
It's currently 02:45am in the night i can't seem to fall asleep.

I'm going read one of my text books, hopefully that bore me to death and i can fall asleep.
Reading is awesome once you're in bed. Just find one of those "500 pages of useless assorted tidbit trivia that is mildly interesting and very easy to read", and while it might not speed up the "time from going to bed to falling asleep" period, it certainly helps keep your brain occupied enough where you don't think about it. Once you actually start getting really sleepy, just put the book down, turn of the light and I'm usually out in a minute or two.

Also has some extra comedic value, since a few times I've woken up in the morning and noticed that the light is still on and the book is lying next to me on the bed (usually pressing into my temple or whatnot). Basically I've gone from reading to asleep without so much as the time to put the book down and turn off the lights. Which is weird because there's always that certain point for me when I realize I'm falling asleep, and sometimes it just seems my brain skips that and goes from drowsy to knocked out.

Plus it's a great way to always get 15 minutes of reading in every day. I've actually thought about getting like an encyclopedia of 15 bands or such, and then seeing how many years of "15-20 minutes reading before falling asleep" it takes for me to get through them all. I reckon even if a fraction of the information sticks somewhat I'd be a much smarter person.
Thanks for the tip Trance_Allstar.

I appriciate it.

I've got this Java test on Friday, so i'll do it a bit of reading at night.

Reading is awesome once you're in bed. Just find one of those "500 pages of useless assorted tidbit trivia that is mildly interesting and very easy to read", and while it might not speed up the "time from going to bed to falling asleep" period, it certainly helps keep your brain occupied enough where you don't think about it. Once you actually start getting really sleepy, just put the book down, turn of the light and I'm usually out in a minute or two.

Also has some extra comedic value, since a few times I've woken up in the morning and noticed that the light is still on and the book is lying next to me on the bed (usually pressing into my temple or whatnot). Basically I've gone from reading to asleep without so much as the time to put the book down and turn off the lights. Which is weird because there's always that certain point for me when I realize I'm falling asleep, and sometimes it just seems my brain skips that and goes from drowsy to knocked out.

Plus it's a great way to always get 15 minutes of reading in every day. I've actually thought about getting like an encyclopedia of 15 bands or such, and then seeing how many years of "15-20 minutes reading before falling asleep" it takes for me to get through them all. I reckon even if a fraction of the information sticks somewhat I'd be a much smarter person.
I used to have it but only because I had tremors from drink and drugs the night before and all the shite was leaving my system. It wasn't insomnia, it was just not being in the best of scenarios to cuddle up and go to sleep because Lucifer himself was hopping on one hoof around my bedroom and I was covered in sweat knowing it wasn't real but yet still seeing it as clear as day, also hyperventilating and not sure whether I'd see the morning. yeah...not good
Does anyone here suffer from it?

What do you do to try and get over it?

I have insomnia from time to time. It can be caused by number of things such as stress, anxiety and so on. Whatever you do, don't rely or even use sleep meds such as Ambien, Lunesta etc. They are no good and only help temporary and then crush you with serious withdrawals and side effects. Also, stay away from Marijuana. It will help you sleep but as soon as you quit number of withdrawal symptoms show up. Restlessness, Anxiety, Tremors, and even stronger Insomnia that can last for months.

I've tried several things that worked for a bit and some that didn't. Whatever you try it might or might not work for you as everyone's different. Before bed, take a nice hot shower and then drink a glass of warm milk. Warm milk is known to relax people at night time. A glass of red wine is also good. Red Wine provides a chemical called Melatonin which helps you sleep. One thing I haven't tried is a tea called Kava-Kava. It has been used for years in Hawaiian Islands etc. Look up Kava-Kava and get some instant kava-kava powder from an online source.

Make sure not to consume ANY caffeine 5 hours before bed time. And make sure not to eat a big meal before bed time. Something light, and healthy. Hope this helps.
I used to have it but only because I had tremors from drink and drugs the night before and all the shite was leaving my system. It wasn't insomnia, it was just not being in the best of scenarios to cuddle up and go to sleep because Lucifer himself was hopping on one hoof around my bedroom and I was covered in sweat knowing it wasn't real but yet still seeing it as clear as day, also hyperventilating and not sure whether I'd see the morning. yeah...not good

Ouch... :/

I have insomnia from time to time. It can be caused by number of things such as stress, anxiety and so on. Whatever you do, don't rely or even use sleep meds such as Ambien, Lunesta etc. They are no good and only help temporary and then crush you with serious withdrawals and side effects. Also, stay away from Marijuana. It will help you sleep but as soon as you quit number of withdrawal symptoms show up. Restlessness, Anxiety, Tremors, and even stronger Insomnia that can last for months.

