Heavy Rain - PS3

I thought the story was great, but I think some graphics could've been improved (look at Uncharted and MGS, games that were in development for just as long) - I had some screen tearing as mentioned before in some scenes.

I thought the voice stuff was great too, however, some minor things sort of annoyed me. I can't help but feel like there is actually not much user control in the game. Most of the actions/discoveries are inevitable, and the only real difficulty is pressing button combinations.

Other than that, games need stronger stories like Heavy Rain.

Also - one thing I never understood:
How does Madison know who Shelby is and know where he lives within such a short period of time?
i skipped it and planning to rent it. how long is it? i can ren friday monring to monday evening for 3 euros, so can i completed over a couple of week ends (3-4 hours per week end)?
i skipped it and planning to rent it. how long is it? i can ren friday monring to monday evening for 3 euros, so can i completed over a couple of week ends (3-4 hours per week end)?

This game is surprisingly short, I think if you spend 3 days playing 4 hours you can probably finish it. It does have different endings though, but if you're renting I suppose you won't care about that and just finish once.
i bought it on firday and completed it by sat night then bought dlc and done that by sunday night i then sold it all used lol
i eventually rented it over a rainy week end. great game!!! (although just like every killer movie/book there is some narrative cheating to prevent us from guessing who is the guilty fucker!)

my story line ended in complete failure though...i wish i had saved the good looking chicks at least.

We definitely need more games like this one.
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