FIFA 19 Discussion (Console Versions)

Will you buy FIFA 19? (XBOne, PS4, PC)

  • Yes - Straight after its release

    Votes: 56 26.5%
  • No at all

    Votes: 53 25.1%
  • I have already pre-ordered it

    Votes: 19 9.0%
  • I'll wait for the sales to get it cheaper

    Votes: 30 14.2%
  • I'm still not sure

    Votes: 53 25.1%

  • Total voters
Actually its official one. If you see careful also stadium dressing is different.
CL is redesigned this year, new look and visuals. You can find that and how it will look on UEFA website.
I personaly dont like it. They went too away from CL experience with this. Refreshing is OK but this is too much.
The leaked footage seems to have some good improvements. Granted, it's just 1 video, of two frantic players due to time constraints, etc - but it's Sunday and I thought I'd give my thoughts :) .

Really nice to hear some actual insights rather than HURR DURR SAME OLD FIFA. The changes to the ball physics and physicality really stand out on closer inspection. Do you think they were playing on semi or manual? The amount of inaccurate passes was crazy, if that were how the final game ended up with assisted controls I'd be back to playing FIFA in a heartbeat.
it's not bad on broadcast camera.
Personally i don't like broadcast camera at all.
I only like to play with a straight camera without angles etc.
Tele default on Fifa and Wide 0 zoom,10 height,0 angle on Pes.
But the problem is that in Fifa it changes by itself in every stadium.
In Pes it doesn't change.Like it's supposed to be.
Personally i don't like broadcast camera at all.
I only like to play with a straight camera without angles etc.
Tele default on Fifa and Wide 0 zoom,10 height,0 angle on Pes.
But the problem is that in Fifa it changes by itself in every stadium.
In Pes it doesn't change.Like it's supposed to be.

I love that it changes in FIFA. Wouldn't make sense to have the exact same look in each stadium to me. That builds some character and variety for each stadium you play. I love FIFA 15's broadcast camera because it was true to the height value. So if you played at a stadium like Selhurst Park, the height was quite low, but if you played at like the Coliseum Alfonso Pérez you'd get a really high perspective. Unfortunately it hasn't been that way since - but we all have our preferences!
yeah, broadcast camera is great! at first the angle will be confusing, but give it time it will look straight. I wouldn't play Fifa if this camera didn't exist. I just walk into walls now but it's so worth it.
I love that it changes in FIFA. Wouldn't make sense to have the exact same look in each stadium to me. That builds some character and variety for each stadium you play. I love FIFA 15's broadcast camera because it was true to the height value. So if you played at a stadium like Selhurst Park, the height was quite low, but if you played at like the Coliseum Alfonso Pérez you'd get a really high perspective. Unfortunately it hasn't been that way since - but we all have our preferences!
Yeah but you're playing on Broadcast so it's a different feeling there.I don't like Broadcast and never playing on it so i don't know how much it changes there.
But on Tele default zoom and height that i like to play like i said on Selhurst Park or Vitality Stadium for example it looks great and even the ball doesn't look that much small like it normally does,but then on other stadiums it changes too much and looks ugly again mainly to the fact that the ball looks very small again because the camera zooms out much and takes height much so i have to adjust zoom and height again in every stadium that this is happening.
And then i start adjusting and going into loops thinking ''maybe 2 more points of zoom or 2 less points of height'' etc (kinda like you with your sliders:D) and in the end never feel satisfied.
And i have to do this in every stadium that it looks bad like that and they are many.That's why i'm saying that it's very annoying for me and i would surely prefer for all the stadiums to look on Tele like Selhurst Park looks which i like a lot so i don't have to go through all this shit everytime.
That's why i like it much more on Pes because i put it on Wide(not Dynamic Wide which i don't like but the classic one) with 0 zoom,10 height,0 angle which is the best combination for me and i don't have problems with the ball because on Pes it has the size that it's suppose to have and it looks beautiful(hear that EA?) and i don't have to worry that i'll have to adjust it again in every game so it's a better system for me like this.
In the end maybe if EA would stick their heads out of their asses and delivered a normal and realistic beautiful ball i wouldn't have this problem at all.
Thanks EA! lol.
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Nice to see a heavier ball leading to less ping pong. Just have to hope that finally tactics play a part this time.

