FIFA 19 Discussion (Console Versions)

Will you buy FIFA 19? (XBOne, PS4, PC)

  • Yes - Straight after its release

    Votes: 56 26.5%
  • No at all

    Votes: 53 25.1%
  • I have already pre-ordered it

    Votes: 19 9.0%
  • I'll wait for the sales to get it cheaper

    Votes: 30 14.2%
  • I'm still not sure

    Votes: 53 25.1%

  • Total voters
Oh dear thought that was terrible.

Awful lighting especially on faces (maybe just crap faces all round?).
Stagnant gameplay.
Poor animations.
Poor commentary ("Leroy Sane" shout badly timed, wrongly described one goal as a solo goal and on other video Lee Dixon line "win your home matches don't lose away" was repeated twice in the space of a few minutes).

Guess I'll try the trial version with Origin access, is that still a thing? I think playing the PES2019 demo after 10 months without touching a football game broke me for Fifa, it just feels so much fresher and more enjoyable, shame ML is complete and utter garbage.

Do you think that ignite engine did much more better for animation fluidity, smoother animation transition and less clunky movement? Because personally if you plug in FIFA 16 again, you will see how fluid and smooth everything is. This is such a massive step back when it comes to fluidity for FIFA.
I have skipped 18 and will probably skip 19.
Reason is I only play career mode (realistic as possible) and I don't want to spend hundreds of hours and have a very similar experience like in 15-17.
It all starts with inability to use real manager face :SHAKE: (without using cheat engine) and than there is stupid AI transfers, arcade gameplay etc.

the online kids gonna love the skillz at the end of this video

penalty shootout, im watching these videos in 4k and they really look great
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Do you think that ignite engine did much more better for animation fluidity, smoother animation transition and less clunky movement? Because personally if you plug in FIFA 16 again, you will see how fluid and smooth everything is. This is such a massive step back when it comes to fluidity for FIFA.

Playing the demo, I actually thought it was a decent step forward. 18 had so many broken animations it was pretty unreal - magical legs that contorted in ways not possible to strike a ball, headers when the ball didn't actually touch the player's head, body parts going through other players, etc.

I didn't look terribly close, but I did watch some replays specifically looking for this and I don't think the issue is present in 19, or at least nothing like last year.

Then with all the new animations they've added, I'm not sure why it'd be considered a step back. Think you could say that about last year, with all the broken shit that would happen, but I didn't notice it in the demo.

the online kids gonna love the skillz at the end of this video

penalty shootout, im watching these videos in 4k and they really look great

To be fair, some of the new skill moves do look good, "la croqueta" is a great addition.
The Neymar flick looks good aswel, and at least it's not really simple to pull off. However...mixing that rainbow flick with a bicycle kick is the stuff of nightmares.
Now that the beta is over and I'm suffering from depression as a result of having FIFA 19 yanked violently from me, I thought I'd give folks a little view behind the scenes of what people were saying in the beta forum, since that could indicate some of the changes that might happen between now and release.

When it comes to gameplay, two complaints stand out and I expect that the full release will address these issues in some way. First has to do with pace, with just about everyone and their mother complaining that defenders can catch pacey dribblers from behind. I actually argued hard against this in the beta forums, though this was more out of fear of EA going too far in its correction than out of my belief that pace is fine - because it isn't.

There is an issue and something needs tweaking, though I'm not sure it's entirely a pace issue. There seems like a delay of animations when an attacker receives the ball. I also don't think people use knock-ons correctly, while I'm also operating under the assumption - which I admit could be wrong - that at least some of these complaints are coming from people who are simply used to pace being an easy exploit.

In any case, I do expect changes for this in the final version. I enjoyed pace in the beta compared to 18, where pace (especially on the flanks) was a ridiculous easy exploit, and I hope EA don't go too far with a fix for this. But pace could be an area that I could see being quite different in the full release.

The other biggest complaint was about the improvements to the AI defending. Heaps and heaps of complaints about the AI doing too much when defending, whether it be interceptions, blocking shots, or marking the dribbler. This is a complicated issue, not only because there are different factions arguing here, all with different priorities, but also because how you view the issue can depend on what mode you play.

This is my take: AI defending is much improved from 18 and you can honestly depend on your team to defend and keep their shape (mostly) like you'd expect. In CM, this for me was fantastic, a revelation.

I crushed FIFA 18 on Legendary difficulty but I'd almost always concede a goal or two. I'd run away with the league but only have a mid-table defense. Now you can truly count on your squad to defend as a unit, and no longer do you have to constantly go back n forth between trying to mark the dribbler and trying to keep your shape. This for me was actually the biggest change in the beta, especially in CM.

The flip side to this is FUT multiplayer matches could get frustrating and sloppy, and I do understand where the complaints are coming from. Build up play and creating chances is more difficult than ever before, while some of the gameplay mechanics, like passing, felt unfinished and rough, which contributed to the attacking difficulties. This is all compounded by the lag of online play. And while I love the addition of the new pressing tactics, it could very well be a go to exploit unless EA incorporates more risk in using it.

So the CM fan in me hopes they don’t change defending. I still found CM too easy, so breaking down teams wasn’t an issue, while I loved how much more competent I felt defending against the CPU. But the multiplayer in me could see the need for tweaks.

