Fifa 11 Xbox 360/PS3

Re: Fifa 11

Has it been confirmed that the PC version will be rubbish again yet?

No it's been confirmed pretty much that PC version will be the same as consoles now. Nothing official from EA, but magazines and others has stated it will be the case this year.
Re: Fifa 11

Player models look remarkably improved, if Rooney and Clichy's realistic head profiles are anything to go by. At the very least each of them don't look like they could be replicated with the game's create-a-player editor i.e. unique
Re: Fifa 11

How about making a clear difference between left and right footed players.No more outstanding controls,shots,dribbles and passes by Messi on his right foot and vice versa with Rooney on his left.
I guess it's down to individuality but I felt the need to point that out

They only change would be to add foot frequency and implement it into the dribbling of a player.
Re: Fifa 11

No it's been confirmed pretty much that PC version will be the same as consoles now. Nothing official from EA, but magazines and others has stated it will be the case this year.

Fingers crossed then!
Re: Fifa 11

Sounds good, hopefully the changes to players arent just cosmetic. it requires more than "running a 100mph" for Rooney to be replicated.

Both games are shaping up really well.
Re: Fifa 11

Romily Broad just tweeted that he posted a FIFA11 screenshot on Facebook. Anyone able to show it to those of us who doesn't have Facebook?
Re: Fifa 11

This "Pro Passing" sounds an awful lot like 90's soccer games (think of SWOS and Kick Off 2) "aftertouch"...such a feature would push the skill ceiling of this kinda games through the roof (no pun wait, nevermind) if done right, especially on manual controls.
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Re: Fifa 11

Proof will be in the pudding. I have no faith whatsoever in anythign they say after last years fiasco so willt ake everything with a pinch of salt. However it's shocking that they only have 3 player body types atm. Should improve the game alot in visual terms.
Re: Fifa 11

is it just me or does look the kits better??? (sorry for my bad english)
Re: Fifa 11

10 body types? I find this very wierd. I couldn't help noticing Messi being taller than Milito in the ridiculous celebrations in FIFAWC. They can dump that celebration thing altogether, its ridiculous doing a moonwalk with Mascherano.
I'm not convinced the player individuality will be anything more than cosmetic. It will be interesting to see how this one pans out.
Re: Fifa 11

"you'll see more than one player going for crosses"

So much for a re-write of the engine. All sounds very nice, I'm confident they'll expand the gap to PES even further and create the best football simulation yet.
Re: Fifa 11

10 body types? I find this very wierd. I couldn't help noticing Messi being taller than Milito in the ridiculous celebrations in FIFAWC. They can dump that celebration thing altogether, its ridiculous doing a moonwalk with Mascherano.

Those are three separate things.

The first was about how FIFA 10 has 3 - lean, average, stocky.

The second is about those stupid fixed cutscenes. The people are the right size in the player controlled celebrations.

The third - agreed. Hopefully they ditch the user celebrations, or at least start again from scratch to make it feel less out of place and arcadey.

I'm not convinced the player individuality will be anything more than cosmetic. It will be interesting to see how this one pans out.
I guess we'll see what proper game journos have to say tomorrow, and go from there.
Re: Fifa 11

Nothing specifically mentioned about the defending, but hopefully that's included in the 'massive' AI improvements. Everything sounds very encouraging :TU:
Re: Fifa 11

Hopefully they don't disappoint. I wonder if Marcel Kuhnt is getting ready to make his reappearance at the EA boards.
Re: Fifa 11

They only change would be to add foot frequency and implement it into the dribbling of a player.
Yes, in theory it seems simple and I'm sure it'll make the game better to have a proper difference between left and right footed as sometimes I wanna use a player playing on his opposite wing so that he could cut inside but on FIFA it feels like whether I do it or not it doesn't mean change much.
Hopefully they don't disappoint. I wonder if Marcel Kuhnt is getting ready to make his reappearance at the EA boards.

hahaha he really is.Fucking liar he was
Re: Fifa 11

He didn't lie - he had a good design, but it was implemented poorly. He's not the only one working on the game. He's just the one whose job included going on the podcasts and blogs bigging it up. He always said this year and next year would entail bigger changes.
Re: Fifa 11

Chris Davies will be posting his impressions at 12:00 uk time on FSB. Someone who is mostly respected it seems, so cannot wait to hear what he has to say.
Re: Fifa 11

Some pretty impressive faces in there, but also a lot of body types that feels way off. Nasri and SWP for example.
Re: Fifa 11

Some really impressive pictures there. Still they're only pictures..
Re: Fifa 11

Chris Davies will be posting his impressions at 12:00 uk time on FSB. Someone who is mostly respected it seems, so cannot wait to hear what he has to say.

Mostly respected? He is the only guy we can trust.
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