Forming triangles
Press LT + Shoot together to force a volley.Not sure if I understand, so I press shoot then LT for volley modifier?
When the ball is in a position/height to volley my player mostly does, can't recall many times when they have gone for a header instead?
You can still volley without it, it depends at what height the ball arrives. It's just an override.
Imagine your player is running into the box and the ball is lobbed in. If you press Shoot, he might go for an early contact with a header. But if you press LT + Shoot together, he might instead let it drop across his body for a volley.
If you are just trying to win a header, hold LT and move to adjust your position (jostle an opponent, or get across the front of them, or just alter your position for a different angle/contact), then let go of LT, then press Shoot.