Football Kingdom [PS2]

Can you make me a screen please? I dont find It
Just google it, found it in 2 mins

such a promising game, which felt a but like pes 2013 way before pes 2013. shame it suffered from abysmal AI (defenders falling back down to the own goal line and blocking the goalie to make saves)

a second game based off of that would have been amazing.
I've tried to play this on my Anbernic and it gives me players that are all black shadows. Anyone know the settings to fix that? Would be good to have a version on my phone and a different version on my handheld
Hi everybody, I've been playing this game for years whenever I get the chance. I can't say I play this game full time, but whenever I get nostalgic, I return to this game. I always assumed that this game was forgotten and nobody plays it ever. Then I decided to search for it today to fix a problem that I have, and I found this forum. It really makes me feel good to see having something in common with numerous people around the world. Thanks all for keeping this forum alive!

I am also going to ask a question that might not be directly related to this game but more about emulating. Maybe some of you guys have might be able to help.

I am running this game on my pc and also on my xbox series x via emulation with no problem at all. Recently I purchased a CFW'ed nintendo switch, and to my surprise, it can run linux and android. This means it can run lots of emulation. The first thing I tried was this game, of course. Nintendo switch hardware is comparable to a calculator, so I was not optimistic, but being able to play this game in handheld made me excited. The game plays perfectly on training mode without all the stadium details, fewer players on the pitch, and I think most importantly, without the fans. When I try a classic match, FPS drops drastically. So I've been thinking, can I edit this game's texture (maybe delete them) so it's less demanding on my poor little nintendo switch? I am totally OK to play this game with no stadium, no fans, and even no sound. :) I would appreciate your suggestions.
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