This is all complicated by the fact that there are now three factions arguing. It used to be those of us interested in a more sim experience against those who wanted more of an arcade experience. But now we’ve got people whose first priority is the game being built for competitive play. They care less about what’s fun and what’s real, and care more about removing as much assistance and AI influence as possible and making the game entirely dependent on skill of the user.

While I’m all about increasing the skill gap and eliminating all the cheese and exploits and cheap goals, I’m definitely not for taking away the AI. I want footballers to behave like footballers, even if that means the AI plays a larger role in the outcomes of matches. As long as the AI doesn’t do anything unrealistic, I’m good with it. The way I look at it, if I make a pass and it’s intercepted by a defender, that’s on me for making a bad pass. Personally, with 10 outfield players, I don’t see how you can have a defensive system that isn’t heavily reliant on AI without drastically undermining the balance between attacking and defensive play (and I'd argue that 18 was extremely unbalanced).

So I found myself in a lot of debates with those who weren’t happy with how much more challenging attacking play is in the beta, as well as with those who weren’t happy with how much more the AI plays a role in defending. Because of EA’s history with giving in to those who moan when the game takes a step toward realism at the expense of easy attacking play, I’d be shocked (but elated!) if the defensive AI isn’t toned down.

Pace being nerfed and the beefed-up defending were by far the most common general complaints in the beta forum, but there were a few other things that regularly popped up.

In the CM forum, there were two main complaints: the lack of new additions and the lack of a challenge, even on the new Ultimate difficulty level. Obviously we now know that no new additions are coming, but at least an EA rep said they’d look into the difficulty levels.

In the main FUT forum – which was the most active by far – there were lots of complaints about some more minor issues. Probably the biggest of these, and I’m not sure it really counts as minor, but tackling still results in the ball going back to attackers far too often. Honestly, it’s pretty fucking inexcusable that this is still a thing.

Some of the other more popular minor complaints were about agile players being too sluggish; problems with passing (there was an issue with passes going to wrong players that had to be a beta thing); crosses being OP; bicycle kicks being OP; and issues with first touch. Keepers were again a topic, with the biggest complaint that they’d stop shots from crazy close range but whiff on long shots.

Personally I think many of the complaints were about issues that were down to it being a beta, and many things – like the passing issue and bicycle kicks – I’d expect to be fixed or tweaked for the final release.

It’s going to be interesting to see how EA reacts to the beta impressions. For me, the defensive improvements are the biggest change from 18, despite it hardly being mentioned in the marketing, and it’s going to be interesting to see if it’s changed for the final release.
I'll probably try the demo and wait to see what happens after the first patch. It is hard to tell on videos but it still looks very linear to me, too easy to break the lines past the attackers into midfield and midfield on to the defence and through on goal. I know sliders help a little but the core gameplay mechanics of direct runs left to right, right to left depending on which way you are attacking is at the heart of the AI.

So for me, it is like the sliders only serve to box that fundamental issue in a little. It has never been the speed that I have seen as the main problem, though it is fast. I think the game feels faster because of the above issue and we slow it down so that even though that happens, it takes longer and is a little harder to do.

Where as for me, it would be better if the lines weren't always broken consistently every second and in stead the varying patterns of play flowed systematically towards the opponents box with a defensive containment interposed at each zonal point and the rest of team dynamically adjusting their formation in respect to that part of the pitch. Like a flowing dynamic puzzle that responds to the balls position.

Instead, it seems to me a very basic left to right linear game of playing the ball forward between the lines in a left to right fashion.Pretty boring and almost the difference between Sunday League and Barca at their peak.
I didnt get on with the BETA

Its the same old gameplay and it gets lame very quickly

super fast turning on the ball ... no midfield play whatsoever ... shooting is better than pes 2019 demo mind you

I dont want another year of playing with sliders to try and make FIFA semi realistic. I might buy it for my online fix at some point as I have friends list with people who like to play fifa with me but ... I dunno, it doesn't feel different enough from FIFA 18 and I hated that game :(
After seeing some of the recent videos my only hope is that the PC modding team has taken such significant strides with Frostbite that there'll be very little delay in starting to see mods coming out for the game after it's released.
After seeing some of the recent videos my only hope is that the PC modding team has taken such significant strides with Frostbite that there'll be very little delay in starting to see mods coming out for the game after it's released.
the frostbite engine is the worse thing that happen to FIFA in years ... my opinion of course as many like the game

the last fifa i really loved was fifa 16
We will see mods like texture mods. But that's all.

We still can't import 3d models, add extra things. So basically modding is very limited now, probably will be until EA decides to change engine.
TBH my interest is less on the visual side and more in the fixing side, everything from getting rid of the stupid fog of war in CM to fixing the transfer market and things like that.

I would definitely love to be able to upload my own player 2d headshots, has that been possible in 18 yet?

the online kids gonna love the skillz at the end of this video

penalty shootout, im watching these videos in 4k and they really look great

Oh my god, that "combo" with the skill + kick is so f* ridiculous and unreal. C'mon its physically impossible to do that in real life haha.
It absolutely boggles my mind how Fifa gets criticised every year yet Pes gets off scott free. Vanilla Fifa isn't the greatest granted, but at least sliders allow us to tailor the game to our tastes, and playing full manual again adds another layer.

fifa this year has everything you need in a football game (note i didn’t say simulation)
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