- 5 February 2004
Really don't like run frequency at 25, the players are so static and I lost 4 in a row whilst scoring none. Bumped it to 40 and now I think I've found the setsw spot.
Yeah, we've found, actually, that the Run Frequency may be more in-line with the team tactics than initially though, or as we had previously known in past FIFA versions.
I'll have a slider update when console guys get the patch update. However, here is the one that is currently "actively" being tested:
FIFA 19 OS Sliders - Set V2B3
Difficulty: Pro, World Class, Legendary, Ultimate
Time: 10-15 minute halves
Speed: Slow
Controls: Any
►Sprint Speed: 50/50
- This is honestly a user preference. If you like the more solid feel of players, lower the Sprint value under 50. If you want the referee to look at the contact more, increase the value. I've kept it simple and placed it at default of 50.
►Acceleration: 50/50
- (V2B2) No changes here, and to be honest, it most likely will not be lowered like in previous years. Reason being is the fatigue is always affected (unfortunately) and the feel of the game just becomes very sluggish and out of sync. The animation that starts is what I call "locomotion" as in the player is revving up in order to move in any direction. Looks strange. Keeping it at 50.
►Shot Error: 53/53
- (V2B2) We tested this from 52 to 55. The value of 52 introduced a lot more post hits, and some unrealistic rocket goals, which was a bit unfortunate. The value of 55 seems to be the threshold, but paired up with the shot speed (below), the shooting became too tame and the GK was able to catch more than deflect.
►Pass Error: 58/58
- We bring back the value of 58 here because pass speed has increased. As I've said, when you increase pass error, pass speed also needs to be increased. This balances the quality and accuracy of passes accordingly.
►Shot Speed: 49/49
- (V2B2) This was a surprising value to be honest. Something felt off with the way the keeper interacted with the ball. They would dive underneath the flight of the ball when struck. So a medium height shot, and the keeper dives underneath it. In addition, the save animations were limiting with the high shot speed as you rarely see one handed saves. The main animation would be the two arms outstretched that you rarely see IRL. Now, with it at 49, goodness...what amazing save animations. The keeper reacts are so much better. There is a true sense of getting solid contact on the ball, and when you score those worldies, it feels extremely rewarding.
►Pass Speed: 52/52
- As mentioned above regarding Pass Error. This value has to be raised a bit to compensate for the pass error. As it stands, the passing in the game does not have any risk/reward to it, especially as pass error is increased. The thought of underpowering a pass should not be a concern, rather a pass that is inaccurate due to the pressure of pace would be more believable. Any real match we watch, the pressure to perform is a product of the ball bouncing and attempting to control it. If the pass speed remained at 50, with a pass error of 58, there is not difficulty in controlling a "soft" ball versus one that is alive. This is why the pass speed of 52 is recommended. If you really have issues with it, feel free to adjust, but also lower pass error to compensate.
►Injury Frequency: 65/65
- (V2B2) Thanks to Aaron's suggestion on this one. Good balance of walk-offs and injuries needing to be subbed out right away.
►Injury Severity: 10/10
- (V2B2) Thanks to Aaron's suggestion on this one. Good balance of walk-offs and injuries needing to be subbed out right away.
►GK Ability: 51/51
- Just a slight bump to the keeper ability here. Some questionable save animations and decision making by the keeper. The value did not go so high that it would result in unrealistic animations since the shot speed remains at 49.
►Marking: 60/60
- Tested this value from scaled 51 to 80 with multiple teams' CTTs. The most controlled value was at 60. Ironically, the values in the 50's caused more ADD (Attention Deficit Defending) than expected. This is a good balance in allowing enough aggression for balanced teams, and providing the over-the-top gegenpress teams to also remain within their identity, but it is not so much that you can easily pass around them. The adjustments to Run Frequency and Length help to support this as well.
►Run Frequency: 50/50
- Always a value that gets so much attention. There is a strong belief here that the CTT's continue to dominate, and the value of run frequency further supports that. I would say do not judge this book by its cover because it does in fact make for a lot of variety, but also some strong identity to teams. You will see build up, you will see quick counters, you will see teams bombarding up the pitch. I think this is the part in which I said that we were losing the identity of teams because we had handicapped them. You will know which team your playing, and how they want to attack you. Embrace it, and leave this value alone.
⦿ The Height, Length and Width (HLW) values are significant this year with the CTT's. We are still treading quite carefully here on veering too far away from default unless absolutely necessary.
►Height: 50/50
- Even though this value remains, it was not without testing. Probably the most frustrating of the HLW is this height. In the past we could move it up as we pleased, but this year, it just introduces too many issues to the defensive line. You introduce the defensive line too early when raising it, and they drop back way too far when you reduce it. This is 100% a CTT value that dominates, so again, our suggestion is to leave it alone.
►Length: 50/50
- In hopes to get better shape, we had this previously under 50. While it looked great at 45, the problem was the theme of each match was User Defensive 3rd vs CPU's Defensive 3rd, all that midfield by the center circle became ignored. The reason is for every possession, the other team would drop back, no matter what CTT was used. You can see this by simply testing goal kicks for the CPU. The GK will not kick the ball past the halfway line, because they are preparing for a pass that does not require to reach the other side of the pitch. This is why the comments about frustrating tiki-taka and the lack of variety from CPU would dominate the thread. It's true, because we limited the CPU, and User, on what was possible. Extending the length was one thing, but is another reason marking was used to "control" the length as well, so it is not constantly end to end. There is so much variety here, and another nod to EA for getting CTTs a priority this year.
►Width: 49/49
- Just another slight bump here, but going into the 50's and now the field becomes open, and compensations must be addressed. The difference between 49 to 50 is minimal, but it takes that passing sequence in the middle of the pitch from being regular, to the CPU actually trying to break you down with using the sidelines when required. The pass error at 58 helps this, but it's important to have the proper compression in certain spots. A note as well to the FBs, yes they will tuck in. It's an unfortunate programming by EA.
►FB Positioning: 0/0
- The FB will get up the pitch, do not worry about that. They will respect the instructions given and drop back when necessary. The value at anything above 0 seemed to create more chaos, including how the CPU would face up 1v1. The goal here is to limit the FBs tendency to mark a midfielder, who is tucked in, on their own, and release to drop back into their formation. The good thing this year is that the FBs are programmed to be so involved in the attack already, so you do not see an immediate retreat like in years' past when we had to have this value fairly high.
►FT Control: 72/72
- Honestly, this is another personal preference, however the importance on getting the variety is also making the ball remain alive. This is why pass speed at 52, and FT at 50, still works great, but from my testing is that on 72, I am seeing the same great animations that I had seen on 40 such as shirt grabbing, clumsy tackles and referee recognition. I am not saying this is the holy grail of fouls, but the pros outweigh the cons. You can still make some incredible first touches in this game with the value this high. It will truly make players stand out.