how early can YOU get PES 2008?

It is currently available on ebay for £79.99 shipping tomorrow...Im better be damn good!
getting mine tomorrow....i'll be posting pics in the afternoon as soon as i get home! \\:o/
Can anyone confirm whether actually is selling it, it says in stock, bt on the right hand side it says 7 days countdown. Any confirmation?
ho can net retailers get it and ship it early?? my local game and gamestation have both said friday or they get fined
they have to wait for another shop to 'break release' then they can sell it, i know last year we were all on here every day and as soon as a small shop broke release we were all ringing up game and stuff, they released it wednesday last year
The shops in holland also received there copies today!! but they are not allowed to sell it until thursday!

But if you have friends working at a game store then you will be playing pes tonight! just like i do :D :D :D
meh went to all shop in geneva (my town) and they havent got the game yet. One of my friends said it will most likely be thee on monday. Crossing-finger XD
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