[General Discussion] What have you been playing this week?

EuroGamer Expo 2012

Games played at the show

360 -Dead or Alive 5, F1 All Stars, Boarderlands 2, PES 2013

Amiga CD32 - Sensible Soccer

PSP - Wipeout

PS3 - God of War assention, Tekken Tag Tournament 2

PC - Doom 3, BTL 3D

Games wanted to play but did not Dishonor & Call of Duty Blacks ops 2
360 - Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (campaign mode), Red Dead Redemption - Undead Nightmare, Saints Row 2, PES 2011 Forza Horizon DEMO, Medal of Honor DEMO

PS3 - FIFA 12

PC - The Walking Dead Episode 4, Dishonored
Can't wait for the amount of games coming out in the coming months, unbelievable barrage of games I want to get my hands on.

Rocksmith on the PC is awesome and Battlefield 3 campaign now there is a PC gamepad workaround that actually works well. And FIFA 13 of course :)
What's your views on games in general though guys?

I think I've hit a brick wall in gaming. I recently played Uncharted 3 (which was from last Christmas I believe) on the PS3 and it got my juices flowing for games again. Everything about the game was perfect for me, a brilliant game.

I then went to play Borderlands 2, and all that seems to be is shooting things continually and looting. Then I tried Dead Space 2 which I thought was excellent at the start but then soon got boring. Then onto LA Noire, a game which I have waited to play for an eternity, and just got bored after about five hours.

Tried Dishonored, was okay but again repetitive. Then tried Dark Souls which was supposed to be my pinnacle game that I've waited for ever to play. Excellent at first again, but then the same repetition. Then traded that in for Kingdoms of Amular, and got bored inside an hour.

So what is wrong with me? I'm 30 now and so I can only put it down to 'me' and not the games. Have I reached a gaming dip or have I just lost all gaming reflexes and go. I'm pretty sure in days gone by I could completely lose myself in a game or the lesser systems.

Only Uncharted like I say, has floated my boat.

I was even going to get a PC Gaming rig as the plethora of new 9/10, 10/10 titles looked awesome this last few months, now I think the gaming magazines have massively over-inflated ratings.
mate, i am on the same boat. i find most games either repetitive or just too damn complicated with a zillion things to upgrade and another zillions characters talking non sense. i can't stand fps most of the time.

my suggestion: try something new. catherine for the ps3, limbo and journey are short and absolutely brilliant psn games for some 10 euros or so.
And don't miss the "wrath of the white witch" in early january. it's got the best anime studio, on of the best game studios and an amazing composer working on the same game.

i think u are just tired of the main stream games released these days.

Ah...nba 2k13 is joy to play.
That's funny, I'm at the exact same place. I still get games once in a while, but just don't have the will to see them to the end. Uncharted 3 I played last Christmas, absolutely adored it, I finished it in a few days. Last night I downloaded Bulletstorm (free for plus subscribers) on the PS3 and I kinda liked it, then they had to go and add a lot of stuff to complicate things and make it look like a sporting event (stats about hits and kills appearing on screen) and it kind of lost the feel of being a story and became more of a, well, game. I think that's what I love about Uncharted, those games are well written adventures, where exploring is more fun than shooting men.

Generally games just seem to be veering away from what I like about them, Resident Evil 4 is one of my all time faves, never finished 5 and 6 certainly looks like a step backwards. I used to love Tekken but I played about half an hour of 6, couldn't stand it! Open world games aren't my thing either.

I'll check out Journey though, for sure.
Must say started to slowly get into Kingdoms of Amular, it's not bad.

I'm definitely intrigued by Catherine, I have to admit.

I'm also looking at Journey (although supposed to be short) and am umming and arring over MGS4, Batman, and Assassin's Creed 2. Gone are the days where I'm paying £45 for games, I simply don't trust the games reviewers anymore to put faith in their scores and then shell out massive money.

I'm even looking at re-visiting the Monkey Island games for PS3 lol.
Have you played the Telltale games? They are pretty sweet. I'm dipping into replaying them now as I never finished the last chapter.

