Gears of War 2 (360)

I really didn't get onto this whole GoW hype to be honest. It was a good game but definately not one of the best I've played by a long shot, to me it just felt like a good 3rd person shooter, with aliens, that was it.
Me too and I hated the run animation. Now it seems better and I have no complain after completing Act 1. I like it a lot :).
I've completed 2 acts now and I'm frustrated. I have the feeling to be useless. Most of the time there are cutscnes, then you walk and sometimes you have use weapons. And when you have to it lasts 10 seconds ! It's very, very slow. I don't remember GOW1 to be that slow. I hope I'm wrong and the rest of the game has more action.
This game is fucking brilliant. Finished the storyline today, played about 9-10 hours yesterday and some more today. Co-op is the way to go. Top 5 best games I've ever played.

The GoW-universe is so unbelivebly much more intresting then ex Halo.
i must say, this game has really took its tole.
theres so many options and difficulty you can do, this one is definetly top three game of the year for certain.
It took me 2 full years to complete the 1st one (on the release day of gow2 :D) and only 1 week to complete the new one. That's my best achievement in years !

My feeling has changed since my last comment. It's better than GOW but I really hate the 2 first acts. Now I'll try to do it on the hardest difficulty on coop.

One thing I hate is
how it ends. It's very brutal. We learn nothinnnnnng during the last acts !!! A lot of tease but no revelation. That's weak, but GOW3 has to tell something...
I've completed 2 acts now and I'm frustrated. I have the feeling to be useless. Most of the time there are cutscnes, then you walk and sometimes you have use weapons. And when you have to it lasts 10 seconds ! It's very, very slow. I don't remember GOW1 to be that slow. I hope I'm wrong and the rest of the game has more action.

Just started this a few days ago, got two achievements for finishing areas so not far in, but these are my thoughts too. I seem to be watching more cut-scenes than I am shooting :(

Hopefully the cut-scenes calm down and it lets me shoot a bit, otherwise it'll be like MGS4 and I'll get bored before finishing the game.
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