as episode 20 ?

Nope, the next episode is next week.

Btw, I found a major spoiler on how the season will end, but I haven't read it myself.
I've seen a few sites too with topics saying "Season 2 Finale Uncovered!" etc etc but there's no chance of me reading them. I'm not even gonna watch episode promos from now on.

I saw the first season's finale after reading no spoilers, watching no previews etc and enjoyed it more than anything i've ever seen on TV. This time round will be a similar experience I hope
So this week and last there was "recapping espisodes"?

fuck me thats 3 weeks we will have waited for a new epsisode by then
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