FIFA 15 News & Discussion Thread

Re: Fifa 15: Any info yet?

Pretty disappointed with the graphics, especially the lighting system.Even though the next gen consoles are weak(1,1/1,8 TFlops),i think the Fifa dev team can do so much more(and i'm not speaking only about graphics,but physics/animations too) just look at Ryse,Killzone Shadow Fall and Infamous Second Son, and these are not sports games...
Re: Fifa 15: Any info yet?

Why keep posting the same pictures over and over. Put a spoiler on so we don't have to run through the same old shite.
Re: Fifa 15: Any info yet?

Sorry guys, I saved the screens as taken from xboxachievements and is written x360A. Am I misunderstood or what?
Re: Fifa 15: Any info yet?

I dont know what to say, the statement about 12 telecameras recreating photorealistic faces, doesn't match with Messi face on the shoot, on me. Dont you?
Re: Fifa 15: Any info yet?

Textures look way too primitive, no skin details whatsoever.

Was hoping for different player models at least. Do they not see them as an issue?
Re: Fifa 15: Any info yet?

Those Pics aren't even in full HD.
Wait for the press and then you can judge.
I don't see anything regarding the models needing an overhaul.They just need more variation and tweaking them so they don't look weird during some animations.
I can't wait for the conference tonight as I'm still enjoying PS4 ver which wasn't the case with any football game in the last couple of years.
Re: Fifa 15: Any info yet?

Those Pics aren't even in full HD.
Wait for the press and then you can judge.
I don't see anything regarding the models needing an overhaul.They just need more variation and tweaking them so they don't look weird during some animations.
I can't wait for the conference tonight as I'm still enjoying PS4 ver which wasn't the case with any football game in the last couple of years.

Yeah I love the PS4 version still, its incredible.

Hope they really build on it and not listen to the kids who say its not arcade enough for them.

They don't even need to do loads to improve it really, just build on the individuality and a bit more prominence on the players preferred foot and I will be happy with that.
Re: Fifa 15: Any info yet?

Please don't match FIFA screens with konami recent teaser..:P
Rescan whole teams as more people are going to state from official boards, lead me to say "I want photorealistic-faces".
For sure, I'll accept not best faces to feel a wonder gameplay and all the rest they usually deliver, you like or not.
Looks like a nasty joke, but who has the most realistic faces, ends up on the gameplay to disappoint you, is not it?
Re: Fifa 15: Any info yet?

these screenshots are not representing next gen graphics...looks like cartoon, no life ! :YAWN:
Re: Fifa 15: Any info yet?

Sturridge looks like he has American Football pads on.

From those pics it looks shit
Re: Fifa 15: Any info yet?

I find it amazing from my personal point of view. Didn't judge gameplay at all.

It's all about composure and other stuff. It's the best trailer for FIFA series I remember seeing.

Sure nothing ground breaking, but PES will have to pull massive strings to top it...
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