I've tried several things that worked for a bit and some that didn't. Whatever you try it might or might not work for you as everyone's different. Before bed, take a nice hot shower and then drink a glass of warm milk. Warm milk is known to relax people at night time. A glass of red wine is also good. Red Wine provides a chemical called Melatonin which helps you sleep. One thing I haven't tried is a tea called Kava-Kava. It has been used for years in Hawaiian Islands etc. Look up Kava-Kava and get some instant kava-kava powder from an online source.

Make sure not to consume ANY caffeine 5 hours before bed time. And make sure not to eat a big meal before bed time. Something light, and healthy. Hope this helps.

Also wouldn't not ingesting coffee at all help? or sticking solely with decaf if you drink coffee?
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I remember as a kid a steaming hot bath before bedtime knocked the fuck outta me instantly, with those herb things in it, Radox I think or lavender.
Try getting hold of an audio book, I find this works for me if reading hasn't.

I have a couple on my mobile so it's always handy.

Also, you shouldn't have a TV in your bedroom and don't have it untidy either. (not saying you do just trying to help!)
Steaming hot baths do indeed do the trick. They over relax your muscles and I always feel drained after getting out.

Exercise too will make you sleepy.
You could always try a jimmy shank, it's a fact that after launching the commandos your body produces prolactin, norepinephrine, serotonin, oxytocin, vasopressin and nitric oxide which facilitates sleep :ZZZ:, and come on when do we need an excuse for a jimmy shank... ;)
I usually listen to soul music, with soft drums, when i'm getting sleepy.

It does help me sleep.

I think it depends what type of music you listen to.

Something soft, quite and with the volume on low will help.

I was just wondering if any of you guys listen to music to go to sleep.
I usually listen to soul music, with soft drums, when i'm getting sleepy.

It does help me sleep.

I think it depends what type of music you listen to.

Something soft, quite and with the volume on low will help.

I was just wondering if any of you guys listen to music to go to sleep.

I used to know a girl who always played this before we went to sleep every night. I still get sleepy when any of the tracks come on, I also get a big grin on my face too according to my other half and a far away look in my eye, ahh where are you now Annabella... :))
Drinking coffee is fine or any other stimulant except drugs of course. But make sure not to have any at least 5 hours before you go to bed.

Well, I realize that if you haven't had coffee for a couple of hours, then the caffeine won't be a problem. But prolonged coffee-drinking have other effects aswell.

From Wikipedia:

"Anxiety and sleep changes

Many coffee drinkers are familiar with "coffee jitters", a nervous condition that occurs when one has had too much caffeine. It can also cause anxiety and irritability, in some with excessive coffee consumption, and some as a withdrawal symptom. Coffee can also cause insomnia in some, while paradoxically it helps some sleep more soundly.[citation needed]

"citation needed" though so it's not exactly gospel.

Also, like I've written elsewhere, my mother sometimes get's huge headaches, and she will actually say that it's probably because she hasn't had any coffee today.

I just think that after a while, when your body gets used to the coffee and caffeine (if you drink a few cups per day), eventually you get to a point where you need the caffeine just to get back to "normal" functionality (as opposed to a new coffe drinker who gets energized and awake). I think it would be better to just have some orange juice and enjoy the vitamins or something. Or decaf like mentioned. At the very least, if you have insomnia and drink coffee, stop the coffee for a few months and see if it helps.


"Coffee contains caffeine, which acts as a stimulant. For this reason, it is often consumed in the morning and during working hours. Students preparing for examinations with late-night "cram sessions" or "code jams" frequently use coffee to keep themselves awake. Many office workers take a "coffee break" when their energy is diminished.

Recent research has uncovered additional stimulating effects of coffee which are not related to its caffeine content. Coffee contains an as yet unknown chemical agent which stimulates the production of cortisone and adrenaline, two stimulating hormones.[1]

For occasions when one wants to enjoy the flavor of coffee with almost no stimulation, decaffeinated coffee (also called decaf) is available. This is coffee from which most of the caffeine has been removed, by the Swiss water process (which involves the soaking of raw beans to absorb the caffeine) or the use of a chemical solvent such as trichloroethylene ("tri"), or the more popular methylene chloride, in a similar process. Another solvent used is ethyl acetate; the resultant decaffeinated coffee is marketed as "natural decaf" because ethyl acetate is naturally present in fruit. Extraction with supercritical carbon dioxide has also been employed.

Decaffeinated coffee usually loses some flavor over normal coffees and tends to be more bitter. There are also coffee alternatives that resemble coffee in taste but contain no caffeine (see below). These are available both in ground form for brewing and in instant form.

Caffeine dependency and withdrawal symptoms are well-documented; see Caffeine for more on the pharmacological effects of caffeine."
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