I think we'll be having full rooms soon by the amount of interest in the online! This is what I imagined CoD4 and FIFA 5v5 would be like. I always expected half of Evo-Web (slight exageration) to want to play but this is the first game where so many people want in :)
i'm enjoying it, but where are the uniquely varied missions that do something different - not just go here and shoot those people.

Going there and shooting people is fun but it's hardly revolutionary, and the ai isn't dynamic enough to make the shoot-outs truly heart pumping.

I'm not interested in just starting controversy and not trying to convince anyone of anything. But for me personally, the alarm bells that started whispering quietly when review after review said "GTA's greatest feat is without doubt its city" are getting louder and louder with every "done it before" mission.

i was expecting a significantly more populated city for one - masses of people on the sidewalks of time square for instance who i could walk amongst with the purpose of completing a mission maybe. i was expecting euphoria to be used for more than just having niko thrown through a car windscreen.

i actually think every mission so far could be done on an xbox - and for me, someone who adores mario galaxy's wealth of "gameplay", the fantastic background which is the city cannot compensate for fun but often 'by the numbers' missions.

as i said, not looking to rock the boat - just interested if anyone else feels the same - often find myself playing it, but never really thinking "that's unbelievable". In fact, i seem to enjoy it more when i'm not playing it than when i am......odd.
Does anyone else playing this on a 32" TV find themselves getting up close to the TV just to read some of the text, especially the mobile phone?

Its annoying.
Does anyone else playing this on a 32" TV find themselves getting up close to the TV just to read some of the text, especially the mobile phone?

Its annoying.

mate maybe you need to see an eye doctor... i have no problems.. but if i took my glasses off, i would... :)
:)) I'm sitting about just under 2m but the text sometimes has me straining my eyes, its too small (just like PES).
I'm still GTA-less despite pre-ordering over 2 weeks ago, so been left to read the continual flow of 10/10 reviews and peoples stories of cool stuff they've witnessed in the game so far. Oh and I think theres some football match on the telly tonight.

Needless to say I'm in no hurry to use 365 Games again!
Graphically I think it's fantastic, but I'm still massively underwhelmed by the miniscule amount of shops/buildings you can enter, it's like less than 0.5% or something, first two "islands" alone there's maybe 20-30 places you can enter, IMO that's shockingly poor.

Interesting you mentioned this. I have played both versions and in my opinion, the 360 gets my vote for more vibrant and sharp colors. The PS3 version really hurts my eyes due to an unexplainable blurr in the colors.

I tried adjustings colors on tve and in-game to no avail.

The 360 on the other hand looked a lot sharper after I increased the brightness 2 notches to the right from the default settings, and 1 notch to the right on contrast. Loving the graphics now!

And please, this is just my observation on both consoles. However this really makes me wonder about the future of the PS3.

Something else I noticed, and perhaps it's just me, but in the PS3 version, when watching TV in Roman's living room, I noticed that you have more TV viewing camera angle selections than the 360.

Now, back to some missions.
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Interesting you mentioned this. I have played both versions and in my opinion, the 360 gets my vote for more vibrant and sharp colors. The PS3 version really hurts my eyes due to an unexplainable blurr in the colors.

I tried adjustings colors on tve and in-game to no avail.

The 360 on the other hand looked a lot sharper after I increased the brightness 2 notches to the right from the default settings, and 1 notch to the right on contrast. Loving the graphics now!

And please, this is just my observation on both consoles. However this really makes me wonder about the future of the PS3.

Something else I noticed, and perhaps it's just me, but in the PS3 version, when watching TV in Roman's living room, I noticed that you have more TV viewing camera angle selections than the 360.

Now, back to some missions.

PS3 version is more blurry like a 'vaseline' effect. Hurts my eyes & i wear glasses. Got the 360 version today and its so much clearer.

Great game tho
The game has frozen on me twice in 2 hours and 2 minutes ago I clicked on Quit Game and it restarted my PS3!
Having trouble connecting to ranked games with friends from party mode. They seem to get in and I cant :(
as i said, not looking to rock the boat - just interested if anyone else feels the same - often find myself playing it, but never really thinking "that's unbelievable". In fact, i seem to enjoy it more when i'm not playing it than when i am......odd.

