Heavy Rain - PS3

He mentioned the name of the victim when he examined him, don't think it was the same person....was it?

And oh, tumbling down a hill? I totally missed that! I love the fact that there are tons of little things that you don't see the first time you play it. Replay value baybeeee!
you should be able to get a code Lami yourself - the site is back up. i think i posted the link on page 1 and page 2 and the answers.
Really great demo! Gives a good idea of how the game might be good. I´ll try to buy it as soon as it´s out here!
Great demo, as I expected. The game seems to be exactly what I wanted to be. And I didn't stumble on the hill at all, guys!

The settings are great, lighting, effects... graphically it's awesome because it's REALISTIC.

About the special glasses, I think is the only thing they could do to let you gather some clues without making gameplay too complex. I really hope it's the only "out of reality" thing in the game.

Anyway, a nuique experience that is so near right now, only two weeks away... In the first scene, any of you lost the fight?

Going to do the whole demo again to start finding those subtle differencies.
I didn't lose the fight but I did miss a good few button presses :LOL: I'm usually quite good with QTE's as well!
Fantastic demo. Very atmospheric. Graphics are stunning, as is the voice acting. Controls take some getting used to but all in all it works extremely well. From that small taster there really isnt quite anything like it. :)
Should be interesting to see what happens in the full game if you win/lose the fight - or if you just walk off and leave them alone. Like does the guy come back for his revenge if you beat him up and win or if you walked away will that come back and bite you on the ass.

I also noticed that depending on what options you pick when talking to the woman you get slightly different information out of her. Sometimes details on how her son vanished, if you go the other way you can dig deeper into her life and her relationship and never hear the other stuff. Multiply this across the full game and I can imagine missing out of tons of vital info that will help at certain points of the game or hinder.

Can't see this having unlimited longevity but it should be good for a good few play throughs - especially if you run through it once and get 1 endings then come back a few weeks later and treat it as a new game and try to dig for alternative details or be more aggressive in your options (fight instead of run away) etc.


Makes me want to go back and play Fahrenheit again now.
This is the kind of game we need these days tbh. Reminds me of mystery solving games of old I used to play on pc. Can't wait to play this really.
The only thing I'm not happy with is giving that hooker $50 and not getting so much as a wank.

Press Square to say I got a wank out of it. Had to do it myself though. R1, then down on the right stick to unzip, a 90 degree curve to whop out Napoleon, then shake the pad loads and hope you beat the alarm clock.

Press O to say I'm reporting this post for indecency.

Or press X to say I got a wank out of it. Scott Shelby didn't, but then he isn't as into grieving mothers as I am.
Played the demo and am impressed, however it doesn't seem like much of a "game" to me so far. I'm curious enough to want to play the full game but some of the controls seem a lot like filler to give the impression that you are "playing". I mean do I really need to give the stick a swing to duck under some police rope?

I do like the QTE's though, especially the ones (going up the hill) that gives somewhat akward button combo's to make the challenge of climbing relate to the controls.

From the demo it very much seems like an animated movie that has added some buttons combo's/actions to get you involved. Hopefully the full game will have more exploratio/puzzle elements.
From the demo it very much seems like an animated movie that has added some buttons combo's/actions to get you involved. Hopefully the full game will have more exploratio/puzzle elements.

That's kind of the point of all the stick movements. It draws you in by making you feel part of the action. Even the ability to decide the speed at which you carry out animations is designed to give you the opportunity to 'act' within your role - you can act hesitant when you knock on the door to interrupt the thug, or reach out to put your hand on Lauren's shoulder before changing your mind and stopping, or open the car door slightly, pausing as if to compose yourself. Those actions that you have to complete to continue playing, like ducking under the tape, are purely meant to suck you into the scene in a way that you can argue is distantly related to rumble - not strictly necessary, but it attaches you to what is happening on screen. I think it's quite clever.

It reminds me of that PC game, Penumbra, where you actually had to open doors and drawers by clicking to grab the handle and then pulling or pushing with the mouse. Not necessary, but far more tactile and absorbing. I'm surprised other games haven't done the same since.
There's lots of little things you get by playing the demo through a couple of times, only subtle things, but also very clever and could possibly alter the outcome, like deciding to put your hand on Lauren's shoulder and passing her a tissue.
She also seems a little more co-operative if you lose the fight than if you chin the fist happy punter.
Those actions that you have to complete to continue playing, like ducking under the tape, are purely meant to suck you into the scene in a way that you can argue is distantly related to rumble - not strictly necessary, but it attaches you to what is happening on screen. I think it's quite clever.

But that's what I find strange, poor. The others you mention I agree with completely, however what it the point of having to duck under the rope, to me that actaully makes you feel detached from the game, especially if you mis-time it everything ends up a bit wooden. And for what? A fluff animation that does nothing?!
It was always going to be divisive. People will either appreciate touches like this, or not feel the benefit of how it keeps you firmly planted in the game world. Personally I'm the former - I think it's great.

The only aspect of the game that I'm worried about is the quality of VO acting and scripting in the smaller parts - the skinhead in the demo tells you to "go away loser", which seems a bit high school for a meathead psychopath as it is, and the delivery by the actor doesn't improve matters whatsoever. I thought the same when watching the vids of the Jayden fight with the guy at the junkyard.
How does you having to press something to walk under the police tape detach you from the game? In real life you'd have to do something to get past it, here you have to do something... and erm... that's it.

What's the point of it? Because it's there and you have to get past it.

My other guess would be that maybe there is some kind of loading that goes on in the background as well. So as you step under it loads the crime scene area... and you step back out it loads the car area. No point keeping all of the car area in the memory when you're in the crime scene section walking around.
I can understand your points, and if it's the loading one then fine.

And if it goes well it doesn't matter, after all it's barely anything to do anyway. But my sneaking suspicion is that they might have added these elements to make it more of a game, so you have more "to do".

However, for a game that is so reliant on atmosphere and getting you "in" the game I find having those types of movements/actions very risky when it doesn't work firsttime.

What's the point of it? Because it's there and you have to get past it.

But in real life you wouldn't stop halfway, stand up straight again, look around and then try to go under it again. And if it's not for loading purposes I think that having those actions isn't worth it when the chance that you don't do it correct and end up "wooden" will mean you lose a large part of the atmosphere. And for what? So you have more "to do". The other button presses/movements I like, but this just seems so mundane and pointless to me that it isn't worth losing the momentum of the game when it doens't work first time. It's not like there is a concequence if you misstime it, is there? You just have to do it again.

Hopefully those types of situations are limited and won't distract from the story/atmosphere in the game as besides that I really like it.

And the Voice acting comment I find aswell, for a game that is little more then talking it's quite odd to have mistimed parts. The actual voiceacting/timing isn't annoying or poor either imo, but you would want it to be perfect for a game like this.

That's kind of the point of all the stick movements. It draws you in by making you feel part of the action. Even the ability to decide the speed at which you carry out animations is designed to give you the opportunity to 'act' within your role - you can act hesitant when you knock on the door to interrupt the thug[/quote[

Does this change the resulting interactions? I know the talking ones do, but if you would knock softly do they start up different dialog? Would be cool if it does.
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But in real life you wouldn't stop halfway, stand up straight again, look around and then try to go under it again.

Never had that happen to me - Straight under it.... did my crime work... straight back out. Piece of piss. I'll have to have another go at it and screw it up and screw some of the other actions up to see what kinds of animations they have elsewhere.
Go to the Playstation Store, top right there's an icon that says "Redeem codes" and you can enter it there :)
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