FIFA 18 (Console Versions)

I've seen two great faces and about six terrible ones, faces aren't going to be anywhere close to the ones in PES. That Modric one is appalling...

Gameplay reports are totally mixed, everyone seems to agree that it's slower but some people love it, some hate it. I've only managed to catch a few gameplay videos before they've been taken down and passing looks crazy to me, 100mph and super-accurate. Getting worried.
I don't care about player faces.

can't see them when I am playing.

Gameplay needs to be slow, heavy, ball needs to feel like a football and not a floaty bag

Those pitch textures are so good I really like FIFA grapshics since FIFA 17
Opinions being split is a good thing in theory, certainly for me.

I'm going to buy it anyway, just not sure if it will be day one as has usually been the case.
Slightly slower than FiFA 17? Are you guys talking about dribbling response? Oh God no! It was already sluggish in FiFA 17..
Watched that Arsenal video (on mute, thankfully) and it looks horribly unathletic with players looking aware, but not particularly interested. I said looks.

I actually think it is harder to make these games slower than we would be willing to give credit for.
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