This is how I feel ^^

Spent all day getting excited about going home and playing it then spent 20 mins messing around, feeling bored and switched it off.
The game has frozen on me twice in 2 hours and 2 minutes ago I clicked on Quit Game and it restarted my PS3!

Yea, that happened to me - actually, YOU were in it weren't you!?

I started a party game and got a few in, then I was trying to figure out how to go from the free roam 'lobby' to a proper match, but I got kicked - then it all went wrong and I saw you and KRad go on/offline a few times.

Bout 10 mins after that, my PS3 beeped and reset (first time).

Very odd!

Was having some great MP around 7pm (think with Yana?) - helicopter races, street car races, cops & crooks - excellent stuff. Fingers crossed R* can sort the server situ out...

Good job the SP is sooooo good as though people are mentioning the MP issues, nobody is really kicking off about it (yet!).
Wow just had incredible experience! It started off as something simple with me wanting to steal a car. I stood in front of it, took a shot at the driver but didn't kill him and he just ran me over, the cops saw the whole thing and I had one star. The whole thing just kept escalating and ended up with me running for cover on foot and using dumpsters and trees to hide behind and take potshots at the cops. I killed a couple and then the choppers came. Still couldn't see a fucking car in sight so had to leg it on foot.

I legged it underneath the highway, and the choppers couldn't see me, the police were following in cars and on foot though. Some more retreating, hiding and potshots and still no bastard cars! :LOL: Oh and by this time I've only got a tiny bit of health left from where the cops and chopper were shooting me! So I thought fuck it, I'm gonna have to nick a cop car and then leg it to escape and then to a restaurant. Can't remember what I was hiding behind, but a cop car sped up and they jumped out and started taking potshots at me, by this time the cops who were chasing me from behind have also shown up and taking potshots! So I really think fuck it, and start tear arsing towards the cops by the car and shooting at them. Killed one then legged it at the other, who I discovered had a fucking shotgun!!! I managed to shoot him square in the head, and one in the stomach. I jumped in the cop car and fucking screeched off. Still being pursued by cars and chopper. Luckily the cop cars are fast, so I stuck the sirens on and fled. Cars were moving out of my way as I had the sirens on and I evaded the real cops! Then ditched the police car, flagged down a taxi and got it to take me straight to the restaurant and got a couple of burgers to restore my health!!!

The whole thing was just so real it was amazing!!! Just started off with a silly little carjacking too, madness!!! :DD

Brilliant story mate!

So you can just go into buildings like restaurants and you lose your wanted level?
Wow just had incredible experience! It started off as something simple with me wanting to steal a car. I stood in front of it, took a shot at the driver but didn't kill him and he just ran me over, the cops saw the whole thing and I had one star. The whole thing just kept escalating and ended up with me running for cover on foot and using dumpsters and trees to hide behind and take potshots at the cops. I killed a couple and then the choppers came. Still couldn't see a fucking car in sight so had to leg it on foot.

I legged it underneath the highway, and the choppers couldn't see me, the police were following in cars and on foot though. Some more retreating, hiding and potshots and still no bastard cars! :LOL: Oh and by this time I've only got a tiny bit of health left from where the cops and chopper were shooting me! So I thought fuck it, I'm gonna have to nick a cop car and then leg it to escape and then to a restaurant. Can't remember what I was hiding behind, but a cop car sped up and they jumped out and started taking potshots at me, by this time the cops who were chasing me from behind have also shown up and taking potshots! So I really think fuck it, and start tear arsing towards the cops by the car and shooting at them. Killed one then legged it at the other, who I discovered had a fucking shotgun!!! I managed to shoot him square in the head, and one in the stomach. I jumped in the cop car and fucking screeched off. Still being pursued by cars and chopper. Luckily the cop cars are fast, so I stuck the sirens on and fled. Cars were moving out of my way as I had the sirens on and I evaded the real cops! Then ditched the police car, flagged down a taxi and got it to take me straight to the restaurant and got a couple of burgers to restore my health!!!

The whole thing was just so real it was amazing!!! Just started off with a silly little carjacking too, madness!!! :DD
yeah man just five minutes ago on my lunchbreak i did the same thing, then i came home and play gta, very realistic indeed :)
I can't play online I don't know why this happend to me

"Cannot connect in game previder please try again later"
My brother just to me he drove down a back alley and caught a bloke giving another bloke a blow job. Tonight im going looking for them.
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