I just downloaded Journey. Weather here is mad, Just have to pop out for a couple of hours, then it's back inside to take the journey.
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I'm still playing Zelda Skyward Sword and PES master league.

I'm in my 30s and still enjoy many types of games, but the older I'm getting the type of game I go for is also changing. I can't be arsed with military shooters beyond BF3, certainly the single player campaigns bore the crap out of me these days. But I still love my adventure stuff like Unchartered, and I'm opting more and more for RPGs these days. I'm looking forward to playing The Witcher 2 in particular.

I also love my indie games though, I would recommend Limbo, Flower, Journey and Unfinished Swan. I'd also highly recommend getting Catherine and the HD re-releases of Shadow of the Colossus and Ico for PS3 (though these last two aren't indie games). I think now's the time more than ever to support creative games as they're just about the only thing keeping the games industry remotely original at the moment.
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I'm still playing Zelda Skyward Sword and PES master league.

I'm in my 30s and still enjoy many types of games, but the older I'm getting the type of game I go for is also changing. I can't be arsed with military shooters beyond BF3, certainly the single player campaigns bore the crap out of me these days. But I still love my adventure stuff like Unchartered, and I'm opting more and more for RPGs these days. I'm looking forward to playing The Witcher 2 in particular.

I also love my indie games though, I would recommend Limbo, Flower, Journey and Unfinished Swan. I'd also highly recommend getting Catherine and the HD re-releases of Shadow of the Colossus and Ico for PS3 (though these last two aren't indie games). I think now's the time more than ever to support creative games as they're just about the only thing keeping the games industry remotely original at the moment.

Amen to that.

I've kind of grown a disdain (misplaced or not) for the AAA titles and the big companies, it makes me really sad that innovative companies go bust so easily for taking a chance. Rose tinted glasses time now, but I had more fun back in the day with my Spectrum and then Amiga and then my first 386 PC.
The key for me is to not play all the games at once.

At the moment still playing FIFA, and disappointed with myself I have not played Borderlands 2 for 2 weeks.

Really want to get Assassins Creed 3 and XCom but want to pace myself, pick them up when I'm off work over Xmas.
Check out the videos about the wrath of the white witch....simply stunning!

I have to agree that downloadable titles gave me more pleasure than most triple AAA american non sense. Exceptions being uncharted and RDR (my all time favourite game)

Lara croft and the guardian of light was a beautiful coop experience. They should make more coop games like that, i honestly can't play split scren even on a big hd tv. Coop should be based around the cocept of advancing together.

Problem being main stream games are mostly american based and developed for the average emotionally underdeveloped american kid, back in the days japan was the source of most videogames. And japanese are great in story telling and creativity.
I am currently playing .....

Assassins Creed III(ps3)
Resident Evil 6(ps3)
FIFA 13(ps3)
Medal of Honor:Warfighter(ps3)
Forza Horizon(360)
WWE 13(ps3)
I'm just so disappointed by games in general. I'm 30 and started getting back into gaming this last year as I had a little more time on my hands. Kingdoms of Amular has gone back, Dark Souls has gone back, Dead Space 2, Dragons Age Origins, Assassins Creed 2. Many of these I've wanted to play for so long but in all honesty were just so disappointingly boring. I'm even bored of PES.

I played Amnesia Dark Descent last week and got some good miles out of it. I've also decided that I'm just not listening to games review magazines, or anybody for that matter, so many of these games have awesome ratings, and they're just so dull.

I remember back in the day being literally mesmerised by Half Life, Couldn't put it down. Where are all the games like that? I'm getting a gaming pc this week and just ditching the PS3 completely. I need to start ditching popular titles completely too I feel.

The only games I really want to play that haven't got round to yet is Red Dead and GTA4...and if these are a let down then it simply must be me or something.
rdr is probably the best game i have ever played...tight battle with uncharted. I also love the firs dead space. And i am also easily bored by modern games.

My piece of advice...go back to playing games with friends or girlfriend.
I am waiting for LOTR lego to do some proper playing with my girlfriend who can only play those kind of games.

And check the psn games some are really old school fun.
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