The thing that still annoys me about Fifa is the zig-zagging. And I think that's why PES looks more realistic. Players change angles so quickly and unrealistically. Look at 1:45 in the video from @Matt10 Is this what they call "responsiveness" because it looks plain weird.
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Looks good! I just hope they have more tactical setups and not only fast-slow buildup and deep-high defense. Or at least these won't be so stupidly rigid as currently in PES.
I think FIFA 19 will be more attack-oriented, as was PES 2018.
It will suit the new Champions League license, and make amends for the lack of in FIFA 18.
Fouls are a concern IMHO
God yes!
It's a must to bring in some sort of a "crappy ref system" probably 5-10 % of all shoulder barges should be a freekick,not because it's a foul,but because it's how it is in real football,refs make scetchy calls.
And magnetic defending needs to be sorted,that's just embarrassing
God yes!
It's a must to bring in some sort of a "crappy ref system" probably 5-10 % of all shoulder barges should be a freekick,not because it's a foul,but because it's how it is in real football,refs make scetchy calls.
And magnetic defending needs to be sorted,that's just embarrassing

They should to it for only ONE difficulty (World class for example) and let us play with the sliders if it really bothers them to include them. Then they can turn it off for online just like the handballs.

This applies to both games btw.
They should to it for only ONE difficulty (World class for example) and let us play with the sliders if it really bothers them to include them. Then they can turn it off for online just like the handballs.

This applies to both games btw.
Jepp,should be an option for it sim/ non SIM.
They have it on NHL,options spanning from casual to hardcore sim,same company,so it is not impossible to implement
Yes on both games
God yes!
It's a must to bring in some sort of a "crappy ref system" probably 5-10 % of all shoulder barges should be a freekick,not because it's a foul,but because it's how it is in real football,refs make scetchy calls.
And magnetic defending needs to be sorted,that's just embarrassing
I swearrrr that gameplay video has to be on legacy defending.. There's no way thats tactical defending
Jepp,should be an option for it sim/ non SIM.
They have it on NHL,options spanning from casual to hardcore sim,same company,so it is not impossible to implement
Yes on both games

They had this option since Fifa 94 on Sega :)

Anyways I think we need a mode where the ball is free and the lines are tight, You can't be going through the same attacking pattern where a random player will play a perfect ground pass to the striker who is allowed to receive and turn in front of the watching CB, Thank god we have sliders so reducing the line length helps.

Also loose balls are a HUGE problem, I know they acknowledged it and I hope they do something about it, Your players take a step away from the ball just as it's release in the air to allow for the AI/opponent to take over, It's pre determined and it doesn't belong at this day and age of gaming.

They need to find another way of scripting, You can't just make the controls unresponsive until a goal is scored, Or at 45 and 90 minutes a chance HAS to happen and everything becomes loose. On that video when they kick off the guy tries to immediately exploit the kick off bug, So many problems with gameplay.

And lastly, I find it unacceptable to see the post and bar being hit 4 or 5 times a game even on manual shooting. I'm happy that they're addressing shooting as well and I hope that their gameplay patches won't destroy the game again just like they did in the last 2 or 3 years.
The ball looks so free in that video. For years Ive been begging for that. You should have to manually track the ball after richochets. FIFA 18 was more on rails than even fifa 13 was for me so its a good move
They had this option since Fifa 94 on Sega :)

Anyways I think we need a mode where the ball is free and the lines are tight, You can't be going through the same attacking pattern where a random player will play a perfect ground pass to the striker who is allowed to receive and turn in front of the watching CB, Thank god we have sliders so reducing the line length helps.

Also loose balls are a HUGE problem, I know they acknowledged it and I hope they do something about it, Your players take a step away from the ball just as it's release in the air to allow for the AI/opponent to take over, It's pre determined and it doesn't belong at this day and age of gaming.

They need to find another way of scripting, You can't just make the controls unresponsive until a goal is scored, Or at 45 and 90 minutes a chance HAS to happen and everything becomes loose. On that video when they kick off the guy tries to immediately exploit the kick off bug, So many problems with gameplay.

And lastly, I find it unacceptable to see the post and bar being hit 4 or 5 times a game even on manual shooting. I'm happy that they're addressing shooting as well and I hope that their gameplay patches won't destroy the game again just like they did in the last 2 or 3 years.
I think they need to revamp (which they won't,no matter company) the passing system now you have a big magnet (player you pass to) and you can increase or decrease it's magnetic field (more or less assist) that's pretty much how passing works.
I saw it explained over at one of the Pes threads.
Plus,I need to see my good players shine and be lethal in this game,haven't seen that in a long time.
Maybe the answer is playing vanilla sliders?
Haven't done that in years.
Look at NHL slider setup,they have sliders for every single penalty that will be called,so they have fouls/penalties.
Can't stand a third game without freekicks
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