I believe a variety of proposals for a shortened 2020/21 season should be agreed. Fewer rounds of fixtures in leagues, removal of group stages in cup competitions, or cup competitions altogether. Play 2019/20 to a conclusion whenever we can and start next season whenever we can. At least a shortened season would be fair and equal.
Totally agree with this. Finish this season whenever it can be restarted and ideally at a time fans can attend otherwise really what's the point? Make 'next' season a season where teams play each other just once, only have the nation's FA Cup, no league cups etc. Should be able to play that out in about 4 months with midweek matches. Depending when it can start though then it'll run into problems because UEFA won't move the EURO's for it so it'll have to be wrapped up before then. Plus the Champions League will have to be played because we can't go all season without that cash cow can we. Also without it where's the glory in finishing fourth?

All said, commercial agreements will decide the outcome. The integrity of the competition won't stand in their way.
Isn't that the truth.